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Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Jonathan Panangian Christopher
Abstrak :
Dalam aplikasi IoT, penggunaan sistem komunikasi LoRa di bawah air masih jarang digunakan. Berdasarkan jurnal Link quality of LoRa for Internet of Underwater Things, penelitian sistem komunikasi LoRa di bawah air dilakukan dengan kedua modul LoRa diletakkan di bawah air dengan jarak kedalaman 25—140 cm. Pada penelitian ini, penulis akan melakukan pengujian sistem komunikasi LoRa di bawah air pada tiga jenis air, yaitu air kolam renang, air laut, dan air danau dengan kedalaman 10 cm dan jarak antar dua modul LoRa sejauh 2 m, 5 m, dan 8 m. Parameter yang akan diukur pada penelitian ini adalah RSSI dan SNR. Percobaan di bawah air kolam renang berhasil mencapai jangkauan hingga 8 m, percobaan di bawah air laut berhasil mencapai jangkauan hingga 5 m, sedangkan percobaan di bawah air laut berhasil mencapai jangkauan hingga 2 m. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, nilai kekeruhan air memengaruhi jangkauan transmisi sinyal LoRa. Nilai RSSI dan SNR ketika di bawah air selalu mengalami fluktuasi. Nilai RSSI di bawah air yang paling baik adalah nilai RSSI ketika di bawah air kolam renang, sedangkan nilai RSSI di bawah air yang paling buruk ketika di bawah air laut. Nilai SNR di bawah air yang paling baik adalah nilai SNR ketika di bawah air kolam renang, sedangkan nilai SNR di bawah air yang paling buruk nilai SNR ketika di bawah air laut. ......In IoT application, LoRa communication system use for underwater is still rarely used. Based on Link quality of LoRa for Internet of Underwater Things journal, the underwater LoRa research was carried out with both LoRa modules placed under water with a depth of 25—140 cm. On this research, we will test the LoRa communication system in underwater on three different types of water, swimming pool water, sea water, and lake water with a depth of 10 cm and distances between the LoRa modules of 2 m, 5 m, and 8 m. The parameters to be measured are RSSI and SNR. The experiments under the swimming pool water manages to reach a range up to 8 m. The experiments under the sea water manages to reach a range up to 5 m. The experiments under the lake water manages to reach a range up to 2 m. Based on the testing results, the water turbidity level affects the LoRa signal transmission coverage. The RSSI and the SNR value always fluctuating under water. The best underwater RSSI value is the RSSI value under the swimming pool water, while the worst underwater RSSI value is the RSSI value under the sea water. The best underwater SNR value is the SNR value under the swimming pool water, while the worst underwater SNR value is the SNR value under the sea water.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arlissa Tamara Virginia
Abstrak :
Air bersih merupakan elemen yang memiliki banyak manfaat dalam kelangsungan makhluk hidup. Air bersih dan air minum yang tidak memenuhi standar persyaratan masih dapat ditemukan di seluruh dunia. Salah satu metode yang mampu mengatasi kualitas air yang kurang baik adalah dengan pengolahan air. Intermittent slow sand filter merupakan salah satu sistem pengolahan air yang efektif dalam menyisihkan kontaminan. Pasir silika dan zeolite juga dikenal sebagai media dengan penyisihan kontaminan yang baik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menganalisis karakteristik dan efisiensi hasil pengolahan air permukaan dengan dua media filter yang berbeda terhadap parameter besi, mangan, kekeruhan, dan koliform. Filter terbuat dari drum berkapasitas 150 liter dengan media pasir silika dan zeolite. Sistem filter pertama terdiri dari kombinasi media pasir silika dan zeolite, dimana pada lapisan pertama merupakan pasir silika dengan ES 0,15-0,20 mm dan UC 2,54, pada lapisan kedua merupakan zeolite dengan ES 0,45-0,70 mm dan UC 2,24, dan pada lapisan ketiga merupakan pasir silika dengan ES 0,45-0,70 mm dan UC 1,5. Sistem filter kedua terdiri dari dua lapisan pasir silika dengan ES 0,15-0,20 mm dan UC 1,5 pada lapisan pertama, dan ES 0,45-0,70 mm dan UC 2,22 pada lapisan kedua. Sumber air yang digunakan berasal dari Danau Mahoni Universitas Indonesia yang telah mengalami proses prasedimentasi. Pengoperasian saringan dilakukan secara intermittent dengan variasi waktu yang berbeda yaitu 2 jam, 1 hari, dan 2 hari. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa saringan intermittent dapat menyisihkan kadar pencemar yang terkait dengan besi, mangan, kekeruhan, dan fekal koliform. Intermittent filter dengan kombinasi media pasir silika dan zeolite memiliki efisiensi pengolahan terhadap parameter kekeruhan sebesar 5,20-44,40%, besi sebesar 87,18-100%, mangan sebesar 33,33-100%, dan koliform sebesar 60,47-100%. Intermitttent filter dengan media pasir silika dapat menyisihkan kekeruhan berkisar 80,30-94,99%, besi berkisar 98,15-100%, mangan berkisar 33,33-100%, dan koliform berkisar 83,72-100%.
Clean water is an element that has many benefits in the survival of living things. Clean water and drinking water that does not meet the standard requirements can still be found throughout the world. One method that is able to overcome poor water quality is by water treatment. Intermittent slow sand filter is one of the most effective water treatment system in removing contaminants. Silica sand and zeolite are also known as media with good removal of contaminants. The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics and efficiency of suface water treatment with two different filter media on the parameters of iron, manganese, turbidity, and coliform. Filters are made from drums with a capacity of 150 liters with medias of silica sand and zeolite. The first filter contains a combination of silica sand and zeolite media where the first layer is silica sand with ES 0,15-0,20 mm and UC 2,54, the second layer is zeolite with ES 0,45-0,70 mm and UC 2,24, and the third layer is silica sand with ES 0,15-0,20 mm and UC 1,5. The second filter contains two layers of silica sand with ES 0,15-0,20 mm and UC 1,5 in the first layer, and ES 0,45-0,70 mm and UC 2,22 in the second layer. The source of water used is from Mahoni Lake in University of Indonesia, which has undergone a process of pre-sedimentation. Filter operation is carried out intermittently with different time variations, which are 2 hours, 1 day, and 2 days. The results shows that the intermittent filter can remove contaminants associated with iron, manganese, turbidity, and fecal coliform. Intermittent filter with a combination of silica sand zeolite media have a processing efficiency on parameters of turbidity as much as 5,20-31,51%, iron as much as 87,18-100%, manganese as much as 33,33-100%, and coliform as much as 60,47-100%. The intermittent slow sand filter can remove turbidity ranging from 80,30-94,99%, iron ranges from 98,15-100%, manganese ranging from 33,33-100%, and coliform ranging from 83,72-100%.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Putu Aditya Yuga Nugraha
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kinetika pembentukan flok pada pengolahan air limbah pewarna buatan menggunakan proses koagulasi-flokulasi. Tawas dan Anionik Polyacrylamide (APAM) digunakan sebagai koagulan dan flokulan. Analisis kinetika yang digunakan adalah persamaan kinetika Avrami menggunakan fraksi penghilangan kekeruhan dan warna pada suhu 303 K, 323 K, dan 343 K untuk memngetahui kinetika pembentukan flok. Hasil uji jar menunjukan data optimum pada suhu 303 K dengan pH 6,5, dosis koagulan dan flokulan masing masing 30 ppm dan 1 ppm. Proses koagulasi-flokulasi selama 120 menit menunjukan penghilangan parameter kekeruhan (NTU) dan parameter warna (Gardner scale) masing-masing 90,8% dan 85,2 %. Data proses koagulasi-flokulasi pada parameter kekeruhan dan parameter warna masing masing mengikuti kinetika persamaan Avrami: Y(T,t)_kekeruhan=1- exp{[-0,21exp(-(598,80)/(T))t(0,85)]} Y(T,t)warna=1- exp{[-174,84exp(-(2928,20)/T)t(0,90)]} ......The goal of this research is to better understand the kinetics of floc formation in artificial dye wastewater treatment utilizing the coagulation-flocculation method. Alum is used as a coagulant, while Anionic Polyacrylamide is used as a coagulant aid. To understand floc formation kinetics, the Avrami equation is utilized to examine turbidity and color removal at 303 K, 323 K, and 343 K. Jar test procedures were also performed in this study to identify the optimal tubidity and color removal. The best results were obtained at 303 K and a pH of 6,5. The optimal coagulant and flocculant dosages are 30 ppm and 1 ppm, respectively. At 120 minutes, turbidity removal (NTU) and color removal (Gardner Scale) were 90,8% and 85,2%, respectively. Data on turbidity and color parameters for coagulation-flocculation process respectively follow the kinetics of the Avrami equation: Y(T,t)turbidity=1-exp{[-0,21exp(-(598,80)/(T))t(0,85)]} Y(T,t)color=1-exp{[-174,84exp(-(2928,20)/T)t(0,90)]}
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hamid Dewa Saputra
Abstrak :
Slow sand filter merupakan salah satu jenis pengolahan air sederhana yang efektif untuk diaplikasikan pada skala pelayanan yang kecil, khususnya pada area dengan populasi di bawah 30000 orang. Salah satu alternatif media yang banyak diteliti untuk digunakan sebagai media tambahan pada slow sand filter adalah geotekstil non-woven, di mana dalam beberapa penelitian penambahan media ini terbukti mampu menunjang performa slow sand filter, khususnya dalam penyisihan parameter kekeruhan dan total koliform, serta mampu meningkatkan efisiensi pemeliharaan terhadap instalasi unit. Pada penelitian ini, disusun rancangan pengolahan slow sand filter dengan tambahan media geotekstil untuk digunakan sebagai alternatif pengolahan air bersih untuk mendukung kebutuhan air bersih harian di Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) yang terus meningkat akibat bertambahnya jumlah sivitas akademik setiap tahunnya. Berdasarkan perhitungan proyeksi menggunakan metode regresi linear dan decreasing rate of increase (DRI), jumlah sivitas akademik FTUI mencapai 10735 orang pada tahun 2042 dengan proyeksi kebutuhan air sebesar 6,8 L/detik. Melalui tahapan perancangan, ditetapkan rangkaian instalasi yang terdiri dari bangunan submerged intake, roughing filter, slow sand filter geotekstil, dan unit klorinasi untuk mengolah air Danau Mahoni UI untuk dapat digunakan sebagai sumber air bersih di FTUI. Perhitungan desain untuk masing-masing unit mengacu pada buku pedoman teknis desain pengolahan air dan penelitian yang telah ada sebelumnya. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan desain, dapat dicapai kualitas air hasil olahan dengan nilai kekeruhan 1,75 NTU dan total koliform 0 CFU/100 mL. Kedua parameter tersebut telah memenuhi persyaratan kualitas air minum berdasarkan Permenkes RI Nomor 492/MENKES/PER/IV/2010. ......A slow sand filter is one type of simple water treatment method that is effective to be applied to a small community, especially in areas with under 30000 population. One alternative media that has been widely studied for use as an additional media in slow sand filters is non-woven geotextiles, wherein some studies the addition of this media has proven to be able to support the performance of slow sand filters, especially in the removal of turbidity and total coliform, as well as being able to increase maintenance efficiency of the installation. In this research, a geotextile aided slow sand filter was designed to be used as an alternative water treatment method to supports the daily clean water needs at the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) which continues to increase due to the increasing number of students each year. Through population forecasting using the linear regression and decreasing rate of increase (DRI) methods, the number of FTUI academicians reached 10735 people in 2042 with a projected water requirement of 6.8 L/s. Through design, a series of installations were set up consisting of submerged intake building, roughing filter, geotextile aided slow sand filter, and chlorination unit to treat water from Lake Mahoni UI to be used as a source of clean water in FTUI. Design calculations for each unit are based on water treatment building technical guideline books and existing studies. Based on the results of design calculations, it can be achieved the quality of treated water with a turbidity value of 1.75 NTU and a total coliform of 0 CFU/100 mL. Both of these parameters have met the drinking water quality requirements based on Permenkes RI No. 492/MENKES/PER/IV/2010.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rachman Surachman
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Limbah cair tahu yang dibuang langsung tanpa pengolahan lebih lanjut mencemari Sungai Ciliwung. Dalam penelitian ini dikembangkan suatu metode pengolahan komprehensif dari limbah cair tahu yang terdiri atas dua proses utama, yaitu koagulasi-flokulasi dan filtrasi membran. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan kombinasi proses koagulasi flokulasi dan membran ultrafiltrasi serta ditindaklanjuti dengan osmosis balik. Parameter bebas yang digunakan di dalam proses ini adalah tekanan transmembran ultrafiltrasi dan tekanan transmembran osmosis balik. Dosis koagulan tawas sebesar 300 ppm menghasilkan persen penyisihan TSS 84,04 %. Setelah perlakuan membran ultrafiltrasi CA-RO dengan tekanan transmembran optimum 1,5 bar untuk CA dan 6 bar untuk RO dihasilkan persen penyisihan TSS, TDS, turbiditas, dan COD berturut-turut 100 %, 99,84 %, 100 %, dan 99,88 %.
ABSTRACT Tofu wastewater without further processing contaminates Ciliwung River. In this study a comprehensive treatment method of tofu wastewater was developed which consisted of two main processes, namely coagulation-flocculation and membrane filtration. In this research a combination of flocculation coagulation and ultrafiltration was used and followed by reverse osmosis. The free parameters used in this process are ultrafiltration transmembran pressure and reverse osmosis transmembran pressure. The result for tawas dosage is 300 ppm and produce the % TSS reduction 84,04%. After treatment for combination CA ultrafiltration RO membrane with optimum TMP for CA is 1,5 bar and optimum TMP for RO is 6 bar then produce % reduction of TSS, TDS, Turbidity, and COD respectively 100%, 99,84%, 100% dan 99,88%.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizki Laksmana Pratama
Abstrak :
Turbiditas merupakan salah satu indikator yang dapat digunakan untuk menilai kualitas air. Turbiditas dapat diukur menggunakan instrumen konvensional seperti turbidimeter, spektrofotometer, dan nefelometri visual. Namun, semua instrumen tersebut memiliki kekurangannya masing-masing, seperti biaya yang relatif tinggi dan kurang efisien. Pada penelitian ini diusulkan metode pengukuran yang lebih terjangkau dan efisien dengan memanfaatkan kamera ponsel, serta model regresi support vector regression dan EfficientNet-B0 berbasis convolutional neural network sebagai instrumen pengukuran. Akuisisi citra dilakukan di dua lingkungan. Lingkungan 1 didefinisikan sebagai lingkungan dengan cahaya langsung yang menyinari sampel, mengikuti prinsip turbidimetri, sedangkan lingkungan 2 didefinisikan sebagai lingkungan dengan pencahayaan yang bergantung hanya kepada cahaya sekitar dengan intensitas cahaya yang tak tentu. Citra yang telah diakuisisi oleh ponsel melalui berbagai proses prapengolahan data seperti segmentasi, augmentasi, penerapan filter Gaussian, dan ekstraksi fitur saturasi dan tekstur sebelum diteruskan ke model regresi. Dari hasil evaluasi didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa model EfficientNet-B0 lebih unggul dibandingkan dengan support vector regresssion dengan fitur saturasi, tekstur maupun gabungan. Model EfficientNet-B0 mendapatkan nilai R2 sebesar 0.992, MAE sebesar 2.474 dan MSE sebesar 10.669 untuk citra lingkungan 1, dan nilai R2 sebesar 0.97, MAE sebesar 3.333 dan MSE sebesar 29.137 untuk citra lingkungan 2. ......Turbidity is an indicator that can be used to assess water quality. Turbidity can be measured using conventional instruments such as turbidimeter, spectrophotometer, and visual nephelometry. However, all of these instruments have their respective drawbacks, such as relatively high costs and inefficient. In this study, a more affordable and efficient measurement method is proposed by utilizing a cellphone camera, as well as a support vector regression and EfficientNet-B0 model based on convolutional neural network as a measurement instrument. Image acquisition will be carried out in two environments. Environment 1 is defined as an environment with direct light shining on the sample, following the principle of turbidimetry, while environment 2 is defined as an environment in which the illumination depends on the ambient light with an indeterminate light intensity. The image that has been acquired by the cellphone will go through various data preprocessing processes such as segmentation, augmentation, application of Gaussian filters, and extraction of saturation and texture features before being forwarded to the regression model. From the evaluation results, it can be concluded that the EfficientNet-B0 model is superior to the support vector regression with saturation, texture, or combined features. The EfficientNet-B0 model gets an R2 value of 0.992, an MAE of 2.474 and an MSE of 10,669 for environment 1 image, and an R2 value of 0.97, an MAE of 3.333 and an MSE of 29,137 for environment 2 image.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hans Kristianto
Abstrak :
Avaibility of clean water is one of the biggest problem, especially in developing countries. The simplest way to treat turbid water is using coagulation. However, chemical coagulant such as alum and ferrum has several drawbacks, including high sludge volume and negative health impact when the water is consumed. Natural coagulants offer better option, especially with its avaibility, low in price, lower sludge volume, and comparable effectiveness with chemical coagulant. In this study we utilize Moringa oleifera, Carica papaya, and Leucaena leucocephala seeds, which are indigenous plants in Indonesia, as natural coagulant. FTIR study was done to qualitatively identify the possible active coagulant agent in the seeds. The coagulant performance for turbidity removal of synthetic kaolin water was studied using jar test apparatus at various coagulant dosage and pH. Functional groups of –OH, N-H, C=O, primary, secondary, and tertiary amides were identified in all seeds. The dosage and pH gave no effect to turbidity removal, when M.oleifera was used as natural coagulant, but gave some effects in papaya and leucaena. The turbidity removal obtained in this study was comparable with other reported results, therefore it can be concluded that these seeds have potential to be used as natural coagulants.
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI-IJTECH 9:3 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Wrinarti
Abstrak :
Produksi cat menghasilkan limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun. Jumlah limbah pabrik cat, sebagian besar berasal dari air pencucian peralatan pabrik. Saat ini PT. XYZ, s ebuah i ndustri c at, belum m enggunakan ke mbali a ir l imbahnya unt uk mencuci pe ralatan pabriknya, b elum m engetahui bi aya pe nggunaan a ir ol ahan untuk pr oses p encucian alat dan belum m engetahui peranan karyawannya unt uk menurunkan jumlah limbahnya. Penelitian dilakukan untuk menentukan konsentrasi optimal bakterisida dengan parameter jumlah bakteri, pH, kekeruhan dan T SS di air olahan (air limba h ditambah ba kterisida), menentukan bi aya penggunaan air ol ahan, dan menganalisis persepsi karyawan tentang pe ranan mereka unt uk menurunkan jumlah limbahnya. Penentuan konsentrasi optimal bakterisida dilakukan pada 4 sampel selama 9 hari, penentuan biaya penggunaan air ol ahan telah di hitung dan untuk menganalisis persepsi p eranan karyawan dilakukan s urvei terhadap 93 responden. Penelitian ini m enghasilkan 3 kesimpulan. Kesimpulan pertama adalah konsentrasi optimal bakterisida terdapat pada sampel air olahan yang mengandung Acticide MBS 0,4%. Kesimpulan kedua adalah biaya penggunaan air olahan belum menguntungkan secara ekonomi pada saat ini. Kesimpulan ke 3 adalah nilai persepsi karyawan tentang peranan mereka untuk menurunkan jumlah limbah adalah 4,93 dari 6 skala.
Paint production generates hazardous and toxic waste. The amount of paint waste, mostly came from t he wash water from plant e quipments. Currently, P T. X YZ, the paint industry, has not reused the waste water for cleaning plant equipments, not known the cost of using treated water for cleaning plant equipments and not known the role of their employees to reduce the amount of waste. This study was conducted to determine the optimum concentration of bactericide with parameter such as number of bacteria, pH, turbidity, and TSS (Total Suspended Solid) in the treated water (waste water added bactericide) for reuse in the cleaning process of plant equipment, to analyze the cost of using treated water, and to analyze the role of em ployees in reducing the a mount of waste. The d etermination of optimum concentration of ba ctericide done on 4 s amples f or 9 da ys, the c ost of us ing treated water has been calculated, and the role of employees had been analized via survey with 93 respondents. There are 3 conclutions of this research. The first is the optimum concentration was found in the sample of t reated water containing 0.4% A cticide MBS. The second is the cost of using treated water is not economical provitable at this time. The third is the value of the role of respondents to reduce the amount of waste is 4.93 in six scales.;Paint production generates hazardous and toxic waste. The amount of paint waste, mostly came from t he wash water from plant e quipments. Currently, P T. X YZ, the paint industry, has not reused the waste water for cleaning plant equipments, not known the cost of using treated water for cleaning plant equipments and not known the role of their employees to reduce the amount of waste. This study was conducted to determine the optimum concentration of bactericide with parameter such as number of bacteria, pH, turbidity, and TSS (Total Suspended Solid) in the treated water (waste water added bactericide) for reuse in the cleaning process of plant equipment, to analyze the cost of using treated water, and to analyze the role of em ployees in reducing the a mount of waste. The d etermination of optimum concentration of ba ctericide done on 4 s amples f or 9 da ys, the c ost of us ing treated water has been calculated, and the role of employees had been analized via survey with 93 respondents. There are 3 conclutions of this research. The first is the optimum concentration was found in the sample of t reated water containing 0.4% A cticide MBS. The second is the cost of using treated water is not economical provitable at this time. The third is the value of the role of respondents to reduce the amount of waste is 4.93 in six scales., Paint production generates hazardous and toxic waste. The amount of paint waste, mostly came from t he wash water from plant e quipments. Currently, P T. X YZ, the paint industry, has not reused the waste water for cleaning plant equipments, not known the cost of using treated water for cleaning plant equipments and not known the role of their employees to reduce the amount of waste. This study was conducted to determine the optimum concentration of bactericide with parameter such as number of bacteria, pH, turbidity, and TSS (Total Suspended Solid) in the treated water (waste water added bactericide) for reuse in the cleaning process of plant equipment, to analyze the cost of using treated water, and to analyze the role of em ployees in reducing the a mount of waste. The d etermination of optimum concentration of ba ctericide done on 4 s amples f or 9 da ys, the c ost of us ing treated water has been calculated, and the role of employees had been analized via survey with 93 respondents. There are 3 conclutions of this research. The first is the optimum concentration was found in the sample of t reated water containing 0.4% A cticide MBS. The second is the cost of using treated water is not economical provitable at this time. The third is the value of the role of respondents to reduce the amount of waste is 4.93 in six scales.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Azhar Fuadi
Abstrak :
Kualitas Mikrobiologi merupakan parameter yang sangat penting pada air minum. Keberadaan mikroba dalam air minum bisa menjadi kasus kesehatan masyarakat yang dapat menyebabkan banyak korban. Karena itu kualitas mikrobiologi dalam air harus sangat diperhatikan. Kualitas Mikrobiologi biasa dinyatakan dalam koliform. Residual klorin merupakan bahan kimia yang paling umum digunakan sebagai disinfektan mikroba. Kehadiran klor bebas dipercaya mampu mencegah pertumbuhan mikroba didalam air. Oleh karena itu perlu untuk diketahui pengaruh residual klorin terhadap kualitas mikrobiologi, untuk menjamin air bersih bebas dari mikroba. Parameter lain seperti kekeruhan dan total zat organik juga dianalisa pengaruhnya terhadap kualitas mikrobiologi.
Microbiological quality is a very important parameter in drinking water. The existence of microbe especially pathogen in drinking water could become a case of public health that causes a lot of victims. Therefore microbiological quality in the water should be kept. Generally microbiological quality in the water expressed in total coliform. Residual chlorine is the most common chemicals used as disinfectants of microorganism in water. The presence of free chlorine is believed to prevent microbiological growth in water. Therefore it is necessary to note the influence of residual chlorine to microbiological quality, to ensure the clean water free from pathogens. Other parameters such as turbidity and total organic matter were also analyzed its effect on microbiological quality.
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Reza Fernanda
Abstrak :
Mikroplastik adalah partikel plastik kecil yang ukurannya kurang dari 5 mm. Ditemukan di sungai, mikroplastik menjadi polutan yang signifikan di Instalasi Pengolahan Air (IPA), sumber utama air minum masyarakat. Kondisi hujan dan kering mempengaruhi kekeruhan air baku, yang juga memengaruhi operasional IPA. Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi efektivitas penyisihan mikroplastik di IPA X selama hujan dan kemarau, terutama penting di Indonesia yang minim penelitian serupa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi kelimpahan mikroplastik di setiap unit pengolahan, efisiensi penyisihan, dan hubungan dengan pH serta kekeruhan air. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) dan uji FTIR dalam mengetahui kelimpahan dan karakteristik dari mikroplastik. Sampel akan diambil dari 5 titik di IPA, yaitu bak pengumpul, akselator, flokulasi, sedimentasi, dan air produksi. Pada penelitian ini, ditemukan bahwa kelimpahan mikroplastik di air baku adalah sebanyak 256 partikel/L pada hari kering dan 109 partikel/L pada hari basah dengan kelimpahan rata-rata sebesar 182,5 partikel/L. Di air produksi, ditemukan kelimpahan mikroplastik sebesar 77 partikel/L pada hari kering dan 44 partikel/L pada hari basah dengan nilai kelimpahan rata-rata sebesar 60,5 partikel/L. Berdasarkan karakteristik, bentuk dan warna dari mikroplastik yang dominan ditemukan pada setiap unit di IPA X adalah bentuk fragmen dan warna hitam dengan rentang ukuran berkisar antara 8-3.221 µm. Selain itu, jenis material polimer dari mikroplastik yang diamati didominasi oleh Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP), Nylon (Polyhexamethylene Adipamide), dan Polyvinylchloride (PVC). Efisiensi total penyisihan mikroplastik di IPA X adalah sebesar 69,9% pada hari kering dan 59,6% pada hari basah. Kelimpahan mikroplastik memiliki korelasi dengan parameter kekeruhan. ......Microplastics are small plastic particles measuring less than 5 mm. Found in rivers, microplastics pose a significant pollutant in Water Treatment Plants (WTPs), the main source of drinking water for communities. Weather conditions such as rain and dry spells affect the turbidity of raw water, which in turn impacts WTP operations. This study explores the effectiveness of microplastic removal at WTP X during both rainy and dry seasons, particularly crucial in Indonesia where such research is scarce. The aim is to evaluate microplastic abundance at each treatment unit, removal efficiency, and its correlation with pH and water turbidity. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) method and FTIR analysis were employed to determine microplastic abundance and characteristics. Samples were collected from five points within the WTP: raw water intake, accelerator, flocculation, sedimentation, and production water. The study found that microplastic abundance in raw water was 256 particles/L during dry days and 109 particles/L during wet days, with an average abundance of 182.5 particles/L. In production water, microplastic abundance was 77 particles/L during dry days and 44 particles/L during wet days, averaging 60.5 particles/L. Dominant characteristics included fragment shapes, black color, and sizes ranging from 8-3,221 µm. The observed polymer types were predominantly Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP), Nylon (Polyhexamethylene Adipamide), and Polyvinylchloride (PVC). Overall microplastic removal efficiency at WTP X was 69.9% on dry days and 59.6% on wet days, correlating with water turbidity parameters.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library