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Irfan Nafis
Abstrak :
Ketergantungan yang tinggi pada sumber energi fossil, masih menjadi permasalahan utama penyediaan energi nasional. Penyediaan energi primer nasional dipenuhi dari batubara, minyak bumi dan gas bumi, dan sektor transportasi merupakan pengguna energi energi bahan bakar minyak (BBM) terbesar di Indonesia. Guna mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, pemerintah mendorong diversifikasi bahan bakar di sektor transportasi, antara lain dengan penggunaan bahan bakar nabati (BBN). Salah satu bahan bakar alternatif yang dapat digunakan untuk mengurangi dan menggantikan penggunaan bahan bakar fosil adalah biodiesel. Sebagai bahan bakar alternatif, biodiesel masih memiliki kendala dalam pemanfaatannya. Biodiesel sangat rentan terhadap oksidasi dan juga memiliki ikatan asam lemak jenuh yang sangat rentan terhadap pembekuan kristal dalam suhu kamar. Oksidasi ini akan menyebabkan terjadinya pembentukan gum, deposit, dan sedimen yang dapat meningkatkan viskositas dan menyebabkan penurunan kualitas bahan bakar. Biodiesel lebih sensitif dibandingkan dengan minyak solar terhadap temperatur rendah yang dimana lebih mudah membeku atau pembentukan kristal yang dapat membuat filter tersumbat. Kegagalan fungsi utama filter tersebut merupakan suatu akibat dari adanya kontaminan dan komponen penyumbat filter seperti kelompok glycerin (monoglycerin, diglycerin, trigliceryn), air, sodium/soap, polimer, dan mikroba. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan studi untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan kontaminan dan pengaruhnya terhadap karakterisktik campuran biodiesel di dalam tangki. Uji presipitasi dilakukan pada campuran biodiesel B30 pada tangki kapal selama 30 hari dengan pengambilan sampel tiap dua hari sekali. Densitas, viskositas kinematik, cleanliness, dan water content juga diujikan dalam penelitian ini. Berdasarkan hasil uji presipitasi, didapatkan adanya peningkatan kontaminan sebesar 382% selama 30 hari penyimpanan. Hasil uji cleanliness menunjukan bahwa bahan bakar tersebut tidak memenuhi standar Worldwide Fuels Charter. Hasil pengujian densitas cenderung konstan pada angka 835 gr/cm3 dan viskositas kinematik pada angka 3,35 mm2/s. Nilai water content juga masih berada di bawah ambang batas. Pengujian menunjukan bahwa waktu penyimpanan tidak berpengaruh pada karaktersitik bahan bakar seperti denistas, viskositas kinematik, dan water content. ...... High dependence on fossil energy sources is still a major problem in national energy supply. National primary energy supply is met from coal, oil and natural gas, and the transportation sector is the largest user of energy from fuel oil (BBM) in Indonesia. In order to overcome these problems, the government is encouraging diversification of fuels in the transportation sector, including the use of biofuels (BBN). One alternative fuel that can be used to reduce and replace the use of fossil fuels is biodiesel. As an alternative fuel, biodiesel still has problems in its utilization. Biodiesel is very susceptible to oxidation and also has saturated fatty acid bonds which are very susceptible to freezing crystals at room temperature. This oxidation will cause the formation of gums, deposits, and sediments which can increase the viscosity and cause a decrease in fuel quality. Biodiesel is more sensitive than diesel oil to low temperatures where it freezes more easily or crystals form which can clog filters. The main function failure of the filter is a result of the presence of contaminants and filter plug components such as glycerin groups (monoglycerin, diglycerin, triglyceryn), water, sodium/soap, polymers, and microbes. Therefore, a study is needed to determine the growth of contaminants and their effect on the characteristics of the biodiesel mixture in the tank. The precipitation test was carried out on the B30 biodiesel mixture in the ship's tank for 30 days with sampling every other day. Density, kinematic viscosity, cleanliness, and water content were also tested in this study. Based on the results of the precipitation test, it was found that there was an increase in contaminants of 382% during 30 days of storage. The cleanliness test results show that the fuel does not meet the Worldwide Fuels Charter standards. Density test results tend to be constant at 835 gr/cm3 and kinematic viscosity at 3.35 mm2/s. The water content value is still below the threshold. Tests show that storage time has no effect on fuel characteristics such as density, kinematic viscosity, and water content.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pungky Ayu Artiani
Abstrak :
Limbah Bahan Bakar Nuklir Bekas (BBNB) merupakan salah satu limbah yang dihasilkan dalam pengoperasian reaktor nuklir. Limbah ini masih menghasilkan produk fisi dan panas hasil reaksi yang masih tinggi sehingga perlu dikelola dengan baik agar efek radiasi yang ditimbulkan tidak keluar di lingkungan. Penelitian ini akan dilakukan pemodelan panas peluruhan pada penyimpanan kering BBNB bentuk pebble dengan tipe storage tank yang telah digunakan pada reaktor HTR 10 menggunakan software ORIGEN-ARP. Dengan computational fluid dynamics (CFD) menggunakan Comsol Multiphysics maka pengaruh kecepatan udara pendingin dan ketebalan lapisan pengungkung terhadap profil suhu di setiap segmen storage dapat diketahui sehingga keselamatan penyimpanan BBNB pada aspek suhu dapat dianalisis. Dari hasil perhitungan dapat diketahui bahwa panas peluruhan yang dihasilkan oleh BBNB setelah keluar dari reaktor sebesar 620,2260 watt. Panas peluruhan tersebut semakin menurun seiring dengan lamanya waktu penyimpanan. Ketebalan beton tidak terlalu berpengaruh terhadap penurunan suhu di storage tank. Hal ini disebabkan oleh konduktivitas panas beton yang rendah sehingga laju perpindahan panas di setiap variasi ketebalan tidak berbeda secara signifikan. Ketebalan stainless steel berpengaruh terhadap gradien perubahan suhu pada storage tank. Semakin tipis stainless steel maka semakin banyak laju panas yang dialirkan dari grafit ke beton, sehingga suhu pada beton semakin besar. Semua hasil simulasi pada berbagai kondisi memenuhi syarat parameter suhu maksimum keselamatan.
ABSTRACT Nuclear Fuel Waste is one of waste generated in operation of nuclear reactors. This waste is still producing fission products and heat of reaction that need to be managed properly so the effects of radiation emitted do not expose to environment. This research will be carried out modeling the decay heat in dry storage of pebble nuclear spent fuel with the type of storage tanks that have been used in the reactor HTR 10 using ORIGEN-ARP software. The effects of cooling air velocity and confinement layer thickness on temperature profile in every segment of storage can be determined with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) using Comsol Multiphysics so the safety of nuclear spent fuel storage on temperature aspects can be analyzed. Based on the calculation results can be seen that the decay heat generated by nuclear spent fuel after coming out from the reactor is 620.2260 watts. The decay heat decreases as the length of storage time. Concrete thickness does not significantly affect the declining temperature gradient in the storage tank. This is caused by the low thermal conductivity of concrete so the heat transfer rate in each variation of thickness is not different significantly. Stainless steel thickness affects the declining temperature gradient. Thinner the thickness of the stainless steel is used, greater the reduction of temperature gradient so equilibrium temperature of storage tank can be quickly achieved. All simulation results under various conditions compliy with the maximum temperature parameters of safety.;Nuclear Fuel Waste is one of waste generated in operation of nuclear reactors. This waste is still producing fission products and heat of reaction that need to be managed properly so the effects of radiation emitted do not expose to environment. This research will be carried out modeling the decay heat in dry storage of pebble nuclear spent fuel with the type of storage tanks that have been used in the reactor HTR 10 using ORIGEN-ARP software. The effects of cooling air velocity and confinement layer thickness on temperature profile in every segment of storage can be determined with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) using Comsol Multiphysics so the safety of nuclear spent fuel storage on temperature aspects can be analyzed. Based on the calculation results can be seen that the decay heat generated by nuclear spent fuel after coming out from the reactor is 620.2260 watts. The decay heat decreases as the length of storage time. Concrete thickness does not significantly affect the declining temperature gradient in the storage tank. This is caused by the low thermal conductivity of concrete so the heat transfer rate in each variation of thickness is not different significantly. Stainless steel thickness affects the declining temperature gradient. Thinner the thickness of the stainless steel is used, greater the reduction of temperature gradient so equilibrium temperature of storage tank can be quickly achieved. All simulation results under various conditions compliy with the maximum temperature parameters of safety., Nuclear Fuel Waste is one of waste generated in operation of nuclear reactors. This waste is still producing fission products and heat of reaction that need to be managed properly so the effects of radiation emitted do not expose to environment. This research will be carried out modeling the decay heat in dry storage of pebble nuclear spent fuel with the type of storage tanks that have been used in the reactor HTR 10 using ORIGEN-ARP software. The effects of cooling air velocity and confinement layer thickness on temperature profile in every segment of storage can be determined with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) using Comsol Multiphysics so the safety of nuclear spent fuel storage on temperature aspects can be analyzed. Based on the calculation results can be seen that the decay heat generated by nuclear spent fuel after coming out from the reactor is 620.2260 watts. The decay heat decreases as the length of storage time. Concrete thickness does not significantly affect the declining temperature gradient in the storage tank. This is caused by the low thermal conductivity of concrete so the heat transfer rate in each variation of thickness is not different significantly. Stainless steel thickness affects the declining temperature gradient. Thinner the thickness of the stainless steel is used, greater the reduction of temperature gradient so equilibrium temperature of storage tank can be quickly achieved. All simulation results under various conditions compliy with the maximum temperature parameters of safety.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vessa Fauziyyah Pratiwi
Abstrak :
PT. XYZ melakukan kegiatan eksplorasi dan produksi minyak dan gas di lepas pantai menggunakan FPSO dengan produksi utama berupa minyak mentah, gas yang dihasilkan diinjeksikan kembali kedalam sumur. Adanya fasilitas kompresor yang dapat menaikan tekanan gas sampai 210 bar, kelebihan gas dapat disimpan di storage sebagai CNG. Penyimpanan gas CNG 10 MMscf, CDTS membutuhkan tangki sebanyak satu unit dengan dimensi 10 m x 10 m. CNG tube skid membutuhkan total skid sebanyak 51 units dengan total dimensi 12,19 m x 41,45 m. Biaya capex CDTS lebih murah $ 700.000 dari CNG tube skid dan biaya opex CDTS $ 62.102 lebih murah dibandingkan CNG tube skid. Ketersediaan lahan di FPSO yang dapat ditempati CNG storage sebesar 20 m2. IRR 11% didapat tarif gas dasar 1,51 USD/MMBtu untuk penjualan 10 MMScfd dan NPV $12.638.398,34 dengan PBP di tahun ke 7. Hasil analisa sensitivitas menunjukan dengan menaikan tarif gas sebesar 100% yaitu 3,011 USD/MMBtu, saat terjadi penurunan laju produksi sebesar 50% maka NPV dan IRR masih dapat diterima.  Harga gas ini layak digunakan untuk penjualan gas di atas FPSO karena tidak melebihi penetapan harga gas di pembangkit sebesar 6 USD/MMBtu. ......PT. XYZ engages in offshore oil and gas exploration and production using an FPSO. The primary production focus is crude oil, and any produced gas is reinjected into the well. A compressor facility with the capacity to increase gas pressure up to 210 bar enables the storage of excess gas as Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). For a CNG gas storage volume of 10 MMscf, CDTS requires a single tank with dimensions of 10 m x 10 m. CNG tube skids necessitates a total of 51 skid units with a combined dimension of 12.19 m x 41.45 m. CDTS exhibits capex costs that are $700,000 lower than CNG tube skids, and its opex costs are $62,102 lower as well. The available land on the FPSO for CNG storage is 20 m2. An IRR of 11% yields a base gas rate of 1.51 USD/MMBtu for sales of 10 MMScfd, resulting in an NPV of $12,638,398.34 with a payback period in the 7th year. The sensitivity analysis demonstrates that even with a 50% decrease in production rate, increasing the gas tariff by 100% to 3.011 USD/MMBtu maintains acceptable NPV and IRR values. This gas price is suitable for selling gas above the FPSO as it does not exceed the fixed gas price at the power plant, which is 6 USD/MMBtu.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Efri Meikel
Abstrak :
Sistem penyimpan chlorine pada instalasi pengolahan air bersih digunakan sebagai salah satu upaya untuk melindungi pekerja, proses kerja, tangki chlorine, masyarakat, dan lingkungan sekitar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi sistem penyimpan chlorine yang ada di PT. PAM Lyonnaise Jaya (PALYJA) tahun 2011. Hasil penelitian sistem penyimpanan chlorine di PT PALYA membutuhkan pengecekan tangki serta variable yang terjadwal, penambahan MSDS pada tangki, melakukan pelatihan bahaya chlorine kepada pekerja dan penambahan peralatan keselamatan pada ruang penyimpanan. Chlorine storage system on the installation of clean water treatment is used as one of the efforts to protect workers, work process, chlorine tanks, community, and environment around. This study aims to evaluate storage system of chlorine present in PT PAM Lyonnaise Jaya (PALYJA) in 2011. Chlorine storage systems research results in PT need checking as well as tank PALYJA variable are scheduled, the addition of MSDS in tank, do chlorine hazard training to workers and chlorine addition of safety equipment in storage space.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ichwan Nurhalim
Abstrak :
Krisis ekonomi dan keuangan pada akhir tahun 2008 membuat konsumsi energi global merosot pada tahun 2009. Perekonomian yang pulih kembali menyadarkan bahwa dunia kembali menghadapi masalah mendasar mengenai kebutuhan akan energi dimasa yang akan datang. Krisis membuat permintaan energi merosot 2 persen per tahun selama tahun 2007-2010. Namun, kebutuhan energi naik lagi 2,5 persen per tahun selama tahun 2010-2015 seiring pulihnya ekonomi. Lebih dari tiga per empat kebutuhan energi dunia masih dipenuhi bahan bakar fosil.Penggunaan energi fosil pada industri-industri besar akan menghasilkan banyak gas buang yang menjadikan pemanasan global semakin bertambah buruk. Konsumsi paling banyak akan bakar fosil adalah penggunaan listrik. Mengingat iklim di Indonesia cukup panas, hampir setiap apartemen menggunakan AC untuk menciptakan temperatur yang nyaman untuk manusia yang tinggal di dalamnya. Selain itu tuntutan lain untuk apartemen adalah pemanas air. Dengan memanfaatkan panas buang dari AC untuk memanaskan air, kita dapat menghemat konsumsi listrik yang digunakan oleh water heater. Sistem ini dikenal dengan Split Air Conditioner Water Heater (S-ACWH). Sistem ACWH terdahulu mengalami masalah akan desain yang rumit dan air panas yang dihasilkan tidak terlalu tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merancang tipe alat penukar kalor tipe serpentine untuk digunakan pada sistem S-ACWH dan kemudian dilakukan pengujian unjuk kerja S-ACWH tersebut. Alat penukar kalor tipe serpentine dibuat dari pipa tembaga 1/4 inch dengan panjang 8 m. Dengan menggunakan pipa serpentine dan tangki penyimpanan didapatkan air panas dengan temperatur sebesar 60°C untuk waktu pemanasan selama 2 jam pada beban pendinginan 2600 W untuk 50l air. ......Economic and financial crisis in late 2008 make the global energy consumption declined in the year 2009. The recovered economy realize that the world faces a fundamental problem regarding the need for energy in the future. Crisis makes energy demand declined 2 percent per year during 2007-2010. However, energy demand rose again 2.5 percent per annum during the years 2010-2015 as the economic recovery. More than three-quarters of the world's energy needs are still filled with fossil fuel energy. Utilization on large industries will generate a lot of exhaust gases that make global warming getting worse. The main consumption of fossil fuels goes to electricity. Considering the hot climate in Indonesia, people choose to use Air Conditioning in order to create a comfortable temperature for them. On the other hand, the demands of water heater in apartment is high. By utilizing waste heat from air conditioning to produce hot water, we can hold down the electricity consumption. This system is known as Split-Air Conditioner Water Heater (ACWH). The problems of previous ACWH are not having compact desaign and low temperature of hot water. The purpose of this study is designing serpentine tube heat exchanger that will be used in S-ACWH system and doing performance test for S-ACWH system. Serpentine tube heat exchanger made from a 1/4 inch diameter and 8 meters length of copper pipe. With the serpentine tube and the water storage, we can achieve hot water with a temperature of 60 ° C for 2 hours warm-up time at 2600 W cooling load for 50 litre of water.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library