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Chahya Chairani
Abstrak :
Kabupaten Banyumas sedang mengalami permasalahanan persampahan pada tahun 2018 yang disebebkan adanya konflik dengan masyarakat sekitar Tempat Pembuangan Akhir Kabupaten Banyumas. Pemerintah Kabupaten Banyumas memiliki strategi untuk mengurangi sampah sebanyak 30% dan menanggulangi sampah sebanyak 70% pada tahun 2025 mendatang. Pada tahun 2018 Pemerintah Kabupaten Banyumas mulai membangun TPS 3R untuk menanggulangi permasalahan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) menganalisa penambahan lokasi TPS 3R di kecamatan Kota Purwokerto, 2) mengetahui persepsi lingkungan masyarakat Kota Purwokerto terhadap TPS 3R di lingkungannya, dan 3) menentukan lokasi alternatif TPS 3R di kecamatan yang membutuhkan penambahan lokasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan pendekatan spasial dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Kecamatan Purwokerto Selatan diperlukan penambahan lokasi alternatif TPS 3R, masyarakat sekitar TPS 3R menghasilkan persepsi yang sangat baik terhadapat TPS 3R, dan lokasi alternatif TPS 3R dapat ditentukan dengan mengacu pada literatur dan peraturan terkait, sehingga lokasi berada di lahan yang memiliki luas > 200 m², jauh dari badan air dan memiliki akses yang mudah dilalui. ......Banyumas is experiencing waste problems in 2018 due to conflicts with the community around the Banyumas Final Disposal Site. The Banyumas Government has a strategy to reduce waste by 30% and manage waste by 70% by 2025. In 2018 the Government of Banyumas began building TPS 3R to overcome this problem. This study aims to 1) analyze the addition of TPS 3R locations in Kota Purwokerto sub-district, 2) determine the environmental perceptions of the Purwokerto City community towards TPS 3R in their environment, and 3) determine alternative TPS 3R locations in sub-districts that require additional locations. This research uses a quantitative approach and a spatial approach using quantitative methods. The results of this study indicate that Purwokerto Selatan District needs to add an alternative location for TPS 3R, the community around TPS 3R produces a very good perception of TPS 3R, and alternative locations for TPS 3R can be determined by referring to related literature and regulations, so that the location is on land that has area > 200 m², far from water bodies and has easy access.
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Fatimah
Abstrak :
Pertumbuhan penduduk, pertumbuhan ekonomi dan urbanisasi di kota- kota besar di negara berkembang seperti Jakarta menyebabkan timbulan/generasi sampah semakin meningkat. Sementara itu kapasitas TPA semakin menurun. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut diperlukan upaya pengurangan sampah sejak dari sumbernya. TPS 3R dapat mengurangi volume sampah yang diangkut dan dibuang ke TPA melalui pengomposan dan daur ulang pada skala kawasan. Namun demikian TPS 3R sangat mengandalkan peran serta masyarakat dalam bentuk retribusi sampah dan pemilahan sampah sejak dari sumbernya. Metode Choice Modeling (CM) dan Contingent Valuation (CV) digunakan untuk mengetahui WTP masyarakat atas beragam pilihan layanan sampah berbasis 3R. CM digunakan untuk mengestimasi harga implisit tiap atribut layanan seperti aroma TPS, pemilahan dan frekuensi pengumpulan sampah. Hasil CM menunjukkan pemilahan sampah dari sumber masih merupakan beban bagi rumah tangga sedangkan aroma TPS yang semakin tidak bau dan pemilahan sampah di TPS menambah utilitas rumah tangga. Secara keseluruhan rumah tangga ternyata memberikan penilaian yang cukup tinggi pada layanan manajemen sampah berbasis 3R. Dengan membandingkan potensi pendapatan dengan biaya layanan manajemen sampah tiap skenario, ditemukan bahwa tingkat cost recovery layanan manajemen sampah ramah lingkungan/TPS 3R lebih tinggi dibandingkan layanan konvensional. Dengan adanya tingkat cost recovery yang lebih tinggi dan sejumlah eksternalitas positif yang dapat diperoleh, tidak ada alasan bagi pemda untuk tidak mendukung layanan manajemen sampah berbasis 3R.
Population,economic growth and urbanization in big cities in developing countries like Jakarta cause proliferating growth in solid waste generation. Meanwhile landfill capacity is diminishing. To overcome this problem, efforts to reduce waste from the source are needed. Solid waste intermediate treatment facilities based on 3R principles (TPS 3R) can reduce waste which must be transported and disposed through communal composting and recycling. However TPS 3R relies on community participation in the form of waste retribution and at-source-wastesorting. Choice Modelling (CM) and Contingent Valuation (CV) are used to elicit consumers? willingness to pay (WTP) for different service options. The CM especially aims to estimate the implicit price for each service attribute such as the TPS odour, at source waste sorting and collection frequency. CM results indicate at-source-waste-sorting is still a burden for households while the diminishing bad odour and waste sorting in TPS add household utilities. Overall household turned out to give a fairly high valuation on 3R-based solid waste management services. By comparing the potential service fee revenue with its operational cost in each scenario, it was found that the cost recovery rate of ecological solid waste management service/TPS 3R is higher than the conventional one. With higher cost recovery rate and a number of positive externalities that can be obtained, there is no reason for the government not to support 3R-based solid waste management service/TPS 3R.;Population,economic growth and urbanization in big cities in developing countries like Jakarta cause proliferating growth in solid waste generation. Meanwhile landfill capacity is diminishing. To overcome this problem, efforts to reduce waste from the source are needed. Solid waste intermediate treatment facilities based on 3R principles (TPS 3R) can reduce waste which must be transported and disposed through communal composting and recycling. However TPS 3R relies on community participation in the form of waste retribution and at-source-wastesorting. Choice Modelling (CM) and Contingent Valuation (CV) are used to elicit consumers? willingness to pay (WTP) for different service options. The CM especially aims to estimate the implicit price for each service attribute such as the TPS odour, at source waste sorting and collection frequency. CM results indicate at-source-waste-sorting is still a burden for households while the diminishing bad odour and waste sorting in TPS add household utilities. Overall household turned out to give a fairly high valuation on 3R-based solid waste management services. By comparing the potential service fee revenue with its operational cost in each scenario, it was found that the cost recovery rate of ecological solid waste management service/TPS 3R is higher than the conventional one. With higher cost recovery rate and a number of positive externalities that can be obtained, there is no reason for the government not to support 3R-based solid waste management service/TPS 3R.;Population,economic growth and urbanization in big cities in developing countries like Jakarta cause proliferating growth in solid waste generation. Meanwhile landfill capacity is diminishing. To overcome this problem, efforts to reduce waste from the source are needed. Solid waste intermediate treatment facilities based on 3R principles (TPS 3R) can reduce waste which must be transported and disposed through communal composting and recycling. However TPS 3R relies on community participation in the form of waste retribution and at-source-wastesorting. Choice Modelling (CM) and Contingent Valuation (CV) are used to elicit consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for different service options. The CM especially aims to estimate the implicit price for each service attribute such as the TPS odour, at source waste sorting and collection frequency. CM results indicate at-source-waste-sorting is still a burden for households while the diminishing bad odour and waste sorting in TPS add household utilities. Overall household turned out to give a fairly high valuation on 3R-based solid waste management services. By comparing the potential service fee revenue with its operational cost in each scenario, it was found that the cost recovery rate of ecological solid waste management service/TPS 3R is higher than the conventional one. With higher cost recovery rate and a number of positive externalities that can be obtained, there is no reason for the government not to support 3R-based solid waste management service/TPS 3R., Population,economic growth and urbanization in big cities in developing countries like Jakarta cause proliferating growth in solid waste generation. Meanwhile landfill capacity is diminishing. To overcome this problem, efforts to reduce waste from the source are needed. Solid waste intermediate treatment facilities based on 3R principles (TPS 3R) can reduce waste which must be transported and disposed through communal composting and recycling. However TPS 3R relies on community participation in the form of waste retribution and at-source-wastesorting. Choice Modelling (CM) and Contingent Valuation (CV) are used to elicit consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for different service options. The CM especially aims to estimate the implicit price for each service attribute such as the TPS odour, at source waste sorting and collection frequency. CM results indicate at-source-waste-sorting is still a burden for households while the diminishing bad odour and waste sorting in TPS add household utilities. Overall household turned out to give a fairly high valuation on 3R-based solid waste management services. By comparing the potential service fee revenue with its operational cost in each scenario, it was found that the cost recovery rate of ecological solid waste management service/TPS 3R is higher than the conventional one. With higher cost recovery rate and a number of positive externalities that can be obtained, there is no reason for the government not to support 3R-based solid waste management service/TPS 3R.]
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Carissa Eukairin Purnomo
Abstrak :
Hanya 14% TPS 3R di Indonesia yang beroperasi dengan baik sehingga tingkat pengumpulan sampah masih rendah dan terjadi pencemaran sungai, salah satunya Sungai Citarik. Maka, penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis teknologi, membuat model keuangan tiga skenario, dan merekomendasikan sistem pengelolaan sampah plastik yang minim residu dan layak secara ekonomi untuk Desa Cibodas dan Padamukti. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis neraca massa, titik impas, model keuangan, BCR dan NPV, serta pengambilan keputusan multikriteria. Teknologi pengolahan plastik yang dipilih adalah mesin tekan hidrolik, pencacah, injeksi, dan extruder. TPS 3R pada ketiga skenario mengelola sampah dari 400 KK, namun skenario 2 ditambah plastik dari pelapak sedangkan skenario 3 ditambah plastik dari seluruh desa. Residu yang dibuang TPS 3R ke TPA adalah 93.328 kg/tahun oleh skenario 1 dan 2, serta 72.909 kg/tahun oleh skenario 3, yaitu 41%, 36%, dan 12% dari total sampah yang dikelola. Hasil pemodelan keuangan BCR 1,11; 2,13; dan 1,77 serta NPV +Rp174.741.433; +Rp2.590.917.416; dan +Rp4.687.308.967. Pengelolaan sampah yang direkomendasikan untuk diterapkan di Desa Cibodas dan Padamukti adalah skenario 2 karena sudah meminimalisir residu dan menghasilkan arus kas positif, serta dapat diimplementasikan dalam waktu dekat. Biaya iuran penerima manfaat sama dengan kondisi eksisting, namun dengan tingkat pengumpulan dan daur ulang yang meningkat.  ......The study addresses the need for financially viable community-managed sorting and recycling facilities in Indonesia, known as TPS-3R. Out of the 2,854 existing facilities, only 14% are functioning optimally due to economic challenges. To address this issue, the research aims to recommend an economically viable plastic waste management system with optimum residue and income. Cibodas and Padamukti Villages are chosen as the case study location, as it has only 20% waste collection coverage and is located in the Citarum Watershed, whose river is a source of water for 60 million people. Primary data collection was carried out through interviews with recyclers in the villages and through waste volume and composition characterization. Three scenarios were developed for the TPS-3R objectives: Scenario 1 (S1) serves as the baseline with sorting technologies, Scenario 2 (S2) includes a more advanced plastic processing facility for recyclers in the villages, and Scenario 3 (S3) optimizes waste processing to minimize residue. The waste managed in all scenarios comes from 400 households, with additional plastic for S2 from recyclers and entire villages for S3. Data analysis involved mass balance, break-even calculations, financial models, BCR, NPV, and MCDM. The residue disposed of in landfills is 41%, 36%, and 12% of the total waste managed for scenarios 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Financial modeling yielded BCR values of 1.11, 2.13, and 1.77, as well as NPV +Rp174,741,433; +Rp2,590,917,416; and +Rp4,687,308,967. Based on the findings, S2 is recommended for implementation due to its minimized residue, positive cash flow, and feasibility for swift implementation. The current TPS-3R primarily focuses on separating and selling inorganic waste, while this study suggests purchasing separated plastic waste from recyclers and adopting shredder and injection machines to enhance economic viability while reducing residue. By maintaining the existing contribution fee, the collection and recycling rate can be increased.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library