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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Abstrak :
"Routing bergantung pada asal panggilan (Origin-dependent routhig/ODR) dan routing bergantung pada waktu (Time-dependent roating/TDR) merupakan salah satu dari beberapa feature tambahan dari layanan bebas pulsa internasional yang bersifat optional (dapat diaktifkan atau boleh juga tidak diaktifkan). Kedua feature tambahan tersebut merupakan kelebihan dari layanan bebas pulsa interasional dengan sistem berbasis jaringan cerdas dibandingkan dengan layanan bebas pulsa yang sudah ada sebelumnya (sistem collect call). Skripsi ini merupakan simulasi dari kedua feature tambahan tersebut (ODR dan TDR) serta feature jasa (service feature) One Number yang merupakan salah satu inti (core) dari feature jasa layanan bebas pulsa Internasional berbasis jaringan cerdas disamping feature jasa Reverse Charging. Simulasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan dua buah komputer dimana komputer pertama sebagai Jaringan Cerdas dan komputer lainnya sebagai jaringan telepon yang mewakili jaringan sentral dan terminal telepon. Dari uji coba simulasi dapat dilihat bahwa layanan bebas pulsa internasional dengan sistem berbasis jaringan cerdas lebih menguntungkan dibandingkan layanan bebas pulsa internasional biasa (collect calf) baik untuk pihak penyelenggara maupun pibak pelanggan serta dapat mengurangi beban kerja dari sentral penyambung karena penambahan fungsi ""kecerdasan"" tersebut ke dalam jaringan dan feature-feature jasa yang ditawarkan seperti yang akan disimulasikan. Simulasi ini dibuat dengan menggunakan bahasa program Borland Delphi for Windows."
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mailani Dwi Hidayati
Abstrak :
Tungau debu rumah (TDR) adalah salah satu sumber alergen yang paling umum. Sensitisasinya dapat menyebabkan asma. Alergen TDR kelompok 1 adalah alergen kuat anggota keluarga protease sistein yang mampu mengaktifkan alergen lain: kelompok 3, 6, dan 9 yang memiliki aktivitas protease serin. Aktivitas proteolitik terlibat dalam etiologi asma melalui meningkatkan permeabilitas sel epitel saluran napas yang memungkinkan alergen tersebut bersama alergen lain melewati sel epitel dengan memotong protein antar sel. Tubuh manusia memiliki inhibitor protease seperti alpha-1 antitripsin (AAT) merupakan antiprotease serin dan sistatin C merupakan antiprotease sistein. AAT diketahui juga merupakan protein fase aktif positif yang terlibat dalam mekanisme resolusi inflamasi. Sistatin C secara signifikan berhubungan dengan beberapa marker inflamasi seperti protein C-reaktif, IL-6, dan TNF-α. Penelitian kami bertujuan mengetahui keadaan AAT dan sistatin C serum pasien asma TDR. Sebuah studi potong lintang dari 10 pasien asma TDR dan 10 subjek sehat dilakukan. Aktivitas penghambatan AAT dan sistatin C serum diukur dengan uji enzimatik. Konsentrasi AAT dan sistatin C serum diukur dengan metode ELISA. Tidak ada perbedaan signifikan pada aktivitas penghambatan AAT serum (p=0,445, p>0,05), konsentrasi AAT (p=0,290, p>0,05), dan konsentrasi sistatin C (p=0,290, p>0,05). Aktivitas penghambatan sistatin C serum pada pasien asma secara signifikan lebih tinggi daripada subjek sehat (p=0,001, p<0,05). Tidak ada korelasi antara aktivitas penghambatan AAT dan konsentrasi AAT atau korelasi antara aktivitas penghambatan sistatin C dan konsentrasi sistatin C yang diamati. Aktivitas sistatin C pada asma TDR signifikan lebih tinggi daripada subjek sehat. Sedangkan, aktivitas AAT, konsentrasi AAT, dan sistatin C pada pasien asma TDR tinggi tidak signifikan daripada subjek sehat. ......House dust mite (HDM) is one of the most common sources of allergen. Its sensitization can lead to asthma. The group 1 mite allergens are potent allergens belonging to the papain-like cysteine protease family. Moreover, the group 1 mite allergens were able to activate others like groups 3, group 6, and group 9 that have serine protease activity. The proteolytic activity involves the etiology of asthma by increasing the permeability of the airway epithelial cell and allowing themselves and other allergens to pass through the epithelial cells by cleaving the cell surface molecules. The human body has natural inhibitor protease like alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) which has anti-serine protease and cystatin C which has anti-cysteine protease. AAT is known as an acute phase protein that is involved in the inflammation resolution mechanism. Cystatin C was significantly correlated with several inflammatory markers such as C-reactive protein, IL-6, and TNF-α. Our study aimed to investigate the behavior of serum alpha-1 antitrypsin and cystatin C in patients with house dust mite asthma. A cross-sectional study of 10 patients with HDM allergic asthma and 10 healthy subjects were carried out. Serum AAT and cystatin C inhibitory activity were measured with enzymatic assays. While serum AAT and cystatin C concentration were determined by ELISA method. No significant differences in serum AAT inhibitory activity (p=0.445, p>0.05), serum AAT concentration (p=0.290, p>0.05), and cystatin C concentration (p=0.290, p>0.05). Serum cystatin C inhibitory activity in asthmatic patients was significantly higher than healthy subject (p=0.001, p<0.05). Neither correlation between the AAT inhibitory activity and the AAT concentration or correlation between cystatin C inhibitory activity and cystatin C concentration was observed. In conclusion, the activity of cystatin C in dust mite asthma is significantly higher than in healthy subjects. Whereas the activity of AAT, concentration of AAT, and cystatin C in dust mite asthma patients are insignificantly higher than in healthy subjects.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bagus Utomo
Abstrak :
Menteri Keuangan selaku Bendahara Umum Negara berwenang mengelola keuangan negara yang mencakup pengelolaan kas dan surat berharga, termasuk menanggulangi kekurangan kas atau memanfaatkan kelebihan kas secara optimal. Dalam rangka meningkatkan Pendapatan Negara Bukan Pajak serta mengurangi biaya menghimpun dana, Direktorat Jenderal Perbendaharaan berinisiatif membangun Treasury Dealing Room TDR . Penggunaan anggaran untuk investasi sistem informasi/teknologi informasi SI/TI mencapai 74 dari total anggaran proyek.Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan analisis manfaat ekonomi dan identifikasi risiko investasi sistem TDR. Mengingat biaya investasi bersumber dari Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara, penelitian ini juga melakukan identifikasi manfaat investasi bagi negara. Identifikasi manfaat bisnis bagi organisasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan tabel manfaat bisnis SI/TI generik. Hasil identifikasi kemudian dianalisis berdasarkan keterkaitan atau hubungan sebab akibat menggunakan pendekatan system dynamics dengan tujuan menghilangkan duplikasi manfaat serta memperoleh manfaat bisnis utama. Manfaat bisnis utama selanjutnya dipetakan menggunakan kerangka pikir kesejahteraan digital untuk mendapatkan manfaat investasi bagi negara. Nilai ekonomi investasi sistem TDR diperoleh melalui kuantifikasi manfaat bisnis utama berdasarkan metrik TI dan asumsi-asumsi perhitungan nilai dana TDR. Penelitian ini juga melakukan identifikasi risiko menggunakan COSO Enterprise Risk Management-Integrated Framework untuk menunjang pencapaian manfaat investasi. Analisis tematik digunakan untuk mengolah data yang bersumber dari wawancara, diskusi, dan studi dokumen.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa investasi sistem TDR mampu mengurangi biaya uang/bunga pinjaman RCO-09 , meningkatkan pendapatan yang disebabkan oleh meningkatnya kapasitas bisnis IRE-01 dan segmentasi pasar IRE-04 . Total nilai manfaat ekonomi selama lima tahun sebesar Rp655.294.873.957. Manfaat investasi sistem TDR bagi negara yaitu meningkatkan efisiensi dan pasar yang lebih luas dan efisien. Berdasarkan identifikasi risiko, diperoleh sebelas potensi risiko yang dapat menghambat pencapaian manfaat investasi sistem TDR meliputi kategori peraturan, koordinasi, teknologi, dan Sumber Daya Manusia SDM .
Minister of Finance as State General Treasurer has the authority to manage state finance covering cash and securities management, including overcoming cash shortage or optimally utilizing cash surplus. To increase Non-Tax State Revenue and reduce the cost of funding, Directorate General of Treasury took the initiative to build Treasury Dealing Room TDR . The use of budget for information system/information technology IS/IT is 74 of the total project budget.This study aims to analyze the economic benefits and risk identification of TDR system investment. Considering the investment costs sourced from the State Budget, this research also identifies the benefit for the country. The identification of business benefits for the organization is conducted using generic IS/IT business value table. The identification results are then analyzed based on causality using system dynamics approach with the goal of eliminating duplicate benefits and obtaining key business benefits. Key business benefits are then mapped into digital prosperity framework to get the benefits for the country. The economic value of TDR system investment is obtained through quantification of key business benefits based on IT metrics and assumptions on calculating the value of TDR funds. This study also identifies risks using COSO Enterprise Risk Management-Integrated Framework to support the achievement of investment benefits. Thematic analysis is used to process data derived from interviews, discussions, and document studies.The results show that investment of TDR systems can reduce the cost of money RCO-09 , increase revenue caused by increasing business capacity IRE-01 and widening market segment IRE-04 . The total value of the benefits for five years amounted to Rp655.294.873.957,-. The investment of TDR system also generates benefits for the country, that are increasing efficiency and a larger and more efficient market. Based on risk identification, eleven potential risks that can inhibit the achievement of TDR system investment benefits, including categories of regulations, coordination, technology, and Human Resources HR .
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ni Luh Ayu Megasari
Abstrak :

Background: the global scale-p of antiretroviral therapy (ART) is the primary factor contributing to the decline in deaths from acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)-related illnesses. However, the emergence of transmitted drug resistance (TDR) compromises the effects of ART in treatment-naive individuals, which may hinder treatment success. The present study aimed to identify the presence of TDR among treatment-naive individuals in Buleleng, Bali, which is currently ranked sixth among Indonesian provinces with the highest cumulative human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection cases. Methods: thirty-nine ART-naive individuals in Buleleng Regency General Hospital were enrolled in the present study. Blood samples from participants were subjected to a genotypic analysis. Results: 28 protease (PR) and 30 reverse transcriptase (RT) genes were successfully amplified and sequenced from 37 samples. HIV-1 subtyping revealed CRF01_AE as the dominant circulating recombinant form in the region. No TDR for PR inhibitors was detected; however, TDR for RT inhibitors was identified in five out of 30 samples (16.7%). Conclusion: these results indicate the emergence of TDR among ART-naive individuals in Buleleng, Bali. This issue warrants serious consideration because TDR may hamper treatment success and reduce ART efficacy among newly diagnosed individuals. Continuous surveillance with a larger sample size is necessary to monitor TDR among ART-naive individuals.
Jakarta: University of Indonesia. Faculty of Medicine, 2019
610 UI-IJIM 51:3 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bagus Utomo
Abstrak :
Minister of Finance has authority to manage state finances covering cash and securities. To increase Non-Tax State Revenue and reduce the cost of funding, the Directorate General of Treasury build Treasury Dealing Room (TDR). The Budget for information system/information technology (IS/IT) is 74% of the total project budget. This study aims to analyze economic benefits of TDR system investment. Generic IS/IT business value table is used to identify the benefits for the organization and digital prosperity framework for the country. Systems dynamics is used to analyze the interrelationship between business benefits to obtain key business benefits. Quantification is based on IT metrics and assumptions on calculating the value of TDR funds. This research also identifies risks using COSO Enterprise Risk Management-Integrated Framework. Thematic analysis is used to process qualitative data. The results show that investment of TDR systems can reduce the cost of money (RCO-09), increasing revenue caused by increasing business capacity (IRE-01) and widening market segment (IRE-04). The total value of benefits for five years amounted to Rp655.294.873.957. The benefits for the country are increasing efficiency and a larger and more efficient market. Eleven potential risks covering regulatory, coordination, technology, and human resources aspects are obtained.
Jakarta: Direktorat Jenderal Pembendaharaan Kementerian Keuangan Republik Indonesia, 2018
336 ITR 3:3 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library