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Ditemukan 11 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Eri Nurkomala
Abstrak :

Sampai saat terapi radiasi merupakan pengobatan pilihan terhadap kanker nasofaring. Radiasi yang diberikan tersebut dapat menyebabkan penurunan jumlah limfosit. Penurunan jumlah limfosit di atas diduga antara lain karena terjadi aberasi kromosom. Dari penelitian sebelumnya terlihat bahwa radiasi rnengakibatkan aberasi kromosom pada penderita yang menjalani terapi radiasi. Tipe-tipe aberasi kromosom yang terbentuk dapat berupa kromosom disentrik, kromosom asentrik dan kromosom cincin.

Terapi radiasi diberikan dengan dosis 200 cGy per hari, lima kali berturut-turut dalam seminggu selama kira-kira enam minggu. Sampel diperoleh dari darah tepi penderita kanker nasofaring yang belum mendapat radiasi (kontrol= 0 cGy), setelah terapi radiasi 2000 cGy, 4000 cGy, serta 6000 cGy.

Dari uji Kruskal-Wallis yang dilanjutkan dengan "criticai range" Kruskal-Wallis, menunjukan kromosom disentrik dan kromosom asentrik berbeda nyata antara kontrol dengan penderita yang mendapat radiasi (2000 cGy, 4000 cGy, 6000 cGy), sedangkan jumlah kromosom cincin terbanyak pada radiasi 4000 eGy (P < 0,05). Aberasi lain tidak dipengaruhi oleh dosis radiasi. Uji Spearman memperlihatkan kromosom cincin dan kromosom asentrik berkorelasi negatif terhadap jumlah limfosit (P < 0,05), sebaliknya antara kromosom disentrik dengan jumlah limfosit tidak ada korelasi negatif (P 0,05).
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1990
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 1978
571.96 CEL
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
London: British Leprosy Relief Association,
610 LRJ
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
Moh. Cecep Cepi Hikmat
Abstrak :
Limbah radioaktif yang dihasilkan dari pemanfaatan teknologi nuklir terus bertambah. Penghasil limbah dan atau badan pelaksana dapat menerapkan tingkat klierens untuk mengurangi jumlah limbah radioaktif. Penelitian dilakukan di Pusat Teknologi Limbah Radioaktif-Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional Kawasan Nuklir Serpong. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi konsentrasi aktivitas radionuklida yang terkandung di dalam limbah radioaktif praolah, menganalisis prakiraan dampak penerapan tingkat klierens limbah radioaktif pada aspek ekonomi estimasi penghematan biaya pengolahan limbah radioaktif padat secara kompaksi , menganalisis prakiraan dampak penerapan tingkat klierens limbah radioaktif pada aspek sosial kesehatan pekerja radiasi dan masyarakat: hitung jumlah limfosit dan menganalisis prakiraan dampak penerapan tingkat klierens limbah radioaktif pada aspek lingkungan dosis yang diterima oleh tanah, badan air dan tanaman . Jumlah sampel limbah radioaktif sebanyak 11 drum 100 liter, pekerja radiasi 27 orang dan masyarakat 33 orang. Analisis limbah menggunakan alat spektrometer gamma digiBASE, menghitung dosis di lingkungan menggunakan perangkat lunak RESRAD OFFSITE, dan analisis biaya menggunakan metode valuasi ekonomi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat delapan sampel limbah radioaktif yang masuk kategori klierens dan sisanya masih di atas batasan klierens, penerapan tingkat klierens dapat mereduksi biaya pengolahan, penerapan tingkat klierens tidak memberikan dampak pada penurunan kadar limfosit dalam darah, dan juga tidak memberikan tambahan dosis di lingkungan. Tingkat klierens perlu segera diterapkan agar dapat mereduksi volume limbah radioaktif yang ada di fasilitas interim storage. ......The radioactive waste generated from utilization of nuclear technology continues to grow. Waste generator and or operator able to apply clearance level to reduce the amount of radioactive waste. The study was conducted at the Center for Radioactive Waste Technology National Nuclear Energy Agency at Serpong Nuclear Region. The aims of study to identify the activity concentration of radionuclides contained in radioactive waste pre treatment, to analyze impact forecasts of radioactive waste clearance level on the economic aspects estimated cost savings of compactible radioactive waste treatment , to analyze impact forecasts of radioactive waste clearance level on the social aspects health of radiation workers and the public count the number of lymphocytes and to analyze impact forecasts of radioactive waste clearance level on the environmental aspects the dose received by the soil, water bodies and plants . The number of samples are 11 samples of radioactive waste, 27 samples of radiation workers and 33 samples of the public. Analysis of radioactive waste using digiBASE gamma spectrometer, calculate the dose of radiation in the environment using RESRAD OFFSITE computer code, and cost analysis using economic valuation methods. The results showed that there were eight samples of radioactive waste in the category clearance and remaining is still above the clearance limit, application clearance level can reduce the cost of processing, the application clearance level no impact on the decreased levels of lymphocytes in the blood, and also did not provide additional radiation dose in the environment. The clearance level needs to be applied in order to reduce the volume of radioactive waste in interim storage facility.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizki Kamalia
Abstrak :
Pasien kanker payudara sering terjadi penurunan sistem imun yaitu menurunnya limfosit, yang dapat meningkatkan angka kematian. Akupunktur diharapkan dapat menjadi pilihan terapi untuk meningkatkan limfosit karena terapi farmakologi saat ini harganya sangat mahal dan mempunyai efek samping. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan tindakan EA sebagai immunomodulator terhadap imunitas seluler dengan meningkatkan jumlah persentase limfosit sediaan apus darah tepi pada mencit C3H model adenokarsinoma payudara. Penelitian eksperimental laboratorik dengan post test only control group design melibatkan dua puluh sediaan apus darah tepi yang diambil dari 20 mencit C3H model adenokarsinoma payudara yang dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok yaitu Kelompok K tidak diberi perlakuan EA, kelompok P1 dilakukan EA 1 kali, kelompok P2 dilakukan EA 2 kali dan P3 dilakukan EA 3 kali. Tindakan EA dilakukan pada titik ST36 Zusanli, BL18 Ganshu, BL20 Pishu dengan frekuensi 2Hz selama 15 menit. Hasil penelitian didapatkan rata-rata persentase limfosit tertinggi terdapat pada kelompok P2 49,60 7,021 . Dengan uji ANOVA jumlah persentase limfosit antara kelompok P1, P2, P3 dan kelompok kontrol tidak terdapat perbedaan rerata yang bermakna p=0.811 . Kesimpulan yang diperoleh yaitu elektroakupunktur meningkatkan jumlah persentase limfosit sediaan apus darah tepi pada mencit C3H model adenokarsinoma payudara.
Breast Cancer Patients often decrease the immune system that is decreased lymphocytes, which can increase mortality. Acupuncture is expected to be a therapeutic option to increase lymphocytes because current pharmacological therapy is very expensive and has side effects. This study aims to prove the action of EA as an immunomodulator against cellular immunity by increasing the percentage of lymphocytes of peripheral blood smear in C3H mice of breast adenocarcinoma model. Laboratory experimental study with post test only control group design involving twenty peripheral blood smear preparations taken from 20 mice C3H breast adenocarcinoma model divided into 4 groups ie Group K not given EA treatment, group P1 performed EA 1 times, group P2 performed EA 2 times and P3 done EA 3 times. The action of EA is done at ST36 Zusanli point, BL18 Ganshu, BL20 Pishu with frequency of 2Hz for 15 minutes. The result showed that the highest percentage of lymphocyte was found in group P2 49,60 7,021 . With ANOVA test, the number of lymphocyte percentages between P1, P2, P3 and control group did not have significant mean difference p 0.811 . The conclusion obtained is that electroacupuncture increases the percentage of lymphocytes of the peripheral blood smear in C3H mice of breast adenocarcinoma model.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Irawati
Abstrak :
Untuk menciptakan penutupan sistem saluran akar yang adekuat diperlukan bahan siler yang berfungsi untuk mengisi celah diantara gutaperca dan dinding saluran akar.Pada pengisian saluran akar sering ditemukan kondisi siler yang keluar dari foramen sehingga berkontak dengan jaringan periapeks dalam waktu yang berkepanjangan.Untuk itu, salah satu persyaratan dari bahan siler saluran akar adalah harus bersifat biokompatibel terhadap jaringan periradikular.Genotoksisitas adalah salah satu faktor penting yang mempengaruhi biokompatibilitas bahan. Siler saluran akar yang digunakan saat ini merupakan bahan kimia yang dapat mengakibatkan kerusakan pada DNA apabila terpapar dalam waktu yang lama.Terdapat berbagai macam bahan siler seperti siler berbasis Resin, Silikon, atau Bioceramik yang masing-masing memiliki kandungan zat yang berpotensi genotoksik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan membandingkan potensi genotoksisitas pada siler berbasis Resin, Silikon, dan Bioceramik terhadap DNA sel limfosit manusia dengan menggunakan uji genotoksisitas ?-H2AX selama 1, 3 dan 7 hari. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwasiler berbasis Resin, Silikon, dan Bioceramik memiliki potensi genotoksik terhadap DNA sel limfosit manusia dengan nilai tertinggi terdapat pada siler berbasis resin, selanjutnya diikuti oleh siler berbasis Silikon dan Bioceramik.
To create an adequate sealing on root canal system, it is requires a sealer that fill the gap between gutta percha and root canal wall. In root canal obturation, it is frequently found that sealer leak to foramen and in contact with periapex tissue in a prolonged time. For that reason, one property that requirement of root canal sealer material is biocompatible to periradicular tissue. Genotoxicity is one of the important factors that affecting the biocompatibility of the material. Root canal sealer used today are chemicals that can cause DNA damage when exposed for long periods of time. There are a wide range of sealers such as Resin based sealer, Silicone based, or Biaceramic based that each have a potentially genotoxic substance. The purpose of this study was to investigate and compare the potential genotoxicity of Resin based Silicone based, and Bioceramic based sealers against human DNA lymphocytes using H2AX assay for 1, 3, and 7 days. Based on the results, it is known that Resin based, Silicone based, and Bioceramic based sealers have genotoxic potential against human DNA lymphocytes with the highest value found in Resin based, followed by Silicone based and Bioceramic based sealers.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aurelius Raditya Tirto
Abstrak :
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) adalah retrovirus yang bereplikasi di limfosit T-helper CD4+, mengakibatkan penurunan jumlahnya dan imunodefisiensi. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan kematian banyak anak HIV-positif akibat penyakit umum pada masa kanak-kanak. Salah satu cara untuk mencegahnya adalah dengan memberi terapi antiretroviral atau ART, yang meningkatkan jumlah Limfosit CD4+. Melalui percobaan ini, kami bertujuan untuk menentukan dinamika peningkatan ini. 360 pasien dipilih dari anak-anak dengan HIV di RSCM dari tahun 2005-2021. Data yang diambil meliputi persentase CD4, jumlah CD4, dan Usia. Datanya dibagi berdasarkan usia menjadi 4 kelompok dan kemudian dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif, analisis chi-square, dan analisis survival. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas anak dengan infeksi HIV mengalami imunosupresi berat, dan berusia di bawah 5 tahun. Saat terapi ART dilanjutkan, jumlah anak tanpa imunosupresi meningkat dan analisis kelangsungan hidup menunjukkan bahwa pasien yang lebih tua memiliki kemungkinan bertahan hidup yang lebih baik daripada yang lebih muda. Kesimpulannya, seiring berlanjutnya terapi ART, jumlah CD4 pasien dan kemungkinan bertahan hidup akan meningkat, dengan yang terbesar terjadi tepat pada awal terapi.  ......The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a retrovirus that replicates in CD4+ T-helper lymphocytes, resulting in a decrease in numbers and immunodeficiency. This can cause the death of many HIV-positive children from common childhood illnesses. One way to prevent this is by giving them antiretroviral therapy or ART, which increases the number of CD4+ Lymphocytes. Through this experiment, we aim to determine the dynamics of this increase. 360 patients were chosen from children with HIV at the RSCM from 2005-2021. Data taken include their CD4 percentage, CD4 count, and Age. The data was then divided based on their age into 4 groups and analysed using descriptive analysis, chi-square analysis, and survival analysis. Results showed that the majority of children with HIV infection are severely immunosuppressed, and are under 5 years old. As the ART therapy is continued the number of children without immunosuppression increases and survival analysis shows that older patients have better survival probability than younger ones. In conclusion, as ART therapy continues, patients’ CD4 count and survival probability will increase, with the largest occurring right at the start of the therapy. 

Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cornelis Murre, editor
Abstrak :
The studies described in this volume serve as a starting point to familiarize one self with the multifarious differences in epigenetic designs that orchestrate the progression of developing blood cells. They also may serve as a general paradigm for the mechanisms that underpin the control of eukaryotic gene expression.
Berlin: [, Springer-Verlag], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Osamu Kaminuma
Abstrak :
Eosinophilic inflammation in combination with immunoglobulin E (IgE) production is a characteristic feature of atopic dermatitis. Although activated T-helper type (Th) 2 cells play critical roles in the local accumulation and activation of eosinophils, whether they induce eosinophilic skin inflammation, independent of the IgE-mediated pathway has been unclear. To address the functional role of T cells in allergic skin diseases, we herein transferred Th1/Th2-differentiated or naive DO11.10 T cells into unprimed BALB/c mice. Ovalbumin-specific Th2 cells, as well as eosinophils, accumulated in the skin upon antigen challenge, despite the absence of antigen-specific IgE. Neither antigen-specific Th1 nor naive T cells induced eosinophil accumulation, although Th1 cells by themselves migrated into the skin. Interleukin (IL)-4, IL-5, and eotaxin were specifically produced in the skin of antigen-challenged, Th2 cell-transferred mice, whereas interferon (IFN)-γ and regulated on activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted (RANTES) were preferentially produced in Th1 cells-transferred mice. Production of monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1 and MCP-3 was enhanced by both Th1 and Th2 cells. The accumulation of eosinophils and Th2 cells in the skin was suppressed by both dexamethasone and FK506, indicating an essential role of Th2 cells in eosinophil recruitment. We conclude that Th2 cells can induce eosinophilic infiltration into the skin in the absence of antigen-specific IgE.
Suwon Korea: The Korean Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2018
610 AAIR 10:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
T. M. Marini
Abstrak :
Tujuan : Mengetahui korelasi antara kadar vitamin E dengan jumlah limfosit CD4 penderita HIV/ AIDS Tempat : Klinik Kelompok Studi Khusus AIDS Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia/ RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta. Metodologi : Penelitian potong lintang pada 52 penderita HIV/ AIDS , berusia 20-40 tahun. Data yang diambil meliputi data demografi, infeksi oportunistik, asupan energi asupan lemak dengan metode food recall 1x24 jam, asupan vitamin E dengan food frequency questionnaire (F Q) semikuantitatif, kadar vitamin E plasma dan hitung limfosit CD4. Analisis bivariat dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji korelasi Pearson. Hasil : Subyek terdiri dari 44 orang laki-laki dan 8 orang perempuan, median usia 26 tahun, 75% berpendidikan sedang, 63,5% berpenghasilan di bawah UMP, 59,6% tidak merokok, 80,77% golongan IDU, 82,7% AIDS, 80,8% dengan IO. Rerata IMT 19,53 kg/m2 dan 53,8% termasuk normal , rerata asupan energi 1574,1 ± 198,48 kkal, rerata asupan lemak 31,17 ± 7,26%, median asupan vitamin E 10,00 ± 1,82 mg/ hari, dan 84,6% memiliki asupan vitamin E kurang. Nilai median kadar vitamin E plasma 22,59 (11,08-70,24) µmol/L dan 90,4% subyek memiliki kadar vitamin E normal. Didapatkan korelasi positif bermakna antara asupan lemak dengan kadar vitamin E plasma(r=0.307, p-0.027*) dan antara asupan vitamin E dengan jumlah CD4 (r=0.363, p=0.008*). Tidak ada korelasi antara IMT dengan limfosit CD4 (r-0.210, p=0.135), asupan vitamin E dengan kadar vitamin E plasma (r-0.222, p=0.114), kadar vitamin E plasma dengan jumlah limfosit CD4(r= 0.028, p'.843). Kesimpulan : Tidak terdapat korelasi antara kadar vitamin E plasma dengan jumlah CD4 penderita HIV/ AIDS.
Objective : To investigate the correlation between plasma vitamin E concentration and the number of CD4 lymphocytes count in HIV/ AIDS patients Method : This was a cross-sectional study involving 52 HIVIAIDS patients, aged 20-40 years in University of Indonesia AIDS Working Group (POKDIKSUS) Clinic at Dr Ciptomangunkusumo General Hospital Jakarta. Data were collected including demographic characteristic, energy and fat intake by the 24-hour dietary recall method, vitamin E intake using FFQ semi quantitative method, vitamin E plasma concentration and CD4 lymphocytes count. Statistical analysis was carried out using Pearson's correlation test to investigate the correlation between vitamin E plasma concentration and the number of CD4 lymphocytes count in HIVIAIDS patients. Result : The subjects were comprised 44 men and 8 women with median of age 26 years. 75% of the subjects were in middle education level; 63.5% were earned under Jakarta's minimum wages; 59.6% were non-smoker; 80.77% were IDU; 82.7% were infected by AIDS; and 80.8% with opportunistic infection. The BMI mean was 19.53kg/m2 of which 518% were normal. The mean of daily energy intake was 1574.11 ± 198.48 kcal, the mean of fat intake was 31.17 ± 7.27%, the median of vitamin E intake 10.00 (7.67- 15.38) mgld and 84.6% had a low vitamin E intake. The median value of vitamin E plasma level was 22.59 (11.08-70.24) µmol/L and 90.4% of subjects had normal vitamin E plasma concentration. There was a significant correlation of fat intake with vitamin E plasma concentration (r=0.307, p=0.427*), also of vitamin E intake with CD4 lymphocytes count (r 0.363, p-0.008*). But, there was no correlation of BMI with CD4 lymphocytes count (r0.210, p=0.135), of vitamin E intake with vitamin E plasma concentration (r=0.222, p=0.114), also the concentration of vitamin E plasma with CD4 lymphocytes count (r= 0.028, p=0.843). Conclusion: No correlation was found between plasma vitamin E concentration and CD4 lymphocytes count in HIV/ AIDS patients..
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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