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Ditemukan 8 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Otto, Mary
"Show me your teeth," the great naturalist Georges Cuvier is credited with saying, "and I will tell you who you are." In this shattering new work, veteran health journalist Mary Otto looks inside America's mouth, revealing unsettling truths about our unequal society. Teeth takes readers on a disturbing journey into America's silent epidemic of oral disease, exposing the hidden connections between tooth decay and stunted job prospects, low educational achievement, decreased social mobility, and the troubling state of our public health. Otto's subjects include the pioneering dentist who made Shirley Temple and Judy Garland's teeth sparkle on the silver screen and helped create the all-American image of "pearly whites"; Deamonte Driver, the young Maryland boy whose tragic death from an abscessed tooth sparked congressional hearings; and a marketing guru who offers advice to dentists on how to push new and expensive treatments and how to keep Medicaid patients at bay. In one of its most disturbing findings, Teeth reveal that toothaches are not an occasional inconvenience, but rather a chronic reality for millions of people, including disproportionate numbers of the elderly and people of color. Many people, Otto reveals, resort to prayer to counteract the uniquely devastating effects of dental pain. Otto also goes back in time to understand the roots of our predicament in the history of dentistry, showing how it became separated from mainstream medicine, despite a century of growing evidence that oral health and general bodily health are closely related. Muckraking and paradigm-shifting, Teeth exposes for the first time the extent and meaning of our oral health crisis. It joins the small shelf of books that change the way we view society and ourselves - and will spark an urgent conversation about why our teeth matter."
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New York: The New Press, 2017
617.6 OTT t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jeff Malpas
"This volume brings together a range of interdisciplinary perspectives on a topic of central importance, but which has otherwise tended to be approached from within just one or another disciplinary framework. Most of the essays contained here incorporate some degree of interdisciplinarity in their own approach, but the volume nevertheless divides into three main sections, philosophical considerations, humanities approaches, legal, medical, and therapeutic contexts.
The volume includes essays by philosophers, medical practitioners and researchers, historians, lawyers, literary, classical, and Judaic scholars. The essays are united by a common concern with the question of the human character of suffering, and the demands that suffering, and the recognition of suffering, make upon us."
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Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andri Yuniarti
"Skripsi ini berfokus pada kajian suffering dan coping mechanism pada lansia di sebuah panti werdha swasta di daerah Cibubur, yaitu Sasana Tresna Werdha (STW) Karya Bhakti RIA Pembangunan. Melalui wawancara mendalam dan pengamatan terlibat saya berupaya memahami bagaimana suffering dapat terbentuk dan bagaimana upaya yang dilakukan lansia untuk menghadapinya hingga dapat keluar dari situasi tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa beberapa bentuk strategi coping mechanism dilakukan oleh lansia guna melepaskan diri dari situasi yang membuat mereka tertekan. Terwujudnya tindakan berupa strategi ini didorong oleh agensi yang dimiliki lansia sebagai aktor. Dijelaskan pula berbagai bentuk tindakan lansia ketika mengalami suffering, strategi coping mechanism yang mereka lakukan sebagai bentuk upaya menanggulanginya, serta bagaimana bentuk-bentuk strategi tersebut dapat mereka wujudkan.

This paper focuses on the suffering and coping mechanism that are experienced by elderly in a private home care in Cibubur, called Sasana Tresna Werdha (STW) Karya Bhakti RIA Pembangunan. Through in-depth interviews and participant observations, I seek to understand how suffering could be formed and what actions that elderly do to get out of that situation. The study showed that some forms of coping mechanism strategies were carried out by the elderly to escape themselves from situations that made them depressed. The realization of these strategies is driven by the agency owned by the elderly as an actor. This paper also explains various forms of elderly actions when they were in suffering situation, coping mechanism strategies that they embodied as a form of effort to deal with that situation, and how these forms can be actualized.
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"As societies become more complex and interconnected, the global risk for catastrophic disasters is increasing. Demand for expertise to mitigate the human suffering and damage these events cause is also high. A new field of disaster medicine is emerging, offering innovative approaches to optimize disaster management. Much of the information needed to create the foundation for this growing specialty is not objectively described or is scattered among multiple different sources. This definitive work brings together a coherent and comprehensive collection of scientific observations and evidence-based recommendations with expert contributors from around the globe. This book identifies essential subject matter, clarifies nomenclature, and outlines necessary areas of proficiency for healthcare professionals handling mass casualty crises. It also describes in-depth strategies for the rapid diagnosis and treatment of victims suffering from blast injuries or exposure to chemical, biological, and radiological agents."
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United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2016
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yoan Angelin
Kebutuhan hidup manusia yang semakin meningkat nyatanya tidak disertai dengan rasa kepedulian kepada alam. Alam selama ini hanya dianggap sebagai objek, atau sebagai pemenuh kebutuhan manusia. Cara berpikir seperti ini membuat manusia tidak dapat terlepas dari perilaku antroposentrisme dengan menempatkan kepentingan manusia lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kepentingan makhluk hidup lainnya. Tingginya permintaan serta harga jual sirip hiu yang cukup tinggi, membuat praktik perburuan terhadap hiu sangat sulit untuk dihentikan terlebih di laut Indonesia. Padahal pada kenyataannya, hiu memiliki peranan yang penting dalam menjaga keseimbangan ekosistem laut. Prinsip utilitarianisme Peter Singer digunakan sebagai kaca mata dalam memandang alam beserta segala makhluk yang bukan manusia, bahwa alam dan hiu juga memiliki kepentingan. Tolok ukur yang digunakan Singer adalah kemampuan merasakan sakit. Konsep utilitas yang akan dihadirkan dalam kasus ini adalah mencoba menghasilkan kebahagiaan yang plural, dimana semua kehidupan makhluk yang ada di bumi dapat bertahan.

The need of human life is increasingly in fact not accompanied by a sense of care to nature. Nature has been regarded only as an object, or as a fulfillment of human needs. This way of thinking makes human beings inseparable from anthropocentrism behavior by placing human interest higher than other living things. The high demand and high prices of shark fins make the practice of hunting for sharks very difficult to stop in the Indonesian sea. In fact, sharks have an important role in maintaining the balance of marine ecosystems. The principle of utilitarianism Peter Singer used as a spectacle in view of nature and all non human beings, that nature and sharks also have an interest. Singer benchmark uses is the ability to feel pain. The concept of utility to be presented in this case is to try to produce plural happiness, where all the living beings that exist on earth can survive. "
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UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuan, Zhang Ji
"Tema budaya Tionghoa menjadi salah satu hal menarik dalam khazanah kesusastraan Indonesia. Marginalisasi dan gambaran penderitaan kaum peranakan Tionghoa menjadi bukti bahwa masih terdapat intoleransi dan ketimpangan dalam masyarakat Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa studi pustaka. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi sastra dengan melihat gagasan diskriminatif yang disampaikan melalui tokoh dan penokohan. Dalam penelitian ini diperoleh hasil bahwa bentuk diskriminasi sosial yang dialami oleh peranakan Tionghoa pada tiga cerpen dalam kumpulan cerpen Kelurga Tan mengacu kepada diskriminasi gender, fisik, dan status sosial. Faktor diskriminasi sosial pada tiga cerpen dalam kumpulan cerpen Kelurga Tan dipengaruhi oleh aspek politik, pergaulan, dan stereotipe lingkungan sekitar. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat bagi segala pihak yang tertarik pada isu diskriminasi dalam karya sastra, khususnya pada tokoh peranakan Tionghoa.

The theme of Chinese culture is one of the interesting things in Indonesian literature. The marginalization and depiction of the suffering of Chinese-Indonesian descendants is proof that there is still intolerance and inequality in Indonesian society. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods with data collection techniques in the form of literature study. In addition, this study also uses a sociology of literature approach by looking at discriminatory ideas conveyed through characters and characterizations. In this research, it was found that the form of social discrimination experienced by Chinese-breeders in the three short stories in the collection of Tan Family short stories refers to gender, physical and social status discrimination. The factor of social discrimination in the three short stories in the collection of Tan Family short stories is influenced by political aspects, association, and stereotypes of the surrounding environment. This research is expected to be useful for all parties who are interested in the issue of discrimination in literary works, especially the figures of Chinese descent.
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Henny Lise
"Salah satu physical hazard di dunia industri adalah kehisingan. Dan hingga saat ini kebisingan adalah masalah yang paling sering ditemukan di sebagian besar industri. Kebisingan ditempat kerja akan memberikan dampak negatif bagi kesehatan dan keselamatan karyawan dan lingkungan, khususnya terhadap penurunan fungsi pendengaran. Karyawan adalah salah satu asset penting bagi perusahaan dan merupakan kewajiban bagi setiap perusahaan untuk melindungi, meningkatkan kesehatan dan meningkatkan produktifitas karyawan sesuai dengan kebijakan dan standar yang telah ditetapkan oleh perusahaan. Tingginya angka kejadian penurunan fungsi pendengaran pada karyawan yang terpajan bising memperlihatkan adanya hubungan antara karakteristik lingkungan kerja yang bising dengan dampak tersebut. Namun demikian terjadinya penurunan fungsi pendengaran tidak hanya diakibatkan oleh pajanan bising, melainkan adanya faktor - faktor lain yang ikut berpengaruh terbadap penurunan fungsi pendengaran, seperti faktor usia, masa kerja, riwayat pekerjaan lain, status kesehatan dan hobi.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kepajanan bising dan penurunan fungsi pendengaran pada karyawan yang terpajan bising di area finishing dan dyeing PT. Coats rejo, Bogor, melalui pendekatan cross-sectional. Analisa penelitian ini menggunakan analisa statistik univariat, bivariat dengan uji Chi-Square, dan analisa multivariat dengan uji regresi logistik. Adapun populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 117 karyawan yang sudah dilakukan pemeriksaan audiometri.
Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan ada sebanyak 13 karyawan ( 11,1 %) yang mengalami Sensori Neural Hearing Loss, dan seluruh karyawan yang diteliti (117). Setelah dilakukan analisa secara statistik, didapatkan faktor-faktor yang secara dominan mempengaruhi penurunan fungsi pendengaran di kalangan karyawan, yaitu riwayat status kesehatan, usia, dan masa kerja. Peneliti berharap penelitian ini dapat memberikan saran dan masukan kepada manajemen PT.Coats Rejo Bogor untuk menerapkan Program Konservasi Pendengaran secara terpadu dengan melibatkan manajemen dan karyawan, sehingga bahaya bising yang ada di lingkungan kerja dapat dikendalikan agar tidak memberi dampak yang negatifbagi kesehatan karyawan, khususnya terbadap penurunan fungsi pendengaran.

Noise is a physical hazard that exist in any industrial activities. Noise in the workplaces has a negative effects to the health and safety of employees in their daily occupations, especially hearing loss. Employees are one of the most company assets . therefore, the company should protect their employees from exposure to noise and promote employees health in accordance with the standard and company policy. Increasing of the hearing loss cases in the workplace, showed that work environment characterized by the relationship with the risks of noise exposures. Eventhough the hearing loss can be caused by noise exposures, it can also be influenced by other factors such as ages, length of work, history of work with noisy environment, history of health and hobbies.
The purpose of this research is to better understand the factors associated with the noise exposure and hearing loss to the employees at finishing and dyeing areas of PT.Coats Rejo Bogor. This research has been conducted with a cross-sectional approach, and life event scale technique that carried out through questionnaires that are distributed to the respondens. The sample of this research are covering all workers who have been examinated by the audiometric test. There were 117 respondens, and the research statistics analyze data using the techniques of univariate and bivariate through the Chi-Square test, together with the multivariate through the logistic regression test.
The results of this research showed 11,1% of respondens have experienced sensori-neural hearing loss. History of health, age, and length of work are stastistically significant value and dominating influence on the sensori-neural hearing loss related noise exposures in the workplace. This research can hopefully lead to recommendations that will help the company in developing management of hearing conservation programs in the workplace in order to reduce hearing loss.
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Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2004
T 12886
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Titik Haryanti
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2019
613 KESMAS 13:3 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library