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Intan Dwi Susanti
Abstrak :
Rumah sakit (RS) Syariah adalah RS yang melaksanakan semua aktivitas, baik pelayanan pasien maupun pengelolaan manajemennya berdasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip Maqashid Al-Syari’ah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan indikator mutu dan standar pelayanan minimal RS Syariah terhadap kinerja pelayanan Medical Check-Up (MCU) di RS YARSI Jakarta. Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode campuran (mixed methods research) secara cross-sectional. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa kepatuhan petugas melakukan identifikasi pasien, kepatuhan petugas melaksanakan cuci tangan 6 langkah 5 momen, hijab (kerudung, baju pasien, atau kain) untuk pasien, pemasangan EKG sesuai gender, mengingatkan waktu salat ke pasien, dan gharar (ketidakpastian) mempunyai hubungan terhadap kinerja pelayanan MCU setelah sertifikasi Syariah di RS YARSI Jakarta berupa memperpanjang waktu pelayanan MCU, mencegah terjadinya infeksi kepada pasien MCU, tercegah dari kontaminasi, mengurangi keraguan dalam tindakan, tepat waktu, dan tidak ada pihak-pihak yang merasa dirugikan. Disarankan kepada RS YARSI Jakarta, khususnya di instalasi MCU agar alur pelayanan pasien MCU diikuti oleh seluruh petugas MCU, dilakukan pengarahan secara berkala untuk keseragaman pelayanan MCU, dan pemberian rewards/punishments kepada petugas MCU. ...... Sharia hospital is a hospital that carries out all activities, both patient care and management based on the principles of Maqashid Al-Shari'ah. This study aims to determine the relationship between quality indicators and minimum service standards of Sharia Hospital on the performance of Medical Check-Up (MCU) services at YARSI Hospital Jakarta. The design used in this research is a mixed methods research in a cross-sectional way. From the results of the study, it was found that the compliance of officers in identifying patients, compliance by officers in washing hands 6 steps 5 moments, hijab (veil, patient clothes, or cloth) for patients, installation of an ECG according to gender, reminding patients to pray, and gharar (uncertainty) had a relationship with the performance of MCU services after Sharia certification at YARSI Hospital Jakarta in the form of extending MCU service time, preventing infection to MCU patients, preventing contamination, reducing doubts in action, being on time, and no parties feeling aggrieved. It is recommended to YARSI Hospital Jakarta, especially at the MCU installation so that the flow of MCU patient care is followed by all MCU officers, regular briefings for uniformity of MCU services, and giving rewards/punishments to MCU officers.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nahak, Christina Nahak
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aida Rumaisha
Abstrak :
Setiap profesi kesehatan memerlukan suatu reugulasi yang mengatur mengenai standar dari pelayanan yang harus mereka berikan di Rumah Sakit. Sebagai salah satu dari profesi yang bekerja di bidang kesehatan, farmasis juga memerlukan standar pelayanan kesehatan di Rumah Sakit, dimana stadanda tersebut tertuang dalam Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 72 Tahun 2016 (PMK RI). Peraturan tersebut ditujukan untuk meningkatkan mutu pelayanan kefarmasian, menjamin kepastian hukum bagi tenaga kefarmasian, serta untuk melindungi pasien dari kesalahan terkait penggunaan obat. Peraturan tersebut memuat berbagai hal yang harus dilakukan dan dipenuhi oleh Instalasi Farmasi di Rumah Sakit terkait pengelolaan perbekalan farmasi dan pelayanan farmasi klinik serta mengenai kewabijan melakukan evaluasi pelayanan dalam rangka mengendalikan mutu pelayanan kefarmasian yang sudah diberikan. Pengendalian mutu pelayanan kefarmasian dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengentahui sudah sejauh mana kesesuaian antara implementasi pelayanan dengan yang tertuang dalam regulasi. Terdapat beberapa metode yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi mutu pelayanan, salah satunya adalah dengan melakukan gap analysis. Unit Farmasi dan CSSD, termasuk didalamnya depo farmasi rawat jalan dan depo Instalasi Gawat Darurat (IGD), perlu melakukan gap analysis mengenai penyimpanan dan penyerahan obati, hal tersebut karena gap analysis akan memberikan gambaran mengenai kesesuaian antara implementasi yang telah dilakukan oleh kedua depo farmasi tersebut dengan regulasi yang berlaku. Selain itu, jika terdapat gap antara implementasi dengan regulasi maka dapat dibuat penyelesaian agar Unit Farmasi dan CSSD RSUI dapat senantiasa melakukan peningkatan pelayanan kefarmasian di kedua depo Farmasi tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan melakukan observasi dan diskusi dengan apoteker mengenai implementasi penyimpanan dan penyerahan obat di depo farmasi rawat jalan dan IGD RSUI, kemudian hasilnya akan dibandingkan dengan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 72 Tahun 2016 dan dihitung persentase kesesuaiannya. Hasil yang didapat adalah bahwa Nilai kesesuaian terhadap penyimpanan obat yang diperoleh oleh kedua depo farmasi tersebut adalah 93,75% sedangkan nilai kesesuaian terhadap penyerahan obat adalah 80%...... Every health profession needs a regulation that regulates the standard of service they must provide in hospitals. As one of the professions working in the health sector, pharmacists also need health service standards in hospitals, where these standards are contained in the Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 72 of 2016 (PMK RI). The regulations are aimed at improving the quality of pharmaceutical services, guaranteeing legal certainty for pharmaceutical personnel, and protecting patients from errors related to drug use. The regulation contains various things that must be carried out and fulfilled by Pharmacy Installations in Hospitals related to the management of pharmaceutical supplies and clinical pharmacy services as well as regarding the obligation to evaluate services in order to control the quality of pharmaceutical services that have been provided. Pharmaceutical service quality control is carried out with the aim of knowing how far the implementation of services is in conformity with what is contained in regulations. There are several methods that can be used to evaluate service quality, one of which is to do a gap analysis. The Pharmacy Unit and CSSD, including the outpatient pharmacy depot and the Emergency Room (IGD) depot, need to carry out a gap analysis regarding the storage and delivery of medicines, this is because the gap analysis will provide an overview of the suitability between the implementations that have been carried out by the two pharmacy depots with the regulations in force. In addition, if there is a gap between implementation and regulations, a settlement can be made so that the RSUI Pharmacy Unit and CSSD can continuously improve pharmaceutical services at the two Pharmacy depots. This research was conducted by observing and discussing with pharmacists regarding the implementation of drug storage and delivery at outpatient pharmacy depots and the RSUI emergency room, then the results will be compared with the Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 72 of 2016 and the percentage of conformity is calculated. The results obtained were that the suitability value for drug storage obtained by the two pharmacy depots was 93.75% while the suitability value for drug delivery was 80%
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas ndonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ainun Alfatma
Abstrak :
Pedagang Besar Farmasi (PBF) adalah perusahaan berbentuk badan hukum yang memiliki izin untuk pengadaan, penyimpanan, penyaluran obat dan/atau bahan obat dalam jumlah besar sesuai ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan. PBF dan PBF Cabang wajib menerapkan Cara Distribusi Obat yang Baik (CDOB), yang mana CDOB ini menjadi standar kefarmasian pada sarana distribusi yang ditetapkan oleh Menteri. CDOB adalah cara distribusi/penyaluran obat dan/atau bahan obat atau alat kesehatan yang bertujuan untuk memastikan mutu sepanjang jalur distribusi/penyaluran sesuai persyaratan dan tujuan penggunaannya. Apoteker penanggung jawab di setiap PBF atau PBF Cabang harus mampu melaksanakan pengadaan, penyimpanan, dan penyaluran obat dan/atau bahan obat sesuai dengan CDOB. Apoteker berperan dalam menyusun, memastikan dan mempertahankan penerapan sistem mutu serta mengelola kegiatan dan menjaga akurasi dan mutu dokumentasi. Proses distribusi obat pada Kimia Farma Trading and Distribution Cabang Jakarta 2 telah menerapkan aspek-aspek Peraturan BPOM nomor 6 tahun 2020 tentang Cara Distribusi Obat yang Baik dari segi manejemen mutu, bangunan dan peralatan, operasional, inspeksi diri, keluhan obat dan atau bahan obat kembalian diduga palsu, penarikan kembali, transportasi, ketentuan khusus, ketentuan narkotika, psikotropika dan prekursor farmasi. ...... Pharmaceutical Wholesalers (PBF) are companies in the form of legal entities that have permits to procure, store, distribute drugs and/or medicinal ingredients in large quantities in accordance with statutory provisions. PBF and PBF Branches are required to implement Good Medicine Distribution Methods (CDOB), where CDOB is a pharmaceutical standard for distribution facilities determined by the Minister. CDOB is a method of distributing/distributing medicines and/or medicinal substances or medical devices which aims to ensure quality along the distribution/distribution route according to the requirements and intended use. The pharmacist in charge at each PBF or PBF Branch must be able to carry out the procurement, storage and distribution of drugs and/or medicinal substances in accordance with the CDOB. Pharmacists play a role in compiling, ensuring and maintaining the implementation of a quality system as well as managing activities and maintaining the accuracy and quality of documentation. The drug distribution process at Kimia Farma Trading and Distribution Branch Jakarta 2 has implemented aspects of BPOM Regulation number 6 of 2020 concerning Good Medicine Distribution Methods in terms of quality management, buildings and equipment, operations, self-inspection, drug complaints and/or returned drug ingredients. suspected counterfeit, recall, transportation, special provisions, provisions for narcotics, psychotropics and pharmaceutical precursors.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas ndonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Angki Purwanti
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
F. Retno Endrowati Djatikumoro
Abstrak :
Konsep desentralisasi pendidikan sebenarnya merupakan konsep dasar yang sudah lama dikembangkan dengan menggunakan prinsip pengaturan pendidikan secara terpusat (sentralisasi) dan penyelenggaraan pendidikan tidak terpusat (desentralisasi). Desentralisasi di bidang pendidikan antara lain diwujudkan dalam bentuk restrukturisasi birokrasi pendidikan di daerah. Di daerah, perlu mempunyai persepsi yang sama tentang desentralisasi pendidikan, termasuk kesiapan yang sama dalam proses otonomi daerah. Pada Perkembangan selanjutnya, desentralisasi di bidang pendidikan bertumpu di tingkat sekolah dengan bertumpu pada pemberdayaan sekolah di semua jenjang pendidikan. Wujud nyatanya adalah diterapkannya manajemen berbasis sekolah (school based management). Hal ini juga dilaksanakan di Kotamadya Jakarta Selatan dimana Suku Dinas Pendidikan Dasar Kotamadya Jakarta Selatan melaksanakan desentralisasi penyelenggaraan pendidikan dasar dan menengah, dan sekolah melaksanakan manajemen berbasis sekolah dalam kontek Kotamadya Jakarta Selatan. Tujuan penelitian adalah mendiskripsikan pelaksanaan kebijakan dan menganalisis hasil penerapan standar pelayanan minimal pendidikan Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri Jakarta Selatan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif, pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, Focus Group Discussion (FGD),dan studi kepustakaan, dengan metode analisis data adalah deskriptif. Hasil penelitian adalah ketersediaan kurikulum nasional untuk tiap sekolah menengah pertama negeri di Jakarta Selatan diikuti oleh semua sekolah yaitu Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP), yang sesuai dengan tujuan pendidikan nasional serta kesesuaian dengan kekhasan, kondisi, potensi daerah, satuan pendidikan dan peserta didik. Oleh sebab itu kurikulum disusun oleh satuan pendidikan untuk memungkinkan penyesuaian program pendidikan dengan kebutuhan sekolah dan potensi di daerah; kondisi peserta didik berdasarkan Angka Partisipasi Kasar (APK) SMP di Jakarta Selatan pada tahun 2004 sebesar 107,59 % mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan pada tahun 2006 sebesar 120,74 %, Angka Partisipasi Murni (APM) pada tahun 2004 sebesar 73,26 % juga mengalami peningkatan yang bagus sehingga pada tahun 2006 meningkat menjadi 88,3 %. Jumlah pendaftaran ke sekolah menengah pertama negeri juga meningkat, prosentase kelulusan sekolah menengah pertama negeri jakarta selatan dalam 2 tahun terakhir mengalami peningkatan yaitu pada tahun 2005 sebesar 99,35 % dan pada tahun 2006 sebesar 99,93 % hampir mendekati 100 %, prosentase siswa mengulang dan putus sekolah relatif kecil; untuk ketenagaan jumlah guru yang berkualifikasi untuk sekolah standar nasional dan reguler berkisar 72-95 %; kondisi sarana dan prasarana ketersediaan ruang-ruang kelas untuk belajar hampir semuanya mencukupi walaupun masih ada sekolah yang dipakai untuk dua shift (pagi dan siang), ruang laboratorium hampir semua sekolah memiliki walaupun tidak sama jumlahnya, ada yang tiga laboratorium dan dua laboratorium, serta setiap sekolah mempunyai lapangan untuk berolah raga walaupun ukuran lapangan tiap sekolah berbeda-beda; untuk pembiayaan sekolah berasal dari APBN dan APBD yang berupa dana BOS sebesar Rp. 27.000 per bulan dan BOP sebesar Rp. 100.000 per bulan, serta dana dari masyarakat atau orang tua murid khusus untuk sekolah standar nasional, sedangkan sekolah reguler tidak, serta sumbangan lain yang tidak mengikat; setiap sekolah menengah pertama negeri di Jakarta Selatan sudah menerapkan Manajemen Peningkatan Mutu Berbasis Sekolah (MPMBS) dengan melaksanakan program sekolah yang telah direncanakan; dan untuk komponen peran serta masyarakat tiap sekolah berbeda, dan hampir tiap sekolah mengangkat ketua komite sekolah dari tokoh masyarakat setempat atau wakil dari orang tua murid. Dari semua komponen yang ada dalam standar pelayanan minimal beserta indikator-indikatornya bahwa capaian yang didapat dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan di sekolah menengah pertama negeri Jakarta Selatan adalah sebagai berikut : Output nya pada sekolah standar nasional prosentase daya serap kurikulum nasional maupun kurikulum lokal melebihi yang ditetapkan dalam SPM yaitu sebesar 90 persen, sedangkan sekolah reguler masih dibawah SPM yaitu sebesar 75 persen, Angka Partisipasi Kasar dan Angka Partisipasi Murni untuk sekolah standar nasional maupun sekolah reguler rata-rata mengalami peningkatan. Jumlah pendaftaran siswa pada sekolah menengah pertama meningkat serta siswa yang putus sekolah berkurang; Outcome nya Prestasi siswa bagus dan nilai ujian nasional pada sekolah pertama negeri standar nasional pada tahun ajaran 2005/2006 berkisar antara 7,8 hingga 8,83 sedangkan pada sekolah menengah pertama negeri yang reguler prestasi siswanya rendah dan nilai ujian nasional rata-rata dibawah 7,5; Dampaknya banyak orang tua murid lebih tertarik menyekolahkan anaknya ke sekolah menengah pertama negeri standar nasional supaya mendapatkan prestasi pendidikan yang lebih baik, dengan prestasi pendidikan yang baik diharapkan akan dapat meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia yang pada akhirnya dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan, sedangkan untuk sekolah reguler adalah sebaliknya.
Educational decentralization concept can truly be developed for a long time using centralized education regulation principle and decentralized education performance. Decentralization in field education is realized by restructuring educational bureaucracy in the regions. The regions need to have the same perception about educational decentralization and at the same time the regions were making preparations to process regions autonomy. In the next process, educational decentralized rested on school which is improving in all level. The real manifestation is applying school based management. This has been properly implemented at municipality of South Jakarta where Sub Service of Basic Educational there implement grade and middle educational performance and school implement such school based management in context of South Jakarta municipality. The purpose of the research is both to describe education minimum standard service policy implementation and analysis to apply education minimum standard service at state junior high school at South Jakarta. The method of this research is qualitative approach, data collecting with observation, interview, focus group discussion and literature study, by data analysis method is descriptive. The result of this research is availability of national curriculum for state junior high school at South Jakarta followed by all schools, i.e Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP), which is appropriate with the purpose of national education and also appropriate with condition, region potency, education unit and student. Hence, curriculum is designed by educational unit for enabling the adjustment of educational program and it is appropriate with the school need and region potency; condition of educative participant based on harsh participation index (APK) of junior high school at South Jakarta in the year 2004 is 107,59 % significantly in the year 2006 it had increased to 120,74 %. The pure participation index (APM) in the year 2004 is 73,26 % also good improvement in the year 2006 it had increased to 88,3 %. Total enrolment at junior high school at South Jakarta is also rise, for last two years the graduation percentage of state junior high school at South Jakarta increase 99,35 % and 99,93 % in the year 2005 and 2006 respectively. Percentage of the students who should recur and drop out is less. The qualified teacher for both national standard school and regular school is around 72-95 %; structure and infrastructure conditions is enough although a bit of them still use school rooms for two shift (morning and afternoon), almost every school have laboratory although the number of laboratory is not the same, some school has two laboratory and some of them has more than two laboratory and also most of school has different size of playing field. School costs derived from APBN and APBD such as BOS fund Rp. 27.000 per month and BOP fund Rp. 100.000 per month and also fund of student's parent or society for national standard school specially, whereas for regular school does not and also independent other contribution. Every state junior high school at South Jakarta has applied Manajemen Peningkatan Mutu Berbasis Sekolah (MPMBS) by executing the school program which have been planned. Component of society participation for each school is not same and almost every school lift the school committee chief from local elite figure or student parent representative. The achievement of all existing components at minimum standard service along with those indicators it be concluded that the achievement of educational performance at state junior high school of South Jakarta as follows : output : national standard junior high school of is percentage of national curriculum absorption and local curriculum exceed the set in SPM that is equal to 90 percent, whereas for regular school it is under SPM, i.e, 75 %. Both harsh participation index and pure participation index either for national standard and regular school had increased on average. Total students enrolment at state junior high school had increased and drop out students had declined. Out come , student achievement is good and national test values for national standard junior high school in year 2005/2006 is around 7.8 to 8.83, whereas at regular junior high school is unfavorable and their national test result is under 7.5 on average. Hence, the impact of that condition many parents more interested to enroll to national standard junior high school in order to get better educational achievement and they wish it may increase human resources quality, it may increase prosperity. Whereas for the regular school is on the contrary.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ijang Budiana Nur
Abstrak :
Public health center as the &ont line in health development must increase management execution so that in conduct health service can in an optimal fashion. Not yet activity program achievement pickings the maximal at public health center exist in Tasikmalaya regency, show that utilization public health center as according to the fimction by society not yet optimal, mean that performance public health center in this case concem management execution public health center at Tasikmalaya regency still necessary increased again, because function and good management execution very influential towards success a program or well~being efforts that done public health center. Central figure in management execution that is head public health center, there education background medical scholar, society health scholar, and general scholar/nurse. This research aims to detect description management process execution at public health center and factors that connected management process public health center that lead by head public health center that background education differ at Tasikmalaya regency in year 2006, with system approaching consist of input variable (human resource : official total, leadership, erudition, motivation, double function, work load, repaymenthncentive, limd, and infrastnicnue tools), process (planning, activation and execution, monitoring, controlling, constmction, and evaluation) and output variable (perfomiance public health center). This research is done with qualitative approach with analytic plan passes in-depth interview, observation, and document study in six public health center that canvassed, and research time in April and May 2007. From result research inferential that in carry out management function at public health center, each public health center both for led by education medical scholar, society health scholar, and general scholar/nurse, in apply strategy, integrate and coordinating, motivating, overcome conflict, ascertain activity execution, and evaluate activity result, very various, but in principle that all can done in the effort subsidize management iiinction execution at public health center. As to lixctors that management execution public health center, with deficit existence or energy limitedness or human resource either through also quality, directly also not direct influence management function execution at public health center, also operational fund public health center that felled less, for infrastructure tool, physical building Karangjaya public health center improper wear, construction under communication from regcncy health senrice. also not yet optimal. in management function execution, begin from planning/PZKT, activation and execution that is workshop monthly at public health center, supervision, control, constmction, and evaluation, each public health center carry out, but in the case of the execution not yet optimal, especially in planning/P2l
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pensa Resta Grahmidri
Abstrak :
Dalam Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 74 Tahun 2016 disebutkan bahwa puskesmas harus melaksanakan pelayanan kefarmasian sesuai standar. Saat ini belum semua puskesmas memenuhi standar pelayanan kefarmasian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kepatuhan implementasi standar pelayanan kefarmasian di puskesmas Kota Bekasi sehingga diharapkan penelitian ini dapat memberi masukan agar pelayanan kefarmasian di puskesmas berjalan sesuai standar. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan unit analisis pelayanan kefarmasian meliputi pelayanan resep, pelayanan informasi obat, dan konseling. Untuk memperkuat pembahasan dilakukan pengumpulan data kualitatif. Sampel sebanyak 100 pelayanan kefarmasian diambil dari 10 puskesmas di Kota Bekasi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pengamatan, pengisian lembar kuesioner, dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukan hasil bahwa puskesmas telah melaksanakan pelayanan resep dan pelayanan informasi obat namun belum sesuai standar sedangkan konseling belum dilaksanakan di semua puskesmas. Puskesmas yang memiliki apoteker sebagai penanggung jawab, fasilitas kefarmasian yang baik, standar prosedur operasional, uraian tugas dan mendapatkan komunikasi kebijakan dan supervisi yang baik lebih patuh terhadap standar pelayanan kefarmasian. Pemerintah disarankan untuk merevisi Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 75 Tahun 2014 tentang Puskesmas dan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 74 Tahun 2016 tentang Standar Pelayanan Kefarmasian di Puskesmas, menetapkan apoteker sebagai tenaga kesehatan strategis, program internsip dan kebijakan pegawai tidak tetap untuk apoteker. Dinas Kesehatan Kota Bekasi disarankan untuk melakukan advokasi kebijakan penempatan apoteker di puskesmas sesuai analisis beban kerja, pelatihan berkelanjutan, sosialisasi kebijakan kepada tenaga kefarmasian di puskesmas, penyusunan petunjuk teknis pelayanan farmasi klinik, supervisi rutin, dan menetapkan sistem penilaian kinerja perorangan untuk pemberian kompensasi dan sanksi. Puskesmas disarankan untuk merencanakan kebutuhan apoteker sesuai analisis beban kerja, menempatkan apoteker sebagai penanggungjawab pelayanan kefarmasian, menyediakan fasilitas kefarmasian sesuai standar, menyusun standar prosedur operasional, menyusun uraian tugas, supervisi internal, dan menerapkan penilaian kinerja perorangan dan memberikan insentif berbasis kinerja perorangan. ......Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 74 of 2016 states that primary health centers must perform pharmaceutical services according standard. Currently, not all community health centers meet the standard of pharmaceutical service. This study aims to analyze the compliance in the implementation of pharmaceutical services standard in primary health centers in Bekasi so it is expected to provide an input to the pharmaceutical services at primary health centers in order to be implemented in accordance with the standards. This research was conducted with quantitative approach with pharmaceutical services as unit of analysis which including prescription service, drug information service, and counseling. To strengthen the results discussion then in this study also conducted qualitative data collection. Samples of 100 pharmaceutical services were taken from 10 in primary health centers in Bekasi. The data were collected by observation, filling in questionnaire, and in depth interviews. The results showed that the primary health center had performed prescription and medication services but not yet meet with the standard while counseling had not been implemented in all primary health centers. Primary health center that have pharmacists, good pharmacy facilities, standard operating procedures, job descriptions and good policy communication and supervision are more obedient to the standard of pharmaceutical services. The Government is advised to revise Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 75 of 2014 on Primary Health Center and Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 74 of 2016 on Standard of Pharmaceutical Service in Primary Health Center, establishing pharmacist as strategic health officer, internsip program and non permanent employee policy for pharmacist. Bekasi City Distric Health Office is advised to advocate placement of pharmacist in community health center policy according to work load analysis, continuing professional development, policy communication to pharmacy staff at community health center, preparation of clinical pharmaceutical services technical guidance, routine supervision, and set individual performance appraisal system for reward and punishment. Primary health centers are advised to plan the pharmacist 39 s needs in accordance with workload analysis, placing pharmacists as responsible pharmaceutical services, providing pharmaceutical facilities according to standards, developing standar operating procedures, preparing job descriptions, internal supervision, and applying individual performance assessments and give incentive based on individual performance.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Janita Ristianti
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas Evaluasi Rencana Strategis Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi DKI Jakarta Tahun 2017-2022 Terhadap Standar Pelayanan Minimal (SPM) Bidang Kesehatan Pada Indikator Pelayanan Kesehatan Penderita Hipertensi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain non-eskperimental. Hasil penelitian Implementasi Standar Pelayanan Minimal (SPM) Bidang Kesehatan pada indikator pelayanan hipertensi yang mengalami kenaikan signifikan dalam renstra DKI Jakarta tahun 2017-2022 didalam faktor struktur yang paling berperan dalam peningkatan ketercapaian signifikan tersebut adalah bentuk program yang terjadwal seperti kegiatan posbindu dan KPLDH serta kegiatan strategis daerah yang dilaksanakan di pasar, trans jakarta, taman dan MRT, kemudian terdapat juga kerjasama lintas sector seperti Dinas Sosial, Dinas Pendidikan dan Disnakertrans. Kemudian hasil penelitian menyarankan dinas kesehatan DKI Jakarta dapat menyusun kebijakan terkait pelayanan hipertensi yang terpisah dengan program lain, termasuk kebijakan pembiayaan kesehatan SPM hipertensi sebagai mandatory regulation dalam hal penyusunan unit cost untuk masing-masing komponen layanan sebagai dasar perumusan costing SPM hipertensi. Kemudian penguatan kebijakan lintas sektor dan program dalam upaya perluasan cakupan pelayanan SPM khususnya hipertensi melalui pendekatan kolaborasi, serta memberikan edukasi dan sosialisasi kembali kepada masyarakat akan pentingnya melakukan pemeriksaan rutin terkait dengan hipertensi. ......This thesis discusses the Evaluation of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Health Office's Strategic Plan for 2017-2022 on Minimum Service Standards (SPM) in the Health Sector on Health Service Indicators for Hypertension Sufferers. This research is a qualitative research with non-experimental design. The results of the research on Implementation of Minimum Service Standards (SPM) in the Health Sector on hypertension service indicators which experienced a significant increase in the DKI Jakarta strategic plan for 2017-2022 in the structural factors that play the most role in increasing this significant achievement are the form of scheduled programs such as posbindu and KPLDH activities as well as activities regional strategies carried out in markets, trans jakarta, parks and the MRT, then there is also cross-sector cooperation such as the Social Service, the Education Office and the Manpower and Transmigration Office. Then the results of the study suggest that the DKI Jakarta Health Office can formulate policies related to hypertension services that are separate from other programs, including the hypertension MSS health financing policy as a mandatory regulation in terms of compiling unit costs for each service component as the basis for the formulation of hypertension MSS costing. Then strengthening cross-sectoral policies and programs in an effort to expand the scope of MSS services, especially hypertension through a collaborative approach, as well as providing education and socialization to the public about the importance of carrying out routine checks related to hypertension.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Akhmad Ghozali
Abstrak :
Dinas Kesehatan Kota Binjai bertanggung jawab menyediakan pelayanan dasar pada kelompok berisiko terinfeksi HIV. Total anggaran pada Dinas Kesehatan meningkat dari tahun 2019-2022, namun Kinerja pelayanan dasar HIV mengalami penurunan dari tahun 2019-2021 sebesar 11,8%, 7,07%, 5,2% dari target 100%. Penelitian bertujuan menghitung kesesuaian anggaran berbasis kinerja dengan anggaran yang tersedia serta faktor struktur dan proses yang mempengaruhi penyusunan anggaran berbasis kinerja, sehingga memberikan gambaran masalah dan penyebab kesenjangan anggaran dan kinerja pada pelayanan dasar HIV di Dinas Kesehatan Kota Binjai Tahun 2022. Metode penelitian dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan desain Rapid Assessment Prosedur (RAP), menggunakan instrumen wawancara mendalam kepada 14 (empat belas) informan dan telaah dokumen untuk melihat secara cepat dan memberikan masukan perbaikan bagi pelaksanaan anggaran berbasis kinerja pada pelayanan dasar kelompok berisiko terinfeksi HIV di Dinas Kesehatan Kota Binjai Tahun 2022. Hasil penghitungan anggaran berdasarkan target kinerja Tahun 2022 sebesar Rp. 648.295.342 dengan alokasi anggaran sebesar Rp.188.202.607. Sementara kesenjangan tersebut dipengaruhi oleh faktor struktur meliputi pemahaman dan kompetensi SDM, dukungan kebijakan, kurang tersedia data dan informasi akurat menggunakan sistem informasi kesehatan. Pada komponen proses kurangnya partisipasi masyarakat, skala prioritas dalam perencanaan dan penganggaran, komunikasi dan koordinasi, sinkronisasi dan fragmentasi penyusunan anggaran, penyerapan anggaran yang belum optimal, efektivitas monitoring dan evaluasi belum dijadikan dasar perbaikan kebijakan anggaran tahun depan. Komitmen daerah masih lemah untuk program pelayanan dasar HIV. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan terdapat ketidaksesuaian anggaran untuk mencapai kinerja yang ditetapkan dengan alokasi anggaran yang tersedia pada pelayanan dasar kelompok berisiko terinfeksi HIV di Dinas Kesehatan Kota Binjai pada Tahun 2022. Diperlukan peningkatan kapasitas dan keterlibatan seluruh komponen organisasi dalam menyusun anggaran berbasis kinerja, menyediakan data dan informasi terintegrasi, mengggunakan sistem informasi seperti Siskobikes dalam proses anggaran, meningkatkan komitmen dan dukungan anggaran dari pemerintah pusat dan daerah sehingga alokasi anggaran dapat memenuhi kebutuhan untuk mencapai kinerja pelayanan dasar bagi kelompok berisiko terinfeksi HIV. ......The Public Health Office of Binjai Municipality is responsible for providing basic services to groups at risk of HIV infection. The total budget at the Health Service has increased from 2019-2022, but the performance of basic HIV services has decreased from 2019-2021 by 11.8%, 7.07%, 5.2% of the 100% target. The research aims to calculate the suitability of performance-based budgeting with the available budget as well as the structural and process factors that influence the preparation of performance-based budgeting, so as to provide an overview of the problems and causes of budgetary and performance gaps in HIV basic services at the Binjai City Health Office in 2022. The research method was carried out using an approach Descriptive qualitative using the Rapid Assessment Procedure (RAP) design, using in-depth interviews with 14 (fourteen) informants and document review to see quickly and provide input for improvements to the implementation of performance-based budgeting in basic services for groups at risk of HIV infection at the Binjai City Health Office 2022. The budget calculation results are based on the 2022 performance target of Rp. 648,295,342 with a budget allocation of Rp.188,202,607. Meanwhile, this gap is influenced by structural factors including understanding and competence of human resources, policy support, lack of availability of accurate data and information using health information systems. In the process component, lack of public participation, priority scale in planning and budgeting, communication and coordination, budget synchronization and fragmentation, budget absorption that is not optimal, monitoring and evaluation effectiveness has not been used as a basis for improving next year's budget policy. Regional commitment is still weak for basic HIV service programs. This study concludes that there is a budget mismatch to achieve the performance set with the budget allocation available for basic services for groups at risk of HIV infection at the Binjai Municipality Public Health Office in 2022. Capacity building and involvement of all organizational components is needed in preparing performance-based budgeting, providing data and information integrated, using information systems such as Siskobikes in the budget process, increasing commitment and budgetary support from the central and regional governments so that budget allocations can meet the needs to achieve basic service performance for groups at risk of HIV infection.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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