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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Abstrak :
All states have mechanism procedure to promote or guarantee their civil services' accountability . Reform era era with the improvement of democracy has provided a new expectation to have accountability practices of public administrators in Indonesia. Other factors including donor countries such as UNDP and world Bank have forced Indonesia to reorganize its bureaucracy system in particularly its public services to materialize practices of good governance. Moreover, the movement of democracy values, global human right issues, and strong demands for local autonomy has encourage a wide accountability; it is not only evaluated internally but also externally, that is social accountability in performing public services.
351 SPJ 6:1 (2010)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Reasonly users of social networks of internet have been developing. This application development of this web is not only used for making a friend, but also for bussiness, entertainment and politics. This social networks can be categorized into technology of web 2.0. Accountability is an action that assures that governments meet their promises to public. This paper is intended to explain the opportunities of using the technology of Web 2.0 as tool for public in demanding government accountability.
351 SPJ 6:1 (2010)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rutiana Dwi Wahyuningsih
Abstrak :
Abstract. Social accountability has been believed as an approach to overcome the deficit of the formal accountability (both horizontal and vertical accountability). Social accountability is percieved as a public accountability which is initiated by and aimed for the society. Several studies found the effectiveness of social accountability in encouraging a more transparent government and a wider public involvement. Those studies identified variables which contribute to the social accountability, i.e. the degree of government openness; the density of community organizations and their advocation capability; social, political, and cultural environment; and the public information accessibility. Data for this paper is collected through in-depth interviews and focused group discussion with the major players in the budget policy making process, including local government officers, members of local house of representatives (DPRD), and activists of the local community groups in the Regency of Karanganyar. This paper argues that despite its effectiveness, social accountability also produce some counterproductive excesses. The term social accountability paradox is used in this paper to represent the abuse of social accountability and it risks. This paper aims to identify the practices of social accountability abuse in the local budget policymaking process, with the case of the Regency of Karanganyar. Based on the study, there are some requirement to be fulfilled In order to increase the social accountability of the public budget policy making process, i.e. (1) revision of regulations to encourage a more transparency in the budget public information; (2) the development of community-based monitoring and dialogues forums; and (3) the increasing of the capability of community groups in conducting social accountability audit.

Abstrak. Akuntabilitas sosial dalam perkembangan wacana akuntabilitas diyakini sebagai pendekatan untuk menambal defisit akuntabilitas formal, baik akuntabilitas horisontal maupun akuntabilitas vertikal. Akuntabilitas sosial adalah akuntabilitas publik yang secara langsung atau tidak langsung diinisiasi masyarakat atau ditujukan kepada masyarakat. Banyak studi menemukan bahwa akuntabilitas sosial efektif untuk mendorong pemerintah lebih transparan dan membuka ruang pelibatan publik lebih luas. Variabel yang ditemukan berkontribusi membangun akuntabilitas sosial adalah derajad keterbukaan pemerintah; densitas organisasi/kelompok komunitas dan tingkat kapasitasnya melakukan advokasi; lingkungan sosial, politik, dan budaya, serta keterbukaan akses informasi publik. Data untuk tulisan ini dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam dan diskusi terfokus dengan para aktor utama yang terlibat dalam proses pengambilan keputusan anggaran, baik dari pemerintah, DPRD, dan kelompok warga/komunitas lokal di Kabupaten Karanganyar. Tulisan ini berpendapat bahwa di samping keefektifannya, akuntabilitas sosial juga menimbulkan beberapa dampak yang kontraproduktif. Tulisan ini menggunakan istilah paradoks akuntabilitas untuk mewakili penyalahgunaan dan resiko dari akuntabilitas sosial. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi praktek penyalahgunaan akuntabilitas sosial dalam proses penganggaran daerah, dengan kasus di Kabupaten Karanaganyar. Berdasar hasil dari kajian ini, ada beberapa persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi untuk meningkatkan akuntabilitas sosial dalam proses penganggaran daerah, yaitu: (1) revisi kebijakan untuk mendorong transparansi informasi anggaran daerah; (2) pengembangan forum monitoring dan dialog berbasis masyarakat; dan (3) peningkatan kapabilitas kelompok warga masyarakat untuk melakukan audit akuntabilitas sosial.
universitas sebelas maret, faculty of political and science, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Procurement of public goods/services is a routine of government activity which has most prone to corruption, however with minimum control. It is essential to prioritize the agenda of governance reforms of procurement of public goods/services. Up to now, government has not yet found a proper formulation. Although the regulation outlining this subject is always updated. This paper attempts to examine some elements of the procutement of publics goods/service as an alternative solution to improve the process of procurement of public goods/services in Indonesia. The most important reform is in the pre-procurement cycle (stages of planning). Planning on budget and procurement as well as aspects of integrity and accountability are elements that must be better conducted in the procurement of public goods/services in Indonesia
Surakarta: Jurusan Ilmu Administrasi FSIP Universitas Sebelas Maret,
351 SPJ
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library