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Amalia Rizky Ramadhanis
Abstrak :
Ketersediaan air merupakan permasalahan yang terjadi di beberapa daerah, juga permasalahan dengan pengerahan air tanah. Untuk mendapatkan kualitas air permukaan yang sesuai standar lingkungan yang aman untuk dikonsumsi, pengolahan air permukaan dibutuhkan. Salah satu metode pengolahan yang paling banyak digunakan adalah slow sand filter metode. Pasalnya, unit slow sand filter mudah disesuaikan dengan jarak jauh area dan juga filter pasir tidak digerakkan oleh listrik (Huisman & Wood, 1974). Pasir silika, zeolit ​​dan karbon aktif merupakan media yang umum digunakan pada pasir lambat filter. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis keefektifan hasil pengolahan air permukaan dengan media pasir silika dan penambahan karbon aktif media dengan parameter besi, mangan, kekeruhan dan fekal coliform. Itu reaktor riset terdiri dari dua volume 150 liter. Reaktor filter pertama sebagai a filter referensi yang berisi media pasir silika dengan media lapisan pertama ES 0.15 - 0,20 mm dan UC 1.5, maka media lapis kedua adalah ES 0,45 - 0,70 mm dan UC 2.22. Reaktor filter kedua adalah yang utama dari pengamatan ini dengan media di dalam Lapisan pertama adalah pasir silika dengan ES 0.25 mm dan UC 2.2, untuk lapisan kedua adalah karbon aktif dengan ES 1 mm dan UC 3, dan lapisan ketiga adalah pasir silika dengan ES 0,45 mm dan UC 3. Sumber air penelitian ini berasal dari Telaga Mahoni Jl Universitas Indonesia. Filter dioperasikan sebentar-sebentar dan mulai dengan presedimentasi. Data dari penelitian ini diolah dengan menghitung efisiensi filter. Efisiensi filter menunjukkan bahwa filter pasir lambat berselang dengan silika media pasir dan penambahan karbon aktif memiliki efisiensi pengolahan parameter mangan 60 - 100%, kekeruhan 14 - 36%, dan fecal coliform sebesar 73 - 99%. Untuk parameter besi dalam penelitian ini tidak dapat dihilangkan.
Water availability is a problem that occurs in some areas, as well as problems with groundwater mobilization. To obtain surface water quality that meets environmental standards that are safe for consumption, surface water treatment is required. One of the most widely used processing methods is a slow sand filter method. This is because the slow sand filter unit is easily adjusted to a remote area and the sand filter is not driven by electricity (Huisman & Wood, 1974). Silica sand, zeolite and activated carbon are media commonly used in slow sand filters. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of surface water treatment results with silica sand media and the addition of activated carbon media with parameters of iron, manganese, turbidity and fecal coliform. The research reactor consisted of two volumes of 150 liters. The first filter reactor as a reference filter containing silica sand media with the first layer of media ES 0.15 - 0.20 mm and UC 1.5, then the second layer of media is ES 0.45 - 0.70 mm and UC 2.22. The second filter reactor is the main one of this observation with the media in the first layer is silica sand with ES 0.25 mm and UC 2.2, for the second layer is activated carbon with ES 1 mm and UC 3, and the third layer is silica sand with ES 0, 45 mm and UC 3. The source of water for this research comes from Telaga Mahoni, Jl, Universitas Indonesia. The filter is operated intermittently and starts with a presedimentation. The data from this study were processed by calculating the filter efficiency. The filter efficiency shows that the intermittent slow sand filter with silica sand media and the addition of activated carbon has manganese parameter processing efficiency of 60 - 100%, turbidity 14 - 36%, and fecal coliform of 73 - 99%. The iron parameter in this study cannot be eliminated
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hamid Dewa Saputra
Abstrak :
Slow sand filter merupakan salah satu jenis pengolahan air sederhana yang efektif untuk diaplikasikan pada skala pelayanan yang kecil, khususnya pada area dengan populasi di bawah 30000 orang. Salah satu alternatif media yang banyak diteliti untuk digunakan sebagai media tambahan pada slow sand filter adalah geotekstil non-woven, di mana dalam beberapa penelitian penambahan media ini terbukti mampu menunjang performa slow sand filter, khususnya dalam penyisihan parameter kekeruhan dan total koliform, serta mampu meningkatkan efisiensi pemeliharaan terhadap instalasi unit. Pada penelitian ini, disusun rancangan pengolahan slow sand filter dengan tambahan media geotekstil untuk digunakan sebagai alternatif pengolahan air bersih untuk mendukung kebutuhan air bersih harian di Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) yang terus meningkat akibat bertambahnya jumlah sivitas akademik setiap tahunnya. Berdasarkan perhitungan proyeksi menggunakan metode regresi linear dan decreasing rate of increase (DRI), jumlah sivitas akademik FTUI mencapai 10735 orang pada tahun 2042 dengan proyeksi kebutuhan air sebesar 6,8 L/detik. Melalui tahapan perancangan, ditetapkan rangkaian instalasi yang terdiri dari bangunan submerged intake, roughing filter, slow sand filter geotekstil, dan unit klorinasi untuk mengolah air Danau Mahoni UI untuk dapat digunakan sebagai sumber air bersih di FTUI. Perhitungan desain untuk masing-masing unit mengacu pada buku pedoman teknis desain pengolahan air dan penelitian yang telah ada sebelumnya. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan desain, dapat dicapai kualitas air hasil olahan dengan nilai kekeruhan 1,75 NTU dan total koliform 0 CFU/100 mL. Kedua parameter tersebut telah memenuhi persyaratan kualitas air minum berdasarkan Permenkes RI Nomor 492/MENKES/PER/IV/2010. ......A slow sand filter is one type of simple water treatment method that is effective to be applied to a small community, especially in areas with under 30000 population. One alternative media that has been widely studied for use as an additional media in slow sand filters is non-woven geotextiles, wherein some studies the addition of this media has proven to be able to support the performance of slow sand filters, especially in the removal of turbidity and total coliform, as well as being able to increase maintenance efficiency of the installation. In this research, a geotextile aided slow sand filter was designed to be used as an alternative water treatment method to supports the daily clean water needs at the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) which continues to increase due to the increasing number of students each year. Through population forecasting using the linear regression and decreasing rate of increase (DRI) methods, the number of FTUI academicians reached 10735 people in 2042 with a projected water requirement of 6.8 L/s. Through design, a series of installations were set up consisting of submerged intake building, roughing filter, geotextile aided slow sand filter, and chlorination unit to treat water from Lake Mahoni UI to be used as a source of clean water in FTUI. Design calculations for each unit are based on water treatment building technical guideline books and existing studies. Based on the results of design calculations, it can be achieved the quality of treated water with a turbidity value of 1.75 NTU and a total coliform of 0 CFU/100 mL. Both of these parameters have met the drinking water quality requirements based on Permenkes RI No. 492/MENKES/PER/IV/2010.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fairuz Tsania
Abstrak :
Air adalah senyawa yang tersusun dari unsur hidrogen dan oksigen (H2O) dengan beragam manfaat. Pada aspek pendidikan, perannya adalah sebagai sanitasi, kebutuhan minum, dan proses pembelajaran. Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia (FMIPA UI) berada pada peringkat ke-14 dari 16 fakultas di UI berdasarkan penilaian kategori air menurut Green Metric, yaitu penilaian UI terhadap konsep kerangka lingkungan, ekonomi, dan sosial. Bentuk konservasi air FMIPA UI hanya penghematan air dan pemanfaatan danau sebagai sumur resapan air. Pada penulisan ini, outlet Danau Agathis UI dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber air baku dengan kadar COD dan kekeruhan sebesar 14,4 mg/L dan 15,4 NTU. Maka dari itu, dibuat perancangan instalasi pengolahan air bersih/minum (IPAM) FMIPA UI yang melayani 6624 orang sivitas berdasarkan hasil proyeksi metode aritmatik tahun 2020-2042. IPAM terdiri dari bangunan intake, saluran transmisi, 2 unit Slow Sand Filter (SSF), unit pencuci media pasir filter hidrolik, 1 unit desinfeksi dan reservoir. SSF merupakan unit tinjauan utama pada perancangan dengan melandaskan studi literatur, menggunakan pasir silika dan karbon aktif. Efisiensi penyisihan COD dan kekeruhan pada SSF secara berurutan sebesar 67% dan 97%, serta laju filtrasi 0,25 m/jam. Hasil air olahan sesuai dengan standar Permenkes No. 492 Tahun 2010 dan PP RI No.82 Tahun 2001.
Water is a substance consisting hydrogen and oxygen (H2O) with various benefits for human beings. In educational point of view, water supports sanitation and the needs of drinking and educational laboratory. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science (FMIPA UI) ranks 14th out of 16 Faculties in Universitas Indonesia based on Green Metric assessment in terms of water. It is an assessment metrics to measure the concept of framework, economic, and social. The conservation of water done by FMIPA UI only consists of water-saving and utilizing lake as water catchment well. This design elaborate the use of Agathis Lake outlet as a clean water source with COD and turbidity value, subsequently 14,4 mg/L and 15,4 NTU. Therefore, a water treatment plant needs to be installed, so can be beneficial 6624 people based on arithmetic forecasting from year 2020-2042. It consists of intake building, transmission line, 2 units of Slow Sand Filter (SSF), hydraulic media washing, 1 unit of disinfection and reservoir. The SSF will use silica sand and activated carbon as filters. To fit with the safety level boundary of clean water written in Permenkes No. 492 Tahun 2010 and PP RI No.82 Tahun 2001, the target percentage of COD and turbidity removal of the SSF design is subsequently 67% and 97% with filtration rate of 0,25 m/hour.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adrian Wasistoadi Budiarto
Abstrak :
Water is one of the very necessary essence in human life aspects, which education is being one of them. As one of the best universities in Indonesia, University of Indonesia provides and find some ways to save clean water by minimizing the use amount of it, especially to reduce groundwater uses, as its noted in the UI GreenMetric purpose of clean water category. However, one of the faculties in UI, which is the Faculty of Nursing (FIK UI), have used a massive amount of groundwater in 2018 and 2019, with the amount number being 2.115.240 litres and 2.010.960 litres respectivel. FIK UI must find an alternative of water source other than groundwater, such as surface water. The purpose of this research is to design a water treatment system using the Agathis UI Lake water as the source to serve FIK UI need of clean water until 2042. The operation unit being the main focus of this designing process is the filtration using slow sand filter with silica sand and granular activated carbon as the filter medias, which both known effective to reduce iron, manganese, and fecal coliform concentration in raw water as the three parameters are important criterias in the Indonesias Health Minister Rule number 492 year 2010 about The Criterias of Drinking Water Quality. The amount of clean water need of FIK UI projected is 2,82 L/s. This design based on literatures and legal standards, especially in deciding the removal efficiency of the three parameters being said before of the slow sand filter. Based on the review of literatures, journals, and experiment results being done by others, the slow sand filter of this water treatment design can reach the removal efficiency of iron, manganese, and fecal coliform by 95,07%; 97,09%; and 99% respectively if the filter have 60 cm thick of silica sand above and 40 cm of granular activated carbon underneath the sand. One intake unit, two suction wells with two centrifugal pumps, one conveyance system, two slow sand filter units, one disinfection and reservoir unit, and two filter media cleaning units created to produce 3,8 L/s of clean water for FIK UI until 2042.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Virly Ferliani Aswirta
Abstrak :
Kota Metro merupakan salah satu kota dengan tingkat pelayanan air perpipaan yang rendah (5,05%), sehingga sebagian besar masyrakatnya menggunakan air tanah dengan sistem self-supply. Akan tetapi, keamanan sistem sumber self supply saat ini menjadi isu di masyarakat. Metode continuous monitoring dari April – Oktober 2021 melalui telepon setiap bulan dilakukan untuk membantu penilaian tingkat layanan air minum. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis variabilitas sumber air bersih dan air minum, menganalisis variabilitas tingkat pelayanan air minum yang dipersepsikan aman, menganalisis variabilitas biaya operasional dan pengelolaan layanan sumber air minum di rumah tangga, dan menganalisis intervensi pengolahan air minum di rumah tangga untuk meningkatkan kualitas air minum. Analisis dilakukan dengan analisis statistik deskriptif dan software SPSS 24 untuk uji Regresi Logistik Biner. Hasil menunjukkan 97% sumber air masyarakat Kota Metro adalah sumber air self-supply, yang didominasi oleh sumur gali tak terlindungi milik pribadi (45% sumber air bersih dan 30% sumber air minum). Berdasarkan persepsi rumah tangga (keamanan, rasa, penampilan, bau, keandalan, dan ketersediaan air minum), air isi ulang dan air kemasan memiliki tingkat keamanan paling konsisten selama 6 bulan survei (100%). Sistem non-self-supply diketahui lebih aman dari sistem self-supply dengan persentase 98% dan 95%. Variabel kejadian banjir diketahui signifikan terhadap penilaian tingkat pelayanan sumber air minum yang dipersepsikan aman dengan peluang 0,059 kali dalam mempengaruhinya. Rata-rata biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk maintenance mesin pompa adalah Rp 683.750,00 dan untuk maintenance lainnya (pipa, kran air, dll) sekitar Rp 85.833,00 per rumah tangga. Sedangkan biaya yang dihabiskan oleh 1 rumah tangga dalam 1 minggu untuk air isi ulang adalah sekitar Rp 19.751,00, sedangkan untuk air kemasan sekitar Rp 40.986,00. Variabel yang mempengaruhi biaya air minum adalah pengolahan air dengan perebusan yang berpeluang 0,029 kali. Berdasarkan persepsi rumah tangga, masalah sumber air minum yang paling banyak terjadi pada sumber air baku adalah penampilan (29,4%) dan bau (28,3%), serta kadar E.coli (72%) pada air minum. Dengan demikian, dibutuhkan intervensi strategi pengolahan air minum untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang ada dan meningkatkan kualitas air minum. Adapun intervensi pengolahan air minum yang direkomendasikan untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut adalah Slow Sand Filter (SSF) dengan media tambahan berupa Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) serta unit disinfeksi sinar UV. ......Metro City is one of the cities with a low level of piped water service (5,05%), so that most of the people use groundwater with a self-supply system. However, the safety of the self-supply source system is currently an issue in society. A continuous monitoring method from April – October 2021 by telephone every month was carried out to help assess the level of drinking water services. The purpose of this study are to analyze the variability of clean water and drinking water sources, to analyze the variability of the level of drinking water services that are perceived as safe, to analyze the variability of operational and maintenances costs of drinking water facility in households, and to analyze the intervention of drinking water treatment in households to improve the quality of drinking water. The analysis was carried out using descriptive statistical analysis and SPSS 24 software for the Binary Logistics Regression test. The results show that 97% of Metro City's water sources are self-supply water sources, which are dominated by private unprotected dug wells (45% for clean water sources and 30% for drinking water sources). Based on household perceptions (safety, taste, appearance, smell, reliability, and availability of drinking water), refill and bottled water had the most consistent level of safety during the 6 months of the survey (100%). Non-self-supply systems are known to be safer than self-supply systems with a percentage of 98% and 95%, respectively. The flood incident variable is known to be significant to the assessment of the service level of drinking water sources that are perceived as safe with a 0,059 times chance of influencing it. The average cost required for pump engine maintenance is Rp 683.750,00 and for other maintenance (pipes, water faucets, etc.) it is around Rp 85.833,00 per household. Meanwhile, the cost spent by 1 household in 1 week for refill water is around Rp 19.751,00, while for bottled water it is around Rp 40.986,00. The variable that affects the cost of drinking water is water treatment by boiling which has a chance of 0.029 times. Based on household perceptions, the most common drinking water source problems that occur in raw water sources are appearance (29,4%) and smell (28,3%) and E.coli (72%) in drinking water. Thus, intervention strategies for drinking water treatment are needed to overcome existing problems and improve drinking water quality. The recommended drinking water treatment intervention to solve this problem is the Slow Sand Filter (SSF) with additional media in the form of Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) and UV disinfection unit.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library