Lisa Adhani
Abstrak :
Kajian dilakukan dengan menganalisis seluruh komponen biaya yang mempengaruhi
ketetapan harga CNG, dengan simulasi Monte Carlo dengan bantuan perangkat lunak
Crystal Ball yang mengacu pada kebijakan pemerintah berupa Peraturan Menteri
ESDM Nomor 19 Tahun 2010 yang telah menetapkan formula harga jual bahan bakar
gas untuk transportasi dengan mempertimbangkan harga di titik penyerahan (hulu),
toll fee, investasi SPBG, biaya pengoperasian dan pemeliharaan SPBG, margin dan
pajak. Pada Kajian ini mengupas toll fee dengan memilih supply chain yang dianggap
tepat untuk wilayah Jawa Bagian Barat. Hasil Kajian Harga CNG untuk Regional
Jawa Bagian Barat, dimana simulasi dilakukan di wilayah DKI Jakarta didapatkan
bahwa Keputusan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Nomor: 2932
K/12/MEM/2010: ?Harga Jual Bahan Bakar Gas yang digunakan untuk Transportasi
di Wilayah Jakarta termasuk Bogor, Bekasi, Depok dan Tangerang adalah Rp
3.100,00 (tiga ribu seratus rupiah) untuk tiap 1 (satu) Liter Setara Premium (LSP)
termasuk pajak-pajak.? merupakan harga kompetitif yang dapat dilaksanakan untuk
wilayah Jawa bagian Barat. Dilihat dari hasil rekalkulasi yaitu harga CNG pada
tapping point Bitung sebesar $. 0.223 atau Rp. 2819,82 dan harga aggregasi sebesar
Rp. 2737,58 dengan harga riil berada pada rentang harga Rp.1857,43 hingga Rp.
3890,32 (berdasarkan Indeks Harga Konsumen April 2015) dan pada wilayah taping
poin Nagrak sebesar $. 0.209 atau Rp. 2631,02 dan harga aggregasi sebesar Rp.
2795,51 dengan harga riil berada pada rentang harga Rp.2227,59 hingga Rp. 4533.44.
The study was conducted by analyzing all the components that affect the cost of provision of CNG price, with a Monte Carlo simulation with the help of Crystal Ball software which refers to government policies such as the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 19 of 2010, which has set the pricing formula of gas fuel for transportation by considering the price at the point of delivery (upstream), toll fee, SPBGs investment, operating and maintenance costs SPBGs, margins and taxes. On This study peeling toll fee by choosing supply chain that is considered appropriate for the region Western of Java. Study results CNG price to Regional Java, where the simulation is done in Jakarta found that the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 2932 K / 12 / MEM / 2010: "Selling Price Gas Fuel used for transportation in Jakarta area including Bogor, Bekasi, Depok and Tangerang is $ 3100.00 (three thousand one hundred dollars) for every 1 (one) liter Premium Equivalent (LSP), including taxes. "a competitive price that can be implemented for the region western of Java. Judging from the results of recalculation is the price of CNG at the tapping point Bitung of $. 0.223 or Rp. 2819.82 and aggregation price of Rp. 2737.58 with the real price is in the range of price Rp.1857, 43 up to Rp. 3890.32 (based on the Consumer Price Index April 2015) and in the region of Nagrak tapping points. $.0.209 or Rp. 2631.02 and aggregation price of Rp. 2795.51 with the real price is in the range of price Rp.2227,59 up to Rp.4533.44.
;The study was conducted by analyzing all the components that affect the cost of provision of CNG price, with a Monte Carlo simulation with the help of Crystal Ball software which refers to government policies such as the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 19 of 2010, which has set the pricing formula of gas fuel for transportation by considering the price at the point of delivery (upstream), toll fee, SPBGs investment, operating and maintenance costs SPBGs, margins and taxes. On This study peeling toll fee by choosing supply chain that is considered appropriate for the region Western of Java. Study results CNG price to Regional Java, where the simulation is done in Jakarta found that the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 2932 K / 12 / MEM / 2010: "Selling Price Gas Fuel used for transportation in Jakarta area including Bogor, Bekasi, Depok and Tangerang is $ 3100.00 (three thousand one hundred dollars) for every 1 (one) liter Premium Equivalent (LSP), including taxes. "a competitive price that can be implemented for the region western of Java. Judging from the results of recalculation is the price of CNG at the tapping point Bitung of $. 0.223 or Rp. 2819.82 and aggregation price of Rp. 2737.58 with the real price is in the range of price Rp.1857, 43 up to Rp. 3890.32 (based on the Consumer Price Index April 2015) and in the region of Nagrak tapping points. $.0.209 or Rp. 2631.02 and aggregation price of Rp. 2795.51 with the real price is in the range of price Rp.2227,59 up to Rp.4533.44.
;The study was conducted by analyzing all the components that affect the cost of provision of CNG price, with a Monte Carlo simulation with the help of Crystal Ball software which refers to government policies such as the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 19 of 2010, which has set the pricing formula of gas fuel for transportation by considering the price at the point of delivery (upstream), toll fee, SPBGs investment, operating and maintenance costs SPBGs, margins and taxes. On This study peeling toll fee by choosing supply chain that is considered appropriate for the region Western of Java. Study results CNG price to Regional Java, where the simulation is done in Jakarta found that the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 2932 K / 12 / MEM / 2010: "Selling Price Gas Fuel used for transportation in Jakarta area including Bogor, Bekasi, Depok and Tangerang is $ 3100.00 (three thousand one hundred dollars) for every 1 (one) liter Premium Equivalent (LSP), including taxes. "a competitive price that can be implemented for the region western of Java. Judging from the results of recalculation is the price of CNG at the tapping point Bitung of $. 0.223 or Rp. 2819.82 and aggregation price of Rp. 2737.58 with the real price is in the range of price Rp.1857, 43 up to Rp. 3890.32 (based on the Consumer Price Index April 2015) and in the region of Nagrak tapping points. $.0.209 or Rp. 2631.02 and aggregation price of Rp. 2795.51 with the real price is in the range of price Rp.2227,59 up to Rp.4533.44.
, The study was conducted by analyzing all the components that affect the cost of provision of CNG price, with a Monte Carlo simulation with the help of Crystal Ball software which refers to government policies such as the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 19 of 2010, which has set the pricing formula of gas fuel for transportation by considering the price at the point of delivery (upstream), toll fee, SPBGs investment, operating and maintenance costs SPBGs, margins and taxes. On This study peeling toll fee by choosing supply chain that is considered appropriate for the region Western of Java. Study results CNG price to Regional Java, where the simulation is done in Jakarta found that the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 2932 K / 12 / MEM / 2010: "Selling Price Gas Fuel used for transportation in Jakarta area including Bogor, Bekasi, Depok and Tangerang is $ 3100.00 (three thousand one hundred dollars) for every 1 (one) liter Premium Equivalent (LSP), including taxes. "a competitive price that can be implemented for the region western of Java. Judging from the results of recalculation is the price of CNG at the tapping point Bitung of $. 0.223 or Rp. 2819.82 and aggregation price of Rp. 2737.58 with the real price is in the range of price Rp.1857, 43 up to Rp. 3890.32 (based on the Consumer Price Index April 2015) and in the region of Nagrak tapping points. $.0.209 or Rp. 2631.02 and aggregation price of Rp. 2795.51 with the real price is in the range of price Rp.2227,59 up to Rp.4533.44.
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