ABSTRAKKegiatan Leasing pesawat terbang merupakan salah satu kepentingan
internasional. Hampir semua maskapai penerbangan di Indonesia menggunakan
leasing dalam pembiayaan pesawat terbang. Di Indonesia pengaturan mengenai
leasing pesawat terbang kurang memadai. Dengan adanya Model Law on Leasing,
UNIDROIT Convention on International Financial Leasing dan Cape Town
Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment diharapkan dapat
mempermudah para pihak untuk melakukan kegiatan leasing pesawat terbang.
Dalam penelitian ini, akan membahas mengenai perbandingan peraturan leasing
pesawat terbang di Indonesia dengan Konvensi Model Law on Leasing,
UNIDROIT Convention on International Financial dan Cape Town Convention
on International Interests in Mobile Equipment sehingga metode penelitian yang
digunakan ialah perbandingan dan peraturan perundang-undangan serta jenis
penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian yuridis normatif.
ABSTRACTAircraft leasing is one of the international interests. Almost all of Indonesian
airline use leasing of aircraft financing. Indonesia doesn?t have any satisfy
regulation about aircraft leasing. Model Law on Leasing, UNIDROIT Convention
on International Financial Leasing and Cape Town Convention on International
Interests in Mobile Equipment are expected to facilitate the parties to engage in
aircraft leasing. This thesis will discuss about Comparative Law of Aircraft
Leasing Based on Indonesian Law with Model Law on Leasing, UNIDROIT
Convention on International Financial Leasing and Cape Town Convention on
International Interests in Mobile Equipment. The methods in this research are
comparative approach and statute approach and the type of this research is
normative juridical method.;Aircraft leasing is one of the international interests. Almost all of Indonesian
airline use leasing of aircraft financing. Indonesia doesn?t have any satisfy
regulation about aircraft leasing. Model Law on Leasing, UNIDROIT Convention
on International Financial Leasing and Cape Town Convention on International
Interests in Mobile Equipment are expected to facilitate the parties to engage in
aircraft leasing. This thesis will discuss about Comparative Law of Aircraft
Leasing Based on Indonesian Law with Model Law on Leasing, UNIDROIT
Convention on International Financial Leasing and Cape Town Convention on
International Interests in Mobile Equipment. The methods in this research are
comparative approach and statute approach and the type of this research is
normative juridical method., Aircraft leasing is one of the international interests. Almost all of Indonesian
airline use leasing of aircraft financing. Indonesia doesn’t have any satisfy
regulation about aircraft leasing. Model Law on Leasing, UNIDROIT Convention
on International Financial Leasing and Cape Town Convention on International
Interests in Mobile Equipment are expected to facilitate the parties to engage in
aircraft leasing. This thesis will discuss about Comparative Law of Aircraft
Leasing Based on Indonesian Law with Model Law on Leasing, UNIDROIT
Convention on International Financial Leasing and Cape Town Convention on
International Interests in Mobile Equipment. The methods in this research are
comparative approach and statute approach and the type of this research is
normative juridical method.]"