Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Reza Aditia Nugraha
Abstrak :
Promosi semangat bertoleransi oleh masyarakat Adat Karuhun Urang AKUR Sunda Wiwitan Cigugur melalui upacara Seren Taun menjadi begitu penting kehadirannya terutama di saat upaya memarjinalkan kelompok penghayat oleh kelompok-kelompok dominan terus berlangsung. Studi-studi sebelumnya melihat bahwa Seren Taun di Cigugur merupakan sarana penguatan identitas dan pelestarian tradisi sekaligus sebagai strategi bertahan dari logika dominasi kelompok dominan. Namun, studi ini melihat lebih dari sekadar itu. Peneliti berargumen bahwa Seren Taun di Cigugur merupakan cerminan upaya komune kultural untuk mengubah struktur sosial yang selama ini memarjinalkan mereka. Ini yang kemudian oleh Manuel Castells sebut sebagai project identity. Melalui studi dokumen, observasi, serta wawancara mendalam sebagai teknik pengumpulan data, studi ini menyimpulkan bahwa Seren Taun di Cigugur telah memberikan masyarakat AKUR Sunda Wiwitan Cigugur posisi tawar, sebagaimana itu terbangun dari relasi mereka dengan organisasi masyarakat sipil, yang memungkinkan mereka untuk mendefinisikan ulang posisi mereka di dalam masyarakat, sekaligus juga untuk mentransformasi struktur sosial.
Inciting the spirit of tolerance by Adat Karuhun Urang AKUR Sunda Wiwitan Cigugur community through a ceremony so called Seren Taun becomes so important in its presence, especially when the marginalization of penghayat by the dominant groups continues endlessly. Previous studies perceive Seren Taun in Cigugur as a mean to define their identity as well as to preserve the ancestor rsquo s traditions, also as a survival strategy against the logic of domination of the dominant groups. However, this study argues that Seren Taun in Cigugur is indeed reflecting the struggle of the cultural commune to transform the overall structure that has been marginalizing them all this time. This manifests what Manuel Castells names project identity. Through document study, observations, and in depth interviews as techniques to collect information, this study finds that Seren Taun in Cigugur has equipped AKUR Sunda Wiwitan Cigugur community with a powerful bargaining position, as it is constructed from the basis of their relationship with civil society organizations, in which it enables them to define their position within society as well as to transform its structure.
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Lilawati Kurnia
Abstrak :
Seren Taun is a ritual ceremony and celebration, which is practiced in West Java by the Sundanese. It is similar to Thanksgiving in many countries. The village Cigugur, located 3 km west of Kuningan, is the focus of the paper, because the Seren Taun celebration there has been a major event and received a lot of attention from the media, government, and scholars. Many non-Javanese traditional celebrations were repressed during the Suharto era and traditional beliefs were either also repressed or co-opted into one of the five official religions. During the post-Suharto era, the spirit of reformation has brought diversity of more than 300 ethnic groups onto the surface. With the aim to preserve and maintain the tradition of Seren Taun, but as well as to preserve the identity and collective memory of the community, Djatikusumah, chairman of PACKU, has in these recent years developed several policies, concerning traditional art performances, buildings/sites used for ceremonies, and the batik motives that were taken from woodcarvings in the Paseban hall. This paper will explore the intersection between the role of Djatikusumah as an agency and the culture industry he invented.
Depok: University of Indonesia, Faculty of Humanities, 2014
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Prita Setya Maharani
Abstrak :
Banyak tradisi di Indonesia yang keberadaannya terancam oleh kapitalisme global dan paparan media, salah satunya tradisi Seren Taun di Kampung Urug. Seren Taun adalah ritual adat di Jawa Barat yang dilaksanakan setiap akhir panen. Ritual merupakan perwujudan rasa syukur kepada penguasa alam, terutama Dewi Sri yang diyakini sebagai Dewi Panen. Tesis ini akan menyoroti praktik komodifikasi Seren Taun di Kampung Urug yang digunakan untuk mengembangkan bisnis pariwisata di daerah tersebut. Studi ini juga akan membahas kompleksitas proses budaya, termasuk bagaimana aktor kebudayaan terlibat dalam pembangunan dan komersialisasi Kampung Urug. Penelitian ini juga menelisik keterlibatan tokoh-tokoh lokal maupun non-lokal dalam proses komodifikasi Kampung Urug. Wawancara mendalam dan observasi lapangan dilakukan untuk mengumpulkan data dan informasi melalui etnografi. Selain itu, perspektif budaya juga dilibatkan untuk menggali secara kritis penggunaan budaya untuk kepentingan ekonomi. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa isu pembangunan negara dan peran publikasi media massa telah mengubah Kampung Urug dalam banyak aspek. Selain itu, strategi warga Kampung Urug dalam menghadapi industri pariwisata juga dipaparkan. Melalui penelitian ini, penulis menyarankan strategi alternatif yang dapat digunakan pemerintah untuk memajukan desa adat dengan mempertimbangkan perspektif budaya di wilayah yang bersangkutan.
......Many villages in Indonesia are threatened by global capitalism and media exposure. The Seren Taun ritual in Kampung Urug is one of the most affected. Seren Taun is a traditional ritual in West Java that is carried out at the end of every harvest. The ritual is an expression of gratitude to the natural authorities, especially Dewi Sri who is believed to be the Harvest Goddess. This thesis will highlight the commodification of Seren Taun in Kampung Urug, which is used to develop tourism businesses in the area. The study will also discuss the complexity of cultural processes, including how cultural actors are involved in the development and commercialization of Kampung Urug. This research also investigates the involvement of local and non-local figures in the commodification process of Kampung Urug. Ethnography with in-depth interviews and field observations were conducted to collect data and information. A cultural perspective is also involved to explore critically how to use Urug's culture for economic purposes. The results of this study state that the issue of national development and the role of mass media publications have changed Kampung Urug in many aspects. Moreover, there is an explanation for Kampung Urugs resident strategy in dealing with the tourism industry. Through this research, the authors propose alternative strategies that can be used by the government to advance traditional villages by considering cultural perspectives in the area concerned.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library