Eddy Yusron
Abstrak :
Pada bulan Oktober dan Nopember 1990, komunitas teripang penghuni mintakat litoral Pulau Kai Besar, Maluku Tenggara, dicuplik di lima lokasi : Borang, Ohoiwait, Nuwahan, Wahadan dan Kurit Wur. Analisis terhadap data jumlah dan jenis fauna melibatkan lima indeks ekologis; meliputi kepadatan, kekayaan jenis, keragaman, kemerataan dan kemiripan. Terungkap bahwa komunitas teripang terdiri dari 14 jenis dimana lima jenis diantaranya hadir dengan kepadatan yang lebih tinggi di semua lokasi, yaitu Holothuria edulis, H. scabra, H. nobilis, H. atra dan Stichopus chloronatus. Kecilnya variasi indeks ekologis pada seluruh lokasi menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik komunitas pada seluruh lokasi tersebut relatif sama.
Holothurian (Holothuroidea) Community Structure in Some Coastal Waters of Kai Besar Island, South-East Maluku. During October and November 1990 the holothurian community inhabiting littoral areas was assessed at five locations : Borang, Ohoiwait, Nuwahan, Wahadan and Kurit Wur. This involved five ecological indices: density, species richness, diversity, evenness and similarity. It was revealed that the holothurian community consisted of 14 species in which five among them occurred in all locations at higher densities: Holothuria edulis, H. scabra, H. nobilis, H. atra and Stichopus chloronatus. Small variations of the ecological indices at all locations may indicate that the community characteristics at the five locations were relatively similar.
Depok: Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 2004
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library