Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan empat tahapan yaitu input stage dengan melakukan analisis situasi berdasarkan faktor internal dan eksternal UPF BKMM, matching stage untuk menentukan posisi agar UPF BKMM mengetahui strategi apa yang harus dilakukan menggunakan matriks IE dan matriks TOWS, decision stage untuk menentukan strategi prioritas dengan Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) serta implementasi dengan menyusun pedoman penerapan menggunakan pendekatan Balance Scorecard.
Hasil dari penelitian ini diperoleh bahwa terdapat beberapa faktor internal yang menjadi kekuatan bagi UPF BKMM Cikampek seperti sistem informasi rumah sakit (SIM RS) yang sudaah sepenuhnya terintegrasi dan mandiri, sedangkan faktor internal yang menjadi kelemahan UPF BKMM adalah sumber daya manusia yang belum memenuhi kapasitas. Salah satu contoh Faktor eksternal yang menjadi peluang adalah letak geografi dari UPF BKMM. UPF BKMM Cikampek terletak di lokasi strategis, dan peluang UPF BKMM untuk bekerjasama dengan pihak lain, dimana banyaknya Perusahaan-perusahaan swasta di wilayah UPF BKMM Cikampek. Sedangkan faktor eksternal yang menjadi ancaman adalah Institusi lain/pesaing dimana kompetisi layanan Kesehatan di daerah Karawang kian meningkat
. Posisi strategi UPF BKMM Cikampek berada pada sel V dalam matriks IE yang berartikan Hold and Maintain. Oleh karena itu, UPF BKMM dalam lima tahun kedepan memfokuskan pengembangannya dengan penetrasi pasar, pengembangan produk dan pengembangan pasar dengan tersusunnya empat prioritas strategi yaitu: 1) pengembangan layanan unggulan, 2) penetrasi pasar dengan meningkatkan upaya- upaya pemasaran serta bekerja sama dengan komunitas, 3) mendorong semangat pegawai untuk selalu meningkatkan pelayanan prima, dan 4) mengembangkan budaya tata kelola yang baik dan meningkatkan inovasi terkait pelayanan digitalisasi Selain itu tersusun juga key performance indicator (KPI) UPF BKMM Cikampek sebagai langkah- langkah untuk memenuhi pencapaian sasaran strategi. ......This research discusses and reviews the UPF BKMM Cikampek strategic plan for the 2025-2029 period and uses the Balance Scorecard approach as a guide in planning, implementing and managing services during that time period to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This strategic plan is carried out by looking at the hospital's impact on four perspectives, namely finance, patients, internal business processes and learning and growth. This research is qualitative research that uses literature review methods, interviews, consensus decision making group (CDMG) and secondary data review.
This research was carried out in four stages, namely input stage by conducting situation analysis based on internal and external factors of UPF BKMM, matching stage to determine the position so that UPF BKMM knows what strategy to use using the IE matrix and TOWS matrix, decision stage to determine priority strategies using Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) and implementation by preparing implementation guidelines using the Balance Scorecard approach.
The results of this research show that there are several internal factors that are strengths for UPF BKMM Cikampek, such as the hospital information system (SIM RS) which is fully integrated and independent, while the internal factors that are weaknesses of UPF BKMM are human resources that do not yet meet capacity. One example of an external factor that becomes an opportunity is the geographic location of UPF BKMM. UPF BKMM Cikampek is located in a strategic location, and there are opportunities for UPF BKMM to collaborate with other parties, where there are many private companies in the UPF BKMM Cikampek area. Meanwhile, external factors that pose a threat are other institutions/competitors where competition for health services in the Karawang area is increasing
. The position of the UPF BKMM Cikampek strategy is in cell V in the IE matrix which means Hold and Maintain. Therefore, in the next five years, UPF BKMM will focus its development on market penetration, product development and market development with four strategic priorities, namely: 1) development of superior services, 2) market penetration by increasing marketing efforts and working together with the community, 3) encouraging employee enthusiasm to always improve service excellence, and 4) developing a culture of good governance and increasing innovation related to digitalization services. Apart from that, key performance indicators (KPI) UPF BKMM Cikampek have also been prepared as steps to meet the achievement of strategic targets.
Konsep Balanced Scorecard dimulai dengan melakukan analisis SWOT untuk mengetahuni kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang, dan ancaman dari SD Harapan Mulia. Hasil analisis SWOT tersebut digunakan untuk menentukan dan menyelaraskan sasaran strategi dengan visi dan misi sekolah melalui matriks SWOT. Dengan menggunakan hasil analisis SWOT, matriks SWOT menghasilkan 25 sasaran strategis yang diklasifikasikan menjadi 5 perspektif dan terdiri dari 4 sasaran strategi dari pespektif pelanggan, 1 sasaran strategi dari perspektif keuangan, 1 sasaran strategi dari perspektif penyandang dana, 11 sasaran strategi dari perspektif proses internal bisnis, dan 8 sasaran strategi perspektif pembelajaran serta pertumbuhan. Sasaran strategi yang dihasilkan akan diklasifikasikan dan dihubungkan menggunakan peta strategi (Strategy Map). Sasaran strategi tersebut juga digunakan untuk merumuskan pengukuran dan tindakan-tindakan inisiatif menggunakan Balanced Scorecard.
This research wants to create a competitive advantage with doing some alignment between organization strategy and visions, missions, and values that are had by Harapan Mulia Elementary School. This research are conducted because of increasing in organization growth and business competition on educational service industry at Kotamadya Bekasi. Research method which is used in this research is qualitative research method. Thats method is done by collecting, classifying, and analysing data that are got from Harapan Mulia Elementary School and theory that are related for this research. Process of collection, classification, and analysis data and theory are done by doing direct observation, interview and secondary data collection that are related for this research. Data in this research are analyzed by using management system based on Balanced Scorecard created by Kaplan and Norton. Balanced Scorecard concept start with doing SWOT analysis to know strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that is owned by SD Harapan Mulia. The result of SWOT analysis is used to decide and coordinate strategy objective with their vision mision through matriks SWOT. By using the result of SWOT analysis, matrix SWOT generates 25 objective strategies that are classified to 5 perspective and that are consist of 4 objective strategies in customer perspective, 1 objective strategy in financial perspective, 1 objective strategy in fiduciary perspective, 11 objective strategies in internal process perspective, and 8 objective strategies in learning and growth perspective. Objective strategy that are generated will be classified and connected by using strategy map. Those objective strategies are also used to create a measurement and an initiative action using Balanced Scorecard.