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Titi Panilia
Abstrak :
Hidroksiapatit (HA) mempunyai peran penting dalam bidang medis karena komposisi kimia dan strukturnya yang mirip dengan tulang manusia. Material ini disintesis melalui metode hidrotermal dengan prekusor Ca(NO3)2, CaO dan NH3PO4. Variasi temperatur hidrotermal pada 150 ̊C dan 300 ̊C, temperatur sintering pada 900 ̊C selama 3 jam. Endapan yang diperoleh diuji dengan XRD dan SEM-EDX. Morfologi partikel hasil karakterisasi SEM berbentuk batangan memanjang dan melingkar teraglomerasi dan hasil uji EDX menunjukkan rasio Ca/P yang lebih besar dari 1.67. Uji XRD menunjukkan adanya fasa kalsium difosfat, fluorapatit dan apatit karbonat tipe- A di dalam endapan yang meningkatkan rasio Ca/P. ABSTRACT
Hydroxyapatite (HA) posseses significant role in medical application due to its similarity in chemical and structure to human bones. This material was synthesized through hydrothermal method using Ca(NO3)2, CaO and NH3PO4. Hydrothermal temperature varied on 150 ̊C and 300 ̊C, sintering temperature on 900 ̊C for 3 hours. Sample was characterization by XRD and SEM-EDX. Morphology observed by SEM is agglomerated round- spherical- shape particle with Ca/P ratio more than 1.67 measured by EDX. Calcium diphospate, fluorapatite and carbonated type- A presence is observed by XRD.;Hydroxyapatite (HA) posseses significant role in medical application due to its similarity in chemical and structure to human bones. This material was synthesized through hydrothermal method using Ca(NO3)2, CaO and NH3PO4. Hydrothermal temperature varied on 150 ̊C and 300 ̊C, sintering temperature on 900 ̊C for 3 hours. Sample was characterization by XRD and SEM-EDX. Morphology observed by SEM is agglomerated round- spherical- shape particle with Ca/P ratio more than 1.67 measured by EDX. Calcium diphospate, fluorapatite and carbonated type- A presence is observed by XRD., Hydroxyapatite (HA) posseses significant role in medical application due to its similarity in chemical and structure to human bones. This material was synthesized through hydrothermal method using Ca(NO3)2, CaO and NH3PO4. Hydrothermal temperature varied on 150 ̊C and 300 ̊C, sintering temperature on 900 ̊C for 3 hours. Sample was characterization by XRD and SEM-EDX. Morphology observed by SEM is agglomerated round- spherical- shape particle with Ca/P ratio more than 1.67 measured by EDX. Calcium diphospate, fluorapatite and carbonated type- A presence is observed by XRD.]
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Ramadhani
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini melakukan pelapisan pada permukaan baja ST-37 dengan lapisan superhidrofobik nikel melalui proses elektrodeposisi dan treatment modifikasi asam palmitat dengan keuntungan lebih murah, hemat waktu dan ramah lingkungan. Pada proses elektrodeposisi diaplikasikan rapat arus yang berbeda yaitu 1,2,4,6 dan 8 A/dm2 dengan efesiensi arus 80%,81%,70%,91% dan 89%. Secara visual permukaan baja mengalami perubahan warna sebelum dan sesudah proses elektrodeposisi dan ketebalan lapisan meningkat seiring kenaikan rapat arus yaitu 0,021,0,051,0,106,0,161 dan 0,214 cm secara berurutan. Keterbasahan permukaan dianalisis dengan pengukuran sudut kontak air (WCA) dimana permukaan menunjukkan perubahan dari hidrofilik dengan sudut kontak air 50°-90° menjadi superhidrofobik dengan sudut kontak air tertin ggi 155° setelah di modifikasi menggunakan asam palmitat. Komposisi kimia dianalisis dengan Spektroskopi inframerah transformasi fourier (FTIR) dimana adanya gugus karbosil COO- muncul pada panjang gelombang 1634 cm−1 dan 1534 cm−1 di permukaan sampel yang telah dimodifikasi ini menjelaskan bahwa asam palmitat telah berada pada permukaan nikel. Morfologi permukaan setelah dimodifikasi menunjukan orientasi kristal yang berubah seiring dengan kenaikan rapat arus elektrodeposisi yaitu berbentuk bintang tanpa struktur mikro-nano menjadi kembang kol. Topografi permukaan dianaisis menggunakan AFM (Atomic force microscope) dimana tampak perbandingan kekasaran antara sampel modifikasi dan tanpa modifikasi dengan nilai Sa (Average roughness) dan Sq (Root mean square) yaitu nilai Sa 0,2959 nm dan Sq 0,3529 nm. Ketahanan korosi dari permukaan diselidiki oleh kurva polarisasi potensiodinamik dalam media korosif larutan NaCl 3,5 wt% hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa permukaan setelah modifikasi memiliki kinerja anti korosi yang baik dan memiliki laju korosi yang paling sedikit dibandingkan dengan permukaan yang tidak dimodifikasi yaitu 0,000098 dm/yr. ...... In this research, the surface of ST-37 steel was coated with a superhydrophobic nickel layer through an electrodeposition process and modified palmitic acid treatment with the advantages of being cheaper, time-saving and environmentally friendly. In the electrodeposition process, different current densities were applied, namely 1,2,4,6 and 8 A/dm2 with a current efficiency of 80%,81%,70%,91% and 89%. Visually, the steel surface changes color before and after the electrodeposition process and the thickness of the layer increases with the increase in the current density, namely 0,021,0,051,0,106,0,161 and 0,214 cm respectively. The wettability of the surface was analyzed by measuring the water contact angle (WCA) where the surface showed a change from hydrophilic with a water contact angle of 50°-90° to superhydrophobic with the highest water contact angle of 155° after modification using palmitic acid. The chemical composition was analyzed by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) where the presence of COO- carboxyl groups appeared at wavelengths of 1634 cm−1 and 1534 cm−1 on the surface of this modified sample, explaining that palmitic acid had been present on the nickel surface. The surface morphology after being modified showed that the crystal orientation changed with the increase in the electrodeposition current density, which was in the form of a star without a micro-nano structure to a cauliflower. The surface topography was analyzed using AFM (Atomic force microscope) where the ratio of the roughness between the modified and unmodified samples was seen with the values of Sa (Average roughness) and Sq (Root mean square), namely the values of Sa 0.2959 nm and Sq 0.3529 nm. The corrosion resistance of the surface was investigated by a potentiodynamic polarization curve in a corrosive medium of 3.5 wt% NaCl solution. The results showed that the surface after modification had good anti-corrosion performance and had the least corrosion rate compared to the unmodified surface, which was 0.000098 dm/ yr.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmi Febriani
Abstrak :
Hroksiapatit merupakan jenis biomaterial sintetis yang mempunyai fasa yang paling stabil dibandingkan dengan senyawa kalsiun fosfat lainnya, selain itu hidroksiapatit memiliki tingkat kemiripan yang tinggi dengan tulang, sehingga hidroksiapatik banyak diaplikasikan sebagai bone graft sintetis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh waktu sintering terhadap kemurnian kristal hidroksiapatit yang dihasilkan. Hidroksiapatit dari prekursor kimia CaCO3 dan (NH4)2HPO4 disintesis dengan menggunakan metode hidrotermal pada temperatur 150oC dan 300oC. Hasil dari sintesis hidroksiapatik dikarakterisasi dengan menggunakan X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), dan Energy Dispersive Analysis X-Ray (EDX). Hasil karakterisasi XRD memperlihatkan intensitas tertinggi rata-rata berada pada sudut 2θ yaitu, 25.898o, 31.789o, 32.216o, 32.922o, 46.729o, dan 49.524o. Hasil dari SEM memperlihatkan morfologi dari sampel bebrbetuk nanoroot dan hasil dari EDX menunjukan rasio Ca/P sebesar 1.8. ABSTRACT
Hydroxyapatite is the most phase-stable syntetic biomaterial compared to another calcium phospate material. Hydroxyapatite also has high similarity with bone which make it has wide application as syntetic bone graft. Purpose of this research is to study the effect of sintering time towards hydroxyapatite crystal?s purity. Hydroxyapatite made from chemical precursor CaCO3 and (NH4)2HPO4 was synthesized using hydrothermal method on 150oC and 300oC. Synthesized hydroxyapatite was characterized using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and Energy Dispersive Analysis X-Ray (EDX). The result of characterization showed that highest average intensity on 2θ were: 25.898o, 31.789o, 32.216o, 32.922o, 46.729o, and 49.524o.;Hydroxyapatite is the most phase-stable syntetic biomaterial compared to another calcium phospate material. Hydroxyapatite also has high similarity with bone which make it has wide application as syntetic bone graft. Purpose of this research is to study the effect of sintering time towards hydroxyapatite crystal?s purity. Hydroxyapatite made from chemical precursor CaCO3 and (NH4)2HPO4 was synthesized using hydrothermal method on 150oC and 300oC. Synthesized hydroxyapatite was characterized using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and Energy Dispersive Analysis X-Ray (EDX). The result of characterization showed that highest average intensity on 2θ were: 25.898o, 31.789o, 32.216o, 32.922o, 46.729o, and 49.524o.;Hydroxyapatite is the most phase-stable syntetic biomaterial compared to another calcium phospate material. Hydroxyapatite also has high similarity with bone which make it has wide application as syntetic bone graft. Purpose of this research is to study the effect of sintering time towards hydroxyapatite crystal?s purity. Hydroxyapatite made from chemical precursor CaCO3 and (NH4)2HPO4 was synthesized using hydrothermal method on 150oC and 300oC. Synthesized hydroxyapatite was characterized using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and Energy Dispersive Analysis X-Ray (EDX). The result of characterization showed that highest average intensity on 2θ were: 25.898o, 31.789o, 32.216o, 32.922o, 46.729o, and 49.524o., Hydroxyapatite is the most phase-stable syntetic biomaterial compared to another calcium phospate material. Hydroxyapatite also has high similarity with bone which make it has wide application as syntetic bone graft. Purpose of this research is to study the effect of sintering time towards hydroxyapatite crystal’s purity. Hydroxyapatite made from chemical precursor CaCO3 and (NH4)2HPO4 was synthesized using hydrothermal method on 150oC and 300oC. Synthesized hydroxyapatite was characterized using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and Energy Dispersive Analysis X-Ray (EDX). The result of characterization showed that highest average intensity on 2θ were: 25.898o, 31.789o, 32.216o, 32.922o, 46.729o, and 49.524o.]
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maghfirah Syafitri Tiham
Abstrak :
Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit (TKKS) merupakan limbah hasil pengolahan kelapa sawit yang mengandung lignoselulosa yang terdiri dari 55,75% selulosa, 28,93% hemiselulosa dan 15,32% lignin. Secara kimawi, selulosa terikat dengan hemiselulosa dan lignin sehingga diperlukan delignifikasi untuk memisahkan selulosa dari komponen lignoselulosa lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan α-selulosa dari TKKS melalui proses delignifikasi dengan DES (Deep Eutectic Solvent), mendapatkan informasi mengenai pengaruh pretreatment asam oksalat dan natrium hidroksida, penambahan air, dan penggunaan Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction (UAE) pada proses delignifikasi. Pelarut DES pada penelitian ini menggunakan Hydrogen Bond Acceptor (HBA), yaitu; kolin klorida (ChCl) dan Hydrogen Bond Donor (HBD), yaitu asam laktat, urea, gliserol, dan asam oksalat yang dikombinasikan pada rasio molar HBA dan HBD 1:1, 1:2, dan 1:3. Analisis kuantitatif dilakukan dengan metode Wet Chemistry dan Chesson-Data. Identifikasi α-selulosa dilakukan dengan pengamatan organoleptis, analisis Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Microscope-Energy Dispersive X-Ray (SEM-EDX), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar α-selulosa tertinggi, yaitu 89,16% diperoleh dari delignifikasi menggunakan ChCl:asam laktat (1:1) dengan penambahan air 15%. Waktu optimal pada penggunaan UAE adalah 30 menit dengan kadar α-selulosa 92,96%. α-selulosa yang dihasilkan berwarna kuning pucat dengan karakteristik yang mirip dengan standar sehingga TKKS berpotensi untuk dikembangkan lebih lanjut sebagai eksipien sediaan farmasi. ......Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches (OPEFB) is a waste generated from palm oil processing that contains lignocellulosic biomass, which consists of 55.75% cellulose, 28.93% hemicellulose and 15.32% lignin. Chemically, cellulose is bound to hemicellulose and lignin so that delignification is needed to separate cellulose from other lignocellulosic components. This study aims to obtain α-cellulose from OPEFB through the delignification process of DES (Deep Eutectic Solvent), to find out information about the effect of oxalic acid and sodium hydroxide pretreatment, the addition of water, and the use of Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction (UAE). DES solvent in this study used Hydrogen Bond Acceptor (HBA) choline chloride and Hydrogen Bond Donor (HBD), namely lactic acid, urea, glycerol, and oxalic acid which would then be combined at 1:1, 1:2, and 1:3 molar ratios. Quantitative analysis of α-cellulose content was carried out using Wet Chemistry and Chesson-Data methods. Identification of α-cellulose by organoleptic observation, Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Microscope-Energy Dispersive X-Ray (SEM-EDX) and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis. The results showed that the highest α-cellulose content, which was 89.16%, was obtained from delignification using ChCl:lactic acid (1:1) with 15% water. Furthermore, the optimal time for using UAE was 30 minutes with α-cellulose 92,96%. The resulting α-cellulose has yellow pale color. The identification results showed similar characteristics to the standard so that has the potential to be further developed as pharmaceutical excipients.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gitasa Miku Imada
Abstrak :
The global transition to sustainable energy necessitates efficient, eco-friendly hydrogen production methods. Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells (SOECs) are promising for green hydrogen due to their high efficiency and ability to utilize waste heat. This research optimizes sintering temperatures for the LSCF-GDC/GDC | YSZ | Ni-YSZ cell configuration to enhance SOEC performance and longevity. The study examines varying sintering temperatures (800°C, 900°C, and 1000°C) and their impact on structural and electrochemical characteristics, using SEM-EDX. The findings reveal that higher sintering temperatures promote the formation of SrZrO3. Additionally, the research examines the delamination behavior of the anode at different temperatures, highlighting the critical role of temperature in maintaining structural integrity. At 1000°C, complete delamination occurs, whereas partial delamination at 900°C and no delamination at 800°C emphasize the need for precise temperature control. This delamination is hypothesized to be caused by is the mismatch in thermal expansion coefficients (TECs) between different cell materials. This study contributes to the ongoing efforts to optimize SOEC technology, providing valuable insights into material behavior under high-temperature conditions and guiding future advancements in sustainable hydrogen production. ......Transisi global menuju energi berkelanjutan memerlukan metode produksi hidrogen yang efisien dan ramah lingkungan. Sel Elektrolisis Oksida Padat (SOEC) menjanjikan untuk hidrogen hijau karena efisiensinya yang tinggi dan kemampuannya memanfaatkan panas limbah. Penelitian ini mengoptimalkan suhu sintering untuk konfigurasi sel LSCF-GDC/GDC | YSZ | Ni-YSZ guna meningkatkan kinerja dan umur panjang SOEC. Studi ini memeriksa berbagai suhu sintering (800°C, 900°C, dan 1000°C) dan dampaknya terhadap karakteristik struktural dan elektrokimia, menggunakan SEM-EDX. Temuan mengungkapkan bahwa suhu sintering yang lebih tinggi mempromosikan pembentukan SrZrO3. Selain itu, penelitian ini memeriksa perilaku delaminasi anoda pada berbagai suhu, menyoroti peran penting suhu dalam menjaga integritas struktural. Pada suhu 1000°C, terjadi delaminasi lengkap, sedangkan delaminasi parsial terjadi pada suhu 900°C dan tidak terjadi delaminasi pada suhu 800°C, menekankan perlunya kontrol suhu yang tepat. Delaminasi ini diduga disebabkan oleh ketidakcocokan koefisien ekspansi termal (TEC) antara bahan sel yang berbeda. Studi ini berkontribusi pada upaya berkelanjutan untuk mengoptimalkan teknologi SOEC, memberikan wawasan berharga tentang perilaku material dalam kondisi suhu tinggi dan membimbing kemajuan masa depan dalam produksi hidrogen berkelanjutan.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Julia
Abstrak :
[Penelusuran kolagen dari lapisan dalam rempela ayam kampung dan ayam negri diidentifikasi dengan cara tanpa perendaman dan dengan perendaman basa NaOH. Sifat fisiokimia kolagen dikarakterisasi dengan menggunakan Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) dan Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate – Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS PAGE). Keberadaan kolagen dari sampel tanpa perendaman diketahui dari gugus fungsi molekul khas yang menyerap radiasi infra merah pada bilangan gelombang tertentu. Pada sampel dengan perendaman basa NaOH, memperlihatkan hilangnya gugus amida pada beberapa daerah jangkauan bilangan gelombang. Selain itu, perendaman juga mengurangi semua komponen kolagen dalam sampel. Kolagen yang berasal dari lapisan dalam rempela ayam merupakan kolagen tipe I dari hasil pemeriksaan bobot unit molekul sampel dengan uji SDS PAGE. Bentuk morfologi dari kolagen ini adalah berbentuk serat kecil dengan partikel-partikel kecil yang teramati menutup serat pada perbesaran kecil. Sementara kandungan atom penyusunnya merupakan susunan umum atom yang terdapat pada protein yaitu karbon, oksigen, fosfor dan sulfur dengan sedikit unsur pengotor. ......The collagen resulted from inner layer of free-range chicken and broiler chicken gizzard were identified by means of submersion with NaOH base and without submersion. The physiochemical of collagen were characterized with Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) andSodium Dodecyl Sulphate – Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS PAGE). The presence of collagens in sample without submersion were observed from typical molecular functional group absorbing infrared radiation at a particular wave number. Futhermore, in the sample with NaOH base submersion demonstrated that the loss of amide groups in some range areas of wave number. In addition, the submersion bring about decreating all component of collagen in sample as well. The collagens derived from inner layer of gizzard chicken were type I of collagen resulted from examination the sample unit weight with SDS PAGE. The morphology of collagens were a small fibers with small particles covered fibers in small magnification. The content of the contituent atoms were general arrangement of atoms in the protein such as oxygen, phospor and sulphur with slight impurities.;The collagen resulted from inner layer of free-range chicken and broiler chicken gizzard were identified by means of submersion with NaOH base and without submersion. The physiochemical of collagen were characterized with Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) andSodium Dodecyl Sulphate – Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS PAGE). The presence of collagens in sample without submersion were observed from typical molecular functional group absorbing infrared radiation at a particular wave number. Futhermore, in the sample with NaOH base submersion demonstrated that the loss of amide groups in some range areas of wave number. In addition, the submersion bring about decreating all component of collagen in sample as well. The collagens derived from inner layer of gizzard chicken were type I of collagen resulted from examination the sample unit weight with SDS PAGE. The morphology of collagens were a small fibers with small particles covered fibers in small magnification. The content of the contituent atoms were general arrangement of atoms in the protein such as oxygen, phospor and sulphur with slight impurities.;The collagen resulted from inner layer of free-range chicken and broiler chicken gizzard were identified by means of submersion with NaOH base and without submersion. The physiochemical of collagen were characterized with Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) andSodium Dodecyl Sulphate – Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS PAGE). The presence of collagens in sample without submersion were observed from typical molecular functional group absorbing infrared radiation at a particular wave number. Futhermore, in the sample with NaOH base submersion demonstrated that the loss of amide groups in some range areas of wave number. In addition, the submersion bring about decreating all component of collagen in sample as well. The collagens derived from inner layer of gizzard chicken were type I of collagen resulted from examination the sample unit weight with SDS PAGE. The morphology of collagens were a small fibers with small particles covered fibers in small magnification. The content of the contituent atoms were general arrangement of atoms in the protein such as oxygen, phospor and sulphur with slight impurities.;The collagen resulted from inner layer of free-range chicken and broiler chicken gizzard were identified by means of submersion with NaOH base and without submersion. The physiochemical of collagen were characterized with Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) andSodium Dodecyl Sulphate – Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS PAGE). The presence of collagens in sample without submersion were observed from typical molecular functional group absorbing infrared radiation at a particular wave number. Futhermore, in the sample with NaOH base submersion demonstrated that the loss of amide groups in some range areas of wave number. In addition, the submersion bring about decreating all component of collagen in sample as well. The collagens derived from inner layer of gizzard chicken were type I of collagen resulted from examination the sample unit weight with SDS PAGE. The morphology of collagens were a small fibers with small particles covered fibers in small magnification. The content of the contituent atoms were general arrangement of atoms in the protein such as oxygen, phospor and sulphur with slight impurities., The collagen resulted from inner layer of free-range chicken and broiler chicken gizzard were identified by means of submersion with NaOH base and without submersion. The physiochemical of collagen were characterized with Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) andSodium Dodecyl Sulphate – Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS PAGE). The presence of collagens in sample without submersion were observed from typical molecular functional group absorbing infrared radiation at a particular wave number. Futhermore, in the sample with NaOH base submersion demonstrated that the loss of amide groups in some range areas of wave number. In addition, the submersion bring about decreating all component of collagen in sample as well. The collagens derived from inner layer of gizzard chicken were type I of collagen resulted from examination the sample unit weight with SDS PAGE. The morphology of collagens were a small fibers with small particles covered fibers in small magnification. The content of the contituent atoms were general arrangement of atoms in the protein such as oxygen, phospor and sulphur with slight impurities.]
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alif Fadhilah Dinandaka
Abstrak :
Program Tol Laut membuat produksi kapal di Indonesia semakin meningkat. Galangan yang memproduksi kapal di Indonesia seringkali menggunakan metode flame straightening untuk meluruskan kembali plat yang bengkok akibat sebaran panas yang tidak merata, maupun karena kurangnya perhatian dalam penaganan plat ataupun blok. Galangan di Indonesia secara umum menggunakan plat baja karbon rendah untuk membangun kapal. Perlakuan flame straightening yang dilakukan di galangan seringkali tidak memiliki standar yang jelas. Karenanya harus diketahui pengaruh yang terjadi pada bagian yang diberikan flame straightening dari perspektif struktur mikro dan sifat mekanik. Mereplikasi kegiatan flame straightening yang terjadi di galangan dengan variabel waktu pemanasan dan temperatur maksimum, penelitian ini memberikan hasil berupa gambaran pengaruh flame straightening tersebut. Pengujian hasil pemanasan dilakukan dengan observasi visual, uji tarik, uji kekerasan, dan observasi struktur mikro dengan SEM-EDX. Terbukti bahwa perlakuan panas flame straightening memberikan dampak pada plat spesimen. Observasi visual memberi keluaran bahwa terdapat corak warna yang terjadi setelah dilakukan perlakuan panas, corak tersebut terjadi secara acak. Begitu pula dengan uji kekerasan yang memberikan hasil acak namun terbukti terdapat penambahan nilai kekerasan dibanding material yang belum diberi perlakuan panas. Uji tarik memberi hasil bahwa semakin lama pemanasan, maka kekuatan tarik akan semakin baik, sampai dengan variabel waktu yang ditentukan. Pengujian SEM-EDX memberikan hasil yang sesuai dengan teori struktur mikro dan diagram fasa, yang mengatakan dengan variabel yang telah ditentukan seharusnya tidak ada perubahan struktur mikro yang terjadi.
Tol Laut Program is increasing the shipbuilding activities in Indonesia. Shipbuilding shipyards in Indonesia oftenly use flame straightening in order to realign deformed plates due to uneven heat spreading, as well as the lack of concern when handling plates or ship blocks. Indonesian shipyards commonly use low carbon steel for shipbuilding. Flame straightening that is done in shipyards, oftenly have no clear standards. That is why it is important to know the influence happened in the flame straightened part of the plates form the microstructural and mechanical properties perspectives. Replicating the flame straightening done in shipyards with heating time and maximum temperature as variables, this research gives an output of  the depiction of the influence of flame straightening. The examination of the heating results is done by visual observation, tensile test, hardness tes, and microstructural observation using SEM-EDX. It is proved that flame straightening affects the specimens. Visual observation shows a colored pattern that occurs after the heat treatment, and the pattern occurs randomly. Hardness test also gives a random output but proved the addition of hardness number compared to untreated materials. Tensile test gives the output of the increase of tensile strength correspondently with the length of heating time, with the specified time variable. SEM-EDX gives the corresponding output with the microstructure and phase diagram theory, that with the specified variables, there should not be any change.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Antonius Bagas Cahyadi Pangestu
Abstrak :
Transisi global menuju energi hijau dan berkelanjutan memerlukan metode produksi hidrogen yang efisien dan ramah lingkungan. Sel Elektrolisis Oksida Padat (SOEC) memiliki potensi besar dalam produksi hidrogen hijau karena efisiensinya yang tinggi dengan menggabungkan panas dan energi listrik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji karakteristik SOEC dengan susunan LSCF/GDC | YSZ | Ni-YSZ yang difabrikasi pada variasi suhu sintering guna meningkatkan kinerja dan umur pakai SOEC. Variasi suhu sintering yang diteliti adalah 800°C, 900°C, dan 1000°C, dengan karakteristik struktural dan kimia diamati menggunakan SEM-EDX. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suhu sintering 800°C menghasilkan struktur porous interlayer dengan ketebalan 110-117μm. Pada suhu 900°C, ketebalan berkurang menjadi 92-100 μm, dan pada suhu 1000°C, ketebalan lebih lanjut berkurang menjadi 75-90 μm. Degradasi terjadi pada porous interlayer, ditandai dengan persebaran Sr yang cukup tinggi pada interlayer di suhu 800°C. Nilai at% (atomic percentage) Sr tercatat sebesar 3.3% pada 800°C, menurun menjadi 1.3% pada 900°C, dan kembali naik menjadi 2.2% pada 1000°C. Nilai yang tidak konsisten ini disebabkan oleh fenomena overlapping pada beberapa elemen penyusun sel, yang mempengaruhi pembacaan persebaran Sr. Penelitian ini juga menjelaskan sintesis komponen SOEC berbasis solid state reaction dan menekankan pentingnya kontrol mekanisme fabrikasi. Penelitian ini memberikan wawasan berharga tentang perilaku material pada kondisi suhu tinggi dan menjadi panduan penting bagi kemajuan di masa depan dalam produksi hidrogen yang berkelanjutan. ......The global transition towards green and sustainable energy requires efficient and environmentally friendly methods for hydrogen production. Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells (SOEC) have significant potential for green hydrogen production due to their high efficiency by combining heat and electrical energy. This study aims to examine the characteristics of SOEC with an LSCF/GDC | YSZ | Ni-YSZ configuration fabricated at various sintering temperatures to enhance the performance and longevity of SOEC. The sintering temperatures investigated were 800°C, 900°C, and 1000°C, with structural and chemical characteristics observed using SEM-EDX. The results showed that a sintering temperature of 800°C produced a porous interlayer structure with a thickness of 110-117μm. At 900°C, the thickness decreased to 92-100 μm, and at 1000°C, the thickness further reduced to 75-90 μm. Degradation occurred in the porous interlayer, marked by a high distribution of Sr in the interlayer at 800°C. The atomic percentage (at%) of Sr was recorded at 3.3% at 800°C, decreased to 1.3% at 900°C, and increased again to 2.2% at 1000°C. This inconsistency was due to the overlapping phenomenon of some cell elements, affecting the Sr distribution readings. This study also explains the synthesis of SOEC components based on solid-state reaction and emphasizes the importance of fabrication mechanism control. The research provides valuable insights into material behavior at high temperatures and serves as an important guide for future advancements in sustainable hydrogen production.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library