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Silalahi, Harley M.
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas manajemen sekuriti fisik PT Meka Nusa Cipta pada Kawasan Perumahan Kota Wisata-Kab Bogor. Berlatar belakang kebutuhan akan rasa aman oleh PT Meka Nusa Cipta selaku pengembang kawasan perum Kota Wisata. Namun masih terjadi tindak kejahatan maupun kecelakaan lalu-lintas dalam kawasan perumahan, bahkan menunjukkan kenaikan yang cukup signifikan. Agar dapat terwujud keamanannya maka dibutuhkan penyelenggaraan manajemen sekuriti yang baik dalam kawasan perumahan. Penelitian berfokus pada upaya pengembang mencegah kejahatan melalui pelaksanaan sekuriti fisik pada kawasan perum Kota Wisata. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif bersifat etnografi dengan pendekatan yuridis manajerial dan metode penulisan deskriptif analitis. Model operasional penelitian menggunakan teori strategi pencegahan kejahatan dari Mc Crie, fixing broken windows dari kelling dan coles, dan teori-teori pendukung dan konsep-konsep. Informan dalam penelitian terdiri dari beberapa warga, petugas satpam, anggota Polsek Cileungsi dan Gunung Putri, pihak pengembang PT Meka Nusa Cipta, dan perangkat desa sekitar. Metode Penelitian dengan penelitian dokumen, pengamatan, dan wawancara. Hasil analisa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyelenggaraan manajemen sekuriti fisik pada kawasan perumahan kota wisata belum sepenuhnya menggunakan kajian normatif Situasional Crime Prevention (SCP), dan Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED). Faktor dominan yang mempengaruhinya adalah kondisi keuangan pengembang yang minim untuk masalah keamanan, kepedulian warga dan petugas sekuriti yang kurang baik terhadap masalah keamanan, serta political will dari pimpinan perusahaan yang kurang baik dalam penciptaan keamanan dalam kawasan perumahan. Sebagai kesimpulan, bahwa masih terdapat beberapa tindak kejahatan dan kecelakaan lalu lintas yang tinggi dalam kawasan Kota Wisata. Hal ini disebabkan pengorganisasian manajemen sekuriti yang kurang maksimal yang dilakukan pengembang dalam kawasan perumahan tersebut. Saran yang diajukan adalah perusahaan harus membenahi aspek organisasi, sekuriti fisik dan lingkungan fisiknya. Selain itu juga perlu mengikutsertakan warga yang berada dalam kawasan maupun yang berada diluar kawasan dalam penciptaan keamanan dalam kawasan melalui wadah RT/RW yang telah ada serta penerapan paradigma pemolisian komuniti yang diterapkan oleh POLRI.
Situated in a bad environmental security such as crimes and traffic accident due to the lack of security system, To realize its security then it will need to implement security management, to prevent of the things that can harm the importance. Seeking to provide developer in the improvement of environmental security system, this study has examined developer efforts to prevent crimes and traffic accident in an area through mutual activities. By drawing upon Mc Crie,, kelling and coles, and terry theoretical perspectives, this study addreses a specific research problem. Research methods used in the study are primarily those of qualitative approach: observation, in-depth interviews, and document analysis, with special data collection method, namely, manajerial judicial formality method, with variety of informants such as the residents kota wisata, security officers, real estates, developer, and residential manager. Through qualitative data analysis, this study has found that the implementation of the environmental security system has not fully used the normative study of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) and Situasional Crime Prevention (SCP) The element of influence is the minim condition of finance company for security problems, less pay attention the security personel and people in area for security problem, and a less political will of director to maintain a security in kota wisata area. In conclusion, there is still an increasing number of crimes and traffic accident in kota wisata area. It caused by the organisatory of security management developer was not good. The recommendation is the company must be fix the organization aspect, physical security, and environmental security. And then sugest the people from internal area and external area were participate for safety condition through RT/RW organization. And so the implementation of community policing in the area as a new paradigm Indonesian police now.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This research aims to identity and analyze the market stucture of textile and apparel industries in Indonesia . ......
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitri Amalia
Abstrak :
Positive correlation between concentration and profitability is not always a result of collusion. Market concentration can be a proxy efficiency and product differentiation that have done by company. The company that can be mentioned efficient and have done product diferentiation can improve market share, and industry that consist of the company has tendency to be concentrated. This research tries to prove whether market share and concentration in Islamic and conventional banking industry as proxy to efficiency. If it is proven, so there is no relationship between market share and concentration with profitability. It is appropriate with efficient structure hypothesis. Using separated pooled data for Islamic and conventional banking industry at period January 2002 until November 2005. This research use adjusted Smirlock mode! with fired eject method. By this research, it is expected that Islamic banking industry support efficient structure hypothesis, and conventional banking industry support diferentiation hypothesis.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitri Amalia
Abstrak :
Positive correlation between concentration and profitability is not always a result of collusion. Market concentration can be a proxyfor efficiency and product differentiation that have done by company. The company that can be mentioned efficient and have done product differentiation can improve market share, and industry that consist of the company has tendency to be concentrated. This research tries to prove whether market share and concentration in Islamic and conventional banking industry as proxy to efficient. If it is proven, so there is no relationship between market share and concentration with profitability. it is appropriate with efficient structure hypothesis. Using pool data for Islamic and conventional banking industiy at period January 2002 until November 2005. Model that had been used in this research is adjusted Smirlock model with fixed effect method From this research, is hoped that Islamic banking industry can support efficient structure hypothesis, moreover conventional banking industry can support differentiation hypothesis.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Glory Teresa Febriana
Abstrak :
Sejak dikeluarkannya kebijakan liberalisasi ritel pada tahun 2000, hypermarket sebagai salah satu bentuk ritel modern mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat. Perkembangan yang pesat itu perlu diawasi untuk mencegah adanya persaingan yang tidak sehat di dalamnya sehingga sangat menarik untuk mengetahui kondisi struktur, perilaku, dan kinerja yang terbaru dari industry hypermarket dengan menggunakan metode Structure Conduct Performance (SCP) dan juga untuk mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat konsentrasi dan kinerja perusahaan. SCP diasumsikan sebagai suatu hubungan sebab-akibat yang stabil antara struktur suatu industri, perilaku perusahaan, dan kinerja perusahaan-perusahaan di dalamnya. Penggunaan metode ini diharapkan dapat melihat bagaimana konsentrasi pada pasarnya, hambatan dalam memasuki pasar, tingkat persaingan, dan lain sebagainya. Berdasarkan data 2002-2006, Industri hypermarket di Indonesia berstruktur oligopoli dengan konsentrasi tinggi dengan nilai rata-rata CR4 sebesar 91,23%, dan nilai rata-rata HHI sebesar 2363,99. Perilaku perusahaan dalam menghadapi persaingan yang sangat pesat itu dilakukan dengan memilih lokasi gerai yang strategis, memberikan produk yang lengkap, teknologi canggih, harga yang lebih murah, promosi melalui media cetak dan media elektronik, dan lain sebagainya. Kinerja perusahaan dinilai melalui rasio keuangan menunjukkan kemampuan setiap perusahaan dalam menghasilkan laba dan memenuhi pembayaran hutang jangka pendeknya sangat kecil. Perusahaan juga sangat bergantung kepada modal dari luar dalam menjalankan kegiatannya. Hubungan tingkat konsentrasi dan kinerja perusahaan tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan. ......Since retail liberalization policy was issued in the year 2000, hypermarket, one of modern retail industry, has experienced a significant growth. The fast growth of modern retail has drawn huge attention from the government in order to maintain healthy and fair competition within the industry. This condition makes the retail industry an interesting subject to be observed, particularly in important aspects, such as the structure, conduct, and performance of companies that become the players within the industry. One of the best ways to observe these characteristics of a certain industry is by the Structure Conduct Performance (SCP) approach. SCP is assumed as a firm cause and effect relation between the structure of a certain industry with the behaviour (conduct) and performance of the companies within the industry. The application of this method aims to portray the market concentration of the industry, the level of competition, barriers in entering the industry, and other related information regarding condition of the industry. Based on the collected data from the year 2002-2006, hypermarket follows an oligopoly structure that has high concentration level with CR4 value as much as 91.23% and HHI value as much as 2363,99. The behaviour (conduct) of the companies, in dealing with the competition in the industry, mostly by placing their stores in strategic places, delivering various products to the customers, utilization modern technology, competitive pricing, promotion through medias, etc. Performance measurement of each company is measured by measuring financial ratios, and the result explains that the ability of the companies to gain profits is somewhat low. This result also applies in the ability of the companies in paying debts and the effectiveness of the usage of their source of payment. Companies also demonstrate high reliance on external source of payment. The relation between the level of market concentration and companies' performance are insignificant.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lubis, Andi Fahmi
Abstrak :
Based an Structure-Conduct-Performance [SCP] paradigm, the fact that concentration ratio of Indonesian banking industry decreasing, in terms of deposit and credit. con be interpreted as the increasing of competitiveness. This proposition tested using econometric regression that relating between profit and concentration. ii there is positive relationship then one can conclude that high profit comes from collusive behavior Other competing paradigm, Chicago School, argues this proposition and said that high profit can come from efficiency, instead of collusive behavior. Using Polius and Samuel model this study tries to prove which hypotheses, §CP hypotheses or Efficiency hypotheses that can be used to explain the conditions in indonesian banking industry. The result shows that efficiency variables have statistically significant relation with bank's profit while all other structure variables are insignificant. This conclusion suggested that profit level of commercial banks in indonesia influenced by efficiency, rather than structure variables.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anandita Laksmi Wardhani
Abstrak :
Keberadaan Industri Rokok, khusus nya rokok kretek di Indonesia semakin menimbulkan dilema. Pada satu sisi, industri rokok kretek yang lebih unggul dibandingkan industri rokok putih secara keseluruhan telah menyumbangkan porsi yang cukup besar bagi pendapatan negara, Salah satunya melalui pendapatan cukai rokok. Namun tak dapat disinyalir rokok adalah produk yang berbahaya bagi kesehatan, dan menyebabkan kematian bagi jutaan jiwa tiap tahunnya. Berbagai upaya dilakukan oleh pemerintah dalam mengurangi tingkat konsumsi rokok namun juga tak ingin kehilangan pendapatan yang cukup besar dari industry ini. Dimulai dari penetapan kebijakan, penentuan tarif harga jual eceran, hingga pembatasan dalam bidang promosi atau periklanan. Pada penelitian ini, akan dipaparkan dinamika industri rokok kretek di Indonesia dengan menggunakan metode analisis Struktur, Perilaku, dan Kinerja (SCP) dengan pembatasan hanya kepada Struktur dan Kinerja saja . Data menggunakan data sekunder. Penelitian ini menggunakan rasio konsentrasi empat perusahaan teratas dan MES (Minimum Efficiency of Scale) atau skala minimum efisiensi sebagai alat ukur struktur, dan untuk kinerja akan digunakan proksi PCM (Price Cost Margin). Setelah analisa deskriptif dilakukan, berikutnya adalah analisa secara ekonometrika untuk mengetahui hubungan antara struktur dengan kinerja pada industri ini. Pada hasil penelitian didapat strukur pasar industri bersifat oligopoly dengan nilai CR4 pada 0.594 hingga 0.717 serta nilai PCM berkisar antara 0.61 hingga 0.721 yang mengindikasikan bahwa industri ini memiliki kekuatan pasar serta terbukti bahwa struktur mempengaruhi kinerja. ......The existence of clove cigarettes in Indonesia apparently causes a more and more dilemma. At one side, clove cigarettes which is totally more superior than common cigarettes have already contributed large portion of income for the country. This can be proved by the large amount of cigarette tax that comes into the government's income. But in other way, cigarettes are still the dangerous product for health and cause a high death-rate of millions people annually. Various kinds of effort have been done by the government in order to decrease the consumption level of cigarettes, but in the contrary, the government itself does not want to loose a large amount of income from this industry. The efforts start from the determination of policy, the appointment of tariff of sell price per piece, and the limitation of promotion activity and advertisement. Through this research, the dynamic of clove cigarettes industry in Indonesia will be clearly explained by the approximation of SCP (Structure, Conduct, and Performance) analysis with the limitation of Structure and Performance only and use secondary data. This research is using the four largest companies concentration ratio and MES (Minimum Efficiency of Scale) as the measuring tool of structure. PCM (Price Cost Margin) will be used to analyze performance. After the descriptive analysis has been done, the next is to analyze the relation between structure and performance by econometric analysis. In this research founded that structure indicated oligopoly size with the CR4 value range of 0.594 - 0.717 and indicates that companies performance have market power with the range of PCM value in 0.61 - 0.721 and also prove that structure influence performance.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aziis Priyanto
Abstrak :
Persaingan usaha yang sehat akan menguntungkan bukan hanya konsumen, akan tetapi juga masyarakat secara keseluruhan. Persaingan sehat akan menghasilkan tingkat harga yang relatif lebih rendah bagi konsumen. Selain itu, pasar dengan persaingan yang sehat juga akan memaksa perusahaan beroperasi dengan lebih efisien. Semua hal ini berarti konsumen, perusahaan dan negara akan diuntungkan atas banyaknya pilihan produk dan proses yang lebih efisien. Dalam berbagai literatur, untuk menganalisis suatu persaingan usaha dalam industri maka pendekatan structure, conduct, performance (SCP) adalah pendekatan yang paling banyak digunakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis struktur, perilaku dan kinerja dari industri jaringan tetap nirkabel telekomunikasi di Indonesia. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metodologi structure, conduct, performance (SCP) sebagai alat analisis untuk mengetahui kondisi sesungguhnya dari industri ini. Selain itu juga dilakukan pengujian ekonometrik untuk mengetahui apakah dalam industri ini berlaku market power hypothesis atau efficient structure hypothesis. Berdasarkan paradigma Structure Conduct Performance, konsentrasi pasar akan mempengaruhi struktur pasar, sedangkan struktur pasar akan mempengaruhi perilaku pasar dan pada akhirnya mempengaruhi kinerja pasar. Untuk mengetahui struktur pasar dalam industri jaringan tetap nirkabel dapat dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi konsentrasi pasar, serta hambatan masuknya. Perilaku pasar dapat diketahui dengan melihat strategi harga, periklanan serta kolusi. Sedangkan kinerja pasar dapat dilihat dari profitabilitasnya. Setelah itu, juga akan dilihat pengaruh struktur terhadap kinerja, apakah mendukung market power hypothesis atau efficient structure hypothesis. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini selain berguna untuk memperkaya informasi untuk publik, juga dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pertimbangan bagi instansi terkait untuk dapat melihat kasus ini secara lebih menyeluruh sehingga dapat dihasilkan keputusan yang lebih komprehensif. Semua hal ini bermuara pada upaya untuk menciptakan persaingan usaha yang sehat pada industri jaringan tetap nirkabel telekomunikasi di masa mendatang. ......Perfect and healthy competition will grant consumer a great advantage and either do society. Perfect competition produces relatively low price level for consumer. Besides, market with healthy competition can make company operates more efficient by compulsion. This means consumer, company and country will gain profit as a consequence of product diversity and more efficient process. In many literature, structure conduct performance (SCP) approaches is the most used paradigm to analyze market competition in an industry. This research objective is to analyze market structure, conduct and performance form fixed wireless line telecommunication industry in Indonesia. In this reserach, structure conduct performance methodology is expended as an analysis tool to identify factual condition from the industry. Futhermore, econometric testing is conducted in order to identify which hypothesis prevail in the industry, is it market power hypothesis or efficient structure hypothesis. Based on structure conduct performance paradigm, market concentration will influences market structure, while market structure will influences market conduct and market performance. To identify market structure of fixed wireless line telecommunication industry, we can carry out market concentration and entry barrier identification. Market conduct can be identified by pricing strategy, advertising, and collution. Whereas, market performance is identified form its profitability. Then, there will also be identified how the structure affect the performance, whether it support market power hypothesis or efficient structure hypothesis. The conclusion from the research besides as an information resources for public, can also be used as a consideration for associated instance with the aim of producing comprehensive decision. This whole things have intention to construct healthy and perfect competition in fixed wireless line telecommunication industry in upcoming time.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nababan, Aleknaek Martua
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini menganalisis respon perusahaan pada industri sepeda motor setelah Permendag No.21/M-DAG/PER/10/2005 terhadap structure, conduct, dan performance : Price Cost Margin sebagai performance, belanja R D serta iklan sebagai conduct, dan rasio konsentrasi sebagai structure terhadap Industri sepeda motor pada periode 2001 - 2014, yang dianalisis berdasarkan tingkat perusahaan. Setelah peraturan Permendag disahkan, justru hal tersebut membuat kompetisi semakin lemah. Hal ini diawali dengan rasio konsentrasi yang lebih tinggi setelah peraturan Permendag dan berkorelasi dengan jumlah keanggotaan Asosiasi Industri Sepeda Motor Indonesia AISI semakin sedikit dan dibatasi. Hal ini menjadi dugaan bahwa penyalahgunaan keanggotaan terhadap posisi dominan pada pasar industri sepeda motor di Indonesia. Setiap pertemuan keanggotaan asosiasi dapat berpotensi mempermudah dalam membuat koordinasi. Baik langsung maupun tidak langsung, hal tersebut bisa membuat rasio profitabilitas lebih besar. Penelitian ini menggunakan model sistem persamaan simultan, digunakan Two Stage Least Square TSLS untuk estimasi parameter. Data diperoleh dari Statistik Industri Skala Menengah dan Besar baik ISIC 35911 pada periode 2001-2009 dan ISIC 30911 pada periode 2010-2014. Data rasio konsentrasi diperoleh dari AISI yang menggambarkan tingkat persaingan. Hasil empiris menunjukkan bahwa dari analisis model secara simultan ditemukan bahwa Permendag berpengaruh secara tidak langsung terhadap PCM. Permendag pengaruh positif signifikan secara langsung terhadap CR-2 dan kemudian hal ini menjadikan interaksi antara CR-2 dan pertumbuhan demand industri berpengaruh positif terhadap PCM secara signifikan.
This research analyzes firms respond in motorcycle industry after Permendag No.21 M DAG PER 10 2005 on structure, conduct, and performance price cost margin as performance, advertising and R D expenditure ratio as conduct, and concentration ratio structure in the motorcycle industry in the 2001 ndash 2014 period, which are distinguished based on firm size. After Permendag regulation, it makes the competition even lower. It begin higher concentration ratio after Permendag regulation and corelate with membership of Indonesia Motorcycle Industry Associaton AISI is getting smaller and smaller. This is a conjecture that membership abuse of dominant market power of motorcycle industry in Indonesia. Any membership in the AISI can make ease of collution and makes some coordination of price and quantitiy production. Both direct and indirect, it can make profitability ratio bigger. This study uses simultaneous equation system model, and the Two Stage Least Square TSLS for the parameter estimation. Data obtained from Medium and Large Scale Industries Statistics both ISIC 35911 in the 2001 2009 period and ISIC 30911in the 2010 2014 period. Data of concentration ratio obtained from AISI and describing level of competition. The empirically result shows that permendag regulation and dummy krisis as exogenous variable can make CR2 grow and have negative impact on motorcycle industry competition. Foreign direct investment as foreign shareholder of the firm have negative impact on conduct of firm because no big five firm have central of R D in Indonesia. On the performance, efficiency have positive impat on price cost margin. The others variables on performance, concentration ratio and growth industry interaction have positif impact on price cost margin. It describe that ease of collution of motorcycle industry in Indonesia can make high performance on price cost margin.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arief Effendy
Abstrak :
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan rancangan fungsional dari sistem pemeliharaan pelanggan dan penjualan sebagai bagian dari inisiatif Manajemen Hubungan Pelanggan, dengan mengambil industri telekomunikasi pada umumnya dan PT X sebagai pemain mayor di bidang ini pada khususnya, sebagai fokus penelitian. Di bawah kerangka kerja proses kebutuhan Volere, penelitian berhasil menguasai kebutuhan pelanggan. Proses iteratif dan inkremental ini berawal dengan peluncuran proyek, penjaringan kebutuhan, purwa rupa kebutuhan, penulisan kebutuhan, dan gerbang kualitas untuk mengumpulkan kebutuhan. Ia kemudian diteruskan kepada perancangan dan pembangunan, purwa rupa kebutuhan lanjutan, penggunaan ulang kebutuhan, peninjauan ulang kebutuhan, serta penggunaan dan evolusi produk untuk memproses kebutuhan dan mencapai tujuan pokok dari pembangunan rancangan fungsional. Penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa: 1) Sistem pemeliharaan pelanggan dan penjualan mencakup manajemen interaksi, manajemen akun, manajemen pesanan, manajemen permohonan layanan (PL), dan manajemen tagihan; 2) Manajemen interaksi melibatkan pengelolaan interaksi/ kontak; 3) Manajemen akun melibatkan pengelolaan permohonan pelanggan, akuisisi prospek dan akuisisi pelanggan; 4) Manajemen pesanan melibatkan kelayakan pra pemesanan, penerbitan pesanan serta penelusuran pesanan dan pengelolaan risiko; 5) Manajemen PL melibatkan isolasi permasalahan dan inisiasi resolusi, eskalasi dan tindak lanjut PL serta penutupan/ pembatalan PL; dan 6) Manajemen tagihan melibatkan pengelolaan penyelidikan tagihan, penerapan penyesuaian, pengelolaan tagihan pelanggan, dan pengelolaan koleksi. ......The purpose of this study is to obtain the functional design of customer care and sales system as part of Customer Relationship Management (CRM), with telecommunication industry, generally, and PT X as the major player in this field, specifically, as the focus. Within the framework of Volere Requirement Process, the study manages to master customer requirements. This iterative and incremental process starts with project blast-off, requirements trawling, initial requirements prototyping, requirements writing, and quality gateway to gather requirements. It then proceeds to design and build, advanced requirements prototyping, requirements reuse, requirements review, and product use and evolution to process requirements and attain the ultimate objective of establishing functional design. The study concludes that: 1) Customer care and sales system encompasses interaction management, account management, order management, service request (SR) management, and billing management; 2) Interaction management involves interaction/ contact management; 3) Account management involves customer's requests management, prospect acquisition, and customer acquisition; 4) Order management involves pre-order feasibility, order issue, and order tracking and jeopardy management; 5) SR management involves problem isolation and resolution initiation, SR escalation and follow up, and SR closing/ cancellation; and 6) Billing management involves billing inquiries management, adjustment application, customer billing management, and collection management.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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