Studi parametrik pada penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menjawab rumusan masalah dan tujuan penelitian. Studi parametrik dilakukan dengan variasi rasio tulangan longitudinal beton pengisi spun pile, kuat geser tanah, panjang free standing, dan besar gaya aksial. Permodelan pada studi ini menggunakan software Lpile dan SAP2000. Software Lpile ditujukan untuk memodelkan kurva p-y tanah yang digunakan sebagai model tanah nonlinier pada SAP2000. Permodelan SAP2000 dilakukan dengan pembebanan pushover dan permodelan penampang dengan section designer.
Hasil permodelan pada studi ini dianalisis dengan melihat kapasitas penampang, kurva load-displacement, daktilitas, dan proses terbentuknya sendi plastis. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa penambahan beton pengisi spun pile akan menambah kapasitas penampang. Penambahan rasio tulangan beton pengisi, semakin besar kuat geser tanah, dan semakin besar gaya aksial menunjukkan peningkatan pada kekuatan dan kekakuan struktur. Namun, pada penambahan panjang free standing menunjukkan penurunan kekuatan dan kekakuan struktur. ......Geographically, Indonesia is located in the Ring of Fire area which makes Indonesia become one of the countries most prone to earthquakes. The connection of pile-pile cap is prone to damage when earthquakes occur. Refer to that things dan there are only a few study about behavior of connection spun pile-pile cap, the research was carried out in this study. Numerical Study Of Spun Pile D1200 Performance Due To Monotonic Loading In Soft Clay Soil aims to see the behavior of spun pile-pile cap connection which refer to a port condition. The study was conducted in 2 stage, there are validation studies and parametric studies.
Parametric study in this research is aim to answer the problem formulation and research objectives. Parametric Studies are carried out with variations in the ratio of longitudinal reinforcement of spun pile infill, soil shear strength, free standing length, and axial load. On this study, the structure modelling used Lpile and SAP2000. Lpile was used to get p-y curves of the soil that will use to nonlinier soil modelling on SAP2000. SAP2000 modeling carried out with pushover loading and using section designer to model the spun pile section.
The results of this study analize was analyzed with strength capacity, load-displacement curves, ductility, and the process of plastic hinge. The results showed that the addition of concrete infill will increase the strength capacity of spun pile. The addition of reinforcement ratio of concrete infill, the greater soil shear strength and axial load showed an increase in structural strength and stiffness. However, the addition of the length of free standing shows a decrease in structural strength and stiffness.
Kerusakan adalah hal yang tentunya akan dialami oleh struktur. Untuk mengkuantifikasi hal tersebut, digunakan konsep yang dinamakan damage index. Damage index adalah sebuah indeks nilai yang mengkuantifikasi kerusakan dari sebuah sistem struktur dengan menggunakan parameter seperti kekuatan struktur, displacement dan sebagainya. Selain dari itu, kerusakan struktur juga mempengaruhi nilai kekakuan struktur sehingga akan berpengaruh pula pada frekuensi natural struktur.
Penelitian ini ingin menganalisis korelasi antara damage index dengan frekuensi natural sebuah struktur seiring kerusakan yang dialami. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, dilakukan studi parametrik dengan membuat kurva kapasitas pushover (monotonic dan semicyclic) dari struktur menggunakan CAST3M untuk mendapatkan nilai damage index. Lalu frekuensi natural struktur didapatkan dengan menggunakan SAP2000. Studi parametrik dibuat dengan variasi geometri penampang, jumlah bay dan story, dan variasi properti material yang digunakan.
Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa seiring struktur mengalami kerusakan, damage index cenderung mengalami peningkatan dan frekuensi alami mengalami penurunan.
Indonesia is an archipelago that is often plagued by earthquakes. And so, the need for structure that can handle lateral loads is important. One of the candidates for the lateral load-resisting structure type is Ordinary Momen Frame (OMF). This research focuses on the aforementioned lateral load-resisting structure type using reinforced concrete as choice material.
Damage is a natural phenomenon that will happen to structures. To quantify it, concept called damage index is used. Damage index itself is an index that make use of parameter such as structural strength, displacement and so forth. Besides damage index, damage to structure will also influence its natural frequency.
This research aims to analyze the correlation between damage index and natural frequency of structures as it get progressively damaged. To do so, a parametric study is carried out by creating pushover capacity curves (monotonic and semicyclic) of the structures using CAST3M to obtain the damage index value. Following that, natural frequency of the structures are generated using SAP2000. The parametric study will be realized through the variations of cross-section geometry, number of bay and story, and variation in material property used.
From the research, it is concluded that as the structures get progressively damaged, the value of the damage index tends to increase while the natural frequency decrease.