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Athaya Syaharani Putri Kusumowardhani
Abstrak :
Pelaksanaan pelayanan kefarmasian di apotek harus mengacu pada Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 73 Tahun 2016. Salah satu tugas apoteker di apotek adalah memastikan praktik pelayanan kefarmasian dijalankan sesuai dengan standar pelayanan kefarmasian di apotek. Pengamatan tugas khusus di Apotek Roxy Pondok Labu. Berdasar hasil observasi, kegiatan pengelolaan sediaan farmasi, alat kesehatan, dan BMHP serta pelayanan farmasi klinis yang diterapkan di Apotek Roxy Pondok Labu telah sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 73 Tahun 2016. Namun dalam implementasi pelayanan farmasi klinis, terdapat beberapa kegiatan yang belum terlaksana di Apotek Roxy Pondok Labu, seperti konseling, pemantauan terapi obat, pelayanan kefarmasian di rumah, dan monitoring efek samping obat. Pada pengkajian resep terdapat beberapa pertimbangan klinis yang tidak dikaji, seperti reaksi obat yang tidak diinginkan, kontra indikasi, dan interaksi obat. ...... The implementation of pharmaceutical services in pharmacies must refer to Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 73 of 2016. One of the duties of pharmacists in pharmacies is to ensure that pharmaceutical service practices are carried out by pharmaceutical service standards in pharmacies. Observation of special assignments at the Roxy Pondok Labu Pharmacy. Based on the results of observations, the management of pharmaceutical preparations, medical devices, and BMHP as well as clinical pharmacy services implemented at the Roxy Pondok Labu Pharmacy is by the Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 73 of 2016. However, in the implementation of clinical pharmacy services, several activities have not been carried out in Roxy Pondok Labu Pharmacy, such as counseling, monitoring of drug therapy, home pharmacy services, and monitoring of drug side effects. In reviewing prescriptions, several clinical considerations were not reviewed, such as unwanted drug reactions, contraindications, and drug interactions.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yanuar Indah Pratiwi
Abstrak :
Polifarmasi merupakan penggunaan bersamaan enam obat atau lebih oleh seorang pasien. Semakin banyak obat yang digunakan maka semakin tinggi potensi interaksi yang terjadi dan dapat menyebabkan efek samping yang berbahaya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui resiko efek samping dan potensi interaksi obat pada resep polifarmasi nonracikan. Identifikasi terkait potensi efek samping dan interaksi obat dinilai berdasarkan database dari Medscape Drug Interaction Checker, RxList Drug Interaction Checker, drugs.com Drug Interaction Checker, dan WebMD Drug Interaction Checker. Pada resep polifarmasi nonracik pertama ditemukan potensi efek samping berupa ketidakseimbangan elektrolit, hipotensi, hiperurisemia, asam urat, sakit kepala, dan mual/muntah serta terdapat dua potensi interaksi major dan empat potensi interaksi moderate. Sementara pada resep polifarmasi nonracik kedua ditemukan potensi efek samping berupa pencernaan yang terganggu, mengantuk, tremor otot rangka, peningkatan BUN atau kreatinin, dan bronkospasme serta terdapat lima potensi interaksi moderate. Berdasarkan mekansimenya, mayoritas potensi interaksi obat yang ditemukan adalah interaksi farmakodinamik (45.4%). Sementara berdasarkan tingkatannya, mayoritas potensi interaksi obat yang ditemukan adalah interaksi moderate (81.8%). ......Polypharmacy is the concomitant use of six or more drugs by a patient. The more drugs used, the higher the potential for interactions that occur and can cause dangerous side effects. The purpose of this study was to determine the risk of side effects and potential drug interactions in nonconcocted polypharmacy prescriptions. Identification of potential side effects and drug interactions is assessed based on databases from Medscape Drug Interaction Checker, RxList Drug Interaction Checker, drugs.com Drug Interaction Checker, and WebMD Drug Interaction Checker. In the first non-mixed polypharmacy prescription, potential side effects were found in the form of electrolyte imbalance, hypotension, hyperuricemia, gout, headache, nausea, and vomiting, and there were two potential major interactions and four potential moderate interactions. While the second non-mixed polypharmaceutical prescription found potential side effects in the form of disturbed digestion, drowsiness, skeletal muscle tremors, increased BUN or creatinine, and bronchospasm, there were five potential moderate interactions. Based on the mechanism, the majority of potential drug interactions found were pharmacodynamic interactions (45.4%). Based on the level, the majority of potential drug interactions found were moderate (81.8%).
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Berliana Rizka Ramadhan
Abstrak :
Sebagai calon apoteker, penting untuk mempelajari mengenai peran-peran apoteker di dunia pekerjaan. Salah satu jenis pekerjaan yang dilakukan apoteker adalah pelayanan resep. Resep adalah permintaan tertulis dari seorang dokter, dokter gigi, dokter hewan yang diberi izin berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku kepada apoteker untuk menyiapkan, meracik serta menyerahkan obat kepada pasien. Kajian aspek administratif merupakan skrining awal dalam pelayanan resep di apotek, dalam mencegah kejadian medication error. Sebagai gambaran peran apoteker di dunia kerja dilakukanlah praktik kerja profesi apoteker. Praktik kerja dilakukan di Apotek Roxy sebagai gambaran pelayanan kefarmasian di apotek. Praktik Kerja dilakukan dari Bulan Juli hingga Desember 2021. Selain di bidang pelayanan, praktik kerja juga dilakukan di PT. Mahakam Beta Farma sebagai gambaran peran apoteker di Industri Obat. Pada praktik kerja di PT. Mahakam Beta Farma, pembelajaran dilakukan secara pengamatan langsung mengenai kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh industri farmasi. Selain belajar secara langsung dari mengamati, calon apoteker juga diberikan kesempatan untuk menganalisis masalah yang ada di masing-masing tempat kerja. Oleh karena itu, laporan praktik kerja ini akan membahas mengenai masalah beserta solusi yang diajukan di tiap tempat praktik kerja. ......It is critical for a future pharmacist to understand the duties of pharmacists in the workplace. Prescription services are one of the services provided by pharmacists. A prescription is a written request from a doctor, dentist, or veterinarian who gives authority to a pharmacist to make, mix, and distribute pharmaceuticals to patients based on current laws and regulations. The investigation of administrative elements is a first step in preventing pharmaceutical errors in pharmacies' prescription services. A pharmacist's professional work practice is demonstrated as an example of pharmacists' function in the workplace. Work methods are demonstrated at the Roxy Pharmacy as an example of the pharmacy's pharmaceutical services. From July to December 2021, work practices will be carried out. Work practices are also carried out at PT. Mahakam Beta Farma as an indication of the function of pharmacists in the drug industry, in addition to the service sector. Learning takes place in the work environment at PT. Mahakam Beta Farma through direct observation of pharmaceutical business activities. Prospective pharmacists are given the opportunity to assess the challenges that exist in each workplace in addition to learning directly from observation. As a result, the problems and solutions presented in each workplace practice will be discussed in this work practice report.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library