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Nabila Firstia Izzati
Abstrak :
Ombudsman Republik Indonesia adalah lembaga negara yang mempunyai wewenang mengawasi penyelenggaraan pelayanan publik yang diselenggarakan oleh penyelenggara negara dan pemerintahan termasuk yang diselenggarakan oleh Badan Usaha Milik Negara, Badan Usaha Milik Daerah, dan Badan Hukum Milik Negara, serta badan swasta atau perseorangan yang diberi tugas menyelenggarakan pelayanan publik tertentu yang sebagian atau seluruh dananya bersumber dari anggaran pendapatan dan belanja negara dan/atau anggaran pendapatan dan belanja daerah. Salah satu produk yang dihasilkan oleh pengawasan Ombudsman adalah Rekomendasi. Namun diketahui bahwa masih ada rekomendasi Ombudsman Republik Indonesia yang tidak dilaksanakan oleh terlapor karena banyak yang menganggap rekomendasi ombudsman tidak wajib dilaksanakan. Rekomendasi Ombudsman juga terkendala belum adanya Peraturan Pelaksana  Undang-Undang terkait tentang pelaksanaan rekomendasi Ombudsman serta sanksi-sanksi yang semestinya diterapkan. Seharusnya Pemerintah mendukung pelaksanaan rekomendasi Ombudsman agar pelaksanaan pelayanan public semakin efektif dan efisien. ...... The Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia is a state institution that has the authority to oversee the administration of public services carried out by state and government administrators, including those run by State-Owned Enterprises, Regional-Owned Enterprises, and State-Owned Legal Entities, as well as private or private bodies charged with carrying out services certain public whose part or all of the funds are sourced from the state budget and / or regional budget. One of the products produced by Ombudsman supervision is Recommendation. However, it is known that there are still recommendations made by the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia that are not implemented by the reported party because many consider that the ombudsman’s recommendations are not mandatory. The recommendation of the Ombudsman is also constrained by the absence of implementing regulations relating to the implementation of the Ombudsman’s recommendations and the sanctions that should be applied. The Government should support the implementation of the Ombudsman’s recommendations so that the implementation of public services is more effective and efficient.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anisa Anindhika
Jakarta: Gagas Media, 2008
R 641.3 ANI k
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Meuthia Larasati
Abstrak :
Pasar Indonesia sangat seluler, 67% dari pelaku belanja online menggunakan ponselnya untuk berbelanja. Maka dari itu, peran dari aplikasi seluler e-commerce sangat lah penting. Bagian paling integral dari aplikasi seluler e-commerce adalah sistem rekomendasi. Sistem ini bertugas merekomendasikan produk kepada pengguna sesuai aktivitas dan profil preferensi mereka. Suatu sistem rekomendasi dapat dikatakan berhasil apabila dapat menghasilkan niatan membeli pada pengguna. Namun, hal ini membutuhkan kepercayaan dari pengguna. Pada penelitian ini, diselidiki faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kepercayaan pengguna, yaitu: recommendation quality, transparency, dan mobile app quality. Sebanyak 640 responden yang menggunakan aplikasi seluler e-commerce dalam jangka 6 bulan diteliti. Hasil dari penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa ada pengaruh positif dari recommendation accuracy, novelty, dan diversity terhadap recommendation quality; pengaruh positif dari explanation terhadap transparency; pengaruh positif dari information quality, recommendation quality, dan transparency terhadap trust; dan pengaruh positif dari trust terhadap purchase intention. ......The Indonesian market is very mobile, 67% of online shoppers prefer to shop on their mobile phones. While, the role of mobile app grows more important, so does the role of recommendation agent in it. The task of such agent is to point customers to additional items of interest in the catalog based on their current activity and preference profile. The system is proven useful if it can generate users purchase intention and trust is the prerequisite of such intention. This study aims to investigate the trust-building factors, namely: recommendation quality, transparency, and the mobile app quality itself. We collected 640 respondents who accessed an e-commerce mobile app within the last 6 months. This study reveals that there is a positive correlation from recommendation accuracy, novelty, and diversity towards recommendation quality; a positive correlation from explanation towards transparency; a positive correlation from information quality, recommendation quality, and transparency towards trust; and a positive correlation from trust towards purchase intention.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diah Setyaningsih
Abstrak :
Alih jaga pasien merupakan suatu proses interaktif yang meliputi peralihan informasispesifik dan tanggungjawab dari perawat pemberi alih jaga kepada perawat penerimapasien guna memastikan kelangsungan dan keamanan perawatan pasien. Keberhasilanperawatan meningkat seiring dengan keberhasilan alih jaga. Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk mengetahui hubungan faktor lingkungan kerja, perilaku aman dan pengawasandengan komunikasi alih jaga setelah dilakukan pelatihan prosedur alih jaga Situation,Background, Assesment, Recommendation yang merupakan prosedur alih jagaterstandar yang direkomendasikan oleh WHO. Penelitian menggunakan metodekuantitatif cross sectional dengan kuisioner. Subyek penelitian adalah seluruh perawatdan bidan yang ada di IGD, Instalasi Rawat Inap, ICU, NICU/PICU, VK dan OK. Hasilpenelitian kemudian dianalisis secara statistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwaperawat dan bidan di IGD RS Ummi Bogor sudah memiliki kesadaran pentingnyakomunikasi alih jaga dalam perawatan yang bermuara pada patient safety, meskipunbelum terlihat secara keseluruhan dalam pelaksanaan tugas sehari-hari. Hasil penelitianjuga menunjukkan hubungan situasi lingkungan kerja, perilaku aman dan pengawasandengan komunikasi alih jaga berpola positif artinya semakin baik situasi lingkungankerja, perilaku aman dan pengawasan semakin baik komunikasi alih jaga, denganperilaku aman sebagai factor yang memiliki pengaruh paling kuat. ......Handover is an interactive process of transferring specific information and responsibility from one caregiver to another for the purpose of ensuring the continuity and safety of patient's care. The success of patient treatment increase with the success of handover. The aim of this study is to know that work environment, safety behavior and supervision have relationship with handover communication after nurses and midwifes got training Situation, Background, Assesment, Recommendation handover procedure. This procedur is a standardized procedure that recommended by WHO. The study used quantitative cross sectional by validated questionnaire. The research's subjects are all nurses and midwifes in Emergency Department, Inpatient Unit, ICU, NICU PICU, Delivery Unit and Operating Room. The results was statistic analized and showed that nurses and midwifes in Emergency Department Ummi Hospital in Bogorhave awareness about the importance of communication during handover, although its haven rsquo t yet implementing in all daily duty activity. The results also showed that work environment, safety behavior and supervision have positif pattern with handover communication, that means better work environment, safety behavior and supervision will make better handover communication, and safety behavior has biggest influence forhandover communication.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Avianita Anandhari
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai penetapan upah minimum melalui studi banding antara Indonesia, Australia dan Filipina. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana penetapan upah minimum diatur di Indonesia, Australia dan Filipina melalui berbagai peraturan perundang-undangan upah minimum dan membandingkannya berdasarkan beberapa aspek. Penelitian ini adalah yuridis-normatif dimana data sekunder akan dianalisis menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peraturan perundang-undangan mengenai upah minimum di Indonesia cukup komprehensif, meskipun melalui perbandingan dengan Australia dan Filipina menunjukkan peraturan upah minimum di Indonesia dapat ditingkatkan berdasarkan aspek subjek, jenis, prosedur, dasar hukum, pengecualian dan pihak yang terlibat.
The focus of this undergraduate thesis to discuss regarding minimum wage fixing through a comparative study between Indonesia, Australia and Philippines. The objective of this research is to identify how minimum wage fixing is regulated in Indonesia, Australia and Philippines through various minimum wage legislations and compare it based on several aspects. This research is a qualitative research in a form of juridical normative. The result of this research shows that minimum wage in Indonesia is quite comprehensively regulated, although through the comparison with Australia and Philippines it shows minimum wage regulations can be improved based on the aspects of subjects, types, procedure, legal basis, exceptions and parties.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diana Arimbi
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi apakah rekomendasi saham dari perusahaan efek yang dimuat dalam harian Bisnis Indonesia dapat mempengaruhi return, volatilitas return dan volume perdagangan. Untuk mengukur abnormal return digunakan metode event study. Volatilitas return diukur dengan return kuadrat, dan volume perdagangan diukur dengan aggregate turnover. Berdasarkan hash pengujian ditemukan adanya abnormal return yang signifikan pada sate hari sebelum rekomendasi bell, sedangkan untuk saham yang mendapat rekomendasi jual, ditemukan adanya abnormal return negatif pada periode sebelum rekomendasi diterbitkan. Walaupun rekomendasi mempengaruhi volume perdagangan dan volatilitas return, namun secara statistik tidak signifikan.
The objective of this study is to examine whether the stock recommendations, given by the brokerage houses and published in Bisnis Indonesia Daily, have any effect on return, return volatility, and trading volume activity. The abnormal return is measured using the event study methodology. Return volatility is measured by squared return, dan trading volume activity is measured by using aggregate turnover formula. To measure the abnormal return, we use daily trading data, whereas intraday trading data is used to measure return volatility and trading volume activity. The results show that there is significant abnormal return one day before buy recommendations are published. Negative abnormal return is found preceding the published sell recommendations. Eventhough those recommendations affecting trading volume activity and return volatility, but the effects are not statistically significant.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Parno Nusantara
Abstrak :
Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia menyelenggarakan e-government melalui penguatan sistem kearsipan berbasis TIK dengan tujuan untuk dapat mendukung proses bisnis pemerintahan yang efisien, transparan dan terintegrasi. Namun pada kenyataannya tujuan penyelenggaraan tersebut belum tercapai karena sistem yang dikembangkan belum dapat mendukung proses bisnis yang berjalan. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah kegagalan implementasi sistem informasi kearsipan yang dikembangkan yang disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor diantaranya resistensi pengguna, aturan, maupun teknologi. Dengan demikian penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengantisipasi kegagalan penerapan sistem informasi kearsipan berbasis TIK yang sedang dikembangkan di ANRI yang diberi nama e-arsip melalui pengukuran kesiapan penerapan e-arsip dalam pengelolaan arsip statis. E-records readiness assessment tools merupakan sebuah kerangka kerja untuk mengukur kesiapan penerapan e-arsip yang dikeluarkan oleh The International Records Management Trust IRMT . Dari 6 variabel pada kerangka kerja IRMT yang diusulkan, digunakan 5 variabel yang merupakan hasil validasi 7 pakar kearsipan di Indonesia. Lima variabel tersebut adalah kebijakan dan tanggung jawab, tools dan prosedur, teknologi, sumber daya dan pelatihan, serta kepedulian internal. Pengukuran dilakukan secara kualitatif melalui wawancara, penelusuran dokumen dan observasi, sedangkan pengolahan data dilakukan melalui analisis tematik. Hasil pengukuran menunjukan bahwa ANRI masih belum siap untuk menerapkan e-arsip dengan hasil empat variabel berada pada level 2, dan satu variabel berada pada level 1. Untuk meningkatkan level kesiapan penerapan e-arsip tersebut, disusun prioritas rekomendasi berdasarkan hasil pengukuran yang dikombinasikan dengan pembobotan tingkat kepentingan variabel dari pakar melalui metode AHP. Adapun prioritas rekomendasi secara berurutan sebagai berikut: Teknologi, Kebijakan dan tanggung jawab, tools dan prosedur, SDM dan pelatihan serta kepedulian internal.
National Archives of Republic Indonesia held e government program through strengthening of ICT based archival system in order to be able support efficiently, transparently and integrated government through business processes. However, purpose of implementation has not been achieved because developed system can rsquo t support the running business process. One causes of the archival information system implementation developed failure that caused by several factors such as user resistance, rules, and technology. Thus, this research is conducted to anticipate the failure of ICT based archival system application development in ANRI which is named e archives through the measurement of e archives readiness implementation. E records readiness assessment tools is a framework for measuring the readiness of e archive implementation issued by The International Records Management Trust IRMT . Of the six variables in the proposed IRMT framework, five variables were used as validation result of 7 archival experts in Indonesia. The five variables are policies and responsibilities, tools and procedures, technology, resources and training, and internal awareness. Measurements are conducted qualitatively through interviews, document tracing and observation, while data processing is done through thematic analysis. The measurement results show that ANRI is still not ready to apply the e archives with the results of four variables at level two, and one variable is at level one. To improve the level of e archives readiness implementation, priority recommendations are prepared based on measurement results combined with weighting the level of variables importance from experts through the AHP method. The priority of consecutive recommendations as follows Technology, Policies and responsibilities, tools and procedures, human resources and training and internal awareness.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hardy Lukius
Abstrak :
Jaringan Serat Optik Palapa Ring Paket Tengah pada area Proyek 5 merupakan area yang sering mengalami insiden serat optik putus yang menyebabkan kualitas serat optik menjadi turun. Padahal area ini paling diminati oleh pelanggan dari sisi komersial sehingga perlu dilakukan perbaikan untuk meningkatkan kualitas jaringan serat optik. Pada laporan praktek keinsinyuran ini diajukan rencana perbaikan area Proyek 5 yang difokuskan pada satu segmen yaitu segmen Tentena – Petasia. Kegiatan perbaikan dilakukan dengan terlebih dahulu mengumpulkan data yang dapat dijadikan bahan analisis. Data diambil dari hasil pengukuran di lapangan menggunakan alat ukur OPM, OTDR, dan melalui sistem NMS. Data kemudian diolah dan dianalisis sehingga didapatkan titik di mana saja diperlukan perbaikan. Kemudian dibuat rekomendasi dan estimasi anggaran untuk pelaksanaan kegiatan perbaikan. Rekomendasi perbaikan yang diberikan terdiri dari sembilan titik perbaikan dengan total estimasi anggaran perbaikan sebesar 48,550,913 rupiah. Dua dari sembilan rekomendasi perbaikan telah dikerjakan sehingga persentase perkembangan perbaikan yaitu 11,1 % ......Palapa Ring Middle Fiber Optic Network in Project 5 area is an area that often experiences fiber optic break incidents which causes the optical fiber quality to decrease. This area is most in demand by customers from the commercial side, so improvements need to be made to improve the quality of the fiber optic network. In this report, an improvement plan for the Project 5 area is proposed, which focuses on one segment, namely the Tentena – Petasia segment. Repair activities are carried out by first collecting data that can be used as author's analysis material. Data is taken from the results of measurements in the field using OPM, OTDR, and through the NMS system. The data is then processed and analyzed so that points are obtained where improvements are needed. Then the authors make recommendations and budget estimation for the implementation of repair activities. The recommendations for improvement given by the author consist of nine points of improvement with a total estimated repair budget of 48,550,913 rupiah. Two of the nine recommendations for improvement have been carried out so that the percentage of improvement progress is 11.1%
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Agung Budiman
Abstrak :
The prevalence of corruption in Indonesia is increasing every year. This fact has further undermined public confidence to strengthen governance and is a critical barrier to national development. This study aims to empirically examine the individual and combined impact of audit opinions, the implementation of audit recommendations, and findings of state losses by the Indonesian Supreme Audit Board (BPK) on the prevalence of corruption in ministries and institutions in the Republic of Indonesia. Using multiple linear regression analysis, this study used a purposive sampling method and investigated 72 ministries using secondary data from 2014 to 2017 obtained from BPK and the Corruption Eradication Commission of the Republic of Indonesia (KPK). This study indicates that audit opinions and the implementation of audit recommendations do not affect corruption in Indonesian ministries and institutions. In contrast, findings of state losses do have an influence. The combination of audit opinions, implementation of audit recommendations, and findings of simultaneous state losses do not affect corruption cases in Indonesian ministries and institutions. BPK can use the results of this study to formulate approaches and recommendations for auditing government financial reports that have a strong correlation with corruption eradication. Moreover, KPK needs to be more vigorous in its efforts to eradicate corruption, including establishing closer cooperation with BPK because the results of this research show that findings of state losses by BPK are closely related to corruption cases.
Jakarta: Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengembangan, 2021
332 JTKAKN 7:1 (2021)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eko Pramono
Abstrak :
PT. Presisi Cimanggis Makinur est une société a responsabilité limitée avec une spécialisation sur les domaines d?injection plastique et de moulage. Elle a debute comme une p etite affaire puiselles?est developpée en une entreprise auniveau nationale . Avec 20 employees au debut en 1983, aujourd?hui elle en emploie 320. Le Departement de Ressources Humaines aussi été developpé, avec un chef de departement et cinq subordonnées. Ce n?est pas facile de maintenir 320 employées qui travaillent 24 heures sur 24. C?est pourquoi, l?entreprise doit developper imperativement les competences de ses employées de Department de Ressources Humaines. Cette These parle des activites de la Gestion de Ressources Humaines á PT. Presisi Cimanggis Makmur qui sont: a. Le proces de recrutement. Concerne la definition, les niveaux de recrutement, les methodes, les sources des candidats jusqu? au j ob preview. b. Le process de selection. Concerne la mission et les facteurs qui l?influencent, l?interview, la methode, la mesure de la perfonnance des employees jusqu?a la gestion d?entrajnement des personnels. c. L'entrainement et le plan du developpement. Concerne l?entrainement des employées jusqu ' au developp ement du personnel. Chaque sujet sera discutée en chapitre separée. Finallement, il y á une conclusion et une recommendation sur le systeme de Ressotwces HUmaines a PT. Presisi Cimanggis Makniur. Bien que, il existe une quantite insuffisante de la théorie, mais il est clair que PT. Presisi Cimanggis Makmur á essayeé d?applique au maximum son systeme et ses activites de ressources humaines.
PT. Presisi Cimanggis Makmn is a national company with line business in plastic injection and mold making. It started from a small business to become a national level company. With 20 employees in initial stage in 1983, today PCM has 320 employees. Human Resources Department is being developed as well from two employees in the beginning to five employees today includes the manager himself. It is not easy to maintain day-to-day activities with limited personnel. That is the reason why HRD has to upgrade its staff capabilities. This report speaks about some activities of Human Resources Department of PCM which are: a. Recruitment process. Concern in the definition, recruitment level, methods, sources of the candidates until job preview. b. Selection process. Concern in the mission and influenced factors, method until interview. c. Performance management system. Concern in mission and planning, training and development. Each topic is discussed in separate chapter. Finally, there are conclusion and recommendation of human resources activities in PCM. Even though, the real application is not always in accordance with the based theory, we can see with its limitation PCM has tried to maximize the real application in accordance with the theory.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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