Ditemukan 122 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Zeadally, Sherali
"This comprehensive textbook/reference presents a focused review of the state of the art in privacy research, encompassing such diverse topics as cloud computing, crowdsourcing platforms, vehicular ad-hoc networks, big data, mobile devices, location-based systems, smart grid technology, databases, social networks, healthcare, behavioral economics, and peer-to-peer networks. The first book of its kind designed specifically to cater to courses on privacy, this authoritative volume provides technical, legal, and ethical perspectives on privacy issues from a global selection of renowned experts."
Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2015
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Kurniadyah Intan Jauhari
Kajian mengenai perlindungan data privasi berkaitan dengan hak privasi. Privasi adalah hak individu untuk menentukan sendiri kapan, bagaimana, dan sampai sejauh mana, informasi tentang mereka dikomunikasikan kepada orang lain. Ancaman atau pelanggaran privasi muncul ketika data seseorang terpapar dan dipindahtangankan secara semena-mena, tanpa kontrol dari pemilik data. Teknologi memberi kemudahan bagi manusia namun juga membawa dampak seperti ancaman privasi. Beberapa ancaman privasi ditemukan dalam ancaman siber. Sosial media meningkatkan resiko ancaman privasi. Sebagian besar situs media sosial memiliki informasi yang diperlukan, seperti tanggal lahir dan alamat email. Tersedianya data sensitif yang dapat diakses publik dapat mengarah pada pengungkapan atau ancaman privasi pengguna. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis ancaman data privasi sebagai masalah publik dan menganalisis perlindungan privasi dalam kerangka ketahanan siber. Hasil temuan penelitian ini adalah bahwa ancaman data privasi terjadi di setiap data di proses, dari dikumpulkan, digunakan dan dimusnahkan. Ancaman-ancaman privasi dapat diidentifikasikan kemudian dijadikan acuan sebagai perlindungan data privasi yang komprehensif. Penelitian ini memberikan rekomendasi bahwa mengkombinasikan antara pendekatan hukum dan teknis akan memberikan manfaat bagi perlindungan privasi untuk menegakkan prinsip-prinsip dan perangkat perlindungan data privasi.
The study of privacy data protection is related to privacy rights. Privacy is the right of individuals to determine for themselves when, how and to what extent, information about them is communicated to others. Threats or violations of privacy arise when someone's data is exposed and arbitrarily transferred, without the control of the data owner. Technology makes it easy for humans but also brings impacts such as privacy threats. Some privacy threats are found in cyber threats. Social media increases the risk of privacy threats. Most social media sites have the necessary information, such as date of birth and email address. The availability of sensitive data that can be accessed publicly can lead to the disclosure or threat of user privacy. This study aims to analyze the threat of privacy data as a public problem and analyze privacy protection within the framework of cyber resilience. The findings of this study are that the threat of privacy data occurs in every data in the process, from being collected, used and destroyed. Privacy threats can be identified and then used as a reference as a comprehensive privacy data protection. This study provides recommendations that combining legal and technical approaches will provide benefits for privacy protection to uphold the principles and tools for protecting data privacy.
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Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Ade Putri Nugrahani
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai bagaimana keterbukaan seseorang dalam mengekspresikan perasaannya melalui status Facebook dan bagaimana cara mengontrol keterbukaan yang bersifat private. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, menggunakan paradigma konstruktivisme, metode penelitian naratif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui pengumpulan status update, catatan lapangan, dan wawancara. Konsep yang digunakan adalah konsep privacy yang berhubungan dengan cara informan mengelola privacy-nya di status Facebook melalui teori Communication Privacy Management. Berdasarkan analisis yang telah dilakukan, ditemukan bahwa seorang penulis status di Facebook mengungkapkan private information kepada publik secara implisit melalui rangkaian status secara berkala. Ditemukan pula aturan-aturan yang dibentuk oleh penulis status Facebook bagaimana cara mereka membuat aturan-aturan agar privacy tetap terjaga. Unsur-unsur penting dalam manajemen privacy ini tidak lepas dari faktor-faktor budaya, jenis kelamin, topik pembicaraan, dan lawan bicara.
This thesis describes about person?s openness in expressing feelings through Facebook status and the way they control their openness in private nature. This is a qualitative research, using constructivism paradigm, narative research methods with data collection technique through collecting the update status, field notes, and interviews. Privacy concept is used to relate with the way informant manage his privacy in Facebook status through theory of Communication Privacy Management. Based on the analysis has been done, it was found that a status updater in Facebook express his private information to public implisitly through a series of status periodically. It was also found that rules that have been formed by the Facebook status updater is intended to maintain privacy. The important elements in privacy management relates to culture, gender, subject speaking, and other person."
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open Universitas Indonesia Library
Andrian Hilman
ABSTRAKKepercayaan dan privasi merupakan faktor yang penting dalam melakukan transaksi elektronik. Banyak cara untuk menjamin kepercayaan dan privasi dalam transaksi elektronik, salah satunya yaitu melalui sertifikat keandalan. Skripsi ini akan membahas sertifikat keandalan khususnya pada sertifikat keandalan terhadap perlindungan privasi dan data pribadi. Skripsi ini akan membandingkan pengaturan sertifikat keandalan terhadap perlindungan privasi dan data pribadi di Indonesia, Malaysia dan Singapura. Di Indonesia, saat ini sedang dibuat dua peraturan yang akan mengatur mengenai perlindungan privasi dan data pribadi dalam transaksi elektronik di Indonesia, yaitu RPM Sertifikasi Keandalan dan RUU Perlindungan Data Pribadi. Skripsi ini akan membandingkan pengaturan mana yang paling cocok untuk menerapkan sertifikat keandalan terhadap perlindungan privasi dan data pribadi di Indonesia.
ABSTRACTTrust and privacy are an important factor in doing electronic transaction. A lot of ways to guarantee trust and privacy in electronic transaction, one of them is trustmark. This paper will discusses trustmark especially in privacy seal, one of trustmark category. Kepercayaan dan privasi merupakan faktor yang penting dalam melakukan transaksi elektronik. This paper will compare privacy and personal data protection in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. In Indonesia, there are two regulation being made that will regulating about privacy and personal data protection, Ministry Regulation of Trustmark and Personal Data Protection Act. This paper will compare which regulation the most suitable to apply privacy seal in Indonesia.
Lengkap +
Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Wright, David
"This book could save your organisation many thousands or even millions of euros (or dollars) and the damage to your organisation?s reputation and to the trust of employees, customers or citizens if it suffers a data breach that could have been avoided if only it had performed a privacy impact assessment before deploying a new technology, product, service or other initiative involving personal data.
Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, 2012
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Edmon Makarim
"In the emerging era of information and technology, the importance of privacy and data protection is growing ever since. However, despite
such common concern from the society, there is some confusion about the mechanisms of differentiation and scope of discussion about privacy with the protection of personal data and even impressed blended with issues of spamming issues. With comparison to Europe and the US legal
perspectives, Therefore, this paper tries to discuss such problem in accordance to the perspective of laws to the communication itself."
University of Indonesia, Faculty of Law, 2013
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Risya Dameris
"Tesis ini membahas bagaimana ketentuan hukum yang mengatur perlindungan data pribadi secara global dan regional khususnya dalam penerapannya pada suatu transaksi elektronik di Indonesia khususnya OECD dan APEC ketentuan hukum yang mengatur perlindungan data pribadi secara global dan regional khususnya dalam penerapannya pada suatu transaksi elektronik khususnya OECD Guidelines 1980 dan APEC Privacy Frame Work 2004. Prinsip best practices berkembang dari prinsip Fair Information Principle menjadi OECD Guidelines, kemudia berkembang menjadi APEC Privacy Framework, dan kemudian menjadi EU-US Safe Harbor Principle yang merupakan alternatif penyelesaian terhadap persoalan pertukaran data lintas negara (cross border data flow) Untuk melakukan pertukaran data dalam rangka perdagangan internasional, Indonesia perlu menerapkan perlindungan data pribadi sesuai dengan prinsip best practices yang diakui di dunia internasional. Dalam rangka perdagangan internasional, perbedaan standar perlindungan data pribadi di suatu negara dapat menjadi suatu hambatan dalam transaksi elektronik. Oleh karena itu, perlu diupayakan adanya suatu standar perlindungan data pribadi yang dapat menjamin perlindungan terhadap data pribadi sehingga menimbulkan kepercayaan dari negara - negara khususnya memandang pengaturan perlindungan privasi dengan cara government rule yang dianut oleh Uni Eropa. Kebijakan Pemerintah dalam membuat call center pengaduan dan implementasi dari ketentuan-ketentuan yang berlaku di Indonesia terkait perlindungan data pribadi dalam persoalan Spamming SMS Broadcast masih belum cukup memadai dan penerapannya tidak dapat menghentikan penyelenggaraan SMS Broadcast yang melanggar hak privasi masyarakat. Hal tersebut dikarenakan peraturan yang ada yaitu Permenkominfo No. 01/PER/M.KOMINFO/01/2009 tentang Penyelenggaraan Jasa Pesan Premium dan Pengiriman Jasa Pesan Singkat (SMS) ke Banyak Tujuan (Broadcast) tidak memenuhi prinsip-prinsip best practices, yaitu : Preventing Harm dan Accountability.
This thesis discusses how the legal provisions governing the protection of personal data globally and regionally especially in its application to an electronic transaction in Indonesia. This thesis describes some best practices that developed in international business practices, such as the OECD Guidelines Governing the Protection of Privacy and transborder Flows of Personal Data 1980; Convention for the Protection of Individuals with Regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data 1985; United Nations Guidelines concerning Computerized Personal Data Files 1990; European Community Directive on the Processing of Personal Data and on The Free Movement of Such Data 1995; APEC Privacy Framework 2004. Nevertheless, the focus in the discussion of this thesis is the OECD Privacy Guidelines and APEC 1980 Frame Work 2004. To exchange data in international trade, Indonesia needs to implement the protection of personal data in accordance with the principles of best practices is recognized internationally. In order of international trade, the differences in standards of personal data protection in a country can become a barrier in electronic transactions. Therefore, it is necessary the existence of a personal data protection standards which can guarantee the protection of personal data, build trust of countries in particular minded privacy protection settings in a way government rule adopted by the European Union. Associated with the implementation of privacy protection, the number of SMS Broadcast circulating in the community to make the Government created a call center complaint and attempt to apply the provisions in force in Indonesia. Protection of personal data in Broadcast SMS Spamming issue is still not sufficient and the application is not able to stop the implementation of SMS Broadcast that violates the privacy rights of the public. That is because existing regulations are Permenkominfo No.01/PER/M.KOMINFO/01/2009 on Implementation and Delivery Services Premium Messaging Short Message Service (SMS) to Many Destinations (Broadcast) does not meet the principles of best practices, namely: Preventing Harm and Accountability."
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Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Siahaan, Mona Natasha
"Self-disclosure didefinisikan sebagai tindakan seseorang untuk mengungkapkan informasi tentang dirinya kepada pihak lain. Dalam konteks media sosial, meskipun mampu memenuhi kebutuhan sosial dan emosional pengguna, perilaku self-disclosure juga disertai dengan risiko yang merugikan pengguna. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi perilaku self-disclosure pengguna media sosial di Indonesia dengan analisis komparatif berdasarkan kelompok usia. Model penelitian dibangun dengan mengadopsi teori privacy calculus dan Communication Privacy Management (CPM). Survei dilakukan terhadap 2.210 responden yang merupakan pengguna aktif media sosial di Indonesia. Data diolah dan dianalisis menggunakan metode Covariance-Based Structural Equation Modeling (CB-SEM) dengan program AMOS 24.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada data keseluruhan kelompok, faktor use of information, trust, privacy control, interactivity, perceived benefits, dan perceived risks memengaruhi perilaku self-disclosure pengguna. Selain itu, ditemukan juga bahwa faktor use of information dan personal innovativeness memengaruhi perceived benefits, sedangkan faktor trust, notices (privacy policy), dan privacy control memengaruhi perceived risks pada pengguna di media sosial. Penemuan dari penelitian ini dapat membantu penyedia layanan media sosial dalam mengevaluasi kredibilitas dan reliabilitas platform untuk mendorong retensi pengguna. Selain itu, hasil penelitian ini juga dapat membantu pengembang kebijakan di Indonesia dalam mengatur mekanisme kontrol terkait media sosial secara tepat untuk memastikan keamanan informasi yang disebarkan melalui media sosial.
Self-disclosure is the act of disclosing one's information about themselves to other parties or individuals. In the context of social media, besides being able to meet users' social and emotional needs, self-disclosure behavior is also accompanied by risks that can harm users. This study aims to determine the factors that influence self-disclosure behavior on social media users in Indonesia, with a comparative analysis based on age groups. Research model was built by adopting the privacy calculus and Communication Privacy Management (CPM) theory. Survey was conducted on 2,210 respondents who are active users of social media in Indonesia. Data were processed and analysed using Covariance-Based Structural Equation Modeling (CB-SEM) method with AMOS 24.0 program. The results of this study indicate that in the overall group data, the use of information, trust, privacy control, interactivity, perceived benefits, and perceived risks significantly affect users' self-disclosure behaviour. It was also found that the use of information and personal innovativeness affect perceived benefits, while trust, notices (privacy policy), and privacy control affect perceived risks on social media users. The findings from this study can help social media service proYiders to evaluate the platform's credibility and reliability, in order to encourage user retention. Results of this study also provide insights to Indonesia's policy makers in developing the appropriate control regarding social media, which ensures the safety of information shared on social media."
Lengkap +
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Levesque, Roger J. R.
"The right to privacy figures prominently in popular discourse and law. Its popularity, however, is not matched by the respect it receives. A close look at empirical understandings of privacy, how it shapes development, and how privacy itself can be shaped, provides important lessons for addressing the critical juncture facing privacy rights and privacy itself. To increase respect for privacy and foster privacys effective outcomes, society must capitalize on opportunities to shape adolescents use of privacy. Yet, as currently developed, the legal system has difficulty recognizing adolescents privacy rights and supporting systems that would shape adolescents skills and abilities in ways that would foster respect for privacy. As a result, the system fails to address the needs of adolescents and society. The upshot is that a developmental understanding of privacy essentially asks that the legal system take an entirely different approach to adolescents privacy. This book provides the foundation for understanding privacy rights and how they relate to adolescents. It then explores the place of privacy in adolescent development and builds on that understanding to chart ways to better address adolescents privacy needs and rights as well as societys broader privacy interests. It argues that privacy actually is an inherently social phenomenon, one that can and must be shaped more effectively."
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Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Bella Ernestine Larasati
"Skripsi ini membahas aspek privasi dipanti asuhan dalam konteks hunian yang berbeda fasilitas dan sistem asuhannya, yakni hunian tipe rumah-rumah kecil atau cottages dan hunian berderet atau tipe asrama. Perbedaan terletak dalam pola huniannya. Pertanyaan yang muncul adalah apakah konsep privasi dapat dicapai individu yang berbeda berada dalam satu bentuk hunian yang berkelompok. Untuk itu, studi teori ini tentang privasi yang dapat menjelaskan baik kondisi privasi yang seklusif maupun dalam kondisi publik atau berkerumun (crowding).Tujuan studi ini adalah untuk mempelajari konsep privasi dalam aspek spasialitas - yakni konsep ruang privat bagi anak-anak remaja, di panti asuhan yang berbeda konsep dan bentuk arsitekturalnya.
Observasi dan wawancara dilakukan untuk memahami tercapainya privasi di kedua tipe hunian panti asuhan. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa proses ‘memprivatisasi’ ruang tidak hanya terjadi di ruang privat tetapi juga di ruang publik atau bersama. Hal iniditunjukkan oleh anak-anak remaja melalui personalisasi ruang dengan tanda-tanda tertentu di dalam ruang ataupun penempatan area dengan situasi tertentu.
This thesis explains aspect of privacy in the orphanage in context of dwelling with different facilities and care systems, which are type of small houses or cottages and lined residential or dormitory type. The difference is in the pattern of that forms. The question is whether a concept of privacy can be achieved by different individuals in the form of residential groups. Therefore, theoretical studies are about privacy that can explain both seclusive private and in public or crowding conditions. The purpose of this study is to learn the concept of privacy in the aspect of spatiality - the concept of private space for teenagers, in the orphanage with different concepts and form of architectural. Observation and interview are conducted to understand the achievement of privacy in both types of residential orphanage. The results show that the process of 'privatization' of space not only in the private but also in public or shared spaces. It is shown by teenagers through space personalization with certain signs in the room or placement of area in particular situation."
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Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library