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Ditemukan 19 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Esther Yobelitha
Abstrak :
Feminisme poskolonial merupakan respons terhadap arus utama feminisme Barat. Feminisme poskolonial menolak landasan universalisasi yang berkembang dalam feminisme Barat. Universalisasi menciptakan ketimpangan representasi perempuan. Perjuangan feminisme poskolonial adalah mengikutsertakan representasi perempuan negara bekas jajahan dalam perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan. Representasi yang diperjuangkan adalah melalui pengakuan terhadap pengalaman sejarah kolonialisme dan persinggungan berbagai kategori sosial, baik kelas, etnis, budaya, ras, agama, kebudayaan, atau relasi kuasa, yang memengaruhi kehidupan perempuan. Dalam ilmu Hubungan Internasional, pembahasan feminisme poskolonial masih termarginalkan. Oleh karena itu, tinjauan pustaka ini bertujuan menggambarkan dialog antara feminisme poskolonial dan hubungan internasional. Tinjauan pustaka ini berargumen bahwa feminisme poskolonial mampu memberikan kontribusi besar terhadap perkembangan ilmu Hubungan Internasional. Feminisme poskolonial dapat merekonstruksi ilmu Hubungan Internasional melalui perdebatan mengenai power, struktur, agen, dan agensi, serta spektrum global-lokal. Rekonstruksi feminisme poskolonial ini merupakan usaha dalam menciptakan ilmu Hubungan Internasional yang kontekstual. ...... Postcolonial feminism emerged in response to mainstream Western feminism. Postcolonial feminism rejects the growing notion of universalization central to Western feminism. It argues that universalisation creates an imbalance representation of women. Postcolonial feminism struggles to include the representation of women from former colonies into knowledge development. The representation championed through the recognition of colonial experience and intersection between various social categories, such as class, ethnicity, culture, race, religion, or power relations, which affect women rsquo s live. In the field of international relations, the discussion about postcolonial feminism is being marginalized. Therefore, this literature review aims to illustrate the dialogue between postcolonial feminism and international relations. This literature review argues that postcolonial feminism is capable of contributing considerably to the development of international relations study. Postcolonial feminism reconstructs international relations study through the debates on power, structure, agents, and agencies, as well as the global local spectrum. This reconstruction, as a contribution of postcolonial feminism perspective, should be understood as an attempt to create contextuality in international relations study.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, 2015
820.9 TER
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
At a time when even much of the political left seems to believe that transnational capitalism is here to stay, Marxism, Modernity and Postcolonial Studies refuses to accept the inevitability of the so-called 'New World Order'. By giving substantial attention to topics such as globalisation, racism, and modernity, it provides a specifically Marxist intervention into postcolonial and cultural studies. An international team of contributors locate a common ground of issues engaging Marxist and postcolonial critics alike. Arguing that Marxism is not the inflexible, monolithic irrelevance some critics assume it to be, this collection aims to open avenues of debate - especially on the crucial concept of 'modernity' - which have been closed off by the widespread neglect of Marxist analysis in postcolonial studies. Politically focused, at times polemical and always provocative, this book is a major contribution to contemporary debates on literary theory, cultural studies, and the definition of postcolonial studies.
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aisha Amanda
Abstrak :
Ruang arsitektur adalah wadah kehidupan yang terus berubah dan memiliki makna dan nilai subjektif, tergantung siapa yang membahasnya. Sifatnya yang dinamis menjadi bekal potensi kemajuan peradaban untuk kehidupan sosial yang adil dan layak. Narasi sejarah secara historis menunjukkan hubungan sebab-akibat dari pengambilan keputusan di masa lampau kepada eksistensi kota saat ini. Kebebasan pasca masa penjajahan mendorong keringin untuk membangun kembali negara sesuai nilai dan identitas sejatinya. Maka, fokusan isu dalam skripsi ini mengacu pada paradigma poskolonial dan hubungannya dengan proses perkembangan ruang yang turut mendasari identitas masyarakat di kota-kota bekas penjajahan seperti Jakarta. Dengan memadukan sejarah dengan arsitektur dan kajian sosial budaya, akan muncul kritik dan pemahaman dari penulis selaku individu yang mengalami transisi peradaban di era modern digital. Sebagaimana manusia dikoreografikan oleh arsitektur dan lingkungan, pun sebaliknya. ......Architectural space is a medium of life that is constantly changing and has subjective meaning and value, depending on who is discussing it. Its dynamic nature is a provision for the potential progress of proper social life and civilization. Historical narratives historically show a causal relationship from decision making in the past to the existence of the city today. The post-colonial freedoms have encouraged people to rebuild the country according to its true values and identity. Thus, the focus of the issue in this thesis refers to the postcolonial paradigm and its relation to the process of spatial development, which also underlies the identity of people in former colonial cities such as Jakarta. By combining history with architecture and socio-cultural studies, criticism and understanding will emerge from the author as an individual who is experiencing a civilizational
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nayar, Pramod K.
Abstrak :
"The Post colonial Studies Dictionary provides students with an essential resource for navigating the field of post colonial theory"--
Chichester, West Sussex : Wiley Balckwell, 2015
809.911 NAY p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mamoto, Retno Sukardan
Abstrak :
Yasmina Khadra, a female name, pseudonym of Muhammed Moulessehoul, an Algerian military officer for 25 years is now a French citizen. John Cullen translates The attack (2006) from French. Rosenau?s post-modernist perspective places the Israel-Palestine conflict in a context of social gap. Israel, a First World, whereas Palestine Third World, are both in the Middle East region. Amin Jaafari and his wife, Sihem, a couple of Arab naturalized citizens of Israel, live in urban cosmopolitan city of Tel Aviv. Opposing Amin?s success as a surgeon, Sihem is more attracted to fight for the Palestinian liberation for a homeland. Sihem camouflaged herself with prosthetic pregnancy, blew bombs in a Tel Aviv café, and died. McLeod?s postcolonial point of view places Sihem as a hero. Woodward?s concept of identity addresses the Jaafaris? troubled identity. Thus, opposition against urban cosmopolitan setting is the central theme as a notion of identity of that of the protagonists responding to their set situation.
Depok: University of Indonesia, Faculty of Humanities, 2009
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Noor Endah Nanda Sri Rizky
Abstrak :
Using Roland Barthes's semiotics as a tool of analysis, this article intends to find out the implications made by Disney's changes on this story of Chinese women and people in general. Barthes's multilevel semiotics shows how the same medium-the animation Mulan-could be viewed from different perspectives. Disney claimed that Mulan is a message on women's heroism. This is based on Disney's convictions that Mulan is an animation produced with "respect to women and non-Western peoples." Through feminist frame of thought and knowledge of the differences between the original Chinese and the Disney version, women experienced multilayered subordinations in the animation. The first subordination against women occurs when a person is born as a girl. Based on myths, society gives a set of characterizations to women, called the feminine character. The character is used as the basis to subordinate women and repress them. The next subordination against women occurs when the feminine character, having been applied to women for as long as they live (and taken for granted), is applied to a certain thing, person or group. Thus, whatever is regarded as having the feminine characteristics are placed in a subordinate position, and thus experience repression. Using the ethnographic approach, the writer finds that the viewers of Mulan could be categorized into three groups based on their meaning of Mulan: the "lover" group, the "ironists" group, and the "hater" group.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reni Dikawati
Abstrak :
Perspektif postcolonial memberi ruang menyuarakan sekaligus penelusuran ulang terhadap upaya teologi lokal yang terpinggirkan, mengungkap idealitas yang diharapkan individu (indigeneous) dibawah relasi kuasa penguasa yang diwacanakan sebelumnya oleh pemerintah kolonial. Telaah postcolonial di era kontemporer menjadi ruang negosiasi yang berimplikasi pada suatu kesadaran dan sistem mentalitas kritis dalam memandang dikotomi Barat dan Timur. Penelitian ini bertujuan menelaah peranan dan konsistensi pengajaran Kiai Ibrahim Tunggul Wulung dengan sudut pandang postcolonial dalam menyebarkan ajaran Kristen Kejawen, sehingga menjadi bentuk negosiasi identitas dalam struktur sosial di bawah pemerintah kolonial. Hasil temuan menunjukkan transfer pengajaran Kristen oleh Tunggul Wulung menampilkan spiritualitas dan humanisme religious, diimbangi asketisme serta kesadaran politik menentukan hak nasib sendiri, resistensi atas represi kolonialisme, yang secara implisit menampilkan keinginan hidup bersama dalam suasana demokrasi. Pola nalar dan mentalitas yang mengidentifikasikan kebebasan berpikir dan kadar penerimaan yang mengarah pada pembentukan identitas sosial sebagai bekal pembebasan dari kesewenangan pemerintah.
Yogyakarta: Balai Pelestarian Sejarah dan Nilai Tradisional Yogyakarta, 2018
959 PATRA 19:3 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lebang, Christian Guntur
Abstrak :
Pasca Perang Dunia II, banyak negara yang sebelumnya mengalami penjajahan mendapatkan kemerdekaan. Tulisan ini mencoba melihat bagaimana kemudian proses yang terjadi pada negara-negara yang baru merdeka tersebut, yang kemudian dikenal dengan proses nation-formation. Berangkat dari kritik postmodern terhadap ilmu Hubungan Internasional terkait konsep nation state sebagai sesuatu yang given, tulisan ini menggunakan pendekatan postcolonialism dalam melihat proses nation-formation di negara yang baru merdeka. Negara yang akan dibahas dalam tulisan ini adalah Indonesia dengan unit analisis Sukarno. Dalam analisis akan digunakan konsep postcolonial anxiety dari Sankaran Khrisna untuk memahami faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi Sukarno dalam proses di atas.
After the World War II, there are many countries that previously experienced colonialism that gained their independence. This writing attempts to see how the process occurred in those newly independent countries, that known as process of nation formation. Starts from postmodern criticsm to International Relations study especially the concept of nation-state, this writing uses postcolonialism approach in analyzing the nation-formation process. The country that will be analyzed in this writing is Indonesia, with Sukarno as the unit of analysis. Sankaran Khrisna?s postcolonial anxiety will be used to understand what factors that influenced Sukarno in the process explained earlier.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Banerjee, Sumanta
Abstrak :
This book is an attempt to understand a city through its roads. It explores the origins and development of three important roads of Calcutta (now renamed as Kolkata) from the pre-British colonial era to the postcolonial period. Spanning a period of four centuries, these three roads, Bagbazar Street in the north, Theatre Road in the centre, and Rashbehari Avenue in the south, register the contours of urbanization and the changes in the socio-cultural profile of the residents. The author locates this history within a broader theoretical framework with the help of which one can analyse the role of roads in urbanization, which are determined and influenced by the various political, economic, and socio-cultural impulses. The narrative traces the rise of Calcutta from a fledgling town to a giant metropolis through the history of these roads, and approaches the present era, when these roads have reached a cul-de-sac where their further expansion is restricted by territorial limits and environmental constraints. But the roads are still needed to meet the gargantuan appetite of urbanization, which is leading to the expansion of present-day Kolkata beyond its north-eastern borders. Here, the development of commercial-cum-residential complexes in the area known as the New Town, is Kolkatas first step in its ambition to graduate from a metropolis to a megalopolis. The book ends with a discussion on the changing character of roads in this New Town in the era of globalization.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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