"Parameter polimerisasi pada fasa aqueous yang berpengaruh pada sifat-sifat film polimer dipelajari lebih lanjut untuk memungkinkan kontrol tak langsung pembuatan film dengan cara mengontrol fasa aqueous. Di antara parameter-parameter yang dipelajari adalah konsentrasi HCl, rasio APS/o-toluidin, lama polimerisasi, dan suhu. Konsentrasi HCl optimal pada nilai berlebih 1,0M, sementara rasio APS/o-toluidin optimal pada nilai 1,25. Lama polimerisasi ternyata berpengaruh pada kestabilan dan ketebalan. Secara umum, semakin lama waktu polimerisasi, film yang dihasilkan akan semakin tebal dan stabil. Suhu juga berpengaruh pada pengaturan ketebalan film. Meski data yang diperoleh baru bersifat semi kuantitatif, terdapat indikasi yang jelas bahwa kontrol tak langsung pembuatan film o-toluidin sangat dimungkinkan.
O-toluidine Polymerization in Aqueous Phase and Its Development to Produce In Situ Poly-o-toluidine Films. Polymerization parameters of aqueous phase which have an effect to polymer film were studied in order to establish indirect control of film fabrication by means of controlling the parameters of aqueous phase. Among the parameters studied are the concentration of HCl, APS/o-toluidine ratio, polymerization duration, and temperature. HCl concentration was found to be optimum at the excess value of 1.0M, whereas ratio of APS/o-toluidine at 1.25. Polymerization duration was found of having an effect to both stability and thickness. As a rule, longer duration of polymerization leads to a thicker and more stablized polymer film. Temperature was found to be a parameter that have a defining role in the control of film thickness. Despite of the rather semi quantitative nature of the data, the results show a clear indication that indirect control is possible for in situ method of o-toluidin film fabrication."