Abstrak :
Indonesia masih menduduki peringkat teratas di Asia Tenggara dalam jumlah AngkaKematian Ibu AKI. Menurut SDKI tahun 2013, AKI berjumlah 309 per 100.000Kelahiran Hidup KH dan Angka Kematian Bayi AKB 32 per 1000 KH, padahaltarget MDGs tahun 2015 yang diharapkan AKI 102 per 100.000 KH dan AKB 23 per1000 KH. Untuk mempercepat pencapaian target MDGs, diperlukan upaya-upayakesehatan yang diselenggarakan secara menyeluruh, terpadu, berkesinambungan dandidukung sistem rujukan yang berfungsi secara mantap. Pemda Provinsi DKI Jakartamembentuk RSUD tipe D melalui PerGub Provinsi DKI Jakarta No. 128/Tahun 2014untuk mengurangi beban kerja RS tipe A, B, dan C, salah satunya RSUD Kemayoran. erlu penilaian lebih lanjut mengenai implikasi kebijakan terhadap kinerja pelayananmaternal di RSUD Kemayoran ini.
Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptifanalitik dengan pendekatan kualitatif yang memberikan pemaparan jelas mengenaikondisi Poliklinik Pelayanan Maternal RSUD Kemayoran ditinjau dari MalcolmBaldrige. Hasil analisis yang didapat menunjukkan hasil skor 218,75 yang masukdalam Early Development. Dengan hasil tersebut, pelayanan maternal di RSUDKemayoran belum optimal. RSUD Kemayoran lebih fokus pada poin akeditasi yaituinput dan proses sedangkan penilaian Malcolm Baldrige memberikan rekomendasilebih jauh berupa input, proses, dan output yang lebih terukur dan optimal.
Indonesia has one of the highest maternal mortality rates MMR in Southeast Asia interms of maternal mortality rate MMR . According to the SKDI in 2013, the MMR is309 per 100.000 live births and Infant Mortality Rate IMR is 32 per 1000 livebirths, whereas the MDGs-MMR and IMR target in 2015 respectively, are 102 per100.000 live births and 23 per 1.000 live births. To accelerate the attainment of the targets, it is necessary that health efforts are held in a comprehensive, integrated,sustainable and supported referral system which works steadily. The Provincial Government of Jakarta has established D type hospitals through Governor Regulation No. 128 Year 2014 to reduce the workload of A, B, and C type hospitals,one of them is Kemayoran Regional Hospital. We need to do further assessment on the implication of the policy regarding maternal services at Kemayoran Regional Hospital.
This research is a descriptive analytic research with qualitative approach which represent the condition of Maternal Services at Maternal Clinic of Kemayoran Regional Hospital based on Malcolm Baldrige Criteria. The result of the analysis showed that the score of 218.75 is in Early Development. With the result, maternal services in Kemayoran Regional Hospital is not yet optimal. Kemayoran Regional Hospitals focuses more on the accreditation points of inputs and processes while Malcolm Baldrige 39 s Criteria provides further recommendations in the form of more measurable and optimal inputs, processes and outputs.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library