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Ditemukan 17 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
R. Setyo Adji Koesoemowidodo
Abstrak :
Pada penelitian ini dipelajari pengaruh penambahan plasticizer pada maleabilitas pelat implan berbasis PLA untuk aplikasi fraktur tulang kraniomaksilofasial. Spesimen disintesis dengan menambahkan plasticizer dengan konsentrasi 2% pada campuran PLLA dan PDLLA (70:30). Proses pencampuran dilakukan dengan rheomixing dan pencetakan spesimen dengan oven vakum. Spesimen dikarakterisasi untuk mengetahui sifat-sifatnya. Penambahan plasticizer gliserol, castor oil dan PEG 400 memberikan pengaruh terhadap pergeseran nilai absorbansi spektrum infra merah. Selain itu, nilai temperatur transisi gelas (Tg) juga mengalami penurunan dari 62,3oC menjadi 58,5oC. Penambahan plasticizer juga menurunkan nilai kekuatan tekuk, regangan tekuk, dan modulus elastisitas spesimen. Hasil evaluasi analisis mikrostruktur menunjukkan bahwa campuran bersifat miscibel. Hasil pengujian degradasi menunjukkan bahwa spesimen 30PDLLA/gliserol mengalami proses degradasi dengan nilai penurunan terkecil. ......In this study, the effect of plasticization to the maleability of polilactide-based implant plate in craniomaxillofacial bone fracture application was studied. Specimens were synthesized by adding a plasticizer with a concentration of 2 %wt in a mixture of PLLA and PDLLA (70:30). The mixing process was carried out by rheomixing, and the forming process was utilized a vacuum oven. Specimens were characterized to determine their properties. The addition of glycerol plasticizer, PEG 400, and castor oil has an effect on the shift in the absorbance value of the infrared spectra. In addition, the value of the glass transition temperature (Tg) also decreased from 62.3oC to 58.5oC. The addition of plasticizer also reduces the bending strength, bending strain, and modulus of elasticity of the specimens. The evaluation of the microstructural analysis showed that the mixture was miscible. The results of the degradation test showed that the plasticized specimen 30PDLLA/glycerol underwent a degradation process with the smallest portion.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sitanggang, Rizky Benedict
Abstrak :
Natrium diklofenak termasuk anti-inflamasi non-steroid (OAINS) dengan efek samping iritatif terhadap lambung sehingga perlu dibuat sistem pelepasan zat aktif ditunda. Tablet lepas tunda memerlukan polimer bersifat pH dependent, seperti hidroksipropil metil selulosa ftalat (HPMCP). Masalah yang dapat terjadi pada tablet salut, yaitu retakan di lapisan penyalut akibat ketidakelastisan polimer akan pemuaian akibat pemanasan. Diperlukan penambahan plasticizer yang kompatibel terhadap polimer untuk menambah keelastisannya, seperti triasetin dan trietil sitrat. Penelitian ini berfokus dalam mengevaluasi pengaruh penambahan trietil sitrat ataupun triasetin terhadap adanya cracking serta efeknya terhadap pelepasan obat pada variasi weight gain tertentu. Dilakukan metode penyalutan, yaitu formula HPMCP atau HP (F1) ; HPMCP-Triasetin atau HP-TRI (F2) ; HPMCP-Trietil Sitrat atau HP-TEC (F3) ; dan HPMCP-Triasetin-Trietil Sitrat atau HP-TRI-TEC (F4) yang akan dibuat dalam variasi weight gain 8%, 10%, dan 12%. Morfologi cracking dievaluasi dengan scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Hasil evaluasi SEM tidak ditemukan cracking dan kekasaran lapisan penyalut tablet, yaitu F1 > F3 > F4 > F2. Semua formula dan variasi weight gain-nya memenuhi syarat pelepasan obat di medium asam maupun basa. Jadi, penggunaan polimer HPMCP saja sudah mampu menahan pelepasan obat di kondisi asam dan penambahan plasticizer triasetin dan trietil sitrat mampu memperhalus morfologi lapisan penyalut tablet salut enterik. ......Sodium diclofenac is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) with gastric irritative, necessitating the development of a delayed-release drug delivery system. This system require a pH-dependent polymer, such as hydroxypropyl methylcellulose phthalate (HPMCP). A problem that can occur is cracking in the coating layer due to the polymer's lack of elasticity during expansion caused by heating. To enhance its elasticity, the addition of a compatible plasticizer is needed, such as triacetin and triethyl citrate. This study focuses on evaluating the influence of adding triethyl citrate or triacetin on the occurrence of cracking and its effects on drug release at specific weight gain variations. The coating methods used include HPMCP or HP (F1), HPMCP-Triacetin or HP-TRI (F2), HPMCP-Triethyl Citrate or HP-TEC (F3), and HPMCP-Triacetin-Triethyl Citrate or HP-TRI-TEC (F4). These formulations will be made with variations of weight gain at 8%, 10%, and 12%. Cracking morphology will be evaluated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The SEM evaluation results showed no cracking and the surface roughness are F1 > F3 > F4 > F2. All formulations and their weight gain met the requirements for drug release in both acidic and basic media. Therefore, the use of HPMCP polymer alone is already capable of controlling drug release in acidic conditions, and the addition of triacetin and triethyl citrate plasticizers can further smoothen the morphology.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Ghozali
Abstrak :
Plasticizer (pelentur plastik) konvensional seperti Dioctyl Phthalate (DOP) mulai dihindari penggunaannya, karena berpotensi memberikan efek negatif pada kesehatan manusia. Produk pelentur plastik jenis ester dari turunan minyak sawit memiliki kelebihan-kelebihan dibandingkan pelentur plastic konvensional dari minyak bumi seperti DOP. Pelentur plastik turunan minyak sawit adalah pelentur non toxic, yang juga berfungsi sebagai lubricant pada campuran aditif Polyvinyl Chlorida (PVC). Proses pembuatan pelentur plastik dari asam lemak komponen minyak sawit telah dilakukan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Senyawa ester yang dikembangkan sebagai bahan pelentur plastik adalah jenis monoester dan diester dimana gugus fungsional ester tersebut memiliki struktur kimia yang serupa dengan DOP seperti Isopropil Oleat (IPO) dan Isobutil Oleat (IBO). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan kondisi optimum proses pembuatan Isobutil Oleat. Isobutil Oleat disintesis melalui reaksi esterifikasi antara asam oleat dengan isobutanol dengan menggunakan asam sulfat pekat sebagai katalis. Penentuan kondisi optimum proses IBO dilakukan dengan memvariasikan temperatur pada 60°C, 80°C dan 100°C. Setelah didapatkan temperatur optimum, dilanjutkan dengan variasi penggunaan katalis yaitu 1%, 2%, 3% dan 4%. Kemudian dilanjutkan variasi perbandingan reaktan, dengan perbandingan mol isobutanol : asam oleat sebesar 1:1, 2:1, dan 3:1. Produk optimum yang telah diperoleh dikarakterisasi dengan melakukan analisis bilangan asam, bilangan ester, analisis gugus fungsi dengan FTIR dan puncak proton denganH-NMR. Dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan, diperoleh kondisi optimum untuk proses pembuatan IBO pada reaksi esterifikasi antara Isobutanol dengan Asam Oleat adalah pada temperatur 100_C dengan jumlah katalis 4% dan perbandingan mol reaktan antara Isobutanol dengan Asam Oleat adalah 2 : 1. ......Conventional plasticizer like Dioctyl Phthalate (DOP) start to be avoided, because give negative effect for human healthy. Plasticizer product like ester from palm oil derivated have more good effect from conventional plasticizer from petroleum (DOP). Plasticizer from palm oil is non toxic plasticizer, that also as lubricant are applied in Polyninyl Chloride (PVC). Platicizer from palm oil has been develoved years later. Ester that develoved as plasticizer is monoester and diester where have similar functional group like DOP as Isopropyl Oleate (IPO) and Isobutyl Oleate (IBO). This research to get optimum condition at synthesis of Isobutyl Oleate. Isobutyl Oleate was synthesized via esterification between Isobutyl Alcohol and Oleic Acid by using sulfuric acid as catalyst. Determination the optimum process of isobutyl oleate do with variated temperature at 60°C, 80°C and 100°C. And than variated catalyst volume 1%, 2%, 3% and 4%. And than variated reactan with mol comparison between isobutyl alcohol : oleic acid are 1:1, 2:1 and 3:1. The obtained product was characterized by acid value, ester value, functional group analysis by FTIR and proton peak analysis by H-NMR. From this research, the optimum process condition of isobutyl oleate showed by highest conversion of acid value that is 95.23% with the temperature 100_C, volume of catalyst was 4% and mol comparison between isobutyl alcohol and oleic acid was 2:1.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asep Handaya Saputra
Abstrak :
Dimethyl ether (DME) is a type of renewable energy that could replace the use of fossil fuel in Indonesia. Nevertheless, DME can cause degradation of rubber-based materials. Therefore, the performance of rubber that has been degraded by DME must be improved. This research study aims are to determine the degradation characteristics of modified vulcanized natural rubber in a DME environment. The effect of the filler (carbon black) and plasticizer (minarex-B) components of vulcanized natural rubber was examined. The vulcanized rubber samples were comprised of 10, 30, and 60 parts per hundred rubbers (phr) of filler and 0, 10 and 20 phr of plasticizer. The degradation of the mass and mechanical properties of the rubber were investigated. Degradation testing was conducted by immersing the samples inside a pressure vessel that was filled with the liquid phase of DME. The results indicate that the increasing of the filler composition reduces the impact of degradation, while the increasing of the plasticizer composition has the opposite effect. The plasticizer is needed to distribute the filler to all parts of the rubber. Consequently, a filler composition of 30 phr and a plasticizer composition of 10 phr provide a vulcanized natural rubber with optional protection against the degradation caused by DME. The characteristics of natural rubber, as measured by Fourier Transform Infra-Red Spectroscopy (FTIR) proved that DME does not damage the structure of the polymer chains, although DME may react with some ingredients in the rubber that have a similar polarity.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asep Handaya Saputra
Abstrak :
Dimethyl ether (DME) is a type of renewable energy that could replace the use of fossil fuel in Indonesia. Nevertheless, DME can cause degradation of rubber-based materials. Therefore, the performance of rubber that has been degraded by DME must be improved. This research study aims are to determine the degradation characteristics of modified vulcanized natural rubber in a DME environment. The effect of the filler (carbon black) and plasticizer (minarex-B) components of vulcanized natural rubber was examined. The vulcanized rubber samples were comprised of 10, 30, and 60 parts per hundred rubbers (phr) of filler and 0, 10 and 20 phr of plasticizer. The degradation of the mass and mechanical properties of the rubber were investigated. Degradation testing was conducted by immersing the samples inside a pressure vessel that was filled with the liquid phase of DME. The results indicate that the increasing of the filler composition reduces the impact of degradation, while the increasing of the plasticizer composition has the opposite effect. The plasticizer is needed to distribute the filler to all parts of the rubber. Consequently, a filler composition of 30 phr and a plasticizer composition of 10 phr provide a vulcanized natural rubber with optional protection against the degradation caused by DME. The characteristics of natural rubber, as measured by Fourier Transform Infra-Red Spectroscopy (FTIR) proved that DME does not damage the structure of the polymer chains, although DME may react with some ingredients in the rubber that have a similar polarity.
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI-IJTECH 7:4 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Ambar Khalis
Abstrak :
Dewasa ini, sampah plastik merupakan isu lingkungan terbesar. Semenjak penggunaan plastik konvensional berasal dari polimer fossil, sehingga sulit diuraikan oleh bakteri. Solusi yang tepat adalah menggantikanya dengan bioplastik. Penelitian ini menggunakan Chlorella vulgaris dan PVA sebagai bahan pembuatan bioplastik. C. vulgaris dipercaya memiliki potensi sebagai bahan campuran pembuatan plastik dikarenakan tingginya kandungan biopolimer Protein, karbohidrat. Namun, C. vulgaris/ PVA memiliki beberapa kelemahan seperti sifat fisik-kimia yang buruk. Compatibilizer dan plasticizer diperlukan untuk meningkatkan homogenitas, kompatibilitas dan elastisitas campuran alami dan sintetis karena kedua bahan memiliki sifat yang berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan konsentrasi maleat anhidrat dan gliserol terbaik sebagai compatibilizer dan plasticizer. PVA graft maleat anhidrat PVA-g-MAH disintesis dengan memadukan PVA, Maleic anhydride 2, 4, 6 berat PVA, DMSO dan KPS dengan suhu 120 oC. C. vulgaris dimodifikasi menjadi termoplastik dengan mencampur aquadest dan variasi gliserol 15, 20, 25, 30 v dari berat C. vulgaris. Pada penelitan ini komposisi terbaik diperoleh pada penambahan maleat anhidrat 6 dengan gliserol 15 karna menghasilkan sifat mekanik terbaik yaitu kuat tarik 42 kgf/cm2 dan elongasi 13. Selain itu, dapat dindikasikan bahwa penambahan compatibilizer dan plasticizer dapat meningkatkan homogenitas dan elastisitas film plastik PVA-Chlorella. ......Nowadays, plastic waste is the biggest environmental issues. Since the usage of conventional plastic which come from fossil polymer that can not be decomposed by decomposer. One of the solution is bioplastic. This study used Chlorella vulgaris and PVA as the based materials to made bioplastic. Chlorella is chosen as the new potential of raw material for its high amount of biopolymer Protein, carbs. However, Chlorella PVA has some weakness such as poor physical chemical properties. Compatibilizer and plasticizer are needed to improve the homogeneity, compatibility and elasticity of natural and synthetic mixtures as both materials have different properties. This study aims to obtain the best maleic anhydrides and glycerol concentration as compatibilizer and plasticizer. Maleic anhydrate grafted PVA PVA g MAH was synthesized by blending PVA, Maleic anhydride 2, 4, 6 wt PVA, DMSO and KPS with temperature 120 oC. Chlorella was modified by mixing aquadest and glycerol variations 15, 20, 25, 30 v wt of Chlorella. In this research, the best composition was obtained in addition of 6 maleic anhydride with 15 glycerol because it yielded the best mechanical properties with tensile strength 42 kgf cm2 and elongation 13. In addition, it can be indicated that the addition of compatibilizer and plasticizer can improve the homogeneity and elasticity of PVA Chlorella plastic films.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andreas Federico
Abstrak :
Penggunaan material poli asam laktat (PLA) sebagai material alami ramah lingkungan untuk berbagai aplikasi mulai dipertimbangkan karena kemampuan degradasi dan keunggulan sifat mekaniknya. Akan tetapi, PLA memiliki ketangguhan yang rendah, sehingga tidak cocok digunakan untuk produk yang memiliki kemungkinan besar mengalami gangguan impak. plasticizer untuk mengurangi interaksi antar rantai PLA serta meningkatkan fleksibilitasnya. Penerapan material PLA terplastisasi sebagai bahan baku untuk berbagai aplikasi memerlukan spesifikasi sifat mekanik tertentu. Pembuatan produk dengan sifat mekanik yang sesuai tentunya memerlukan proses yang panjang dan akan memakan biaya yang besar. Oleh karena itu, pembelajaran mesin hadir sebagai solusi dalam menciptakan proses pemilihan material yang efektif, efisien, singkat, dan hemat, dengan memanfaatkan data dan ilmu komputasi untuk menciptakan prediksi. Dalam penelitian ini, prediksi kekuatan impak material PLA terplastisasi melibatkan tiga model pembelajaran mesin, dengan K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) sebagai model terpilih karena performanya yang stabil dan baik. Metrik evaluasi skor R² sebesar 0,839, RMSE sebesar 0,080, dan RRMSE sebesar 15,327 dihasilkan dari parameter K dengan nilai 1. Eksperimen dengan pengujian Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) dan simulasi daya campur menggunakan perangkat lunak Material Studio juga dilakukan sebagai validasi prediksi model KNN. Eksperimen ini melibatkan material campuran PLA dengan plasticizer poli etilen glikol (PEG) dan menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa peningkatan kekuatan impak PLA akibat penambahan PEG terjadi karena adanya interaksi antara kedua konstituen tanpa melibatkan mekanisme pencampuran secara kimia, yang dibuktikan dengan perubahan perilaku spektrum FTIR dan nilai energi pencampuran yang besar dari hasil simulasi Material Studio. ......The use of poly(lactic acid) (PLA) as an environmentally friendly natural material for various applications has begun to be considered due to its degradation ability and superior mechanical properties. However, PLA has low toughness, making it unsuitable for products with a high probability of impact failure. This deficiency can be overcome by adding a plasticizer to reduce the interaction between PLA chains and increase flexibility. The application of plasticized PLA material as a raw material for various applications requires certain specifications for its mechanical properties. The manufacture of products with appropriate mechanical properties certainly requires a long process and will cost a lot. Therefore, machine learning is present as a solution for creating an effective, efficient, short, and economical material selection process by leveraging data and computational science to make predictions. In this study, the prediction of the impact strength of plasticized PLA materials involved three machine learning models, with K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) as the chosen model because of its stability and good performance. The evaluation metrics R2 score of 0.839, RMSE of 0.080, and RRMSE of 15.327 were generated from the K parameter value of 1. Experiments with Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) testing and miscibility simulations using Material Studio software were also carried out as validations of the KNN model prediction. These experiments used polyethylene glycol (PEG)-plasticized PLA and led to the conclusion that the interaction between the two constituents causes the increase in PLA impact strength due to the addition of PEG without involving a chemical mixing mechanism, as evidenced by changes in the behavior of the FTIR spectrum and large mixing energy values from the Material Studio simulation results.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Rubber plasticizer is used to improve rubber processability so as to shorten time and reduce energy consumption during compounding. In general, rubber plasticizer is nonrenewable and environmentally harmful petroleum derivatives due to the carcinogenic property. Environmentally friendly plasticizer can be produced by transfer hydrogenation of vegetable oil. The research was aimed to synthesize new rubber plasticizer from transfer hydrogenation of castor oil using diimide compound which was generated in situ by oxidation of hydrazine hydrate and hydrogen peroxide as well as the application of the new rubber plasticizer obtained on natural and synthetic rubbers compounding. The result showed that the optimum condition of transfer hydrogenation was achieved at a capacity of 1000 ml oil/batch, 40oC for 5 hours, and ratio hydrazine hydrate to hydrogen peroxide at 1:2 due to the hydrogenated castor oil (HCO) had the highest degree of hydrogenation and neutral pH. The application of 10 phr HCO had significant effect on the compounding of EPDM 6250 which was shown by shortest time and lowest energy of compounding, and also by the highest minimum torque modulus. In addition, the crosslink density of rubber vulcanizate which was formed during accelerated sulfur vulcanization was affected both by the addition of HCO and the saturation of the rubber being used.

Bahan pelunak kompon karet berfungsi meningkatkan kemampuan proses karet sehingga dapat mempersingkat waktu dan menurunkan konsumsi energi selama pengomponan. Bahan pelunak karet yang umum digunakan berasal dari turunan minyak bumi yang tidak terbarukan dan tidak ramah lingkungan karena bersifat karsinogenik. Bahan pelunak kompon karet yang ramah lingkungan dapat diproduksi melalui reaksi transfer hidrogenasi minyak nabati. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari sintesis bahan pelunak karet dari minyak jarak kastor secara transfer hidrogenasi menggunakan senyawa diimida yang dibangkitkan secara in situ oleh hidrasina hidrat dan hidrogen peroksida serta aplikasinya dalam pembuatan kompon karet alam (SIR 20) maupun sintetik (EPDM 6250, EPDM 6470, dan Butil 301). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi reaksi terbaik dicapai pada kapasitas reaksi sebesar 1000 ml minyak/batch, suhu 40oC selama 5 jam dan rasio penambahan hidrasina hidrat terhadap hidrogen peroksida sebesar 1:2 karena menghasilkan derajat hidrogenasi tertinggi dan memiliki pH netral. Aplikasinya sebagai bahan pelunak alami sebesar 10 bsk berpengaruh signifikan terhadap proses pengomponan karet sintetik tipe EPDM 6250 karena saling memiliki kompatibilitas yang tinggi sehingga mampu memberikan waktu dan energi pengomponan serta nilai torsi minimum terendah. Derajat ikatan silang pada vulkanisat karet yang terbentuk saat vulkanisasi sulfur selain dipengaruhi oleh bahan pelunak juga oleh tingkat kejenuhan karet tersebut.
Pusat Penelitian Karet ; Institut Pertanian Bogor. Departemen Kimia, 2016
530 KKP 32:2 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bimo Ary Pujangga Putra
Abstrak :
Plastik sebagai bahan kemasan dan coating mengalami peningkatan global setiap tahun. Ini menimbulkan masalah serius bagi lingkungan karena sulitnya terdegradasi. Salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi masalah limbah plastik adalah penggunaan bioplastik. Untuk meningkatkan sifat mekanik dari bioplastik, biokomposit yang dibuat dengan penambahan aditif dan pengisi tertentu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh Butil Benzyl Phthalate plasticizer BBP dan Seng Oksida ZnO nanopartikel terhadap sifat mekanik dan termal biokomposit selulosa asetat butirat CAB / organoclay.Nanopartikel ZnO disintesis dari prekursor ZnO komersial melalui metode reduksi ukuran sol-gel menggunakan asam sitrat. Seng sitrat dikalsinasi pada suhu 600oC. ZnO nanopartikel dengan ukuran rata-rata 44,4 nm diperoleh pada rasio seng nitrat 1:2 terhadap asam sitrat. Film biokomposit dibuat dengan menggunakan metode solution casting dengan aseton sebagai pelarut. Penambahan plasticizer BBP dan nanopartikel ZnO sebesar masing-masing 30 dan 10 membuat biokomposit memiliki nilai kekuatan tarik 2,22 MPa. Pergeseran nilai suhu transisi gelas Tg selulosa asetat butirat tidak dapat terlihat dikarenakan homogenitas biokomposit saat proses casting.
Plastics as packaging materials and coatings have increased globally every year. This poses a serious problem for the environment because of the difficulty to degrade. One solution to overcome the problem of plastic waste is the use of bioplastics. To improve the mechanical properties of bioplastics, biocomposites are fabricated with the addition of certain additives and fillers. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of plasticizer Butyl Benzyl Phthalate BBP and Zinc Oxide ZnO nanoparticles to the mechanical and thermal properties of biocomposite cellulose acetate butyrate CAB organoclay.ZnO nanoparticles were synthesized from a commercial ZnO precursor through sol gel method to reduce the size using citric acid. Zinc citrate was calcined at a temperature of 600oC. ZnO nanoparticles with an average size of 44.4 nm were obtained at a mole ratio of zinc nitrate citric acid was 1 2. Biocomposite films were made by solution casting method using acetone as the solvent. The addition of plasticizer BBP and ZnO nanoparticles by 30 and 10 respectively in the biocomposites produced a tensile strength of 2,223 MPa. Shifting value of the glass transition temperature Tg of cellulose acetate butyrate could not been observed due to the homogeneity of the biocomposite during the process of casting.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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