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Ditemukan 9 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
F.X. Soewarto Citro Taruno
Abstrak :
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk: (1) mengadakan kajian terhadap faktor-faktor sosial ekonomi dan faktor-faktor latar belakang yang mempengaruhi fertilitas, dan (2) mengadakan kajian terhadap bentuk-bentuk hubungan fertilitas dengan faktor-faktor tersebut. Studi tentang faktor-faktor penentu fertilitas di Irian Jaya ini menggunakan data sekunder hasil Survei Penduduk Antar Sensus (SUPAS) tahun 1985 yang telah dikumpulkan oleh Kantor Biro Pusat Statistik. Responden penelitian ini adalah wanita yang berstatus kawin (currently married women) berusia antara 15 - 49 tahun, yang berjumlah 1560 responden. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis inferensial. Teknik analisis yang dipergunakan untuk menduga pengaruh faktor-faktor penentu fertilitas di Irian Jaya adalah Teknik Analisis Regresi Linier Berganda yang Aditif. Hasil temuan mengenai pola pengaruh atau pola hubungan masing-masing variabel bebas terhadap fertilitas (anak lahir hidup) setelah dikontrol terhadap variabel-variabel lainnya di dalam persamaan garis regresi, adalah sebagai berikut: Pertama, umur perkawinan pertama dan tingkat pendidikan tertinggi yang ditamatkan cenderung mempunyai hubungan atau pengaruh negatif dengan fertilitas. Kedua, umur wanita, pengeluaran rumah tangga sebulan sebagai proksi penghasilan.. dan banyaknya mengalami kematian bays cenderung mempunyai hubungan atau pengaruh positif dengan fertilitas. Ketiga, jenis pekerjaan, status pekerjaan, daerah tempat tinggal, agama, dan akseptor keluarga berencana mempunyai hubungan (asosiasi) dengan fertilitas, sebagai berikut: (1) Wanita yang bekerja di bidang profesional dan tata usaha memiliki anak lahir hidup lebih rendah dibandingkan wanita yang bekerja di bidang penjualan-jasa-produksi, dan wanita yang bekerja di bidang pertanian, serta wanita yang tidak bekerja. (2) Wanita yang status pekerjaan sebagai pegawai/karyawan dan status pekerjaan sebagai pekerja keluarga mempunyai jumlah anak lahir hidup lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan wanita yang status pekerjaan sendiri tanpa bantuan buruh dan yang bekerja dengan bantuan buruh, serta wanita yang statusnya tidak bekerja. (3) Wanita yang bertempat-tinggal di daerah perkotaan memiliki anak lahir hidup lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan wanita yang bertempat tinggal di daerah pedesaan. (4) Wanita yang menganut agama Islam atau Katholik memiliki jumlah anak lahir hidup lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan wanita yang beragama Protestan/Kristen lainnya. (5) Wanita yang menggunakan alat kontrasepsi memiliki anak lahir hidup lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan wanita yang tidak menggunakan alat kontrasepsi.
The purpose of this study was to investigate social economic and background variables which influence fertility, and to examine pattern of relationships between those variables and fertility. This study was about the province of Irian Jaya and utilized the 1985 Inter Cencal Population Survey (SUPAS 1985) data collected by The Central Bureau of Statistics (Biro Pusat Statistik). The respondents is considered in this study were currently married women only aged 15 to 49, i.e women in the reproductive ages. The total member of respondents analyzed was 1560. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential analysis methods. Multiple Linear Regression was used for estimating coeficients of the fertility determinants. The empirical result of this study after controlling for other variables in the model were as follows: 1. Age at first marriage and highest education attained affected fertility negatively. 2. Wive's age, income (proxied by household monthly expenditure) and frequency of infant mortality affected fertility positively or were positively associated with fertility. 3. Type of work, work status, recidence, religion and family planning acceptance affected or were associated with fertility: (i) Children ever born alive was lowest for women who were profesionals or were in administrative jobs. (ii) Female employees and unpaid family workers had less children ever born alive as compared to self employed women (with or without temporary help). (iii) Women living in the city had less children ever born alive as compared to women living in the villages. (iv) Islamic and Catholic women had less children ever born alive as compared to Protestant women. (v) Current acceptors (of family planning) had more children ever born alive as compared to women who had never been acceptors.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1990
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Isniati Hidayah
Abstrak :
PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan ditujukkan untuk menanggulangi kemiskinan melalui kemandirian dan melibatkan partisipasi aktif dari masyarakat. Pinjaman bergulir merupakan salah satu kegiatan yang dinaungi oleh PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan untuk mendorong kegiatan ekonomi produktif dari masyarakat miskin. Pada akhir Desember 2015 PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan secara resmi berakhir. Tesis ini meneliti dampak pinjaman bergulir PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan terhadap pendapatan usaha dan pengeluaran rumah tangga. Lingkup penelitian adalah di Kecamatan Sukakarya Kabupaten Bekasi. Data sampel 168 individu diperoleh melalui penyebaran kuesioner terhadap 84 peserta pinjaman bergulir (treatment) dan 84 non-peserta (kontrol). Metode yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan pendekatan instrumental variabel. Ditemukan bahwa partisipasi pinjaman bergulir memiliki hubungan yang positif dan tidak signifikan baik terhadap pendapatan usaha maupun terhadap pengeluaran rumah tangga. Modal awal, tabungan, jumlah anggota keluarga, status usaha, dan pendidikan tidak tamat SD memberikan pengaruh signifikan pada pinjaman bergulir terhadap pendapatan usaha. Modal awal, tabungan, usia, jumlah anggota keluarga, rasio ketergantungan, gender kepala keluarga, dan pendidikan tidak tamat SD memberikan pengaruh signifikan pada pinjaman bergulir terhadap pengeluaran rumah tangga
PNPM Rural aim for alleviating poverty through self-reliance and community participation. Revolving loan fund is one of the activity under PNPM Rural to encourage poor's economic productive activity. In the end of December 2015 PNPM Rural officially ended. This Thesis research the impact of PNPM Rural revolving loan fund income enterprise and household expenditure. The scope of the research is in Sub District Sukakarya Bekasi. Sample data 168 individual gather through questionnaires to 84 revolving loan fund participant (treatment) and 84 non-participant (control). Quantitative method used to estimate the impact with instrumental variable approach. The result show that revolving loan fund participation has positive and insignificant effect to income enterprise and household expenditure. Initial capital, saving, household size, business status, and do not completed primary education status has significant impact on revolving loan fund through income enterprise. Initial capital, saving, age, household size, dependency ratio, household head gender, and do not completed primary education status has significant impact on revolving loan fund through household expenditure
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitri Handayani
Abstrak :
Kecukupan konsumsi zat gizi termasuk protein penting untuk terpenuhi pada Anak dalam proses pertumbuhan memasuki usia remaja. Salah satu faktor yang memengaruhi kecukupan konsumsi zat gizi termasuk protein adalah proporsi pengeluaran rumah tangga untuk makanan terhadap pengeluaran total. Semakin tinggi kemiskinan suatu keluarga, maka semakin tinggi pula proporsi pengeluaran untuk makanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah pengeluaran rumah tangga dan faktor lainnya berhubungan terhadap asupan protein. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan disain cross sectional menggunakan data Riskesdas 2010 di Nusa Tenggara Timur. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa 82% anak usia 7 - 12 tahun di Nusa Tenggara Timur pada tahun 2010 mengonsumsi protein kurang dari yang seharusnya. Rata - rata proporsi pengeluaran rumah tangga untuk makanan adalah 69,3%. Hasil uji statistik dengan uji multivariat menunjukkan bahwa proporsi anak yang kurang konsumsi protein pada Anak Usia 7 - 12 tahun lebih banyak terjadi pada Anak dengan asupan energi yang rendah, pekerjaan orang tua yang berpenghasilan tidak tetap, tinggal di daerah perdesaan, keluarga yang tidak memanfaatkan pelayanan kesehatan, pengeluaran rumah tangga untuk makanan yang rendah serta persentase pengeluaran rumah tangga untuk makanan terhadap pengeluaran total. Sedangkan faktor yang paling dominan adalah asupan energi (OR 13,5). Penelitian lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antaran energi dan protein lebih dalam.
Adequacy intake of nutrients including protein is important for the children in process of growing into adolescence. One of the factors that influence the adequacy of nutrients including protein consumption is the proportion of household expenditure on food to total expenditure. The higher of poverty level in a family, the higer proportion of expenditure on food. This study aimed whether the household expenses and other factors affect the intake of protein. This study was a quantitative study with cross sectional design using Riskesdas data in 2010 in East Nusa Tenggara. The results show that 82% of children aged 7-12 years consumed protein less than they should. The average proportion of household expenditure on food is 69,3%. Multivariate statistical test shows that the proportion of children who lacked protein intake was more common in children with low energy intake, parents who had irregular income, lived in rural areas, family who does not utilize the service health, low in food expenditure and the percentage of food expenditure to total expenditure. While the factor that dominant the most is energy intake (OR 13,5). Further research is needed to determine the deeper relationship of energy and protein conduction.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Claudio Suhalim
Abstrak :
Tujuan studi ini adalah mempelajari apakah rata-rata pengeluaran rumah tangga dan karakteristik rumah tangga lainnya berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap status penerima BLT, Raskin, dan pelayanan kesehatan gratis. Dengan menggunakan data SUSENAS 2009 analisis deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa rumah tangga dengan ratarata pengeluaran kuintil teratas masih menjadi penerima program dan rumah tangga dengan kuintil terbawah ada yang tidak menerima program. Model regresi probit menunjukan bahwa seluruh karakteristik rumah tangga yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini secara signifikan mempengaruhi status penerima program perlindungan sosial. Rata-rata pengeluaran rumah tangga berhubungan secara negatif dengan status penerima program BLT, Raskin, dan pelayanan kesehatan gratis. The purpose of this study is to analyze whether the average household expenditure and other household characteristics affect the status of BLT, Raskin and free health service recipients. Using the 2009 SUSENAS data, descriptive analysis shows that there are households from highest average expenditure quintile receive the programs while there are households from lowest quintile do not receive the programs. The results of probit regression show that all household characteristics significantly affect the status of BLT, Raskin, and free health service recipients. Average household expenditure is negatively related to the status of BLT, Raskin and free health care recipients.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ardiana Primastuti
Abstrak :
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh determinasi aksesibilitas terhadap pengeluaran perkapita dan menganalisis determinan aksesibilitas keuangan rumah tangga. Adanya pengaruh dua arah antara aksesibilitas dan pengeluaran perkapita rumah tangga, menyebabkan penelitian harus diestimasi dengan pendekatan simultan. Dari hasil estimasi dapat diketahui bahwa keinginan rumah tangga untuk meningkatkan pengeluaran perkapitanya mendorong mereka untuk mengakses kredit baik itu secara umum, perbankan maupun program bantuan pemerintah, disisi yang lain adanya keterlibatan rumah tangga dalam mengakses kredit mendorong peningkatan pengeluaran perkapita. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa antara pengeluaran perkapita dan aksesibilitas rumah tangga di pasar kredit memberikan pengaruh secara simultan. Determinan yang mempengaruhi keputusan rumah tangga berpartisipasi di pasar kredit, menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan masih menjadi kendala bagi rumah tangga untuk bisa berpartisipasi. Kendala ini juga yang menyebabkan rumah tangga pertanian enggan untuk mengakses kredit sekalipun itu adalah program bantuan dari pemerintah.
The purpose of this study to identify the effect of the determination of accessibility to expenditure per capita and analyze the determinants of household financial accessibility. The existence of two-way influence between accessibility and per capita household expenditure, causing research to be estimated with two-stage probit least squares approach. From the estimation results can be seen that the desire of households to increase expenditure per capita encourage them to access credit, either banking or government assistance programs. On the other hand the involvement of households in credit market, help them to increase their expenditure per capita. These results indicate that the per capita expenditure and accessibility of households in the credit markets provide simultaneous influence. While the analysis of the determinants showed that education is still an obstacle for households to access financial institutions. This constraint also causes agricultural households are reluctant to access credit even if it is a government assistance program.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ardiana Primastuti
Abstrak :
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh determinasi aksesibilitas terhadap pengeluaran perkapita dan menganalisis determinan aksesibilitas keuangan rumah tangga. Adanya pengaruh dua arah antara aksesibilitas dan pengeluaran perkapita rumah tangga, menyebabkan penelitian harus diestimasi dengan pendekatan simultan. Dari hasil estimasi dapat diketahui bahwa keinginan rumah tangga untuk meningkatkan pengeluaran perkapitanya mendorong mereka untuk mengakses kredit baik itu secara umum, perbankan maupun program bantuan pemerintah, disisi yang lain adanya keterlibatan rumah tangga dalam mengakses kredit mendorong peningkatan pengeluaran perkapita. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa antara pengeluaran perkapita dan aksesibilitas rumah tangga di pasar kredit memberikan pengaruh secara simultan. Determinan yang mempengaruhi keputusan rumah tangga berpartisipasi di pasar kredit, menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan masih menjadi kendala bagi rumah tangga untuk bisa berpartisipasi. Kendala ini juga yang menyebabkan rumah tangga pertanian enggan untuk mengakses kredit sekalipun itu adalah program bantuan dari pemerintah.
The purpose of this study to identify the effect of the determination of accessibility to expenditure per capita and analyze the determinants of household financial accessibility. The existence of two-way influence between accessibility and per capita household expenditure, causing research to be estimated with two- stage probit least squares approach. From the estimation results can be seen that the desire of households to increase expenditure per capita encourage them to access credit, either banking or government assistance programs. On the other hand the involvement of households in credit market, help them to increase their expenditure per capita. These results indicate that the per capita expenditure and accessibility of households in the credit markets provide simultaneous influence. While the analysis of the determinants showed that education is still an obstacle for households to access financial institutions. This constraint also causes agricultural households are reluctant to access credit even if it is a government assistance program.;The purpose of this study to identify the effect of the determination of accessibility to expenditure per capita and analyze the determinants of household financial accessibility. The existence of two-way influence between accessibility and per capita household expenditure, causing research to be estimated with two- stage probit least squares approach. From the estimation results can be seen that the desire of households to increase expenditure per capita encourage them to access credit, either banking or government assistance programs. On the other hand the involvement of households in credit market, help them to increase their expenditure per capita. These results indicate that the per capita expenditure and accessibility of households in the credit markets provide simultaneous influence. While the analysis of the determinants showed that education is still an obstacle for households to access financial institutions. This constraint also causes agricultural households are reluctant to access credit even if it is a government assistance program.;The purpose of this study to identify the effect of the determination of accessibility to expenditure per capita and analyze the determinants of household financial accessibility. The existence of two-way influence between accessibility and per capita household expenditure, causing research to be estimated with two- stage probit least squares approach. From the estimation results can be seen that the desire of households to increase expenditure per capita encourage them to access credit, either banking or government assistance programs. On the other hand the involvement of households in credit market, help them to increase their expenditure per capita. These results indicate that the per capita expenditure and accessibility of households in the credit markets provide simultaneous influence. While the analysis of the determinants showed that education is still an obstacle for households to access financial institutions. This constraint also causes agricultural households are reluctant to access credit even if it is a government assistance program.;The purpose of this study to identify the effect of the determination of accessibility to expenditure per capita and analyze the determinants of household financial accessibility. The existence of two-way influence between accessibility and per capita household expenditure, causing research to be estimated with two- stage probit least squares approach. From the estimation results can be seen that the desire of households to increase expenditure per capita encourage them to access credit, either banking or government assistance programs. On the other hand the involvement of households in credit market, help them to increase their expenditure per capita. These results indicate that the per capita expenditure and accessibility of households in the credit markets provide simultaneous influence. While the analysis of the determinants showed that education is still an obstacle for households to access financial institutions. This constraint also causes agricultural households are reluctant to access credit even if it is a government assistance program.;The purpose of this study to identify the effect of the determination of accessibility to expenditure per capita and analyze the determinants of household financial accessibility. The existence of two-way influence between accessibility and per capita household expenditure, causing research to be estimated with two- stage probit least squares approach. From the estimation results can be seen that the desire of households to increase expenditure per capita encourage them to access credit, either banking or government assistance programs. On the other hand the involvement of households in credit market, help them to increase their expenditure per capita. These results indicate that the per capita expenditure and accessibility of households in the credit markets provide simultaneous influence. While the analysis of the determinants showed that education is still an obstacle for households to access financial institutions. This constraint also causes agricultural households are reluctant to access credit even if it is a government assistance program.;The purpose of this study to identify the effect of the determination of accessibility to expenditure per capita and analyze the determinants of household financial accessibility. The existence of two-way influence between accessibility and per capita household expenditure, causing research to be estimated with two- stage probit least squares approach. From the estimation results can be seen that the desire of households to increase expenditure per capita encourage them to access credit, either banking or government assistance programs. On the other hand the involvement of households in credit market, help them to increase their expenditure per capita. These results indicate that the per capita expenditure and accessibility of households in the credit markets provide simultaneous influence. While the analysis of the determinants showed that education is still an obstacle for households to access financial institutions. This constraint also causes agricultural households are reluctant to access credit even if it is a government assistance program., The purpose of this study to identify the effect of the determination of accessibility to expenditure per capita and analyze the determinants of household financial accessibility. The existence of two-way influence between accessibility and per capita household expenditure, causing research to be estimated with two- stage probit least squares approach. From the estimation results can be seen that the desire of households to increase expenditure per capita encourage them to access credit, either banking or government assistance programs. On the other hand the involvement of households in credit market, help them to increase their expenditure per capita. These results indicate that the per capita expenditure and accessibility of households in the credit markets provide simultaneous influence. While the analysis of the determinants showed that education is still an obstacle for households to access financial institutions. This constraint also causes agricultural households are reluctant to access credit even if it is a government assistance program.]
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Zulfiqar Firdaus
Abstrak :
Tesis ini mengkaji kembali konvergensi regional dalam PDRB per kapita, pengeluaran rumah tangga per kapita, tingkat kemiskinan, dan rata-rata lama sekolah di Indonesia di tingkat distrik (Kabupaten dan Kota) selama 2000–2017 dengan menggunakan metode klub konvergensi. Tesis ini menemukan bahwa ketimpangan regional di Indonesia pada tingkat distrik dicirikan oleh lima klub konvergensi dalam PDRB per kapita, empat klub konvergensi dalam pengeluaran rumah tangga per kapita, empat klub konvergensi dalam kemiskinan, dan lima klub konvergensi dalam rata-rata tahun sekolah. ......This thesis reinvestigates the regional convergence in GDP per capita, household expenditure per capita, poverty rate, and average years of schooling in Indonesia at the district level during 2000–2017 using the club convergence method. This thesis finds that regional inequality in Indonesia at the district level was characterized by five convergence clubs in GDP per capita, four convergence clubs in household expenditure per capita, four convergence clubs in poverty, and five convergence clubs in average years of schooling.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Samosir, Heru Poppy
Abstrak :
Ketimpangan kepemilikan tanah disebabkan oleh akses yang tidak setara terhadap tanah. Studi ini mengkaji dampak akses ke tanah terhadap total pengeluaran rumah tangga petani. Kebijakan reforma agraria diasumsikan membuka akses dan memperluas akses ke tanah untuk kelompok rumah tangga petani yang tidak memiliki tanah dan memiliki tanah tetapi ukuran tanah yang sangat kecil. Melalui pendekatan state-led dan market-led, penelitian ini memberikan kategorisasi akses ke tanah ke dua hal yaitu variabel access opening dan access expansion dengan masing-masing cakupan sampel. Pada pendekatan state-led, pembukaan akses dilihat dalam bentuk redistribusi tanah ke petani yang tidak memiliki tanah dan perluasan akses dilihat dari bentuk redistribusi tanah ke petani yang merupakan petani gurem. Pendekatan market-led mengacu pada pembukaan akses melalui skema sewa dan perluasan akses melalui skema penguatan hak milik melalui sertifikat hak milik (SHM). Melalui metode two period difference-in-difference (DID), penelitian ini menganalisis dampak pembukaan dan perluasan akses terhadap total pengeluaran rumah tangga petani dengan menggunakan data IFLS 2007 dan 2014. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan signifikan dalam total pengeluaran rumah tangga petani akibat adanya pembukaan dan perluasan akses mengacu pada skema distribusi tanah (pendekatan state-led), serta tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan melalui pendekatan market-led terutama perluasan akses ke tanah. Kebijakan reforma agraria perlu dilakukan dengan penekanan redistribusi tanah kepada petani yang tidak memiliki tanah dan petani gurem. ......Inequality of land ownership is caused by unequal access to land. This study examines the impact of land access on total farmer’s household expenditure. The Agrarian reform policy is assumed can open access and expand access to land for groups of farmer households who do not own land and own land but the size of the land is very small. Through state-led and market-led approaches, this research provides a categorization of access to land in two ways, namely access opening and access expansion variables with each sample coverage. In the state-led approach, the opening of acces is seen in the form of land redistribution to farmers who do not own land and the expansion of access is seen in the form of land redistribution to smallholders. The market-led approach refers to opening access through a rental scheme and expanding access through a scheme to strengthen property right through ownership certificates. Using the two period difference-in-difference (DID) method, this study analyzes the impact of opening and expanding access to the total expenditure of farmer household using IFLS 2007 and 2014 data.  The results show that there is significant differences in the total expenditures of farmer households due to the opening and expansion of access reffering to the land distribution scheme (state-led approach), and there are varying results significant difference through the market-led approach. Agrarian reform policies need to be carried out by emphasizing the implementation of land redistribution to landless and small farmers.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amartya Elisa Siadari
Abstrak :
Rumah tangga buruh tani termasuk ke dalam rumah tangga miskin di Indonesia. Hal ini disebabkan oleh pendapatan buruh tani yang rendah dan tidak tetap. Beberapa penelitian mengenai kemudahan untuk mengakses pinjaman dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani melalui peningkatan pendapatan dan pengeluaran rumah tangga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti hubungan pinjaman yang diterima rumah tangga buruh tani terhadap pengeluaran rumah tangga buruh petani. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh dari IFLS (Indonesia Family Life Survey) gelombang 5 tahun 2014 serta data PODES (Potensi Desa) tahun 2014. Dalam survei IFLS terdapat bagian yang membahas data ekonomi responden yang berprofesi sebagai pekerja bebas di sektor pertanian. Data PODES memberikan informasi mengenai ketersediaan infrastruktur dan potensi yang dimiliki oleh wilayah-wilayah di Indonesia. Jumlah bank umum dan koperasi simpan pinjam dari data PODES digunakan untuk penelitian ini. Metode regresi OLS (Ordinary Least Square) digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan rumah tangga buruh tani yang memiliki pinjaman, mempunyai pengeluaran per kapita rumah tangga yang lebih besar dibandingkan yang tidak memiliki pinjaman. ......Farm labor households are among the poorest households in Indonesia. This is due to the low and irregular income of farm laborers. Several studies have shown that easy access to loans can improve the welfare of farmers through increased household income and expenditure. This study aims to examine the relationship of loans received by farm labor households to farm labor household expenditures. The data used in this study are secondary data obtained from IFLS (Indonesia Family Life Survey) wave 5 in 2014 and PODES (Potensi Desa) data in 2014. In the IFLS survey, there is a section that discusses the economic data of respondents who work as free laborers in the agricultural sector. PODES data provides information on the availability of infrastructure and the potential of regions in Indonesia. The number of commercial banks and savings and loan cooperatives from the PODES data is used for this study. The OLS (Ordinary Least Square) regression method is used in this study. The results of this study show that farm labor households with loans have higher per capita household expenditure than those without loans.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library