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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Adhikara Joshua Sutisna
Abstrak :
Dewasa ini, perusahaan diperhadapkan pada era disrupsi yang sangat kental akan digitalisasi serta membawa berbagai perubahan dan kemudahan. Tentu saja ini merupakan tantangan baru yang harus dihadapi perusahaan yang ada di mana pun, khususnya Indonesia. Fenomena ini merupakan alasan peneliti untuk menjadikan PT. Pegadaian (Persero) yang telah berdiri sejak tahun 1901 sebagai objek penelitian. Era disrupsi yang terjadi turut menghadirkan tantangan bagi PT. Pegadaian (Persero) yang berstatus sebagai badan usaha milik negara serta memaksa PT. Pegadaian (Persero) untuk berinovasi dan melakukan pergeseran dalam sistemnya untuk dapat bertahan dan tidak terdisrupsi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan tantangan-tantangan yang muncul di era disrupsi dan strategi inovasi yang dilakukan oleh PT. Pegadaian (Persero) dalam menjawab tantangan-tantangan tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan melakukan studi literatur komprehensif dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil dari penelitian ini akan menggambarkan tantangan-tantangan yang muncul di era disrupsi bagi perusahaan konvesional dan strategi inovasi yang dilakukan guna menjawab tantangan-tantangan tersebut. Oleh karena itu, hasil dari penelitian ini dapat menjadi solusi dan membantu perusahaan-perusahaan lain yang sedang berjuang untuk merespon dan beradaptasi di era disrupsi ini.
Nowadays, companies are faced with an era of disruption that is very thick with digitalization and brings various changes and easiness. Of course this is a new challenge that must be faced by all companies around the world, especially in Indonesia. This phenomenon is the reason of making PT. Pegadaian (Persero) which has been established since 1901 as the object of this research. The disruptive era that occurred also brought some new challenges for PT. Pegadaian (Persero), which has the status of a state-owned enterprise, and forces PT. Pegadaian (Persero) to innovate and make a shift in its system to survive and not be disrupted. This Research aims to explain the challenges that emerged in the era of disruption and innovation strategies carried out by PT. Pegadaian (Persero) in answering those challenges. This research is a qualitative research by conducting a comprehensive literature study and in-depth interviews. The results of this research will illustrate both external and internal challenges that show up in the era of disruption for conventional companies and innovation strategies that have been implemented to answer those challenges. Therefore, the results of this research can become a solution and help other companies that are struggling to respond and adapt in this disruptive era.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Danella Anandita
Abstrak :
[PT Pegadaian (Persero) dalam memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat dalam memperoleh dana yang mereka butuhkan, berusaha untuk meningkatkan layanan dengan menambah program kegiatannya. Selama ini PT Pegadaian (Persero) hanya dikenal dengan produk jasa gadai. Salah satu bentuk penyaluran pinjaman yang sekarang dijalankan oleh PT Pegadaian (Persero) yaitu perjanjian utang piutang dengan jaminan fidusia. Konsekuensi yuridisnya, PT Pegadaian (Persero) harus mengikuti ketentuan yang diamanatkan dalam UUJF. Perjanjian jaminan fidusia agar mempunyai kepastian hukum bagi kreditur dan debitur, harus dibuat dengan akta notaris. Perjanjian jaminan fidusia tersebut harus didaftarkan di kantor Pendaftaran Fidusia, supaya apabila terjadi wanprestasi oleh debitur, kreditur tetap dapat menjalankan ketentuan yang diatur dalam UUJF. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, penulis melakukan penelitian tentang pelaksanaan jaminan fidusia pada PT Pegadaian (Persero) ditinjau dari fungsi PT Pegadaian (Persero) sebagai lembaga gadai dan untuk mengetahui akibat hukumnya perjanjian jaminan fidusia yang tidak didaftarkan apabila terjadi waprestasi. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, penelitian dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif analisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa perjanjian jaminan fidusia pada PT Pegadaian (Persero) dengan nilai penjaminan diatas Rp.10.000.000,- (sepuluh juta rupiah), dibuat dengan akta jaminan fidusia dihadapan notaris dan didaftarkan pada Kantor Pendaftaran Fidusia. Sedangkan nilai penjaminan dibawah Rp. 10.000.000,- (sepuluh juta rupiah) hanya dibuat dengan perjanjian jaminan fidusia yang dibuat dibawah tangan dan tidak didaftarkan pada Kantor Pendaftaran Fidusia. Perjanjian jaminan fidusia yang tidak didaftarkan pada Kantor Pendaftaran Fidusia, apabila debitur wanprestasi dalam pelaksanaan eksekusi kreditur dapat menerapkan Pasal 15 dan Pasal 29 UUJF. Perjanjian jaminan fidusia yang tidak didaftarkan pada Kantor Pendaftaran Fidusia dalam pelaksanaan eksekusinya, kreditur harus mengajukan gugatan kepada pengadilan dan dapat menerapkan Pasal 1365 KUHPerdata juncto Pasal 365 KUHP. Sebab lain perjanjian jaminan fidusia yang tidak didaftarkan pada Kantor Pendaftaran Fidusia adalah karena biayanya yang mahal dan jarak Kantor Pendaftaran Fidusia yang sangat jauh, karena hanya ada di Ibukota Propinsi DKI Jakarta. Seharusnya, Kantor Pendaftaran Fidusia mempunyai kantor perwakilannya pada setiap Kabupaten/ Kotamadya di Indonesia. ......In Meeting the Needs of communities for acquiring the funds that they need, PT Pegadaian (Persero) works hard to improve its services by adding up its programs of activities. All this time, at PT Pegadaian (Persero) as known for pand service products. One of the on the go loan programs from PT Pegadaian (Persero) is promissory notes receivable by fiduciary transfer of ownership. As a juridical consequence, PT Pegadaian (Persero) should follow the provisions as mandated by the Fiduciary Act (UUJF). To be able to have a legal certainty for the debtor and the creditor, the agreement of fiduciary transfer of ownership should be made in notarial decree. The agreement of fiduciary transfer of ownership should be registered in Fiduciary Registering Office, so that in case of default done by the debtor, the creditor may use the provisions in the UUJF. Inconnection with that, the writer researched the unregistered agreement of fiduciary transfer of ownership by PT Pegadaian (Persero) to find out the implementation of fiduciary transfer of ownership in PT Pegadaian (Persero) related to the function of PT Pegadaian (Persero) as a pand institution and to find out legal consequences on unregistered agreement of fiduciary transfer of ownership toward the return and in the case of default. To achieve the objective above, the study was conducted with the analytical descriptive method using normative juridical approach. Data of the research was analyzed by using qualitative method. Based on the research, the result revealed that agreement of fiduciary transfer of ownership of PT Pegadaian (Persero) with the value of guarantee above Rp. 10.000.000,- (ten millions rupiah), then made with the fiduciary deed before a notary and registered at Fiduciary Registration Office. If the value of guarantee below than Rp.10.000.000,- (ten millions rupiah), then only be made with agreement of fiduciary transfer of ownership and not be registered. In a registered agreement of fiduciary transfer of ownership, if the debtor are in default in the implementation of the execution, the creditor can apply Article 15 and Article 29 of UUJF. In a unregistered agreement of fiduciary transfer of ownership, to the execution, the creditor must must file a lawsuit to the court and could apply Article 1365 of the Civil Code juncto Article 365 of the Book of Criminal Law. There is a factor when an agreement of fiduciary transfer of ownership is not registered, its is due to expensive cost and great distance of Fiduciary Registration Office, because its only located in the Provincial Capital. The Fiduciary Registration Office shoulc have representatives in every Regency/City. ;In Meeting the Needs of communities for acquiring the funds that they need, PT Pegadaian (Persero) works hard to improve its services by adding up its programs of activities. All this time, at PT Pegadaian (Persero) as known for pand service products. One of the on the go loan programs from PT Pegadaian (Persero) is promissory notes receivable by fiduciary transfer of ownership. As a juridical consequence, PT Pegadaian (Persero) should follow the provisions as mandated by the Fiduciary Act (UUJF). To be able to have a legal certainty for the debtor and the creditor, the agreement of fiduciary transfer of ownership should be made in notarial decree. The agreement of fiduciary transfer of ownership should be registered in Fiduciary Registering Office, so that in case of default done by the debtor, the creditor may use the provisions in the UUJF. Inconnection with that, the writer researched the unregistered agreement of fiduciary transfer of ownership by PT Pegadaian (Persero) to find out the implementation of fiduciary transfer of ownership in PT Pegadaian (Persero) related to the function of PT Pegadaian (Persero) as a pand institution and to find out legal consequences on unregistered agreement of fiduciary transfer of ownership toward the return and in the case of default. To achieve the objective above, the study was conducted with the analytical descriptive method using normative juridical approach. Data of the research was analyzed by using qualitative method. Based on the research, the result revealed that agreement of fiduciary transfer of ownership of PT Pegadaian (Persero) with the value of guarantee above Rp. 10.000.000,- (ten millions rupiah), then made with the fiduciary deed before a notary and registered at Fiduciary Registration Office. If the value of guarantee below than Rp. 10.000.000,- (ten millions rupiah), then only be made with agreement of fiduciary transfer of ownership and not be registered. In a registered agreement of fiduciary transfer of ownership, if the debtor are in default in the implementation of the execution, the creditor can apply Article 15 and Article 29 of UUJF. In a unregistered agreement of fiduciary transfer of ownership, to the execution, the creditor must must file a lawsuit to the court and could apply Article 1365 of the Civil Code juncto Article 365 of the Book of Criminal Law. There is a factor when an agreement of fiduciary transfer of ownership is not registered, its is due to expensive cost and great distance of Fiduciary Registration Office, because its only located in the Provincial Capital. The Fiduciary Registration Office shoulc have representatives in every Regency/ City. Keywords : Fiduciary, PT Pegada, In Meeting the Needs of communities for acquiring the funds that they need, PT Pegadaian (Persero) works hard to improve its services by adding up its programs of activities. All this time, at PT Pegadaian (Persero) as known for pand service products. One of the on the go loan programs from PT Pegadaian (Persero) is promissory notes receivable by fiduciary transfer of ownership. As a juridical consequence, PT Pegadaian (Persero) should follow the provisions as mandated by the Fiduciary Act (UUJF). To be able to have a legal certainty for the debtor and the creditor, the agreement of fiduciary transfer of ownership should be made in notarial decree. The agreement of fiduciary transfer of ownership should be registered in Fiduciary Registering Office, so that in case of default done by the debtor, the creditor may use the provisions in the UUJF. Inconnection with that, the writer researched the unregistered agreement of fiduciary transfer of ownership by PT Pegadaian (Persero) to find out the implementation of fiduciary transfer of ownership in PT Pegadaian (Persero) related to the function of PT Pegadaian (Persero) as a pand institution and to find out legal consequences on unregistered agreement of fiduciary transfer of ownership toward the return and in the case of default. To achieve the objective above, the study was conducted with the analytical descriptive method using normative juridical approach. Data of the research was analyzed by using qualitative method. Based on the research, the result revealed that agreement of fiduciary transfer of ownership of PT Pegadaian (Persero) with the value of guarantee above Rp. 10.000.000,- (ten millions rupiah), then made with the fiduciary deed before a notary and registered at Fiduciary Registration Office. If the value of guarantee below than Rp. 10.000.000,- (ten millions rupiah), then only be made with agreement of fiduciary transfer of ownership and not be registered. In a registered agreement of fiduciary transfer of ownership, if the debtor are in default in the implementation of the execution, the creditor can apply Article 15 and Article 29 of UUJF. In a unregistered agreement of fiduciary transfer of ownership, to the execution, the creditor must must file a lawsuit to the court and could apply Article 1365 of the Civil Code juncto Article 365 of the Book of Criminal Law. There is a factor when an agreement of fiduciary transfer of ownership is not registered, its is due to expensive cost and great distance of Fiduciary Registration Office, because its only located in the Provincial Capital. The Fiduciary Registration Office shoulc have representatives in every Regency/ City. Keywords : Fiduciary, PT Pegada]
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Omar Mochtar
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi metode scrum pada tim pengembanagn di PT. Pegadaian, scrum merupakan kerangka kerja pengembangan software yang berbasis agile, scrum dapat meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas tim dalam mengerjakan proyek, PT. Pegadaian merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa keuangan dan terdapat tim pengembangan aplikasi pada perusahaan tersebut yang memiliki tujuan untuk mempermudah perusahaan dalam menjalankan usahanya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatatan kuantitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan platform jira sebagai tools memeriksa proyek, jira merupakan tools untuk membantu tim di PT. Pegadaian dalam memeriksa proyek, penelitian ini akan mengidentifikasi faktor yang menghambat dan mendukung implementasi scrum di berdasarkan panduan scrum apa yang sudah diimplementasikan, data yang diambil dari penelitian ini berdasarkan minimum viable product 1 yang memiliki waktu pengerjaan selama 3 bulan atau 6 sprint, minimum viable product adalah produk yang memiliki fitur dasar dengan tujuan agar produk tersebut dapat dinilai pengguna, sprint merupakan durasi pengerjaan dalam scrum yang biasanya berdurasi selama 2 sampai 4 minggu, pada akhir dari penelitian ini menghasilkan efektifitas pengerjaan tim selama minimum viable product 1 berdasarkan timeline ekspektasi dengan timeline realita, selain itu hasil efektifitas tersebut diukur dari implementasi scrum pada tim apa saja yang sudah diimplementasikan dan apa saja yang belum sebagai pendukung hasil analisis.  ......This thesis aims to analyze the implementation of the scrum method in the development team at PT. Pegadaian, scrum is an agile-based software development framework, scrum can improve team efficiency and effectiveness in working on projects, PT. Pegadaian is a company engaged in the financial services sector and there is an application development team at the company that has the aim of making it easier for companies to run their business. This study uses a quantitative approach with data collection techniques using the jira platform as a tool for checking projects, jira is a tool to help the team at PT. Pegadaian examines the project, this research will identify factors that hinder and support Scrum implementation based on what Scrum guidelines have been implemented, data taken from this research is based on a minimum viable product 1 which has a working time of 3 months or 6 sprints, a minimum viable product is a product that has basic features with the aim that the product can be assessed by users, a sprint is the duration of work in scrum which is usually 2 to 4 weeks long, at the end of this research it results in the effectiveness of teamwork for a minimum viable product 1 based on an expectation timeline with a reality timeline , besides that the results of the effectiveness are measured from the implementation of Scrum on which teams have implemented it and what has not been to support the results of the analysis. 
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Surya Nala Praya
Abstrak :
PT PEGADAIAN (Persero)dalam menjalankan kegiatan usaha berupa penyaluran pinjaman atas dasar hukum gadai yang dalam pelaksanaanya disertai dengan tenggang waktu atau batas waktu. Maksudnya adalah untuk menjaga agar jangan sampai nasabah lalai untuk membayar pinjaman yang telah diberikan. Apabila dalam waktu yang telah ditentukan pinjaman yang diberikan kepada nasabah tidak dilunasi atau diperpanjang, maka barang jaminan nasabah dapat dijual dalam pelelangan oleh PT PEGADAIAN (Persero). Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, perlu diketahui implikasi hukum apa saja dari pelaksanaan pelelangan barang jaminan nasabah tersebut, dan bagaimana perlindungan hukum baik bagi PT PEGADAIAN (Persero) maupun bagi nasabah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian yuridis normatif dengan sifat penelitian deskriptif analitis yang bertujuan untuk menggambarkan serta menganalisa data yang diperoleh secara sistematis, faktual, dan akurat mengenai implikasi hukum pelelangan barang jaminan nasabah untuk pelunasan kredit yang diberikan berdasarkan hukum gadai di PT PEGADAIAN (Persero). Untuk itu jenis penelitian yang digunakan analisis data yang dilakukan secara deskritif kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode induktif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terhadap pelaksanaan pelelangan, secara umum terdapat dua implikasi yaitu yang pertama bahwa barang jaminan tidak laku dilelang yang pada awalnya oleh PT PEGADAIAN (Persero) dijadikan Barang Lelang Milik Perusahaan (BLP) namun selanjutnya diubah menjadi Barang Jaminan Dalam Proses Lelang. Implikasi Pelelangan yang kedua berupa Barang Jaminan laku dilelang yang terbagi menjadi tiga hal terdiri dari hasil lelang cukup untuk melunasi utang nasabah, hasil lelang tidak cukup untuk melunasi utang nasabah dan hasil lelang yang melebihi dari kewajiban yang dibebankan kepada nasabah.
PT PEGADAIAN ( Persero ) in the conduct of business activities in the form of lending on the basis of the pawn law in its implementation is accompanied by a grace period or time limit . The point is to keep the customers not to neglect to pay the loan has been granted. If the predetermined time loans granted to customers not repaid or extended, then the customer collateral may be sold in the auction by PT PEGADAIAN ( Persero ). In connection with this, please know what the legal implications of the implementation of the customer assurance auctions, and how to better legal protection for PT PEGADAIAN ( Persero ) as well as for customers. The method used in this study is a research method to the nature of normative analytical descriptive study aimed to describe and analyze the data obtained in a systematic, factual, and accurate information on the legal implications auction customer collateral for the repayment of loans granted by pawn law in PT PEGADAIAN ( Persero ). For that kind of research used data analysis is done by using descriptive qualitative inductive method . Based on the results of a study of the implementation of the tender, in general there are two implications is the first that did not sell the collateral initially auctioned by PT PEGADAIAN ( Persero ) used Auction Items Owned Company (BLP) but later changed to In Process Assurance Goods Auction. The second implication auction guarantee in the form of salable items auctioned were divided into three terms consisting of auction proceeds sufficient to repay customers, the results of the auction are not enough customers to pay off debt and auction proceeds in excess of the liabilities charged to the customer
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Josephine Felicia Putri Bramanto
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini menganalisis bagaimana keabsahan dan eksekusi invoice sebagai jaminan pembiayaan pada produk digital lending yang ditawarkan oleh PT Pegadaian apabila terjadi wanprestasi maupun adanya invoice fiktif berdasarkan metode penelitian doktrinal dan didukung dengan hasil wawancara dengan PT Pegadaian. Pada tahun 2020 lalu, PT Pegadaian meluncurkan produk Pinjaman Modal Produktif berbasis digital lending dengan jaminan invoice. Melalui produk ini, pelaku UMKM yang ingin mendapatkan pinjaman modal usaha, dapat mengajukan pinjaman mulai dari Rp10.000.000,- (sepuluh juta rupiah) hingga Rp2.000.000.000,- (dua miliar rupiah) dengan jaminan surat penagihan utang (invoice), yang kemudian dibebankan dengan jaminan fidusia. Invoice pada dasarnya merupakan dokumen yang membuktikan adanya hak tagih, sehingga invoice adalah piutang yang dapat dibebankan dengan jaminan gadai maupun jaminan fidusia. Dalam praktiknya, produk Pinjaman Modal Produktif berbasis digital lending, mengacu pada POJK Pembiayaan, UU Perbankan, dan UU JF. Kedudukan invoice sebagai piutang, artinya terdapat transaksi yang belum diselesaikan antara debitur dengan pihak ketiga, sebelum adanya perikatan antara debitur dengan PT Pegadaian. Apabila terdapat wanprestasi antara debitur dengan pihak ketiga, maka menjadi pertanyaan mengenai pihak yang bertanggungjawab terhadap pelunasan utang kepada PT Pegadaian, karena pada dasarnya sumber pembayaran jaminan berasal dari pihak ketiga. Selain itu, terdapat juga risiko apabila wanprestasi dikarenakan adanya invoice fiktif, yang tentunya akan menimbulkan permasalahan pada saat eksekusi. ......This thesis analyzes the validity and execution of invoices as collateral for financing digital lending products offered by PT Pegadaian in the event of default or fictitious invoices based on doctrinal research methods and supported by the results of interviews with PT Pegadaian. In 2020, PT Pegadaian launched a digital lending-based Productive Capital Loan product with invoice guarantees. Through this product, MSME players who want to get business capital loans can apply for loans ranging from IDR 10,000,000 (ten million rupiah) to IDR 2,000,000,000 (two billion rupiah) with the guarantee of a debt collection letter (invoice), which is then charged with a fiduciary guarantee. An invoice is basically a document that proves the right to collect, so an invoice is a receivable that can be charged with a pledge or fiduciary guarantee. In practice, Productive Capital Loan products are digital lending based, referring to the POJK on Financing, the Banking Law and the Fiduciary Guarantee Law. The position of the invoice as a receivable means that there is a transaction that has not been completed between the debtor and a third party, before there is an agreement between the debtor and PT Pegadaian. If there is a default between the debtor and a third party, then the question arises regarding the party responsible for repayment of the debt to PT Pegadaian, because basically the source of the guarantee payment comes from a third party. Apart from that, there is also a risk if the default is due to a fictitious invoice, which of course will cause problems during execution.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library