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Dominikus Fernandy Sartono Prasetyo
Abstrak :
Ekstraksi premolar dalam perawatan ortodonti membantu proses uprighting gigi molar 3 impaksi sehingga dapat erupsi dengan baik. Tujuan: mengukur perubahan angulasi gigi molar 3 rahang bawah yang impaksi mesioangular sebelum dan sesudah perawatan ortodonti. Metode: penelitian ini menggunakan 25 radiograf panoramik berusia 10-21 tahun sebelum dan sesudah perawatan ortodonti. Hasil: uji Wilcoxon dan uji T berpasangan (p<0,05) menunjukkan tidak ada perubahan angulasi molar 3 yang bermakna pada kedua sisi (p>0,05) dan cenderung mengalami peningkatan angulasi dengan meskipun secara statistik perbandingan perubahan keduanya tidak berbeda bermakna (p>0,05). Peningkatan angulasi paling banyak terjadi pada kelompok usia dewasa (17-21 tahun). Kesimpulan: ekstraksi premolar dalam perawatan ortodonti tidak memengaruhi angulasi gigi molar 3 impaksi secara bermakna. ...... Premolar extraction in orthodontic treatment helps uprighting process of impacted third molars so that they could erupt well. Aim: to measure mesioangular impacted lower third molars angulation change during orthodontic treatment. Methods: this study used 25 panoramic radiograph aged 10-21 years old before and after orthodontic treatment. Result: Wilcoxon test and paired Ttest (p<0,05) showed there were no significant change in lower third molars angulation on both sides (p>0,05) and tended to experience the increase in angulation though statistically comparison between them were not significant (p>0,05). These increase happen the most in the adult group (17-21 years old). Conclusion: premolars extraction in orthodontic treatment does not affect impacted third molars angulation significantly.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jelita Amanda
Abstrak :
Receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand RANKL merupakan sitokin yang berperan dalam remodeling tulang sebagai pembentuk osteoklas. Dalam fase pergerakan gigi osteoklas berfungsi untuk meresorbsi daerah hialinisasi pada tulang alveolar sehingga tercipta pergerakan gigi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan konsentrasi RANKL antara perawatan ortodontik cekat yang menggunakan sistem breket pre-adjusted edgewise appliance PEA dan breket self-ligating SL dalam gingival crevicular fluid GCF . Subjek penelitian terdiri dari tiga kelompok yang dibagi menjadi dua kelompok eksperimental dan satu kelompok kontrol, pengambilan GCF pada subjek penelitian dilakukan sebelum perawatan TO , 1 jam setelah pemasangan T1 , 24 jam T2 dan 168 jam T3 setelah pemasangan bracket. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ELISA kit digunakan untuk mengetahui konsentrasi RANKL pada GCF. Pada penelitian ini terdapat perbedaan nilai rerata konsentrasi RANKL pada kelompok sistem braket SL pasif dan sistem braket PEA pada 1 jam, 24 jam dan 168 jam setelah pemasangan alat ortodonti. Nilai rerata konsentrasi RANKL pada sistem braket SL pasif lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok sistem braket PEA dikarenakan adanya perbedaan sistem gaya dan mekanoterapi pada braket SL. Result, Conclusion ......The receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand RANKL is a cytokine that helps remodel bone by forming osteoclasts. During tooth movement phases, osteoclasts resorb the hyalinization areas of alveolar bone, triggering tooth movement. The aim of this study was to determine the differences in the RANKL concentrations in early orthodontic treatment between preadjusted edgewise appliance PEA and self ligating SL bracket systems. Gingival crevicular fluid was retrieved before treatment and 1 hour, 24 hours, and 168 hours after treatment from five maxillary anterior proximal sites on the mesiolabial side of the upper right to left canines. An enzyme linked immunosorbent assay was used to determine the RANKL concentrations. The results showed differences in the RANKL concentrations between the SL and PEA groups 1 hour, 24 hours, and 168 hours after the bracket insertion. The RANKL concentration at 168 hours in the SL group was higher when compared to the PEA group, whereas that in the PEA group decreased to the baseline value after 24 hours. The RANKL concentration in the passive SL bracket system was higher when compared to the PEA system due to differences in the force and mechanotherapy of the SL brackets.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aditya Pribadi
Abstrak :
Patient with severe condition which single conventional orthodontic treatment cannot be carried out, it must be considered to undergo combination treatment between orthodontic and orthognathic surgery, so that patient's complaint about aesthetic, mastication and speech function can receive better correction. The aim of performing the orthodontic treatment before orthognathic surgery is to place teeth position ideally to the bone base before correcting the abnormality of its sceletal bone. After the orthognathic surgery there is still the orthodontic treatment to be done which has the aim to achieve good teeth occlusion, inclination and angulation. if possible comparable to the conditions described by Andrew in Six Keys of Normal Occlusion.
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adityo Widodo
Abstrak :
A factor to pay attention to in orthodontic treatment is the inclination of upper and lower incisives. The inclination could be evaluated from interincisal angle and angle of upper incisive (UI) with cranium base (SN). This research is to evaluate those angles after the retraction of upper and lower incisives on malocclusion class I with bimaxillary prostrusion. In total, 34 samples were treated using edgewise system. The results show that mean for UI ? LI is 138.06°±1.47°, and for UI ? SN 95.97°±1.27°.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2005
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eveline Hartanto
Abstrak :
The purpose of this study was to evaluate relapse on mandibular anterior teeth after orthodontic treatment using irregularity index. In total 44 subjects were included, 10 men and 34 woman, aged 15 to 37 years. All patients were Hawley retainers. The results showed that there were statistically significant differences between the values of irregularity index at the completion of orthodontic therapy (mean ii T2 = 0.57 mm) and in the retention periods (mean ii T3 = 2.36 mm). The changes of mandibular anterior teeth irregularity were in the minimal category for the majority of cases.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2005
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sungkar, Suzanna
Abstrak :
Mesiodens is a supernumerary tooth which is commonly found in the midline of the maxilla between the two central incisors. Supernumerary teeth are more often found in permanent than in primary teeth. Mesiodens may cause clinical disorders, such as delayed eruption or malposition of adjacent permanent teeth. Both conditions frequently result in an irregularity of developing occlusion. This paper will report mesiodens in a 9 years old girl who complained of space in the maxilla anterior teeth with anterior crossbite. The treatment included extraction of mesiodens with closing diastema and correction of the anterior crossbite with a simple orthodontic appliance. It was concluded that treatment is important to prepare space for eruption of maxillary lateral incisors, correcting diastema in the region of anterior maxilla and repairing anterior crossbite.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2007
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khuzaima Adyasti
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Maloklusi merupakan kondisi penyimpangan dari oklusi normal yang dapat ditangani dengan perawatan ortodonti. Perawatan ortodonti untuk sebagian besar kasus maloklusi idealnya dimulai saat periode awal gigi tetap, yaitu pada usia remaja awal. Berdasarkan data Riskesdas 2013, prevalensi remaja usia 12-14 tahun di Indonesia dengan gigi berjejal adalah 14,5%, sedangkan remaja yang menerima perawatan ortodonti hanya 0,8%. Salah satu faktor penyebabnya adalah kurangnya kesadaran mengenai perawatan ortodonti. Belum pernah dilakukan penelitian pada remaja awal di Indonesia tentang kesadaran perawatan ortodonti. Tujuan: Mengetahui distribusi frekuensi tingkat kesadaran perawatan ortodonti pada siswa SMPN 111 Jakarta. Metode: Studi deskriptif dengan desain penelitian potong lintang pada 107 siswa SMPN 111 Jakarta yang berusia 12-14 tahun. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pengisian kuesioner yang diadopsi dari penelitian Shekar et al. (2017). Digunakan analisis univariat untuk menggambarkan distribusi. Hasil: Rata-rata skor total dari kuesioner kesadaran perawatan ortodonti siswa SMPN 111 Jakarta adalah 25,34 sehingga termasuk dalam kategori sedang. Tingkat kesadaran mengenai perawatan ortodonti paling banyak berada dalam kategori sedang (45,8%), diikuti dengan kategori tinggi (33,6%) dan rendah (20,6%). Rata-rata skor total kesadaran perawatan ortodonti pada siswa perempuan adalah 26,55, sedangkan pada siswa laki-laki 24,13. Kesimpulan: Tingkat kesadaran perawatan ortodonti pada remaja awal di SMPN 111 Jakarta termasuk dalam kategori sedang. Tingkat kesadaran perawatan ortodonti pada siswa perempuan lebih tinggi dibandingkan siswa laki-laki.
Background: Malocclusion is defined as the deviation of normal occlusion, which can be treated with orthodontic treatment. The orthodontic treatment for most of malocclusion cases are ideally initiated at the early permanent dentition period, that is around the age of early adolescence. According to Indonesian Health Survey 2013, the prevalence of adolescent aged 12-14 in Indonesia with crowded teeth is 14,5%, while those who received orthodontic treatment is only 0,8%. One of the reasons it happened is the lack of awareness regarding orthodontic treatment. The research has never been conducted to early adolescents in Indonesia regarding the awareness of orthodontic treatment. Objective: To describe the distribution of the awareness level of orthodontic treatment in students of SMPN 111 Jakarta. Methods: A descriptive study using cross-sectional design was held to 107 students of SMPN 111 Jakarta aged 12-14 years old. The level of awareness was measured using a questionnaire adopted from Shekar et al. (2017). This study was analyzed with univariate analysis. Result: Mean total score of the questionnaire is 25,34, which fell into the moderate category. The awareness level of most students is moderate (45,8%), followed by high level of awareness (33,6%) and low level of awareness (20,6%). The mean total score of the questionnaire among female students is 26,55, while in male students is 24,13. Conclusion: The awareness level of orthodontic treatment in early adolescents of SMPN 111 Jakarta is moderate. The awareness level of orthodontic treatment in female students is higher than male students.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cinta Nurindah Sari
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Psikososial merupakan kondisi yang meliputi aspek psikis dan sosial. Estetika wajah dapat menentukan perlakuan sosial yang diterima seorang individu dari lingkungannya. Gigi-geligi merupakan komponen penting dalam estetika wajah. Susunan gigi-geligi buruk dapat mengakibatkan berbagai masalah terkait fungsi maupun psikososial, namun dapat diatasi oleh perawatan ortodonti. Meskipun demikian, seringkali individu belum sadar akan kebutuhan perawatan ortodontinya. Ditemukan kontradiksi pada berbagai hasil penelitian sebelumnya mengenai hubungan status psikososial dan kebutuhan perawatan ortodonti, terutama pada usia remaja. Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan status psikososial dengan kebutuhan perawatan ortodonti menggunakan PIDAQ dan IOTN pada siswa SMAN 27 Jakarta Pusat. Metode: Dilakukan penelitian potong lintang pada 95 remaja. Diberikan kuesioner PIDAQ untuk mengetahui status psikososial dan IOTN-AC untuk mengetahui kebutuhan perawatan ortodonti secara subjektif, serta digunakan IOTN-DHC untuk mengetahui kebutuhan perawatan ortodonti secara objektif. Hasil: Nilai signifikansi uji chi-square antara status psikososial dengan kebutuhan perawatan ortodonti berdasarkan IOTN-AC yaitu p = 0,001 dan nilai signifikansi uji chi-square antara status psikososial dengan kebutuhan perawatan ortodonti berdasarkan IOTN-DHC yaitup = 0,140. Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan antara status psikososial berdasarkan PIDAQ dengan kebutuhan perawatan ortodonti berdasarkan IOTN-AC dan tidak terdapat hubungan antara status psikososial berdasarkan PIDAQ dengan kebutuhan perawatan ortodonti berdasarkan IOTN-DHC pada siswa SMAN 27 Jakarta Pusat.
Background: Psychosocial is a condition involves psychological and social aspects. Facial aesthetics affects how someone is treated by their surrounding. Teeth arrangement is an important component in facial aesthetics. Misaligned teeth often cause various problems, but can be overcome by orthodontic treatment. However, individuals are often not aware of their orthodontic treatment needs. Previous studies show contradictory results on association of psychosocial status and orthodontic treatment need. Objective: To determine whether psychosocial status associated with orthodontic treatment need using PIDAQ and IOTN in students of SMAN 27 Jakarta.Methods: This cross-sectional study comprised 95 adolescents. PIDAQ was given to assess psychosocial status and IOTN-AC was given to assess subjective treatment need. IOTN-DHC was used to assess objective treatment need. Results: The significance value of chi-square test between psychosocial status and orthodontic treatment need based on IOTN-AC is p = 0.001 and the significance value of chi-square test between psychosocial status and orthodontic treatment need based on IOTN-DHC is p = 0.140. Conclusion: There is an association between psychosocial status based on PIDAQ and orthodontic treatment need based on IOTN-AC and no between psychosocial status based on PIDAQ and orthodontic treatment need based on IOTN-DHC in students of SMAN 27 Jakarta.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maria Julita Nugroho
Abstrak :
Index Of Treatment Need merupakan indeks digunakan untuk menentukan kebutuhan perawatan ortodonti yang terdiri dari Dental Health Component dan Aesthetic Index. Dental Health Component menilai keparahan maloklusi dengan mengukur lima komponen yaitu missing teeth, overjet, crossbite, displacement of contact point, dan overbite termasuk openbite dapat disingkat sebagai MOCDO. Dental Health Component dapat menilai secara objektif kebutuhan perawatan ortodonti. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui gambaran kebutuhan perawatan ortodonti berdasarkan keparahan maloklusi pasien di klinik spesialis RSKGM FKG UI tahun 2010-2014 yang diukur menggunakan Dental Health Component (DHC) dari Index Of Treatment Need (IOTN). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan sampel berupa 52 pasang model studi dari pasien di Klinik Spesialis Ortodonti RSKGMP FKG UI tahun 2010-2014 menggunakan penilaian berdasarkan DHC dari IOTN. Hasil penelitian memberikan gambaran kebutuhan perawatan ortodonti pada pasien di Klinik Spesialis Ortodonti RSKGMP FKG UI pada tahun 2010-2014 yaitu 5 orang pasien (9,6%) memiliki kebutuhan perawatan ortodonti yang sedikit (tingkat DHC 2), 16 orang pasien (30,8%) memiliki kebutuhan perawatan ortodonti yang menengah/borderline (tingkat DHC 3), 29 orang pasien (55,8%) yang membutuhkan perawatan ortodonti (tingkat DHC 4), dan 2 orang pasien (3,8%) yang sangat membutuhkan perawatan ortodonti (tingkat DHC 5). ...... Index Of Treatment Need is an index that used for determine orthodontic treatment need, it is consist of Dental Health Component and Aesthetic Index. Dental Health Component assess occlusion severity using five components as measurement, that components are missing teeth, overjet, crossbite, displacement of contact point, and overbite including openbite also known as MOCDO. Dental Health Component can assess objectively orthodontic treatment need. This study aimed to find description of orthodontic treatment need based on malocclusion severity on patients from orthodontic specialist clinic of RSKGMP FKG UI in 2010-2014 that being assessed using Dental Health Component (DHC) from Index Of Treatment Need (IOTN). This study is a descriptive study with a sample of 52 pre-treatment dental cast of patients at the Orthodontic Specialist Clinic of RSKGM FKG UI. The result of this study describe about 2010-2014 are 5 patients (9,6%) have  little treatment need (grade DHC 2), 16 patients (30,8%) have borderline for orthodontic treatment need  (grade DHC 3), 29 patients (55,8%) need for treatment need (grade DHC 4), and  2 patients  (3,8%) have a very great orthodontic treatment need (grade DHC 5).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chika Rimira Milen
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Maloklusi merupakan bentuk penyimpangan oklusi ideal dan menjadi masalah gigi dan mulut dengan prevalensi tertinggi ketiga di dunia. Berdasarkan data Riskesdas 2018, proporsi penduduk Indonesia yang melakukan perawatan ortodonti untuk mengatasi maloklusi masih sangat rendah yaitu hanya 0,3%. Rendahnya proporsi tersebut kemungkinan disebabkan berbagai faktor seperti pengetahuan, motivasi, dan hambatan. Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan, motivasi, dan hambatan terhadap perawatan ortodonti pada mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia Metode: Studi analitik observasional potong lintang pada 318 mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia Angkatan 2017. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu tiga buah kuesioner tentang pengetahuan, motivasi dan hambatan melalui adaptasi lintas budaya. Hasil: Lebih dari 50% responden memiliki pengetahuan, hambatan, dan kemampuan terhadap perawatan ortodonti dengan kategori sedang. Terdapat 36,2% responden yang memiliki motivasi terhadap perawatan ortodonti tinggi. Uji korelasi Spearman menunjukan terdapat hubungan yang bermakna (p≤0,05) antara pengetahuan dan motivasi terhadap perawatan ortodonti; antara pengetahuan dan hambatan terhadap perawatan ortodonti; serta antara motivasi dan hambatan terhadap perawatan ortodonti. Motivasi merupakan faktor yang memiliki nilai korelasi terbesar (r=0,798, p≤0,05)terhadap perawatan ortodonti. Kesimpulan: Mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia angkatan 2017 memiliki tingkat motivasi tinggi untuk melakukan perawatan ortodonti, tetapi memiliki tingkat pengetahuan, hambatan, dan kemampuan terhadap perawatan ortodonti sedang. Terdapat hubungan antara pengetahuan, motivasi, dan hambatan terhadap perawatan ortodonti. Motivasi memiliki nilai korelasi paling besar terhadap perawatan ortodonti. ......Background: Malocclusion is a deviation from ideal occlusion and becomes a dental and oral health problem globally with the third-highest prevalence. According to Riskesdas 2018, the proportion of the Indonesian population who had undergone orthodontic treatment to treat malocclusion is still very low, only 0,3%. The low proportion is probably due to various factors such as knowledge, motivation, and barriers. Objective: To assess the relationship between knowledge, motivation, and barriers to orthodontic treatment among University of Indonesia students. Methods: An analytical cross- sectional study was conducted among 318 University of Indonesia students class of 2017. The instrument used was three questionnaires about knowledge, motivation, and barriers through cross-cultural adaptation. Results: More than 50% of the respondents have a moderate level of knowledge, barriers, and orthodontic treatment ability. There are 36.2% of respondents who have high motivation towards orthodontic treatment. The Spearman correlation test shows a significant relationship (p≤0,05) between knowledge and motivation to orthodontic treatment; between knowledge and barriers to orthodontic treatment; and between motivation and barriers to orthodontic treatment. Motivation shows the highest correlation to orthodontic treatment (r=0,798, p≤0,05). Conclusion: University of Indonesia students class of 2017 have a high level of motivation to perform orthodontic treatment but have a moderate level of knowledge, barriers, and ability to orthodontic treatment. There is a relationship between knowledge, motivation, and barriers to orthodontic treatment. Motivation has the greatest correlation value to orthodontic treatment.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library