Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Turner, Arthur C.
Toronto : Ryerson Press,
940.55 TUR b
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
I Gusti Agung Putra Trisnajaya
Abstrak :
Pembahasan dalam skripsi ini didasarkan pada tiga pokok permasalahan sebagai berikut: (1) Bagaimanakah konsep tanggung jawab organisasi internasional di dalam hukum internasional?; (2) Bagaimanakah peran organisasi internasional dalam sistem keamanan kolektif (collective security system) Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa?; (3) Bagaimanakah tanggung jawab negara anggota dan North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) atas pelanggaran hukum dalam pelaksanaan Operation Unified Protector di Libya pada tahun 2011?.
Konsep tanggung jawab organisasi internasional merupakan konsep yang sedang berkembang dalam hukum internasional, yang diperlihatkan dengan adanya usaha dari International Law Commission dalam pembentukan Drafts Articles on the Responsibility of International Organization. Tanggung jawab organisasi internasional juga dapat dilihat memiliki kesamaan dengan tanggung jawab negara yang didasarkan kepada kemampuan suatu entitas sebagai subyek hukum yang memiliki personalitas hukum internasional. Sistem keamanan kolektif Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa merupakan sistem yang dibentuk oleh negara negara anggota dalam upaya penjagaan keamanan dan perdamaian dunia. Dalam sistem tersebut dibentuk adanya kewenangan bagi negara untuk melaksanakan sanksi terhadap negara lain yang merusak keamanan dan perdamaian dunia.
Dua konsep tanggung jawab organisasi internasional dan sistem keamanan kolektif merupakan konsep yang sejajar berjalan secara berdampingan, namun dapat memiliki sisi temu dalam suatu pelaksanaan sistem keamanan kolektif oleh suatu organisasi internasional. NATO dalam Operation Unified Protector merupakan salah satu contoh upaya pelaksanaan sistem keamanan kolektif oleh organisasi internasional yang pula memperlihatkan adanya tanggung jawab organisasi internasional. Dalam operasi tersebut terlihat adanya international wrongful act yang terjadi akibat adanya (1) pelanggaran kewajiban internasional dan (2) dapatnya tindakan tersebut diatribusikan kepada NATO.
Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa tanggung jawab organisasi internasional dapat terlihat dengan adanya international wrongful act yang dilakukan oleh organisasi internasional dengan dipenuhi unsur-unsur: (1) pelanggaran kewajiban internasional dan (2) atribusi tindakan kepada organisasi internasional. Dalam Operation Unified Protector, international wrongful act dari NATO dapat dilihat dengan (1) dilanggarnya kewajiban hukum humaniter internasional dan hukum laut internasional dan (2) dapat diatribusikannya tindakan tersebut kepada NATO sebagai pemegang effective command and control.
The point of discussion of this undergraduate thesis starts from the three basic questions, which are: (1) how is the concept of responsibility of international organization in international law? (2) how is the role of international organization in United Nations collective security system? (3) how is the responsibility of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) upon its wrongful acts on the Operation Unified Protector in Libya on 2011?
The concept of responsibility of international organization is a progressive development of international law, which is shown by the development of International Law Commission Drafts Articles on the Responsibility of International Organization. Responsibility of International Organization is similar to the responsibility of states which derives from the ability of such entities as subject of international law and possessed legal personality in international law. United Nations collective security system is such a system made by the member states in order to preserve the world?s peace and security. In the collective security system there is a right of member states to take such measures upon other member states which endanger the peace and security.
The two concept, responsibility of international and collective security system are two parallel concept in which they collide when the operation of collective security measures carried by international organization. Operation Unified Protector by NATO in Libya on 2011 is one example of collective security measures carried by such international organization and there also an issue of responsibility of international organization. Where in the operations there is international wrongful act shown by (1) the breach of international obligation and (2) attribution of the acts to NATO.
In conclusions, responsibility of international organization is related to the international wrongful act carried by the organization itself. Such international wrongful act happened in the fulfillment of (1) the breach of international obligation and (2) attribution of conducts to the international organization. In the Operation Unified Protector, international wrongful act of NATO was shown by (1) the breach of international obligations, which are: humanitarian law and obligations under the law of the sea and (2) the attribution of conduct to NATO which possessed the effective command and control of the operation.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open Universitas Indonesia Library
Michael Jasson
Abstrak :
Berakhir Perang Dingin menciptakan dinamika baru di dalam tatanan hubungan internasional di Eropa. Pembentukan Uni Eropa menyebabkan kerja sama diantara negara-negara Eropa menjadi lebih intens di dalam banyak sektor, termasuk sektor pertahanan dan keamanan. Pembuatan kebijakan Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) dan Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP) pada tahun 1999 merupakan beberapa contoh integrasi keamanan di Eropa. Selain integrasi tersebut, ketidakpastian komitmen Amerika Serikat dalam North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) menyebabkan Uni Eropa perlu merasa perlu menciptakan tentaranya sendiri. Keinginan tersebut digambarkan oleh pembentukan Permanent Structured Cooperation oleh Uni Eropa pada 2017 dan pidato Presiden Perancis Emmanuel Macron dan Kanselir Jerman Angela Merkel yang menyebutkan Uni Eropa memerlukan tentaranya sendiri pada tahun 2018.
Berdasasrkan pernyataan tersebut, skripsi ini memiliki pertanyaan riset “mengapa Uni Eropa menginginkan untuk menciptakan tentaranya sendiri?” Dengan menjawab pertanyaan diatas, diharapkan penelitian ini dapat menganalisis insentif Uni Eropa yang semakin mengintegrasikan militernya pada masa kini. Selain itu, diharapkan penelitian ini akan berkontribusi pada perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan tentang topik Tentara Uni Eropa.
......The end of the Cold War brought a new dynamic to the realm of international politics in Europe. Creation of European Union (EU) made cooperation between European states more intense in many sectors, including in the security and defense section. Establishment of Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP), both in 1999, are some examples of European security integration. Aside from those integration, the uncertain commitment of United States of America (USA) on the defense of Europe through North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) made the EU feel the need to create their own army. The desire for EU to create its own army also showed by the creation of Permanent Structured Cooperation in 2017 and speech by both the French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel to call for the creation of European Army in 2018.1
Based on the statement above, this thesis would like to ask questions of “why the EU have an urge to create its own army?” By answering those question, this thesis has an aim to analyze the reasons EU is incentivized to create their own army. Hopefully, this thesis will also contribute to the development of science regarding the creation of European Army, as there are only few researches that currently focus on this topic.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Simbolon, Alvin Christopher
Abstrak :
Kajian ini menganalisis sikap dan kebijakan yang diambil Turki dalam berelasi dengan sekutu NATO-nya terkait permasalahan pasukan Kurdi Suriah. Tidak puas dengan sikap NATO yang mendukung pasukan Kurdi Suriah, pemerintahan Erdogan memutuskan untuk bertindak secara sepihak dan melancarkan tiga operasi militer di Suriah demi menghancurkan pasukan Kurdi Suriah. Unit Perlindungan Rakyat (YPG) dan Pasukan Demokratik Suriah (SDF) merupakan kelompok milisi Kurdi di Suriah yang dianggap sebagai ancaman terorisme bagi Turki tetapi tidak bagi NATO. Kajian ini menganalisis relasi Turki-NATO melalui persepsi ancaman terhadap YPG/SDF akibat minimnya literatur yang membahas topik tersebut. Dengan menggunakan kerangka kerja analisis Oposisi Intra Aliansi dari Oya Dursun Ozkanca dan Dilema Keamanan Aliansi dari Glenn Snyder, serta metode penelitian causal-process tracing, kajian ini menemukan bahwa penyebab dari sikap oposisi Turki terhadap NATO adalah karena tidak terpenuhinya indikator komitmen dari variabel fear of entrapment. Penulis berargumen bahwa tidak terpenuhinya komitmen dari NATO/Amerika Serikat dalam menyediakan dukungan baik fisik maupun retorik, sepanjang tiga operasi militer Turki, menyebabkan fear of abandonment Turki.
......This study analyzes the attitudes and policies taken by Turkey in dealing with its NATO allies regarding the issue of the Syrian Kurdish forces. Not satisfied with NATO's stance in favor of Syrian Kurdish forces, Erdogan‘s government decided to act unilaterally and launch three military operations in Syria to destroy Syrian Kurdish forces. The People's Protection Unit (YPG) and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are Kurdish militia groups in Syria that are considered a terrorist threat to Turkey but not to NATO. This study analyzes Turkey-NATO relations through the perceived threat to the YPG/SDF due to the lack of literature discussing this topic. By using the analytical framework of Oya Dursun Ozkanca's Intra-Alliance Opposition and Glenn Snyder's Alliance Security Dilemma, as well as the causal-process tracing research method, this study finds that the cause of Turkey's opposition towards NATO is due to the non-fulfillment of the commitment indicator from the fear of entrapment variable. The author argues that the non-fulfillment of commitments from NATO/USA in providing both physical and rhetorical support, throughout Turkey's three military operations, caused Turkey's fear of abandonment.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library