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Hasil Pencarian

Ditemukan 9 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Kartini Sjahrir
"In the context of Indonesia's recent elections, money politics is generally seen in a negative light. The author discusses this issue from the standpoint of economic anthropology, and provides as historical explanation of how monetary system entered the local economic system and to what extent it influences the sociopolitical system. Added to the discussion are comparisons with other systems. She continues to show how political systems are viewed from the anthropological perspective, and ends by explaining the meaning of money politics and its practice in political activities."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Robi Cahyadi Kurniawan
Money politics in elections and local elections is a phenomenon that is prevalent in procedural democracies in Indonesia, especially since the direct elections in 2004. Voters are very familiar with the term money politics and also do not hesitate to accept gifts in the form of money and goods. This paper tries to offer an effort to prevent the practice of money politics seen from the sociological and psychological aspects of voters, by providing an understanding of cognitive and affective aspects to instill in the minds of voters that money politics is a crime and a fundamental violation of ethics and morals. Voters in electoral practice can be influenced by their choices if they are given goods assistance or giving money. Relations or relationships between candidates and voters occur in terms of voting, providing services and personal activities, providing goods, providing projects, electoral fraud, identity appearance and raising funds for candidates for regional head candidates. The voter's social capital and local wisdom are expected to reduce the practice of money politics."
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Jakarta: Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi, 2019
364 INTG 5:1 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuliani Widiyaningsih
"Pelaksanaan pemilihan Kepala Daerah sebagaimana diatur dalam UU No. 22 tahun 1999 belum sepenuhnya memberi penguatan terhadap demokrasi di tingkat lokal. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kewenangan DPRD di dalam menentukan kepala daerah pada akhirnya justru melahirkan praktek money politics dan konflik internal di dalam partai politik. Selain itu, DPRD sebagai lembaga yang mewakili saluran politik justru kurang responsif terhadap aspirasi rakyat dan cenderung memperhatikan kepentingan sendiri dan kelompoknya. Perubahan pemilihan kepala daerah dari tidak langsung (yakni dipilih oleh DPRD) menjadi langsung dipilih oleh rakyat merupakan kemajuan yang luar biasa bagi bangsa Indonesia terutama dalam memperkuat demokrasi lokal. Dengan perubahan ini diharapkan mampu mengurangi arogansi legislatif yang selama ini terjadi di berbagai daerah-daerah serta memperkuat institusi lokal di dalam mengelola kedaulatan rakyat khususnya di dalam menentukan masa depan daerahnya. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pengalaman Kota Depok dalam menyelenggarakan pemilihan kepala daerah pasca reformasi, baik yang diselenggarakan melalui perwakilan maupun secara langsung. Dari kedua pengalaman tersebut terlihat bahwa proses penguatan demokrasi belum memberi kekuasaan kepada rakyat dan cenderung banyak mengalami hambatan terutama oleh prilaku elit politik yang belum memperlihatkan perubahan secara signifikan, dimana rakyat belum dilibatkan secara penuh di dalam proses sirkulasi kekuasaan. Dari latar belakang tersebut di atas, akan dijawab beberapa pertanyaan penelitian seputar, pertama, bagaimana proses penguatan demokrasi berlangsung di Kota Depok di dalam menyelenggarakan pemilihan kepala daerah pasca reformasi, kedua, bagaimana peran DPRD, KPUD dan partai-partai politik maupun aktivis LSM dalam proses pemilihan kepala daerah baik melalui perwakilan maupun secara langsung dan ketiga, bagaimana strategi dan konsolidasi partai-partai dalam pemilihan kepala daerah baik melalui perwakilan maupun secara langsung. Dengan menggunakan konsep demokrasi, teori elit, partsipasi politik, teori konflik,dan konsep civil society diharapkan penulis mampu melihat implikasi teori tersebut. Proses penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan metode pengumpulan data primer dengan melakukan wawancara secara mendalam terhadap 13 responden dan mengumpulkan serta menganalisa dokumen-dokumen yang bersumber dan berbagai buku, jurnal ilmiah, koran maupun dokumen-dokumen penting lainnya. Hal ini dilakukan sebagai strategi untuk memperoleh gambaran secara utuh dan menyeluruh mengenai proses penguatan demokrasi di Kota Depok. Hasil penelitian dari tesis ini memperlihatkan implikasi teori yang menunjukkan bahwa teori J.Schumpeter mengenai proses demokrasi terbukti dapat memberi sumbangan pada kasus pemilihan kepala daerah Kota Depok dimana proses penguatan demokrasi muncul oleh hadirnya tatanan kelembagaan/ institusi demokrasi yang merupakan alat perjuangan kompetitif bagi setiap individu untuk sampai pada keputusan politik. Hasil penelitian juga membuktikan teori Samuel Huntington bahwa partipasi politik yang ditunjukkan oleh setiap warga, kelompok, maupun institusi, dapat mempengaruhi seleksi pemilihan. Hal ini dapat terlihat melalui peran DPRD, KPUD, Pemda maupun LSM di dalam proses pemilihan. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa dalam beberapa kasus, tidak semua implikasi teori ini bisa dibuktikan. Dalam beberapa kasus menjawab pertanyaaan penelitian terbukti peran DPRD, partai-partai politik, pemerintah daerah maupun warga memperlihatkan bahwa kegiatan-kegiatan untuk mempengaruhi seleksi pemilihan pejabat walikota masih diwarnai oleh aksi-aksi money politics. Hal ini semakin membuktikan bahwa di dalam demokrasi lokal uang masih sangat berperan. Tindakan aktor maupun prilaku elit masih didominasi oleh konflik kepentingan sehingga membuat konstituen merasa kurang percaya diri terhadap partai, lembaga yang seharusnya bisa menjadi saluran politik warga. Dengan demikian asumsi Huntington mengenai konsep partisipasi belum bisa menjelaskan kegiatan money politics ini Sedangkan untuk menjawab pertanyaan strategi dan konsolidasi partai-partai politik di dalam menjaring calon kepala daerah, nampaknya teori tersebut tidak memadai untuk menjelaskan model koalisi yang dibangun oleh partai-partai dalam menjaring calon kepala daerah. Di dalam temuan ini kekuatan figur masih menjadi model yang dominan. Rekomendasi dan hasil penelitian adalah adanya penelitian sejenis yang memfokuskan tema pada strategi dan konsolidasi partai-partai di dalam pemilihan kepala daerah yang dapat menjelaskan model koalisi partai-partai di Kota Depok. Selain itu hendaknya setiap lembaga maupun institusi berupaya untuk lebih meningkatkan pemberdayaan politik masyarakat guna melancarkan proses demokrasi di tingkat lokal.

The implementation of local election as governed by the Law No. 22 Year 1999 has not completely conveyed strengthening toward democratic at local level. This is due to the fact that DPRD?s authority to elect Head of Local Goverment has created money politics practices and internal political party conflics. In addition to that, DPRD as a political representatives is not properly responsive to public aspiration and tend to give more attention to its own interest. The alteration in local election system, from indirect election (election by DPRD) to direct election (by the people) become incredibly enhancement for Indonesian people, particularly in strengthening local democracy. This sort of refom is expected to enable decrease DPRD?s arogancy which for quite long time occured in many areas. This also meant to strengthening local institutions in managing people souvereignty , particularly to determine its future. This research is based on Depok local election experience after reformation, either election which undertaken by DPRD or direct election by the people. Those two different local elections have demostrated that strengthening of democratic process has not given power to the people and tend to confront with many obstacles, mainly by elite of politics. From the abovementioned background, arising several questions. Firstly, how strengthening of democracy in the form of local election is undertaken in Depok? Secondly, what is the role of DPRD, KPUD and political parties as well as non goverment organizations during the process of local election ? Thirdly, what is the strategy and consolidation of political parties in local election, either indirect or direct. By exercising concept of democracy, elite theory, political participation, conflict theory, and concept of civil society, the writer could reach understanding of implication of those theories. The research process conducted by qualitative method through primary data finding method. This appplied by means of indept interview toward 13 respondents and by compiling as well as analysing documents from various books, scientific journal, newspapers, and other important documents. This method is carried out as a strategy to attain complete and full description on stregthening local democratic in Depok. The research findings shows implication of Schumpeter?s Theory that democratic process is obviously could convey contribution in Depok election case where democratic institutional exist as strugle mean of individual to gain political decision. Additionally, the research findings has also prove Samual Huntington?s theory that political participation of people, group, or institution influence elections. This could be observed from the role of DPRD, KPUD, local goverment, as well as non goverment organization in the process of election. The research has also demonstred that for some cases, not all theory implications are proven. The elections process was, in fact, affected by money politics. The conduct of political actor and elite is dominated by interest conflict. This in turn will affect people trust toward political parties, an institution that should be treated as political cannel of the people. Hence, Huntington?s theory on participation concept cannot describe money politics practices in local elections. With regard to the question on strategy and consolidation of political parties in attaining head of local goverment candidates, those particular theories are not properly describe coalition model which developed by political parties. The figure strengt is still the main factor. In the recomendation, this research would propossed another similar research which more focus on strategy and consolidation of political parties in the local election which can explain coalition model of political parties in Depok. Apart from that, it is recommended that every institution should try hard to improve public political empowerment to strengthening local democratic process."
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wegik Prasetyo
Campaign finance disclosure in Indonesia has received attention from the post-Soeharto elections with the issuance of various regulations related to revenue, expenditure, reporting of campaign funds by the General Election Commission. However, the application of campaign finance disclosures has never been optimized. This article contributes to overcoming two problems at once. First, conceptually, the study of disclosure of campaign funds was dominated by disclosure of campaign funds at the level of political parties and legislative elections. This article focuses on knowing how the application of campaign finance disclosure at the level of regional head elections, using the case of the 2018 regional election. Second, in practice, there are problems in regulation, implementation and understanding of the practice of campaign finance disclosure in Indonesia. This article explains why campaign finance disclosure has never been optimized and always has a strong correlation with the failure to prevent money politics. The author argues that prevention of money politics can be done by optimizing the operation of disclosure of campaign funds. As long as the disclosure of campaign funds is not optimal, so far the prevention of money politics will not be effective."
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Jakarta: Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi, 2019
364 INTG 5:1 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hariman Satria
Criminal acts of money politics are regulated in Article 523 paragraph (1) to paragraph (3) Law No. 7 of 2017 concerning Elections which is divided into three categories, namely during the campaign, the period of calm and the period of voting. When noted, there are relatively similarities the elements of actus reus in paragraph (1) to paragraph (3) in the article. As for the rea method, it was formulated deliberately. Prevention of criminal acts of money politics can be done through the criminology perspective crime prevention doctrine which focuses on five theories, namely abolitionistic theory, emphasizing the driving factors of crime; a moralistic theory that emphasizes community enlightenment through moral messages; and the theory of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. Political parties should participate in criminal liability when involved in acts of money politics by referring to the identification theory."
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Jakarta: Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi, 2019
364 INTG 5:1 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Moch. Aly Taufiq
"Tesis ini menganalisis fenomena politik uang dan keterlibatan pemuda pada pemilihan anggota legislatif 2014 di Bojonegoro. Temuan penelitian ini menggambarkan besarnya motivasi berkuasa menjadi pendorong kuat untuk melakukan politik uang. Konsumerisme dan materealisme yang masuk dalam wilayah politik menjadikan hal-hal yang bersifat ideologi, program kerja, nilai dan norma politik menjadi kurang relevan. Penerapan sistem proporsional terbuka membuat persaingan antarcaleg semakin ketat. Lemahnya pengawasan aparat serta sulitnya penindakan pelanggaran Pemilu menjadikan pelaku politik uang semakin leluasa bergerak. Di sisi lain, pemuda yang semestinya menjadi agen perubahan malah terlibat aktif dalam praktik politik uang dan membangun hubungan patron-klien dengan Caleg.

This thesis analyzes the phenomenon of money politics and youth involvement in the 2014 legislative elections in Bojonegoro. The findings of this study illustrate the magnitude of power to drive strong motivation for money politics. Consumerism and materealisme that fall into political territory to make the things that are ideologies, programs, values and political norms become less relevant. Application of open proportional system makes competition increasingly fierce antarcaleg. Weak supervision and the difficulty of enforcement officers make the perpetrators of violations of election politics more freely move money. On the other hand, youth who should be agents of change instead actively engaged in the practice of money politics and build patron-client relationships with candidates.
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Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Almas Ghaliya Putri Sjafrina
Money politics has posed a major challenge in Indonesian general election, which has not only dangerously polluted the election's integrity but also triggered the emergence of political corruption. There have been at least 13 corruption cases handled by KPK with correlation with the costs to win the election, including the practice of nomination buying and vote buying. This article examines the correlation between money politics and political corruption, and suggests the importance of political parties' reform as a necessary solution, particularly regarding the recruitment of election candidates, political party financing, and voter education. This agenda is important because the roots of nomination and vote buying mainly come from political parties's problems."
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Jakarta: Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi, 2019
364 INTG 5:1 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai perselisihan yang terjadi didalam tubuh kepengurusan Ikatan Notaris Indonesia khususnya pada Kongres tahun 2012.Permasalahan yang paling utama adalah adanya temuan dari tim pengawas bahwa ada salah satu kandidat calon ketua umum melakukan politik uang. Temuan ini jelas mengejutkan semua pihak terutama Notaris-notaris senior karena selama Ikatan Notaris berdiri (kurang lebih 108 tahun) baru kali ini ada kejadian politik uang.Berdasarkan keadaan ini sangatlah jelas bahwa nilai-nilai etika dan martabat di dalam tubuh Ikatan Notaris Indonesia atau bahkan Notaris itu sendiri sudah mulai luntur dan digantikan dengan kepentingan yang bersifat sementara. Tipe penelitian yang digunakan dalam thesis ini merupakan perpaduan antara penelitian yang bersifat eksplanatoris dan penelitian yang berbentuk preskriptif. Bertujuan untuk menggambarkan tentang konflik kepengurusan Ikatan Notaris Indonesia dalam prespektif anggaran dasar dan anggaran rumah tangga Ikatan Notaris Indonesia, serta untuk memberikan saran permasalahan tersebut.

Basicaly this thesis is discussing about conflicts inside Indonesian Notaries Organization, particularly the conflict which was happened at Congress and the election of the Chairman in 2012. The main issue at Congress was an allegation ofmoney politics which was done by one of the candidate. This allegation supported by facts that were founded by the Observer Team. Since the organization was founded 108 years ago, this was the first time money politics case stainCongress. This is shows that degradation of ethics, moral and dignity the member Indonesian Notaries Organization has reach a very concerning point in which it has ceased to exist. It wasstain and polluted by meaningless interests.
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Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eric Fernardo
Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh faktor sosiologis agama, suku, jenis kelamin, dukungan primary group, faktor psikologis orientasi isu, orientasi kandidat, identifikasi partai politik, faktor pilihan rasional prospective voting, retrospective voting dan faktor politik uang terhadap perilaku memilih generasi Z kelahiran 1995-2009. Riset ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan populasi penelitian yang dapat dijangkau peneliti yakni, mahasiswa-mahasiswi aktif S1 FISIP UI angkatan 2014-2017. Hasilnya faktor yang berpengaruh signifikan meningkatkan kecenderungan memilih adalah orientasi kandidat-santun, orientasi isu-sama, identifikasi partai politik-sama, tidak melakukan-politik uang, prospective issues-beri janji, retrospective issues-cemerlang, jenis kelamin laki-laki, agama sama. Sementara faktor yang berpengaruh signifikan menurunkan kecenderungan memilih adalah orientasi kandidat-arogan, retrospective issues-kontroversial, orientasi isu-beda, identifikasi partai politik-beda, prospective issues-tidak janji.

This study examines the influence of sociological factors religion, ethnicity, gender, primary group support , psychological factors issue orientation, candidate orientation, political party identification, rational choice factors prospective voting, retrospective voting and money politics factor on voting behavior of generation Z birth 1995 2009. This research uses experimental methods with accessible experimentally population i.e. FISIP UI undergraduate student batch 2014 2017. Result of the factors that significantly increase tendency to vote are candidate orientation urbane, issue orientation same, political party identification same, not doing money politics, prospective issues give promises, retrospective issues brilliant, gender male, religion same. While factors that significantly decrease tendency to vote are candidate orientation arrogant, retrospective issue controversial, issue orientation different, political party identification different, prospective issues no promises. "
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UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library