Joining two types of material is one of the challenges in the manufacturing industry. One application is carried out on the connection between HY80 steel plates connected with Duplex 2205 stainless steel pipes which are widely used as submarine fuel. Welding using SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding) is done because it is the most efficient and good welding for alloy steel. After the welding process, radiographic testing using X-rays is carried out, the residual stress measured at the surface (using X ray diffraction) and in the middle of the metal (using neutron diffraction), hardness checked, metallography, and buckling test are also done to determine the strength of weld results. The test results show that higher heat input in addition to producing larger grain sizes, it also produces more carbides so that the hardness is higher. The high value of hardness will have an effect on the value of residual stress, high hardness is produced from compressive stress, while the tensile residual stress will produce low hardness.
Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan pengamatan mikrostruktur, ukuran butir austenit awal, dan kekerasan di bawah pengaruh proses normalisasi dengan variasi waktu tahan pada baja HSLA hasil coran sebagai upaya pencegahan delayed crack akibat transformasi fasa untuk aplikasi bucket tooth. Normalisasi dilakukan pada suhu 970oC dengan waktu tahan selama 45 menit, 60 menit, 75 menit, dan 90 menit dan laju pemanasan 10oC/menit. Dari hasil penelitian yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa mikrostruktur yang dihasilkan berupa bainit pada matriks bainit atau daerah gelap serta struktur martensit dan martensit-austenit sisa pada daerah gelap atau transformation zone. Semakin bertambahnya waktu tahan maka akan dihasilkan ukuran butir yang semakin besar namun diikuti oleh semakin tingginya nilai kekerasan sebab ada penghalusan butir secara intragranular serta semakin besarnya persentase area transformation zone. Waktu tahan selama 45 menit, 60 menit, 75 menit, 90 menit secara berturut-turut menghasilkan ukuran butir 5.06 mm, 5.14 mm, 5.08 mm, 5.20 mm dan nilai kekerasan sebesar 355 VHN, 369 VHN, 376 VHN, dan 385 VHN. Serta didapatkan pula kenaikan persentase area transformation zone dengan nilai 8.27%, 10.222%, 10.787%, dan 11.7%.
This research investigated microstructures, prior austenite grain sizes, and hardness under the influence of normalizing process with various holding time parameters on high strength low alloy (HSLA) steel castings for bucket tooth excavator application in order to prevent delayed crack due to phase transformation. Normalizing process was carried out at 970oC with holding time of 45 minutes, 60 minutes, 75 minutes, and 90 minutes by heating rate of 10oC /min. The result of this research shows that the obtained microstructures consisted of bainite in bainite matrix also retained austenite and martensite-retained austenite was found in transformation zone structures. Increasing holding time produced larger grain size but followed by the higher value of hardness due to larger percentage area of transformation zone and also intergranular nucleation which caused grain refinement. The holding time of 45 minutes, 60 minutes, 75 minutes, 90 minutes respectively produced grain sizes of 5.06 mm, 5.14 mm, 5.08 mm, 5.20 mm and hardness values of 355 VHN, 369 VHN, 376 VHN, and 385 VHN. Transformation zone also increased by values of 8.27%, 10.222%, 10.787%, and 11.7%.