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New Jersey: Humana Press, 2006
616.075 MAG
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yustie Amelia
Abstrak :
Latar belakang dan tujuan: Endometriosis susukan dalam (ESD) posterior yang ekstensif memerlukan tatalaksana pembedahan radikal dan lintas disiplin. Modalitas diagnostik standar seperti USG dan laparaskopi lemah dalam menilai ekstensi ESD posterior di lokasi yang sulit terjangkau. MRI berpotensi menjadi modalitas diagnostik pilihan karena bersifat multiplanar dan baik dalam diferensiasi jaringan lunak. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kesesuaian MRI pelvis dengan temuan operasi dan histopatologi pada diagnosis dan pemetaan pre operatif kasus ESD posterior. Metode: Sebanyak 37 pasien yang menjalani operasi dengan indikasi ESD posterior dan pemeriksaan MRI pelvis di pusat rujukan endometriosis (2015-2018) dipelajari secara retrospektif. Gambar MRI dianalisis oleh dokter spesialis radiologi divisi ginekologi secara independen kemudian dibandingkan dengan laporan operasi dan analisis sediaan histopatologi oleh dokter spesialis patologi anatomi. Analisis statistik dilakukan menggunakan uji McNemar dan koefisien Cohen's Kappa. Hasil: Kesesuaian MRI pelvis dengan temuan operasi dan histopatologi untuk diagnosis ESD posterior secara keseluruhan memiliki nilai konkordan (McNemar p) 78%(0,288). Kesesuaian pemetaan berdasar lokasi memiliki nilai konkordan (McNemar p) dan koefisien Kappa di fornix posterior 83,8%(0,219) dan 0,32; rektovagina 89,2%(0,125) dan 0,3; retrocervix 67,6%(0,00) dan 0,23; ligamentum sakrouterina kanan 56,8%(0,210) dan 0,08; ligamentum sakrouterina kiri 62,2%(0,791) dan 0,04; rektosigmoid 89,2%(0,625) dan 0,75. Kesesuaian penilaian ada tidaknya ekstensi ESD posterior ke rektosigmoid, infiltrasi lapisan muskularis dan submukosa usus masing-masing memiliki nilai konkordan (McNemar p) dan koefisien Kappa (p) 100%(1,000) dan 1(0,000); 89,2% (0,617) dan 0,78(0,001); 1,1%(1,000) dan 0,35(0,146). Simpulan: Terdapat kesesuaian yang baik antara MRI pelvis dengan temuan operasi dan histopatologi untuk diagnosis ESD posterior, sedangkan untuk pemetaan preoperatif terdapat kesesuaian yang bervariasi dengan tingkat kesesuaian terbaik untuk pemetaan lokasi di rektosigmoid dan penilaian infiltrasi lapisan muskularis usus serta kesesuaian terendah untuk pemetaan lokasi di ligamentum sakrouterina dan retrocervix.
Background and purpose: Extensive posterior deep infiltrating endometriosis (DIE) requires radical and interdisciplinary surgery. Standard diagnostic modalities such as ultrasound and laparoscopy are weak in assesing posterior DIE extensions to inaccessible areas. MRI has the potential value to be modality of choice because it's multiplanar ability and excellent in soft tissue differentiation. This study aims to assess the concordance of the diagnosis and preoperative mapping of posterior DIE compared to intraoperative and histopathological findings. Methods: Thirty-seven patients who underwent surgery and pelvic MRI examinations for posterior DIE at the endometriosis referral center (2015-2018) were studied retrospectively. MRI images were analyzed by a gynecology radiologists independently then compared to the surgical report and histopathological analysis. Statistical analysis was performed using the McNemar test and the Cohen's Kappa coefficient. Results: Concordance (McNemar p) of posterior ESD diagnosis 78% (0,2888). Concordance (McNemar p) and Kappa coefficient of preoperative mapping for location in posterior fornix 83.8%(0.219) and 0.32; rectovaginal 89.2%(0.125) and 0.3; retrocervix 67,6%(0,000) and 0,23; right uterosacral ligament 56.8%(0.210) and 0.08; left uterosacral ligament 62.2%(0.791) and 0.04; rectosigmoid 89.2%( 0.625) and 0.75. Concordance values (McNemar p) and Kappa coefficients (p) for assesment of posterior DIE extension to rectosigmoid were 100% (1,000) and 1 (0,000); infiltration of the muscular layer were 89.2% (0,617) and 0.78 (0,001); infiltration of the (sub)mucosal layer were 81.1% (1,000) and 0.35 (0,146). Conclusion: There is good concordance between pelvic MRI with intraoperative and histopathologic finding for the diagnosis of posterior ESD but various level of concordance in preoperative mapping of posterior ESD with the best concordance in preoperative mapping of rectosigmoid location and muscularis layer infiltration, the weakest concordance in preoperative mapping for uterosacral ligament and retrocervix location.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siagian, Hendy Saut Maruli Tua
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Kanker serviks merupakan salah satu kanker yang paling banyak ditemui dengan angka kematian yang tinggi di seluruh dunia. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) merupakan salah satu biomarker yang berfungsi sebagai faktor prognosis pada kanker serviks. Data ekspresinya terkait berbagai karakteristik kanker serviks yang ditemui pada hasil pemeriksaan Ultrasonografi (USG) dan Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) pada pasien kanker serviks di Indonesia masih terbatas. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat ekspresi VEGF, pemeriksaan USG, dan pemeriksaan MRI pada pasien kanker serviks. Metode: Studi diagnostik dengan metode cross-sectional dilakukan pada pasien kanker serviks yang datang ke RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo pada bulan September 2021 hingga Agustus 2022. Pasien yang didiagnosis kanker serviks yang belum mendapatkan terapi apapun dilakukan biopsi serviks dan pemeriksaan USG dan MRI. Pasien yang tidak dilakukan pemeriksaan USG dan MRI serta biopsi dikeluarkan dari penelitian. Pemeriksaan VEGF dilakukan pada jaringan serviks dan diinterpretasikan menggunakan H-score. Sensitivitas dan spesifisitas pemeriksaan VEGF dan USG dibandingkan dengan hasil MRI. Hasil: Terdapat 65 subjek yang diikutsertakan dalam penelitian (10 subjek stadium awal dan 55 subjek stadium lanjut). Tidak ada perbedaan ekspresi VEGF di antara pasien kanker serviks dihubungkan dengan stadium, tipe histologi, atau ukuran tumor yang berbeda. Ada interreliabilitas minimum antara pemeriksaan VEGF dan MRI. Ada interreliabilitas yang baik antara pemeriksaan USG dan MRI untuk menentukan stadium kanker, invasi parametrium, invasi kelenjar getah bening dan invasi mukosa vesika urinaria dan rektum Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat perbedaan ekspresi VEGF pada pasien kanker serviks dengan karakteristik yang berbeda. Hasil pemeriksaan USG dan MRI sebanding dalam menentukan stadium klinis pada pasien kanker serviks. ......Background: Cervical cancer is one of the most common cancers with a high mortality rate worldwide. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) is a biomarker that functions as a prognostic factor in cervical cancer. Expression data related to various characteristics of cervical cancer found on the results of Ultrasonography (US) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) examinations in cervical cancer patients in Indonesia are still limited. Purpose: To determine the relationship between VEGF expression levels, ultrasound examination and MRI examination in cervical cancer patients. Methods: A diagnostic study using the cross-sectional method was conducted on cervical cancer patients who came to Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital from September 2021 to August 2022. Patients diagnosed with cervical cancer who had not received any therapy had cervical biopsies and ultrasound and MRI examinations. Patients who did not undergo ultrasound and MRI examinations and biopsies were excluded from the study. VEGF examination was performed on cervical tissue and interpreted using the H-score. The sensitivity and specificity of VEGF and ultrasound examinations were compared with MRI results. Results: There were 65 subjects enrolled in the study (10 early-stage subjects and 55 advanced-stage subjects). There were no differences in VEGF expression among cervical cancer patients associated with different stages, histological types, or tumor sizes. There is minimal interreliability between VEGF and MRI examinations. There is good interreliability between ultrasound and MRI examinations for determining the stage of cancer, parametrial invasion, lymph node invasion and mucosal invasion of the bladder and rectum. Conclusions: There are no differences in VEGF expression in cervical cancer patients with different characteristics. The results of ultrasound and MRI examinations are comparable in determining clinical staging in cervical cancer patients.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farid Prasaja Putera
Abstrak :
Peningkatan kualitas citra medis khususnya untuk bagian kepala manusia terus dikembangkan, termasuk dengan pemodelan 3D. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mengurangi kesalahan dalam proses diagnosa dan memfasilitasi pendeteksian tumor otak dengan pendekatan 3D. Dalam prosesnya, citra MRI otak dianalisa secara 3D sehingga diperoleh bagian tumor otak. Citra MRI dikonversi dari citra berformat MINC. Citra diklasifikasi untuk mendeteksi objek menggunakan K-Means Clustering yang akan memisahkan bagian tumor dan otak. Proses filter dilakukan menggunakan Non-Local Means sehingga noise hasil pengolahan dapat berkurang dari proses sebelumnya. Hasil citra pengolahan disegmentasi untuk meningkatkan dan mendukung proses rekonstruksi menggunakan Thresholding. Terakhir adalah merekonstruksi citra dalam bentuk 3D menggunakan metode Marching Cube. Evaluasi akurasi sistem meliputi pengurangan resolusi, pengujian citra normal, uji perbandingan, penggantian format citra dan penambahan noise. Hasil akurasi pendeteksian tumor otak mencapai 100% untuk format PNG dan resolusi 512x512, 97,7% untuk resolusi 256x256, 96,9% untuk citra normal tanpa tumor dan 97,96% berdasarkan perbandingan data olah dengan data referensi. Format PNG memiliki akurasi dibandingkan format JPEG dengan perbedaan sebesar 4%. Pengujian dengan menambahkan noise menghasilkan akurasi 87,6% untuk densitas 0,01, 83,6% untuk 0,05 dan 74,5% untuk 0,09.
Medical image enhancement especially for human brain imageries is rapidly developed, including 3D modeling. This research is aimed to reduce the error of diagnosis process and facilitate brain tumor detection using 3D approach. In the process, 3D brain from MRI imageries is analyzed to detect brain tumors. MRI image is converted from MINC format. Then, the image is classified to detect objects using K-Means Clustering to divide each part of brain. Filtering is performed using Non-Local Means to remove noise from previous processes. The result of imageries are segmented to enhance and support reconstruction process using Thresholding. Finally, 3D image reconstruction is performed using Marching Cube method. The accuracy of brain tumor detection is evaluated of resolution reduction, non tumor image testing, comparison testing, modifying image format, and adding noise. The accuracy rate of brain tumor detection is 100% for PNG format and 512x512 resolution, 97,7% for 256x256 resolution, 96,9% for non tumor image and 97,96% for comparison between ideal image and reference data. PNG format has better accuracy with JPEG by 4% improvement. The accuracy of adding noise is 87,6% for 0,01 density, 83,6% for 0,05 and 74,5% for 0,09.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muthia Hanifah
Abstrak :
Direktorat Jenderal Kefarmasian dan Alat Kesehatan berperan dalam upaya pembangunan kesehatan melalui perumusan, penetapan, dan pelaksanaan kebijakan di bidang kesehatan. Apoteker merupakan salah satu tenaga kesehatan yang berperan dalam pembangunan kesehatan tersebut. Praktik kerja profesi dilakukan untuk memahami tugas dan fungsi Direktorat Jenderal Kefarmasian dan Alat Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan Repiblik Indonesia. Pada praktik kerja ini juga dilakukan pelaksanaan tugas khusus yaitu studi pustaka mengenai alat kesehatan magnetic resonance imanging MRI . Tujuan dilaksanakannya tugas khusus ini adalah untuk mengetahui alat kesehatan MRI dan kondisi izin edarnya di Indonesia. ......Directorate General of Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices plays a role at health development through the formulation, determination and implementation of health policies. Pharmacist is one of the health workers who plays a role in health development. The internship is done to understand the duties and functions of the Directorate General of Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices of the Ministry of Health of Republic of Indonesia. This internship also carried out specific assignment, literature study on magnetic resonance imanging MRI medical devices. The purpose of this particular task is to know the MRI medical devices and the condition of its permit in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Humala Prika Aditama
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Osteosarkoma adalah tumor tulang ganas yang paling banyak terjadi pada anak dan remaja. Kemoterapi neoadjuvan dapat meningkatkan kesintasan 5 tahun hingga 60 – 80% pada pasien osteosarkoma. Baku emas evaluasi respon kemoterapi neoadjuvan adalah histological mapping untuk menilai persentase nekrosis tumor. Volumetri-Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) menggunakan 3D Slicer dapat menilai nekrosis tumor, tumor viabel, dan volume tumor total secara kuantitatif. Tujuan: Menganalisa korelasi volume dan persentase tumor viabel berdasarkan volumetri-MRI dengan nilai persentase tumor viabel berdasarkan pemeriksaan histopatologi pada pasien osteosarkoma pasca kemoterapi neoadjuvan. Metode: Melakukan volumetri tumor pada MRI pasca kemoterapi neoadjuvan dengan menggunakan teknik segmentasi manual dan semiotomatis pada 3D Slicer untuk mendapatkan volume total tumor, area nekrosis, serta tumor viabel. Hasil pengukuran volumetri tumor viabel dan persentase tumor viabel pasca kemoterapi dikorelasikan dengan persentase tumor viabel berdasarkan histopatologi. Analisis dilakukan dengan uji Spearman. Hasil: Pada 31 subyek penelitian, nilai median persentase tumor viabel berdasarkan volumetri-MRI yaitu 65,9% (range 19,7 – 99,5%), sedangkan berdasarkan pemeriksaan histopatologi didapatkan nilai median 53% (range 8 – 100%). Persentase tumor viabel berdasarkan volumetri-MRI tidak berkorelasi signifikan (p>0,05) dengan persentase tumor viabel berdasarkan histopatologi dengan nilai R: 0,333. Kesimpulan: Terdapat kecenderungan berbanding lurus antara persentase tumor viabel berdasarkan volumetri-MRI dan pemeriksaan histopatologi, walaupun tidak terdapat korelasi yang signifikan. ......Background: Osteosarcoma is the most common malignant bone tumor in children and adolescents. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy can improve 5-year survival up to 60 - 80% in osteosarcoma patients. The gold standard of neoadjuvant chemotherapy response evaluation is histological mapping to determine the percentage value of tumor necrosis. 3D Slicer volumetry based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) can quantitatively assess tumor necrosis, viable tumor, and total tumor volume. Objective: Analyze the correlation between volume and percentage of viable tumors based on MRI-volumetry and histopathological in osteosarcoma patients post neoadjuvant-chemotherapy. Methods: Perform tumor volumetry on MRI post neoadjuvant-chemotherapy using manual and semiautomatic segmentation techniques on 3D Slicer to obtain total tumor volume, necrosis area, and viable tumor. The results of volumetric measurement of viable tumor and the percentage of viable tumor post chemotherapy were correlated with the percentage of viable tumor from histopathological examination. Analysis was performed with Spearman's test. Results: Based on 31 study subjects, the median percentage of viable tumors based on MRI-volumetry was 65.9% (range: 19.7 - 99.5%), while based on histopathology, the median value was 53% (range: 8 - 100%). The percentage of viable tumors based on MRI-volumetry was not significantly correlated (p>0.05) with the percentage of viable tumors based on histopathology with an R value: 0.333. Conclusion: There is a directly proportional trend between the percentage of viable tumors based on MRI-volumetry and histopathological examination, although there was no significant correlation.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Luna, Antonio
Abstrak :
Recent advances in MR technology permit the application of diffusion MRI outside of the brain. In this book, the authors present cases drawn from daily clinical practice to illustrate the role of diffusion sequences, along with other morphological and functional MRI information, in the work-up of a variety of frequently encountered oncological and non-oncological diseases. Breast, musculoskeletal, whole-body, and other applications are covered in detail, with careful explanation of the pros and cons of diffusion MRI in each circumstance. Quantification and post-processing are discussed, and advice is provided on how to acquire state of the art images, and avoid artifacts, when using 1.5- and 3-T magnets. Applications likely to emerge in the near future, such as for screening, are also reviewed. The practical approach adopted by the authors, combined with the wealth of high-quality illustrations.
Berlin : Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hennig, Jurgen
Abstrak :
This book describes the current status of the very rapidly developing field of high-field MR and examines the possibilities, challenges, and limitations of this fascinating technology. In the initial chapters, the basic technological background is explained in a non-technical way so as to promote understanding of the issues and concepts and avoid overwhelming the reader with excessive detail. Safety issues, methods, and contrast are then carefully considered. The final part of the book examines the diverse applications of high-field MR imaging in radiology, neuroscience, oncology, and other fields, with the aid of numerous high-quality illustrations. All chapters are written by leading experts who have taken great care to illustrate the potential and progress of the field in an informative and accessible manner. The book will appeal to all with a potential interest in the application of high-field MR imaging, including radiologists, neuroscientists, and oncologists.
Berlin : Springer, 2011
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hutagalung, Pintordo H.
Abstrak :
RSPAD-GS merupakan salah satu rumah sakit yang memiliki alat MRI dengan kekuatan 1.5 testa selain RS Siloan Gleneagle Tanggerang dan RS Husada Jakarta. Semenjak beroperasi, tahun 2001 sudah 993 pasien dinas dan tahun 2002 sampai dengan bulan Juni berjumlah 588 pasien dinas yang menggunakan alat ini. Alat MRI merupakan alat yang biaya pemeliharaannya cukup besar dan rencananya pada tahun 2003, biaya pemeliharaan alat MRI akan menjadi tanggungan RSPAD. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti ingin memperoleh gambaran tentang perbandingan antara pendapatan dan biaya utilisasi (operasional dan pemeliharaan) alat kesehatan MRI di RSPADGS, kontribusi dari Yanmasum terhadap pasien dinas serta kapasitas ideal antara pasien dinas dan pasien umum agar kemandirian dapat dicapai tanpa merugikan hak pasien dinas. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang bersifat retrospektif dengan menggunakan data sekunder berupa laporan kegiatan pemeriksaan pasien di unit MRI baik pasien dinas maupun pasien umum untuk periode 18 bulan, mulai dari Januari 2001 sampai dengan Juni 2002. Selain itu menggunakan data biaya pendapatan dan pembiayaan pada periode yang sama sebagai variabel utama. Pada hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa kapasitas yang dimiliki oleh alat MRI RSPADGS ditetapkan sebesar 15 pemeriksaan per hari atau 4500 pemeriksaan per tahun. Setiap pemeriksaan pasien membutuhkan waktu rata-rata 25 sampai dengan 30 menit. Pada periode penelitian selama 8 bulan tingkat utilisasi alat MRI sebanyak 5002 orang dengan komposisi pasien dinas sebanyak 1581 orang dan pasien umum sebanyak 3421 orang. Pada perhitungan, program Yanmasum unit MRI telah berhasil berkontribusi sebesar Rp.1.955.939.000,- bagi RSPAD-GS dalam melaksanakan tugas pemeriksaan MRI pasien dinas sebanyak 1.581 orang. Dengan menggunakan ukuran kriteria kebijakan didapatkan bahwa unit MRI mampu memenuhi kebutuhan anggarannya sendiri, akan tetapi apabila ditinjau dari kebijakan penggunaan dana, alokasi untuk biaya pemeliharaan dan biaya gas Helium perlu ditingkatkan. Menghadapi perkembangan utilisasi alat MRI dimasa mendatang, didapatkan komposisi yang ideal antara pasien dinas dan pasien umum, yaitu 2 pasien dinas dan 5 pasien umum agar unit MRI tetap mandiri tanpa mengurangi hak pasien dinas. Pada periode penelitian, ketentuan tarif yang berlaku belum dilaksanakan. Sebaiknya tarif diberlakukan sesuai kebijakan tarif. ......Income and Cost Analysis of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging RSPAD Gatot Subroto for the Period of Year 2001-2002 in Confrontation to the Self-sufficiency Policy of the Armed Forces HospitalRSPAD-GS is one of the very few hospitals that own a 1.5 testa MRI unit beside Siloam Gleneagle Hospital in Tanggerang and Husada Hospital in Jakarta. Since it became operational in 2001 it has already served 993 official patients and during the first half of 2002 (until June) 588 official patients. This MRI is an equipment that needs quite substantial maintenance cost and as is planned the maintenance cost of this MRI unit will become the responsibility of RSPADGS in 2003. In this study the researcher would like to get a picture on the ratio between income and cost of the utilization (operational and maintenance) of the MRI unit at RSPAD-GS, contribution from the servicing the public patients towards official patients as well as the ideal capacity ratio between official patients and public patients to achieve self-sufficiency without sacrificing official patients rights. The type of this study is a retrospective study using secondary data in the form of patient's activity reports at the MRI unit (official and public patients) for the period of 18 months, starting January 2001 until June 2002. Also used is the data of income and cost for the same period as main variable. In the result of this study it was found that the capacity owned by the MRI of RSPAD-GS was set at 15 examinations per day or 4500 examinations per year. Each examination needs an average time of 25 to 30 minutes. During the 18-month study period the level of utilization of this MRI unit is 5002 patients based on a composition of 1581 official patients and 3421 public patients. In the calculation, the Public Service program of the MRI unit has succeeded in contributing Rp.1.955.939.000,- to RSPAD-GS for the purpose of the examination of 1.581 official MRI patients. By using the policy criteria it was found that the MRI unit is able to fulfill its own budget requirements, however, if observed from the utilization of funds, the allocation of maintenance cost and Helium refill cost need to be improved. In consideration to the future development of the utilization of the MRI unit it was found that the most ideal composition between official and public patients is 2 official patients and 5 public patients. This to enable the MRI unit to remain self-sufficient without reducing the official patients rights. In the study period, the tariff set was not yet implemented properly. It is important that the tariff set is implemented accordingly.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sarah Edvine
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bcrtujuan unluk mendapat gambaran tcntang utilisasi alat medis canggih MRI di RSPAD Gatot Soebroto sehingga bcrguna bagi manajcmcn rumah sakit dan Ditkes Ditjen Kuathan Dcphan sebagai pelaksana pengadaan untuk RS TNI scrta sejauh mana MRI dapat digunakan dan dimanfaatkan khususnya oleh anggota TNI, PNS serta keluarganya dan pasien umum lainnya dan untuk mengetahui pcndapatan, biaya scrta tingkat pemulihan biaya alat canggih MRI di RSPAD tahun 2006. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa selama tahun 2006 jenis pemenksaan MRI yang paling banyak dilakukan adalah MRI Vertebra cervical / thoracal I lumbbsacral sebanyak 1029, kemuclian MRI Kcpala sebanyak 803 dan MRI Abdomen bagian atas sebanyak 46 kali. Total jumlah pasien keseluruhan tahun 2006 adalah 4582 pasiun. Jumlah pasien yang menjalani pemeriksaan MRI terbauyak adalah masyamkat umum (Yanmasum) yaiiu sebanyak 2545 pasien. Biaya pemcriksaan MRI bagi pasien dinas dari TNI AD tidak dipungut biaya apapun, sedangkan pasien dinas dari TNI AU dan TNI AL dikcnakan biaya sebesar 50% dari tarif yang berIaku.Pendapatan Unit MRI berasal dari pasien Askes dan pasien umum serta pasien dinas TNI AL dan TNI AU. Pendapatan yang diperoleh tahun 2006 adalah scbcsar Rp2.877.500.606. Biaya yang terkail dengan Unit MRI bcnjumlah 2.861.475.228. Pendapatan alat kesehatan MRI sudah menutup biaya yang dikeluarkan dengan sisa pendapatan scbcsar Rpl6.025.378 . Hal ini ditunjukkan dcngan lingkat pemulihan biaya alat MRI yang sudah mencapai l00,56%. Dengan dikctahuinya gambaran utilisasi, biaya yang dikeluarkan dan pendapatan unit MRI di lnstalasi Radiologi RSPAD Gatot Soebroto, maka manajemen dapat mclakukan evaluasi tarif berdasarkan perhitungan biaya satuan pemcniksaan yang komprehensif yang juga dapat digunakan sebagai bahan revisi bcsamya tarif sehingga dapal mencapai tingkut pemulihan biaya yang diharapkan. Perlu dilakukan upaya pcningkatan utilisasi alat canggih MRI mclalui kegiatan sosialisasi, seminar untuk dapat memasarkan jenis pemeriksaan-pemeriksaan dengan alat MRI, dilakukan kerja sama dengan rumah sakit lain yang tidak mcmiiiki peralalan MRI, sehingga peningkatan kunjungan teljadi pada pasien umum, dilakukan sistem penjanjian, sehingga idle capasity di tengah jam kerja dapat diperkecil. Selain iiu perlu dijalin kerjasama antara PT Askes dengan Unit MR] yang saling menguntungkan, karena biaya pemanfaatan alat canggih merupakan biaya yang dianggap cukup besar bagi pasien. Perlu perencanaan biaya pemeliharaan dan perbaikan scrta kalibmsi alat kcsehatan dan sarana penunjangnya Bagi Institusi Dcphan gambaran utilisasi, biaya satuan pemeriksaan dan pendapatan unit MRI di Insmlasi Radiologi RSPAD Gatot Soebroto dapat digunakan sebagai bahan masukan pengadaan alat kesehatan caxmgih lainnya di linglcungan Dcphan. Perlu dilakukan penelitian lanjutan yang lebih komprchensif terhadap alat canggih kesehatan dengnn menggunakan data yang lebih mcmadai baik dari segi kelengkapan data maupun keakuralannya.
This research aimed to get the description 'about the utilization of the medical equipment sophisticated MRI in RSPAD Gatot Soebroto especially the utilization of MRI by the TNI member, PNS as well as his family and the public's other patient and the revenue, cost and cost recovery rate of MRI in RSPAD in 2006. From results of this research was known that during 2006 the MRI examinations that often was carried out was MRI Vertebra cervical/thoracal/lumbosacral was 1029, afterwards MRI Head was 803 aIId MRI Abdomen the upper partwas 46 times. The total number of the whole patient in 2006 was 4582 patients. The number of patients who underwent the MRI examination most was the public patient (Yanmasum) that was 2545 patients. The MRI examination cost for the service patient from TNI AD was not adopted the cost anything, whereas the service patient from TNI AU and TNI Al was put on the cost of 50% ofthe tariff that available. Revenue of Unit MRI came from the patient of health insurance and the public's patient as well as the service patient 'INI Al and TNI AU. Revenue that was received in 2006 was Rp2.877.500.606. The cost that was related to the MRI Unit was 2,86l,475,228. The income of the MRI medical instrument has closed the cost that was spent with income as big as RpI6.025.378. This was shown with the MRI recovery rate of the implement cost that has reached 100.56% The management could carry out the evaluation of the tariff was based on the calculation ofthe comprehensive cost of the examination unit that also could be used as the revision material of the tariff size to be able to achieve the cost recovery rate that was hoped for. Must be carried out by increase efforts of utilization of the MRI through the socialization activity, the seminar to be able to market the kind of examinations with the MRI implement, was carried out by the work was the same as the other hospital that did not have MRI equipment, so as the increase in the visit happened to the public's patient, was carried out by the agreement system, so as idle capasity in the middle ofthe working horns could be reduced. Moreover must be established by the co~opcration between PT Askes and the MRI Unit that was mutually beneficial. Needed planning and the improvement as well as calibration of the medical instrument and means of the maintenance?s cost. For the Dephan Institution, the cost and the income of the MRI unit could be used as the procurement input of the other sophisticated medical instrument in the Dephan.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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