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Hasna Resti Fadhilah
Abstrak :
Hingga 2018 32.469 kasus kanker serviks diambil pada wanita Indonesia, perbedaan 17,2% dari total kasus kanker di Indonesia. Berbagai upaya dilakukan untuk mengurangi kematian akibat penyakit ini, menentang pengembangan sistem pemberian obat nanoteknologi. Dalam penelitian ini, konjugasi doxorubicin pada partikel nano magnetik Fe3O4 (MNPs) dengan agen capping berbasis karboksilat digunakan untuk menstabilkan partikel nano Fe3O4 untuk melihat pengaruhnya terhadap pemuatan obat dan pelepasan obat dari MNPs. Nanopartikel yang disintesis dikarakterisasi dengan spektroskopi Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), Difraksi Sinar-X (XRD), Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), Particle Size Analyzer (PSA), dan Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM). Pengukuran efisiensi pemuatan dan pelepasan obat dari tiga nanokomposit menghasilkan hasil yang baik, dengan persentase efisiensi pemuatan terbesar, yaitu 90.230% dicapai oleh AA-MNPs. Sementara itu, persentase terbesar dari obat yang dilepaskan adalah 98,590% yang disetujui oleh SA-MNPs. Hasil tes MTT pada sel HeLa menunjukkan bahwa nanokomposit CA-MNP memiliki efisiensi pelepasan obat terbaik, dengan nilai persen sel hidup hanya 23,460%.hr> ABSTRACT
ntil 2018 32,469 cases of cervical cancer were taken in Indonesian women, a difference of 17.2% of the total cancer cases in Indonesia. Various attempts were made to reduce mortality due to this disease, opposing the development of nanotechnology drug delivery systems. In this study, doxorubicin conjugate on Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) with carboxylic-based capping agents used to stabilize Fe3O4 nanoparticles to see their effect on drug loading and drug release from MNPs. The synthesized nanoparticles were characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), Particle Size Analyzer (PSA), and Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM). Measurement of drug loading & release efficiency from three nanocomposites produced good results, with the largest percentage loading efficiency, ie 90,230% achieved by AA-MNPs. Meanwhile, the largest percent of drug released was 98.590% approved by the SA-MNPs. MTT test results on HeLa cells showed that the CA-MNP nanocomposite had the best drug release efficiency, with a live cell percent value of only 23.460%.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yulita Resti Anggreni
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Obat berbahan dasar alami di Indonesia harus terstandar, memiliki pembuktian keamanan dan khasiatnya secara ilmiah melalui uji preklinik. Uji yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengetahui keamanan suatu bahan yaitu uji sitotoksisitas. Tujuan: Mengetahui sitotoksisitas ekstrak asam jawa 2,5%, 5%, dan 10% terhadap human dental pulp stem cells. Metode: Identifikasi komponen senyawa kimia dengan uji fitokimia dan GC-MS. Uji sitotoksisitas dengan uji viabilitas diukur menggunakan MTT assay untuk mengetahui aktivitas selular. Pengukuran menggunakan microplate reader panjang gelombang 570 nm. Semakin tinggi nilai OD yang didapat, maka nilai viabilitas sel akan semakin tinggi. Sel ditanam pada 96 well dengan densitas 5x103 sel/well. Analisa data menggunakan Kruskal-Wallis dan Post Hoc Mann-Whitney. Hasil: Dari nilai median viabilitas sel, kelompok larutan ekstrak asam jawa 2,5% memiliki nilai viabilitas yang paling tinggi, sedangkan larutan ekstrak asam jawa 10% memiliki nilai viabilitas yang paling rendah. Tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara kelompok larutan ekstrak asam jawa 2,5% dan 5%. Kesimpulan: Larutan ekstrak asam jawa dari desa babakan kecamatan Darmaga Kabupaten Bogor dapat diidentifikasi komponen senyawa flavonoid dan saponin dan memiliki komponen senyawa kimia yang berpotensi sebagai antibakteri, antiinflamasi, anti virus, antioksidan, larutan khelasi, dan solvent. Larutan ekstrak asam jawa 2,5% dan 5% tidak toksik terhadap hDPSCs. ......Background: Medicines made from natural ingredients in Indonesia must be standardized, having proven safety and efficacy through preclinical trials. The safety test that can be carried out is cytotoxicity test. Objective: To determine the cytotoxicity of 2,5%,5% and 10% Tamarindus indica extract on hDPSCs. Methods: identification of components chemical compound groups was measured by phytochemical test and GC-MS. Cytotoxicity test with viability test was measured using the MTT assay to determine cellular activity. Measured using microplate reader with a wavelength of 570nm. The higher OD value obtained, the higher the cell viability value. Cells inserted in 96 wells with a density of 5x103 cells/well. Data analysis using Kruskal-Wallis and Post Hoc Mann-Whitney. Results: From the median cell viability value, 2,5% Tamarindus indicia extract solution group had the highest viability value, while 10% Tamarindus indica etract had the lowest viability value. There was no significant difference between the 2,5% and 5% Tamarindus indica extract solution groups. Conclusion: Tamarindus indica extract from Babakan village, Darmaga Bogor can be identified as components of flavonoids and saponins, has chemical components that have potential as antibacterial, antiinflammation, antiviral, antioksidan, chelation solution, and solvents. Tamarindus indica extract of 2,5% and 5% were not toxic to hDPSCs.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratu Shafira Hanifah
Abstrak :
Kanker kolorektal merupakan keganasan ketiga terbanyak di dunia pada pria dan wanita. Kejadian kanker di Indonesia mencapai 12,8 per 100.000 penduduk usia dewasa, dengan tingkat mortalitas mencapai 9,5% dari kasus kanker. Progresi kanker sangat terkait dengan ekspresi berlebihan COX-2 pada sel kanker kolorektal. Inhibitor COX-2 seperti COXIB dan NSAID memiliki efek kemopreventif, tetapi juga memiliki efek kardiovaskular yang berbahaya. Terdapat herbal yang memiliki aktivitas antikanker, salah satunya adalah tanaman Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa). Efek antikanker berbagai bagian tanaman telah diuji, tetapi penelitian mengenai bagian batang tanaman Mahkota Dewa masih minim. Ekstrak batang Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa) dipersiapkan untuk dimaserasi dalam etanol. Aktivitas antikanker ekstrak etanol Phaleria macrocarpa in-vitro diuji dengan MTT assay pada lini sel kanker kolorektal HCT116. Studi ini juga menilai efek ekstrak etanol Phaleria macrocarpa terhadap penghambatan ekspresi COX-2 pada lini sel kanker kolorektal HCT116 melalui penghitungan nilai H-score dari pewarnaan imunositokimia. Batang Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa) menunjukkan aktivitas antikanker melalui penghambatan pertumbuhan dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 1,327 µg/ml.  Salah satu jalurnya adalah melalui penghambatan ekspresi COX-2 yang ditunjukkan nilai H-score sebesar 173,33 pada pemberian ekstrak dengan dosis 200 ppm. Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa batang (Phaleria macrocarpa) menghambat pertumbuhan kanker kolorektal, salah satunya melalui penghambatan COX-2.
Colorectal cancer is the third most malignancy in the world in men and women. The prevalence of cancer reached 12,8 per 100,000 adult populations, with mortality rate reaching 9,5% from all cancer cases. Cancer progression is strongly associated with excessive expression of COX-2 in colorectal cancer cells. COX-2 inhibitors such as COXIB and NSAID have been proven to have chemopreventive nature, but also have harmful cardiovascular effects. There are herbs that have anticancer activities such as Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa) plant. Various parts of the plant have been researched on its anticancer effect, but research on its bark parts of Mahkota Dewa is still minimal. Ethanol extract from Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa) bark was prepared for maceration in ethanol. Phaleria macrocarpa bark ethanol extract in-vitro anticancer activity was tested with MTT assay on HCT116 colorectal cancer cell line. This study also assessed the effect of ethanol extract of Phaleria macrocarpa bark on inhibition of COX-2 expression in the HCT116 colorectal cancer cell line by counting the H-score from immunocytochemistry staining. Ethanol extract of Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa) bark shows anticancer activity by inhibiting its growth with IC 50 of 1,327 µg/ml. One of the pathways is through inhibition of COX-2 expression, shown from H-score of 173,33 after administration of ethanol extract of Phaleria macrocarpa bark at a dose of 200 ppm. This study shows that Phaleria macrocarpa bark is a colorectal cancer growth inhibitor, one of which is through inhibition of COX-2.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Michelle Cancera Angelita
Abstrak :
[Angka kejadian penyakit mieloma multipel kecil, yaitu 0,8% di dunia dan 0,6% di Asia Tenggara dari seluruh kasus kanker yang ada. Namun, penyakit ini terjadi secara asimtomatik sehingga sulit didiagnosis, belum dapat disembuhkan, dan mudah mempengaruhi organ dalam tubuh. Kulit buah manggis yang jarang dimanfaatkan diketahui mengandung senyawa xanton (polifenolat) yang memiliki aktivitas antikanker. Penelitian in vitro menggunakan sel jalur p3x63ag8 untuk menemukan ada tidaknya efek sitotoksisitas ekstrak etanol kulit buah manggis serta IC50. Sel dibagi menjadi 9 kelompok, yaitu 1 kelompok kontrol dan 8 kelompok perlakuan dengan konsentrasi 6,25 μg/ml, 12,5 μg/ml, 25 μg/ml, 50 μg/ml, 100 μg/ml, 200 μg/ml, 400 μg/ml, dan 800 μg/ml. Data diambil dengan metode MTT assay dan hasilnya berupa nilai optical density. Setelah inkubasi 48 jam menggunakan ekstrak etanol kulit buah manggis, hasil persamaan garis diketahui IC50 nya adalah 5,41 μg/ml. Analisis statistik dengan Kruskal Wallis menghasilkan adanya perbedaan efek sitotoksik pada konsentrasi yang berbeda . Uji Post Hoc didapatkan perbedaan bermakna antara kelompok kontrol dan kelompok perlakuan 6,25 μg/ml dengan kelompok perlakuan lain.;Multiple myeloma disease has small incidence, namely 0,8% in the world and 0,6% in Southeast Asia of all cancer cases. However, the diasease occurs in asymptomatic that so difficult to be diagnosed, can not be cured, and affects many organs. The mangosteen pericarp which rarely used evidently contain xanthone (polifenolat) compound which have anticancer activity. Research in in vitro manner using cell lines p3x63ag8 to discover the presence of cytotoxicity effect of mangosteen pericarp ethanol extract and the IC50. Cells was divided into 9 groups, 1 control group and 8 treatment groups (consentrations: 6,25 μg/ml, 12,5 μg/ml, 25 μg/ml, 50 μg/ml, 100 μg/ml, 200 μg/ml, 400 μg/ml, and 800 μg/ml). Data taken by MTT assay method and the result is optical density value. After 48-hours incubation period and the result in line equation, found that IC50 was 5.41 ug / ml. Statistical analysis with Kruskal Wallis declared differences in the cytotoxic effects of different concentrations.Post Hoc test found significant difference beetwen the control group and the treatment group of 6.25 ug / ml just than other groups;Multiple myeloma disease has small incidence, namely 0,8% in the world and 0,6% in Southeast Asia of all cancer cases. However, the diasease occurs in asymptomatic that so difficult to be diagnosed, can not be cured, and affects many organs. The mangosteen pericarp which rarely used evidently contain xanthone (polifenolat) compound which have anticancer activity. Research in in vitro manner using cell lines p3x63ag8 to discover the presence of cytotoxicity effect of mangosteen pericarp ethanol extract and the IC50. Cells was divided into 9 groups, 1 control group and 8 treatment groups (consentrations: 6,25 μg/ml, 12,5 μg/ml, 25 μg/ml, 50 μg/ml, 100 μg/ml, 200 μg/ml, 400 μg/ml, and 800 μg/ml). Data taken by MTT assay method and the result is optical density value. After 48-hours incubation period and the result in line equation, found that IC50 was 5.41 ug / ml. Statistical analysis with Kruskal Wallis declared differences in the cytotoxic effects of different concentrations.Post Hoc test found significant difference beetwen the control group and the treatment group of 6.25 ug / ml just than other groups, Multiple myeloma disease has small incidence, namely 0,8% in the world and 0,6% in Southeast Asia of all cancer cases. However, the diasease occurs in asymptomatic that so difficult to be diagnosed, can not be cured, and affects many organs. The mangosteen pericarp which rarely used evidently contain xanthone (polifenolat) compound which have anticancer activity. Research in in vitro manner using cell lines p3x63ag8 to discover the presence of cytotoxicity effect of mangosteen pericarp ethanol extract and the IC50. Cells was divided into 9 groups, 1 control group and 8 treatment groups (consentrations: 6,25 μg/ml, 12,5 μg/ml, 25 μg/ml, 50 μg/ml, 100 μg/ml, 200 μg/ml, 400 μg/ml, and 800 μg/ml). Data taken by MTT assay method and the result is optical density value. After 48-hours incubation period and the result in line equation, found that IC50 was 5.41 ug / ml. Statistical analysis with Kruskal Wallis declared differences in the cytotoxic effects of different concentrations.Post Hoc test found significant difference beetwen the control group and the treatment group of 6.25 ug / ml just than other groups]
[;Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia], 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yosilia Nursakina
Abstrak :
Demam berdarah dengue masih menjadi masalah kesehatan di dunia, termasuk Indonesia. Hingga saat ini, tata laksana dari penyakit tersebut bersifat suportif dan belum ada terapi antiviral spesifik yang tersedia. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui apakah fraksi air ekstrak daun ketepeng cina Cassia alata memiliki aktivitas antiviral yang berpotensi untuk menghambat replikasi dari virus dengue. Penelitian ini berbentuk studi eksperimental dengan uji infektivitas dan uji viabilitas. Data primer yang digunakan dalam hal ini diperoleh dari hasil eksperimen terhadap sel Huh7it-1. Analisis regresi linier menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak daun Cassia alata menunjukkan persentase infektivitas virus sebesar.
Dengue fever has been a worldwide health problem, including Indonesia. Until now, the only available treatment is supportive treatment and no specific antiviral treatment. This study is aimed to find out whether the water fraction of Cassia alata leaf extract can be used as dengue antiviral. The study is using experimental design with infectivity and viability test. Primary data is acquired from experimental study using Huh7it 1 cell. Linear regression analysis shows that the extract has virus infectivity percentage value 2.5 g ml, cell viability value 113.82 g ml, and selectivity index 167.38. In conclusion, water fraction of Cassia alata leaf extract has the potential to become dengue antiviral because it has a high cytotoxicity.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ukhti Maira
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Temulawak adalah tanaman obat asli Indonesia yang mengandung zat aktif xanthorrhizol dan memiliki efek antifungal. Dengan membentuk biofilm, Candida albicans menjadi virulen dan semakin virulen ketika mencapai fase maturasi. Tujuan: Mengetahui potensi ekstrak etanol temulawak dalam menghambat biofilm C. albicans isolat klinis dan C. albicans ATCC 10231 pada fase maturasi. Metode: Pemaparan ekstrak etanol temulawak berbagai konsentrasi pada biofilm C. albicans dimulai pada 1.5 jam setelah inkubasi dan dilanjutkan selama 48 jam. MTT assay digunakan untuk mengukur persentase viabilitas sel C. albicans pada biofilm yang kemudian dikonversi menjadi persentase inhibisi biofilm oleh ekstrak temulawak. Hasil: Terhadap C. albicans isolat klinis, Kadar Hambat Minimum KHM dan Kadar Bunuh Minimum KBM ekstrak etanol temulawak adalah 15 dan 30, sedangkan terhadap C. albicans ATCC 10231 adalah 20 dan 35. Nilai Kadar Hambat Biofilm Minimum KHBM50 ekstrak etanol temulawak adalah 35 terhadap C. albican isolat klinis dan 40 terhadap C. albicans ATCC 10231. Dibutuhkan konsentrasi ekstrak etanol temulawak yang lebih tinggi untuk menghambat C. albicans ATCC 10231 daripada untuk menghambat C. albicans isolat klinis. Kesimpulan: Baik terhadap C. albicans isolat klinis maupun C. albicans ATCC 10231, ekstrak etanol temulawak berpotensi menghambat biofilm C. albicans fase maturasi. ...... Background: Javanese turmeric is an Indonesian medicinal plant which contains xanthorrhizol had been reported to have antifungal effect. By forming biofilms, C. albicans becomes virulent and more virulent as it reaches the maturation phase. Objective: To investigate the capability of Javanese turmeric ethanol extract in inhibiting the formation of maturation phase C. albicans biofilm both of clinical isolate and ATCC 10231. Methods: The Exposure of various concentrations of Javanese turmeric ethanol extract to C. albicans biofilm started at 1.5 hours after incubation and continued for 48 hours. MTT assay was used to measure the percentage viability of C. albicans cells on the biofilm which was then converted into the percentage of biofilm inhibition. Results: Against C. albicans clinical isolate, Minimum Inhibition Concentration MIC and Minimum Fungicidal Concentration MFC of javanese turmeric ethanol extract was 15 and 30 whereas against C. albicans ATCC 10231 was 20 and 35. Minimum Biofilm Inhibition Concentration MBIC50 of javanese turmeric ethanol extract was 35 against C. albicans clinical isolate and 40 against C. albicans ATCC 10231 biofilm. Higher concentration of the extract was required to inhibit C. albicans ATCC 10231 compared to the concentration to inhibit C. albicans clinical isolate. Conclusion: Both against C. albicans clinical isolat and C. albicans ATCC 10231, javanese turmeric ethanol extract has potential in inhibiting mature phase of C. albicans biofilm.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mustika Sari
Abstrak :
Lionfish (Pterois volitans) merupakan spesies asli ikan di samudra Indonesia-Pasifik. Spesies ini Lionfish (Pterois volitans) merupakan spesies invasive yang berasal dari perairan Indo-Pasifik. Pertumbuhan yang cepat serta ketiadaan predator menjadikan keberadaan Lionfish terus berkembang pesat. Selain itu sifat alamiahya sebagai predator membuat populasi ikan dan karang di perairan menurun drastis serta merugikan daerah yang terkena invasifnya baik secara ekonomi maupun ekosistem. Oleh karenanya, penelitian terakit spesies invafis Lionfish harus terus digencarkan untuk mendapatkan kebermanfaatan dari hewan tersebut. Studi yang pernah ada menyatakan bahwa ekstrak racun duri lionfish memiliki potensi untuk menjadi zat antikanker serviks. Untuk mengetahui potensi tersebut, crude venom yang dihasilkan dari ekstraksi racun duri Lionfish akan dilakukan pemanasan dengan durasi temperartur yang berbeda untuk mendapatkan kemurnian yang optimal, selanjutnya dilakukan purifikasi dengan pengendapan ammonium sulfat, kemudian dianalisis Uji Lowry untuk mendapatkan konsentrasi protein optimal serta dilakukan uji toksisitas dengan BSLT (Brine Shrimp Lethality Test) dan MTT Assay terhadap sel HeLa. Tahap terakhir adalah identifikasi kemurnian protein dengan SDS PAGE. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan persentase inhibisi antikanker serviks yang diujikan dengan sel HeLa menunjukkan ekstrak racun lionfish pada konsentrasi 750 ppm yang diujikan dengan variabel suhu pemanasan crude venom 70 derajat C dengan saturasi ammonium sulfat 80 persen berpotensi menginhibisi aktivitas antikanker sebesar 37.79 persen. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa crude venom yang telah melalui proses pemurnian dengan merode pemanasan adalah metode yang efektif untuk meningkatkan kemurnian hasil ekstrak crude venom lionfish yang dapat digunakan sebagai antikanker serviks.
Lionfish (Pterois volitans) is an invasive species from Indo-Pacific ocean. The rapid growth and lack of predators have made Lionfishs presence grow rapidly. Besides that, lionfish as a predator makes the population of small fish and coral in the waters drop dramatically and cause the negative effect for economic and ecosystem. Therefore, the study of the Lionfish must be intensified to obtain the usefulness of these animals. The previous studies about lionfish explain that the extract of lionfish venom spines has the potential to become an anticancer agent of the cervix. To find out these potential, the crude venom produced from extraction of Lionfish thorn poison will be warmed up with different temperature and has purified by precipitation of ammonium sulfate to obtain optimal purity. The concentration were analyzed by Lowry Test method and to analyzed toxicity identification were used BSLT (Brine Shrimp Lethality Test) and MTT Assay Method. And the last step, to identify of protein were used SDS PAGE method.. The percentage of anticancer inhibition of cervix tested with HeLa cells showed that the extract of lionfish venom at a concentration of 750 ppm was tested with a variable heating temperature of 70 derajat C and presipitation of 80 persen ammonium sulfate saturation potentially inhibiting anticancer activity around 37.79 persen. These results indicate that crude venom that has undergone a purification process by heating method is an effective method for increasing the purity of the crude venom lionfish extract that can be used as an anticancer cervix.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuli Maulidiya Shufiyani
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan. Mortalitas akibat kanker kolorektal di Indonesia sebesar 9,5% dari seluruh kasus kanker. Pasien kanker kolorektal dengan ekspresi iNOS yang tinggi diketahui memiliki prognosis yang buruk. Sampai saat ini diketahui terdapat dua specific drug therapy dengan target EGFR dan VEGF yang dapat digunakan pada pasien kanker kolorektal. Akan tetapi, kedua obat tersebut masih terbatas penggunaannya serta menimbulkan efek samping. Delima (Punica granatum) diketahui sebagai tanaman herbal yang memiliki aktivitas antioksidan, antiinflamasi, dan antikanker. Beberapa penelitian telah menguji efek delima terhadap kanker. Akan tetapi, penelitian mengenai efek biji delima terhadap kanker masih minim. Metode. Aktivitas antikanker ekstrak etanol Punica granatum secara in vitro diuji menggunakan metode MTT assay pada cell line kanker kolorektal HCT116. Terdapat delapan serial konsentrasi yang diuji melalui MTT assay. Efek ekstrak etanol Punica granatum terhadap ekspresi protein iNOS pada cell line kanker kolorektal HCT116 dinilai melalui penghitungan nilai H-score dari pewarnaan imunositokimia. Terdapat empat kelompok perlakuan; kontrol negatif (0 ppm), dosis kecil (50 ppm), dosis sedang (100 ppm), kelompok dosis besar (200 ppm). Tiga konsentrasi dengan persentase inhibisi terbesar dari hasil MTT assay digunakan sebagai dosis esktrak pada imunositokimia. Hasil. Ekstrak etanol biji delima (Punica granatum) menunjukkan aktivitas antikanker melalui penghambatan pertumbuhan sel kanker kolorektal HCT116 dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 54,2763 μg/ml. Penurunan ekspresi protein iNOS dengan rerata nilai H-score sebesar 158,48 terjadi setelah diberikan ekstrak dengan dosis 200 ppm. Kesimpulan. Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa biji delima (Punica granatum) menghambat pertumbuhan serta menurunkan ekspresi protein iNOS kanker kolorektal.
Preliminary. Mortality due to colorectal cancer in Indonesia is 9.5% of all cancer cases. Colorectal cancer patients with high iNOS expression are known to have a poor prognosis. Until now, it is known that there are two specific drug therapies targeting EGFR and VEGF that can be used in colorectal cancer patients. However, both drugs are still limited in their use and cause side effects. Pomegranate (Punica granatum) is known as an herbal plant that has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer activities. Several studies have tested the effects of pomegranate on cancer. However, research on the effects of pomegranate seeds on cancer is still minimal. Method. The anticancer activity of the ethanolic extract of Punica granatum was tested in vitro using the MTT assay method on the HCT116 colorectal cancer cell line. There are eight concentration series tested by MTT assay. The effect of Punica granatum ethanol extract on iNOS protein expression in the HCT116 colorectal cancer cell line was assessed by calculating the H-score value from immunocytochemical staining. There is four treatment groups; negative control (0 ppm), small dose (50 ppm), medium dose (100 ppm), large dose group (200 ppm). The three concentrations with the largest percentage of inhibition from the MTT assay were used as extract doses for immunocytochemistry. Results. Pomegranate (Punica granatum) seed ethanol extract exhibits anticancer activity by inhibiting the growth of HCT116 colorectal cancer cells with an IC50 value of 54.2763 g/ml. The decrease in iNOS protein expression with an average H-score of 158.48 occurred after the extract was given at a dose of 200 ppm. Conclusion. This study proved that pomegranate seeds (Punica granatum) inhibited growth and decreased the expression of colorectal cancer iNOS protein.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Joseph Edwardo Agnar Soedjono
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang Kanker payudara memiliki prevalensi dan mortalitas yang tinggi di Indonesia dan dunia, karena sering terdiagnosis pada stadium lanjut. Salah satu kemoterapi yang banyak digunakan adalah doxorubicin, namun mempunyai efek samping kardiotoksisitas. Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan potensi sitotoksisitas ekstrak Acalypha indica (AI) terhadap sel kanker payudara MCF-7. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji efek penghambatan ekstrak aseton dan fraksi E (semipolar) dari Acalypha indica (AI) terhadap pertumbuhan sel kanker (sitotoksisitas) MCF-7 dan menentukan konsentrasi half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50). Metode Penelitian ini merupakan studi in vitro pada sel MCF-7 yang diberi ekstrak aseton dan fraksi E AI pada berbagai konsentrasi. Viabilitas sel MCF-7 diperiksa dengan MTT Assay. Absorbansi dari kultur sel yang diberi perlakuan ekstrak AI diukur dengan spektrofotometri. Hasil absorbansi digunakan untuk menghitung nilai IC50 sebagai indikator potensi sitotoksisitas senyawa tersebut terhadap sel MCF-7. Hasil Ekstrak aseton AI menunjukkan aktivitas sitotoksik yang moderat, dan lemah untuk fraksi E AI. Adapun nilai IC50 ekstrak aseton AI adalah 177,852 ppm, dan 213,149 ppm untuk fraksi E (semipolar) AI. Kesimpulan Pemberian ekstrak aseton maupun fraksi E (semipolar) akar AI mampu menghambat pertumbuhan sel MCF-7 dengan tingkat sitotoksisitas yang sedang dan lemah. ......Introduction Breast cancer is highly prevalent and has a high mortality rate in Indonesia and worldwide, often due to late-stage diagnosis. Doxorubicin is a commonly used chemotherapy drug for breast cancer, but it has cardiotoxic effects. Previous research has shown that Acalypha indica (AI) extract has potential cytotoxic effects against MCF-7 breast cancer cells. The aim of this study is to analyze the growth inhibitory effect of the acetone extract and fraction E (semipolar) of AI on MCF-7 cells by evaluating their metabolic activity and determining the IC50 value. Method This in vitro study used MCF-7 breast cancer cells. The cells were treated with various concentrations of the acetone extract and fraction E (semipolar) of AI, and their viability was measured using the MTT Assay. The absorbances were measured using spectrophotometry. The IC50 value, indicating the cytotoxicity effect against MCF-7 cells, was calculated based on the absorbance results. Results The acetone extract of AI showed moderate cytotoxic activity, while the E fraction showed weak cytotoxic activity. The IC50 value for the acetone extract of AI was 177,852 ppm, and for the E (semipolar) fraction of AI, it was 213,149 ppm. Conclusion The administration of the acetone extract and fraction E (semipolar) of Acalypha indica roots both showed a growth inhibitory effect against MCF-7 cells, with moderate and weak cytotoxicity effects, respectively.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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