"Di tengah transformasi bisnis digital, peran customer knowledge dalam membangun customer relationship di perusahaan multinasional (MNEs) menjadi semakin relevan. Perusahaan beralih ke strategi Customer Relationship Management (CRM) dan Knowledge Management (KM) untuk memahami lebih dalam dan melayani pelanggan mereka. Perusahaan memilih untuk mengintegrasikan proses, produk, dan obyektif bisnis untuk menciptakan hubungan jangka panjang yang menguntungkan. Praktik CRM fokus pada perilaku dan preferensi pelanggan, sementara KM menangkap dan membagi Customer Knowledge (CK) di seluruh organisasi. Kombinasi ini membantu MNEs dalam menciptakan pengalaman pelanggan yang konsisten, meningkatkan komunikasi, dan memanfaatkan informasi untuk mendorong inovasi dan perkembangan bisnis. Sayangnya, persimpangan antara CRM dan KM belum diselidiki secara mendalam dalam dunia nyata. Studi ini akan mengeksplorasi hubungan antara KM dan CRM melalui CK, menentukan peran faktor customer knowledge dalam membangun customer relationships. Delapan manajer dari berbagai latar belakang fungsional diwawancarai, dan sembilan faktor CK diidentifikasi sebagai pengaruh terhadap customer relationships selama proses pra-pembelian, pembelian, dan pasca-pembelian. Temuan utama ini meliputi complexity, product development, cohesive branding, delivery of value, seamless customer journey, providing guidance/nudges, conversion, brand equity, and brand leadership; dibagi menjadi tiga kategori: Customer Interaction (CI), Customer Experience (CX), dan Customer Success (CS).
Amid digital business transformations, the role of customer knowledge in building customer relationships in multinational enterprises (MNEs) is becoming increasingly important. Companies are turning to customer relationship management (CRM) and knowledge management (KM) strategies to better understand and serve their customers. Opting to integrate processes, products, and goals to create profitable and long-term relationships. CRM practices gain insights into customer behavior and preferences, while KM captures and share customer knowledge (CK) across the organization. This culmination assists MNES in creating a consistent customer experience, improving communication, and leveraging insights to drive innovation and growth. Unfortunately, the overlap between CRM and KM has yet to be investigated in the real world. This study will explore the relationship between KM and CRM via CK, determining the role of customer knowledge factors in building customer relationships. Eight managers from various functional backgrounds were interviewed, and nine CK factors were identified as influencing customer relationships during the pre-purchase, purchase, and post-purchase process. These main findings include complexity, product development, cohesive branding, delivery of value, seamless customer journey, providing guidance/nudges, conversion, brand equity, and brand leadership; divided into three categories: Customer Interaction (CI), Customer Experience (CX), and Customer Success (CS)."