ABSTRAKLayanan Kendaraan Terhubung Internet (LKTI) yang sudah di kembangkan oleh
operator seluler di Indonesia sebagai bagian dari layanan digital nya. Dalam konteks
LKTI, layanan yang diberikan masih terbatas pada layanan telematik dengan
menggunakan perangkat On Board Diagnostic (OBD) II dengan metoda
konektivitas ter-integrasi. Harga perolehan perangkat yang relatif lebih mahal
dibanding layanan sejenis yang bebas biaya berlangganan, membuat penetrasi pasar
LKTI telematik Operator Indonesia tidak berkembang. Dibutuhkan strategi
penetrasi pasar baru untuk dapat mencapai adaptasi masal dengan
mempertimbangkan perluasan layanan kearah infotainment, pemilihan perangkat
pemicu layanan yang komprehensif, mekanisme pemisahan pembebanan biaya
layanan, serta pola kerjasama hilir baru antara operator ? diler ? dan sistem
Pemodelan Kano digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi fitur-fitur yang diinginkan
pelanggan terhadap solusi perangkat keras pemicu layanan serta pengembangan
tipe aplikasi LKTI agar dapat mendukung diversifikasi layanan eksisting operator.
Model bisnis baru dari LKTI operator dikembangkan dengan pemodelan bisnis
Canvas dengan ?Pemberdayaan diversifikasi LKTI untuk mobil non-premium?
sebagai proposisi nilai yang ditawarkan.
Sehingga penetrasi pasar secara masal akan dapat dicapai dengan strategi
pemanfaatan dealer sebagai jalur distribusi dengan mekanisme bundling perangkat
pemicu layanan sebagai bagian dari kendaraan yang dijual oleh diler serta
pembebasan biaya bulanan terhadap layanan LKTI telematik dasar. Pengembangan
aplikasi LKTI mandiri dan bersifat lokal oleh operator yang bekerjasama dengan
sistem integrator merupakan kunci dari kesinambungan dan perkembangan layanan
LKTI di Indonesia di masa yang akan datang dalam penggunaan aplikasi nilai
tambah (layanan nilai tambah telematik dan infotainment) yang bermuara pada
peningkatan trafik data operator yang didukung oleh mekanisme pemisahan
pembebanan biaya layanan.
ABSTRACTConnected Car Services (CCS) have been developed by Indonesian Cellularoperators as part of their Digital Services product. In the CCS context, currentservice provided by Indonesian operator is still limited to vehicle telemetry with OnBoard Diagnostic (OBD)-II device as a service enabler by using integratedconnectivity scheme. High acquiring enabler-hardware cost compare to theircompetitors which are free of charge, made operator market penetration on thisservice is low. A new market penetration strategy is required to gain mass-marketadoption considering service broadening to infotainment, comprehensive enablerhardware selection, split billing mechanism, and a new partnership schemebetween operator ? dealership ? and System Integrator.Kano modelling is used to identify Connected Car Services Enabler Hardwarefeatures and type of applications development required by customer to supportoperator existing services diversification. A new business is developed to supportthis new diversification services by using Canvas Model with ?Enablement VASTConnected Car Services for non-Premium Car? as the value proposition offered.Hence, mass adoption market penetration could be achieved by bundling CCSenabler hardware as a part of the vehicle offered to the customer by dealer andgiving free of CCS basic telematics monthly service cost strategy. Meanwhile, selfdevelopment of CCS applications with local taste, by cooperation between operatorand system integrator, will be the key of sustainability and application enhancementof CCS Services in Indonesia to excite customer accessing CCS enhanceapplications (Telematic VAS and Infotainment) which will increase operator datatraffic through split billing mechanism., Connected Car Services (CCS) have been developed by Indonesian Cellularoperators as part of their Digital Services product. In the CCS context, currentservice provided by Indonesian operator is still limited to vehicle telemetry with OnBoard Diagnostic (OBD)-II device as a service enabler by using integratedconnectivity scheme. High acquiring enabler-hardware cost compare to theircompetitors which are free of charge, made operator market penetration on thisservice is low. A new market penetration strategy is required to gain mass-marketadoption considering service broadening to infotainment, comprehensive enablerhardware selection, split billing mechanism, and a new partnership schemebetween operator – dealership – and System Integrator.Kano modelling is used to identify Connected Car Services Enabler Hardwarefeatures and type of applications development required by customer to supportoperator existing services diversification. A new business is developed to supportthis new diversification services by using Canvas Model with “Enablement VASTConnected Car Services for non-Premium Car” as the value proposition offered.Hence, mass adoption market penetration could be achieved by bundling CCSenabler hardware as a part of the vehicle offered to the customer by dealer andgiving free of CCS basic telematics monthly service cost strategy. Meanwhile, selfdevelopment of CCS applications with local taste, by cooperation between operatorand system integrator, will be the key of sustainability and application enhancementof CCS Services in Indonesia to excite customer accessing CCS enhanceapplications (Telematic VAS and Infotainment) which will increase operator datatraffic through split billing mechanism.]"