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Anang Asrlan Asnar
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Pada situasi lingkungan usaha yang selalu berubah-ubah, peluang dan ancaman bagi perusahaan akan selalu timbul dan seringkali ancaman dan peluang timbul secara simultan. Bag I suatu perusahaan, peluang bisnis yang timbul tidak boleh dllewatkan begltu saja terutama jika peluang tersebut berkaitan erat dengan rencana investasi jangka panjang perusahaan dan strategi pengembangan perusahaan. Pemanfaatan suatu peluang bisnis tidak selalu berjalan dengan lancar, mengingat kendala-kendala maupun keterbatasan fasilitas penunjangnya. Karya akhir ini membahas bagaimana suatu perusahaan (PT. B) berusaha untuk meraih peluang bisnis yang memang berkaitan erat dengan strategi pengembangan perusahaan, namun sejalan dengan itu perusahaan menghadapi kendala keterbatasan dana Rupiah dari dunia perbankan nasional sebagai sumber dana investasi. Peluang bisnis yang ingin diraih oleh PT. B adalah investasi pada Industri Parquet Flooring, sebagai bagian dari pengembangan usaha perusahaan yang telah bergerak dalam bidang pengusahaan hutan. Untuk mengatasi kelangkaan dana nasional ini, PT. B mencoba untuk memanfaatkan alternatif sumber pendanaan lain, yaitu off shore loan. Kredit luar negeri yang menggunakan mata unang DM ini tentunya membutuhkan perlakuan pengelolaan yang berbeda dengan dana mata uang Rupiah. Perusahaan harus memiliki kemampuan agar dana mata uang Rupiah. Perusahaan harus memiliki kemampuan agar pinjaman dalam mata uang DM ini dapat dimanfaatkan secara optimal, karena Itu pengetahuan akan aspek Keuangan Internasional akan sangat penting.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 1992
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
with widely opened of banks opportunity to develop their wings through banking products, triggered private/government banks or cooperation to launch many products, such as credit/loan product. nowadays, loan credit is attracting to the citizens because the economics crisis that cause citizens to propose the loan to fulfill their needs or to continues their trades. especially the loan with easy procedure and light interst. many banks available make the competitions is very tough. koperasi simpan pinjam (KOSPIN JASA) is one cooperation that provide one of its product called "pinjaman profesi". one thing that usually done to win the market is with product position analyzes with its competitior, perceptions and preferences of the respondents are the basic things in this analyzes. in this research, primer data are collected through the spreading of questionnaire. the result is the users of "pinjaman karya" are private employees with the salary between Rp. 1.000.000-Rp. 2.000.000. and all the users is proffesioanl workers. there are some attributes to choose the loan known as easy procedures, interest, services and promotion. for product positioning, done with identify the core competence to penetrate thye market, so that KOSPIN JASA is the preference of the citizens who want a loan. because of that, it is necessary to introduce positioning statement and it is adapted with the atribute "mudah, rendah, baik". promotion strategies that work effectively are through newspaper, pikiran rakyat. beside newspaper, television play an important role, such as Trans TV. and also personal selling that distibute brochure or via posters. effective promotion strategy can affect final needs of consumer so that can push market demand and value.
JTIT 5:1 (2004)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nia Herawati
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai Restrukturisasi Kredit Sebagai Upaya Penyelamatan Kredit Bermasalah dalam kasus pada Putusan Nomor 548/Pdt.G/2010/PN. JKT.SEL. PT. Bank BRI Tbk. memberikan restrukturisasi kredit sebagai cara untuk meminimalisasi kerugikan bank akibat kredit bermasalah terhadap dana yang telah bank keluarkan melalui kredit. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, permasalahan yang terjadi adalah mengenai pengaturan dan kesesuaian restrukturisasi kredit yang terjadi pada Putusan Nomor 548/Pdt.G/2010/PN. JKT.SEL dengan ketentuan yang berlaku. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif yaitu penelitian melalui bahan?bahan kepustakaan sebagai data sekunder dan wawancara dengan narasumber sebagai bahan pendukung. Dalam penelitian ini penulis berkesimpulan bahwa restrukturisasi kredit yang terjadi dalam kasus pada Putusan Nomor 548/Pdt.G/2010/PN. JKT.SEL sudah dilaksanakan sesuai dengan ketentuan restrukturisasi kredit perbankan yang berlaku di Indonesia. ......This thesis discusses about Loan Restructuring as a recovery action for non performing loan Case study Court Verdict No. 548 Pdt.G 2010 PN. JKT.SEL . PT. BRI Tbk. provides loan restructuring as a way to minimize bank losses due to non performing loans to funds that banks have incurred through credit. Issues that has arisen in relation to the foregoing are about the regulation of loan restructuring and the suitability of loan restructuring that occur in the case with the regulation. This research uses normative juridical method that is research done through literatures as secondary data and interview with resource person as research supporting material. In this thesis the author concludes that loan restructuring that occur in the case of court verdict No. 548 Pdt.G 2010 PN. JKT.SEL has been held in accordance with the provisions of banking loan restructuring in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marius Gumono
Abstrak :
To give Indonesian debtors and foreign creditors a way out of the crisis, in early July 1998 government launched INDRA (Indonesian Debt Restructuring Agency). This scheme is not quite success as Ficorca, the similar Mexican scheme. INDRA is a contract that allows Indonesian debtors to enter into a foreign-exchange rate insurance scheme with the government Dollar-denominated rescheduled debts are paid by the government after a grace period, while Indonesian debtors service their debts to INDRA, in domestic cuirency at an agreed-upon exchange rate at the time of the contract.

If the real exchange rate appreciates during the period of servicing of the foreign debts, these firms bave the option to leave INDRA and purchase dollars at more agreeable market rate. Thus, firms are insured against losses due to rupiah depreciation, while they have an opportunity or option to take advantage of &vorable developments.

In short, INDRA performs a service to Indonesia debtor firms, in the form of offering a foreign exchange ?insurance scheme? with the option to leave that normally is not offered in financial markets for such time horizons. Unlike such market-priced option packages, the INDRA pm gram does not require the dollar up-front payment. Instead, 1NDRA participants pay up-fmnt monthly rupiah installments on both interest and principle.

Survey reveals, Indonesia debtors don?t pay much attention to this alternative solution of foreign debt The reasons are the scheme of INDRA doesn?t match company?s cash flow, fòreign creditors don?t agree to such a long period of installment, it needs socialization, tack of commitment from the company?s owner, INDRA?s exchange rate stilt high and finally difficulties to enforce the right of ofl?hore creditor make debtors more reluctant to æstnjcture the debt.

Lower INDRA?s exchange rate than market exchange rate, is obviously a veiled subsidy by government but it ¡s not enough to attract indebted Indonesian companies. We could not blame on economic crisis on and on. The bottom line of INDRA is about the government establishing credibility. On the other hand, INDRA is about expectations. JNDRA is about giving assurance to Indonesian debtors which are protected from any instability of foreign exchange rate volatility.

Many said, even mpiäh-doijar exchange rate back to normal rate, still difficult to repay the loan as being scheduled. Thus, the problem is not on the bad or good INDRA scheme but on the company?s fùndamentai activitites. Instability os exchange rate means a back fire to the government as more exchange rate subsidy to be performed in INDRA mechanism.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Linda Carolina Wijaya
Abstrak :
Menghadapi persaingan perbankan dalam meningkatkan Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR), perbankan berusaha meningkatkan aktifitas pelepasan kredit, namun dalam kondisi biaya bunga yang tinggi saat ini menyebabkan penggunaan fasilitas kredit dan permohonan kredit barn cenderung menurun. Di sisi lain bank juga mengalami masalah dengan peningkatan Non Performing Loan (kredit bermasalah). Dalam kondisi demikian, Bank hares melakukan proses kredit dengan mekanisme yang dapat memberikan gambaran menyeluruh mengenai calon debitur agar dapat memberikan kualitas kredit yang balk dan lebih terukur dari sisi resiko. Untuk itu terhadap permohonan kredit calon debitur PT ABC di Bank X yang mengajukan fasilitas kredit modal kerja untuk membiayai usaha calon debitur di bidang IT Provider, fasilitas kredit investasi dan fasilitas bank garansi, bank X hams memutuskan apakah permohonan kredit PT ABC Iayak untuk diberikan atau tidak, karenanya diperlukan suatu analisis yang akan digunakan sebagai dasar untuk mengambil keputusan. Proses analisis kredit diawali dengan proses pengumpulan data-data yang akan digunakan untuk proses analisis kredit dilanjutkan dengan kunjungan ke tempat usaha calon debitur untuk mendapatkan informasi dan penjelasan mengenai data-data yang diberikan dan aktifitas usaha calon debitur. Dari keseluruhan data dan informasi yang diperoleh, dilakukan proses analisis berbagai aspek yang menyangkut analisis bidang industri Telekomunikasi, analisis kondisi usaha PT ABC yang meliputi analisis 5C (Character, Capacity, Capital, Condition of Economy dan Collateral) termasuk analisis terhadap kondisi-kondisi khusus yang meliputi analisis keuangan PT ABC untuk periode tahun 2004, tahun 2005 dan bulan April 2006, analisis aspek pemasaran produk dan jasa, aspek operasilteknis, aspek manajemen dan aspek hukum. Untuk menghitung kebutuhan fasilitas kredit maka dilakukan perhitungan kebutuhan kredit modal kerja berdasarkan proyek yang sedang dikerjakan dan akan dikerjakan, perhitungan Net Present Value dan Internal Rate of Return dari investasi yang akan dilakukan serta menghitung kebutuhan fasilitas Bank Garansi. Dan hasil analisis yang dilakukan, saat ini kondisi industri dari usaha yang dijalankan oleh talon debitur masih memiliki prospek untuk berkembang, performance 5C PT ABC balk dan dan berbagai aspek aktifitas usaha PT ABC menunjukkan perkembangan kinerja yang baik. Berdasarkan pertimbangan dari seluruh hasil analisis dan hasil perhitungan kebutuhan fasilitas kredit talon debitur maka alas permohonan kredit calon debitur layak disetujui sesuai dengan permohonan dari calon debitur.
Facing the tight competition in the banking industry, each bank has to increase its Loan to Deposit Ratio by aggressively increasing its lending activities. Unfortunately, the high interest rate condition in the market has caused the high percentage of unused loan as well as the decreasing number of new loan proposals. At the same time, the banking industry is also facing the difficulties in the increasing of the Non Performing Loan (NPL). So that in this kind of condition, every bank has to be able to process the loan proposals cautiously in order to better control the risk factor, but on the other hand can also give a satisfying decision to the borrowers. For instance, PT ABC as an IT provider company requests for an investment loan, working capital loan and bank guarantee facility from bank X, then the bank has to make decision whether PT ABC' proposal is appropriate to be approved or not. And if the proposal is approved, how much amount of facilities can be given and with what kind of terms and conditions. Loan process is starting with the data collection which will give more information on the company, and then visiting the business offices and or factories. The data given by the company has to be verified and clearly explained. The credit analysis will be based on the 5C framework, which are: Character, Capacity, Capital, Conditions of Economy and Collateral. The analysis of the company covers all areas such as finance, marketing, operation, legal entities and management activities. For financial data, the bank will need the past and present financial statement. The history of the company is also needed to see how the company's growth during this 2 or 3 years. Then, the bank will analyze in depth the financing needs for the present and future by doing the projection of financial situation. An analysis shall also be done on the industry of the company's business. The analysis will determine if the industry is still growing (to what extend) or declining. Other external analysis are BI Checking and Trade Checking. Calculated the current and future project undergone in the company is conducted in order to analysis PT ABC's working capital needs. Net Present Value and the Internal Rate of Return are calculated on the requested investment loan. If the requested credit facility line match Bank X' calculations of PT ABC's needs, then new credit facility line will be granted In this particular example of better processing mechanism for approving) disapproving credit facility requests from PT ABC, it has been shown that PT ABC operates in industry that has room to grow, that PT ABC has excellent performance from multiple angles, and that PT ABC has attractive track record. Thus Bank X may give PT ABC the credit facilities it requested.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wira Hayu
Abstrak :
Bank dihadapkan pada tantangan untuk menangani permasalahan mengenai kredit macet. Restrukturisasi kredit dapat menjadi sebuah solusi yang saling menguntungkan baik bagi bank maupun debitur. Tulisan ini membahas mengenai konversi kredit menjadi penyertaan modal sementara sebagai salah satu skema restrukturisasi yang melibatkan pengaturan yang cukup kompleks. Penulis menekankan pada dampak hukum dari penyertaan modal sementara; dan perlindungan hukum bagi bank saat akan dilalukan divestasi dan apabila perusahaan debitur mengalami kepailitan. Tulisan ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif dalam menganalisa pokok permasalahan. Penyertaan modal sementara menjadikan bank yang semula kreditur menjadi pemegang saham. Dengan demikian, bank menjadi memiliki hak suara, hak atas deviden, dan hak untuk melibatkan diri dalam proses pengambilan keputusan di perusahaan debitur. Namun di sisi lain, terkait perlindungan hukum pada saat divertasi dan pada saat kepailitan, bank harus secara proaktif menyusun sedemikian rupa kebijakan internalnya sebagai strategi untuk memitigasi kerugian terkait penyertaan modal sementara.
Dealing with bad debt is one of crucial challenge for bank. Debt restructuring can offer a win win solution between bank and debtor. This research emphasized on debt to equity swap as one of restructuring method with a unique amalgam of legal. Writer concern on the legal repercussion of debt to equity swap toward the bank as creditor and the legal protection from government through statutory and provisions, toward bank. This research used doctrinal method by analyzing statutory provisions in order to answering the research question. By using debt to equity swap method, bank position being shifted from creditor to become shareholder. Therefore, bank has a right to vote, right for dividend, and right to involve in company decision making process. But in other way, bank should face some challenges if it come to the exit plan and having a risk of bearing some responsibility for company loss as debtor`s bankruptcy effect. Bank should be proactive in order to prepare the internal regulation related to both issues, exit plan and debtor`s bankruptcy.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rinto Anggoro
Abstrak :
Kredit Sindikasi adalah merupakan kredit yang diberikan beberapa bank kepada seorang debitur dimana diantara bank-bank peserta sindikasi tersebut terdapat hubungan lintas kreditur yang dikoordinasi secara erat dan kokoh oleh satu bank sebagai koordinator yang disebut lead creditor atau lead manager , dan subyek (peserta) yang ada dalam kredit sindikasi yakni - pihak debitur, pihak kreditur, pihak lead manager, pihak agen bank. Dalam pelaksanaan perjanjian kredit sindikasi yang dibuat secara notariil mengatur antara hak dan kewajiban masing-masing pihak peserta sindikasi dan memunculkan beberapa aspek hukum yang penting untuk dianalisa. Fokus analisanya adalah posisi nasabah dalam perjanjian kredit sindikasi apakah sudah terlindungi dan diatur akan hak-haknya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian tesis ini adalah metode penelitian yang dikenal dalam kepustakaan penelitian hukum (legal research) sebagai penelitian hukum yuridis normatif. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder dan jenis-jenis bahan hukum lainnya. Permasalahan yang akan dikaji adalah salah satu Pihak Bank Z mengundurkan diri dari Kredit Sindikasi tanpa adanya pemberitahuan kepada Agent Bank Y dan P.T. X sebagai debitur tidak dapat menuntut haknya. Dalam hal ini perlunya penegasan pengaturan perlindungan nasabah debitur baik yang tertuang didalam perjanjian kredit sindikasinya maupun ketentuan peraturan yang lain. Maka kesimpulannya adalah perlunya tanggung jawab terpisah yang tertuang didalam Perjanjian Kredit sindikasi dan perlu pernyataan cidera janji dan peraturan berkaitan dengan perlindungan nasabah dalam kredit sindikasi ......Syndicated loans are a few bank loans to a debtor where participants among banks syndicated cross-creditor relationships are closely coordinated and firm by one bank as lead coordinator called a creditor or the lead manager, and the subjects (participants) who have in the syndicated loan - the borrower, the creditor, the lead manager, the agent bank. In the implementation of the syndicated loan agreement made between the notary regulate the rights and obligations of each party syndicated and raises some important legal aspects to be analyzed. The focus of his analysis is the customer's position in the syndicated loan agreement stipulated that it is protected and their rights. The research method used in this thesis research is the research method known in the literature of legal research (legal research) as a normative juridical legal research. Data used in this research is secondary data, and the kinds of other legal materials. Problems that will be studied is one of Bank Z Party resigned from the Syndicated Loan without any notice to Y the Agent Bank and P.T. X as the debtor can not demand their rights. In this case the need for affirmation of customer protection arrangements set forth in the debtor either sindicated credit agreement or other regulatory provisions. So the conclusion is the need to separate responsibilities set forth in the Syndicated Loan Agreement and the necessary declaration of default and regulations relating to the protection of clients in syndicated loans
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini menganalisa mengenai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi profitabilitas dan jumlah loan Bank komersial di Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh dari keadaan makro ekonomi (GDP),market share bank pemerintah (Bankcon), proporsi industri perbankan terhadap makro ekonomi Indonesia (AssetG), suku bunga, Non Performing Loan (NPL), Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), besaran asset bank (Size), dan Karakteristik kepemilikan bank untuk meningkatkan profitabilitas dan jumlah Loan Bank di Indonesia. Dalam penelitian ini, digunakan metode data panel dengan estimasi Random. Dari hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan aplikasi Eviews, didapatkan hasil bahwa proporsi industri perbankan terhadap makro ekonomi Indonesia (AssetgG), CAR, dan besaran asset bank (Size) signifikan mempengaruhi profitabilitas dan GDP, NPL, CAR dam ROE berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap perubahan jumlah Loan. ......This study analyzed determinant factors influence profitability and loans amount of commercial banks in Indonesia. Purpose of this study is to identify in which extent of influence macro-economic conditions (GDP), market shares of state own banks (Bankcon), banking industry proportion on macro-economic conditions in Indonesia (AssetG), interest rates, Non Performing Loan (NPL,) Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), bank asset (Size), and the characteristics of bank ownership to improve profitability and amount of loan bank in indonesia. This study involves the method of panel data with Random Effects estimation. The finding as a result from using application eviews, banking industry proportion on macro-economic conditions in Indonesia (AssetG), CAR and bank asset (Size) influence significantly to profitability and GDP, NPL, CAR, and ROE influence significantly to the changing amount of loan.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ebel Aston
Abstrak :
Fasilitas kredit merupakan perjanjian antara bank dengan debiturnya, dimana bank wajib melakukan penyediaan uang atau tagihan sedangkan debitur berkewajiban untuk mengembalikan hutang beserta bunga sesuai dengan waktu yang disepakati. Kemudian Undang-Undang memerintahkan kepada setiap bank baik itu bank umum maupun bank perkreditan rakyat agar memiliki keyakinan terhadap itikad dan kemampuan debitur dalam mengembalikan hutangnya. Skripsi ini akan membahas mengenai bagaimana Bank (X) mendapatkan keyakinan tersebut dengan metode penilaian 5C, dan bagaimana menyelesaikan kredit bermasalah yang terjadi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif. Penulis menggunakan bahan hukum primer, sekunder, maupun tersier, dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Dalam mendapatkan keyakinan terhadap calon debiturnya maka Bank (X) menerapkan penilaian 5C kedalam kebijakan kredit yang dimilikinya, dan dalam menyelesaikan kredit bermasalah maka dapat ditempuh melalui cara negosiasi, eksekusi jaminan, maupun proses litigasi.
The loan facility is an agreement between the bank and the debtor, where the bank is obligated to provide cash or while the debtor is obliged to return the debt with interest in accordance with the agreed time. Then Act ordered to each bank of commercial banks and rural banks in order to have faith and confidence in the debtor's ability to repay its debts. This research will discuss about how Bank (X) gain the confidence 5C assessment methods, and how to resolve the problem loans that happen. This study uses normative juridical method. The author uses the primary legal materials, secondary, or tertiary, using a qualitative approach. In getting the confidence of prospective debtors Bank (X) apply 5C assessment into its credit policy, and in solving the problem loans can be reached by way of negotiation, execution guarantees, and litigation process.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Mundzir
Abstrak :
Kredit merupakan salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan oleh pelaku usaha untuk memenuhi kekurangan modal. Kebutuhan pelaku usaha akan tambahan modal kemudian bertemu dengan Bank yang menawarkan kredit. Kemudian timbul hubungan hukum dalam bentuk Perjanjian Kredit. Dalam setiap perjanjian, tidak selamanya berjalan dengan baik. Permasalahan dapat senantiasa timbul selama perjanjian masih berjalan. Begitupun dengan Perjanjian Kredit. Salah satu permasalahan yang dapat timbul dalam Perjanjian Kredit adalah tidak dibayarnya utang oleh nasabah debitor atau umumnya disebut Kredit Macet. Penelitian ini memaparkan pengaturan mengenai perkreditan perbankan di Indonesia serta menyajikan analisis terhadap kesesuaian penyelesaian kredit macet PT Y pada Bank X dalam putusan nomor 47/PDT.G/2013/PN JKT.PST dengan peraturan perkreditan yang berlaku. Masih terdapat ketidaksesuaian dengan peraturan yang berlaku meskipun di satu sisi terdapat pula kesesuaian dengan peraturan yang berlaku. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian hukum normatif dengan melakukan studi dokumen. ......Loan is one of the means available for a business to take in order to cover up its lack of capital. Business?s needs for additional capital can be met with loan offered by Bank. Thus, create a legal relation in the form of loan agreement. There is no guarantee for every agreement to be honored without any problems arises between the parties. Problems may arise anytime as long as the agreement still exist. The same could be said about loan agreement. One of the problem that may arise from loan agreement is non-performing loan. This research shows how Bank credit is regulated in Indonesia and to present an analysis on the conformity of non-performing loan settlement used in the Central Jakata District Court?s Decision Number 47/PDT.G/2013/PN.JKT.PST. This research conclude that there are still some issues not in accordance with the regulations even though there are also some issues in accordance with the regulations. This research use normative juridical method through documents study.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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