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Asep Gunawan
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas aspek-aspek hukum yang timbul dengan adanya perizinan pengoperasian Wilayah Kerja Migas khususnya wilayah kerja Lepas pantai dalam kaitannya dengan benturan peraturan perudang-undangan antara sektor Migas dengan Pelayaran. Penilitian ini adalah penelitian yuridis normatif. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa sebagian besar perizinan-perizinan baru (pelayaran sebagai salah satunya) yang ada yang bersinggungan dalam pengelolaan Wilayah Kerja Migas terutama wilayah kerja Lepas pantai menimbulkan ketidakpastian hukum dan usaha yang berakibat pada pembengkakan biaya operasi Badan Usaha Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama Migas maupun Pelayaran itu sendiri. Di dalam penelitian ini di berikan tiga contoh kasus dimana mempunyai perspektif yuridis yang berbedabeda. Pada satu kasus mengakibatkan ketidakpastian usaha dalam sektor Migas, sementara kasus lain pada sektor Pelayaran. Harapannya ketiga contoh kasus ini setidaknya dapat menjadi sumber inspirasi hukum bagi seluruh Pemangku Kepentingan dalam kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan area lepas pantai, baik sektor Migas, sektor Pelayaran maupun sektor-sektor lain yang terkait seperti perikanan laut lepas dan sebagainya. Dengan penelitian ini paling tidak memberikan inspirasi untuk perlu segera merumuskan penyelesaian masalahmasalah terkait tumpang tindih peraturan perundang-undangan sehingga masingmasing sektor dapat memberikan sumbangsih terbaik kembali kepada bangsa, negara dan dipergunakan untuk sebesar-besar kemakmuran seluruh rakyat Indonesia.
This study was discussing the legal aspects that arisen due to operations permit on Oil and Gas working area especially for Offshore working area in relating to the conflict between Oil and Gas Regulation and Shipping Regulation. This study is a normative juridical study. Result of this study stated that most of the permits (shipping as one of the example) which intersected with an Oil and Gas Working Area has creating a legal and business uncertainties which impacted on operational cost from both Oil and Gas business entities and Shipping itself. There are three example cases that were studied which has a differentiate juridical point of view. One case was creating a business uncertainty in Oil and Gas sector, while on the other cases in shipping sector. It is expected that those three example cases at least could made a legal source inspiration to all Stakeholders which involving activities related to offshore area, Oil and Gas, shipping as well as other sectors such us fishery etc. With this study at least would give an inspiration to urgently formulize a solution in relate to overlaping regulation cases hence each sector could gives the best contribution back to the Nations, the state and would be used for the welfare of the whole people of Indonesia.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Endang Ratnawati Taufik HS.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Angga Sukmara Christian Permadi
Abstrak :
Permasalahan ibukota semakin hari semakin meningkat dimana permasalahan tersebut meliputi berbagai aspek, baik sosial, ekonomi maupun lingkungan. Untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut dibutuhkan solusi yang tidak hanya mampu mengatasi masalah tetapi juga dapat mengembangkan potensi Jakarta. Selain itu, solusi penyelesaian tersebut harus mampu mendukung tercapainya pembangunan kota Jakarta yang berkelanjutan yang mengacu pada pencapaian target Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2015 sampai 2030. Salah satu langkah yang diambil dari permasalahan tersebut adalah perencanaan pembangunan Waduk Lepas Pantai yang diusulkan sebagai solusi holistik dan berkelanjutan dari permasalahan yang dihadapi di Teluk Jakarta. Dalam Konsep Waduk Lepas Pantai direncanakan akan dibangun tanggul sepanjang 50,6 km pada kedalaman mencapai 20 m membentang dari Muara Sungai Cisadane (Provinsi Banten) sampai Muara Gembong (Provinsi Jawa Barat). Tanggul tersebut akan menciptakan sistem pertahanan banjir yang andal, kolam tampungan dan pengolah air baku, dan sekaligus pengembangan kawasan pesisir di Teluk Jakarta.
Jakarta: Kementerian PPN/Bappenas, 2019
330 BAP 2:2 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simbolon, Jinoko
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai implementasi asas cabotage dalam hukum positif Indonesia terhadap kapal penunjang Migas (Migas) atau anjungan Migas yang beroperasi di wilayah lepas pantai yang termasuk dalam wilayah laut zona ekonomi ekslusif (ZEE) maupun landas kontinen dimana ketentuan hukum internasional berlaku, kesesuainnya dengan ketentuan WTO yaitu ketentuan General Agreement on Trade In Services (GATS) dan schedule of commitment Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan yuridis normatif yang di dukung oleh penelitian empiris. Dengan rumusan pengertian kapal yang meliputi juga floating platforms di lepas pantai (dalam hal ini termasuk rig-rig, anjungan Migas lepas pantai) sepanjang berada dalam yuridiksi dan kedaulatan Indonesia yaitu berada di laut teritorial Indonesia beserta perairan kepulauan dan perairan pedalaman maka asas cabotage berlaku terhadap kapal dan floating platforms tersebut. Sedangkan menurut hukum positif Iindonesia asas cabotage tidak berlaku di landas kontinen dan ZEE namun dalam pelaksanaannya berlaku karena dalam operasional tersebut harus melalui Pelabuhan, laut teritorial, perairan kepulauan dan perairan pedalaman. Implementasi asas cabotage belum dapat dilaksanakan sepenuhnya karena pemerintah masih memberikan dispensasi terhadap penggunaan kapal asing untuk usaha Migas lepas pantai melalui Permenhub No.46 Tahun 2019, namun peraturan ini secara substansi tidak sejalan atau bertentangan dengan asas hukum lex superior derogate legi inferiori. Pengaturan asas cabotage merupakan bagian dari prinsip yang diatur dalam GATS tentang domestic regulation, dan WTO tetap mengakui eksistensi kedaulatan negara anggotanya. Hasil penelitian menyarankan perlu menyempurnakan hukum positif Indonesia sebagai peraturan domestik untuk menyesuaikan dengan perkembangan liberalisasi jasa angkutan laut khususnya penggunaan kapal asing untuk menunjang usaha Migas lepas pantai di Indonesia dan memberikan kelonggaran bagi armada angkutan laut asing pada kegiatan Migas lepas pantai. ......This focus of this study is assesed implementation of the cabotage principle in Indonesian positive law to offshore oil and gas supporting vessels or oil and gas platforms operating in offshore areas that are included in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) sea area or the continental shelf where international law provisions apply, the compliance with WTO provisions namely the provisions of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and Indonesias schedule of commitment. This research applies a normative juridical approach which is supported by empirical research. With the formulation of the definition of a vessel which includes offshore floating platforms (in this case including rigs, offshore oil and gas platforms) as long as it is within the jurisdiction and sovereignty of Indonesia, which are in the territorial sea of Indonesia, archipelagic waters and inland waters, the cabotage principle applies to vessel and floating platforms. Meanwhile, according to positive Indonesian law the cabotage principle does not apply to vessel and floating platforms on the continental shelf and EEZ, but in practice the cabotage principle also applies because vessel and floating platforms in these operations must go through ports, territorial seas, archipelagic waters and inland waters. Implementation of the cabotage principle cannot yet be fully implemented because the government is still giving dispensation for the use of foreign vessel for offshore oil and gas business through Permenhub No.46 of 2019, but this regulation is substantially not in line with or against the legal principle of the lex superior derogate legi inferiori. Implementation of the cabotage principle is part of the principles that is regulated in GATS regarding domestic regulation, and the WTO continues to recognize the existence of the sovereignty of its member countries. The results suggest that it is necessary to improve Indonesias positive law as a domestic regulation to adjust to the development of liberalization of sea transportation services, especially the use of foreign vessels to support offshore oil and gas businesses in Indonesia and to provide leeway for foreign marine transportation fleets in offshore activities.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Desi Nuraini
Abstrak :
Pekerja kontraktor lepas pantai memiliki risiko tinggi dan pada fase Hook-up, Pre-commissioning dan Commissioning menerapkan sistem daily trip yang mana pekerja menempuh perjalanan dari darat ke laut selama ±2,5 jam tergantung kondisi cuaca. Aktivitas pada fase Hook-up, Pre-commissioning dan Commissioning dengan berbagai karakteristik pekerjaan meliputi pengangkatan, pengelasan dan pengetesan. Perjalanan dan aktivitas tersebut dapat menyebabkan kelelahan. Di PT X sudah terjadi dua kali near miss dan tiga kali property damage dengan akar masalah yang menunjukkan gejala dan efek dari kelelahan. Kelelahan dapat mengurangi kemampuan pengambilan keputusan, keterampilan komunikasi, produktivitas, kewaspadaan, kinerja fisik dan mental serta menurunkan motivasi kerja. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui gambaran kelelahan dan mengidentifikasi faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi kelelahan pekerja kontraktor lepas pantai pada fase Hook-up, Pre-commissioning dan Commissioning. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analitik observasional dengan desain studi cross-sectional. Sampel penelitian diambil dari jumlah populasi pekerja kontraktor lepas pantai sebanyak 153 pekerja. Kuesioner Fatigue Assessment Scale (FAS) digunakan untuk mengukur kelelahan subjektif, kuesioner Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) digunakan untuk mengukur kualitas tidur, kuesioner Sleep Hygiene Index untuk mengukur sleep hygiene dan Pulse Oximeter digunakan untuk mengukur denyut nadi atau detak jantung. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan pendekatan kuantitatif, analisis data menggunakan analisis univariat, bivariat dan multivariat. Uji statistik menggunakan chi-square dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95% dan tingkat kesalahan 5% (CI=95% dan α=5%) dan multivariat regresi logistik. Hasil pengukuran kelelahan secara subjektif menunjukkan 27,5% pekerja mengalami kelelahan sebelum bekerja. Pengukuran kelelahan subjektif setelah bekerja dan pengukuran kelelahan objektif menunjukkan mayoritas pekerja mengalami kelelahan masing-masing sebanyak 53,6% dan 52,9%. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kondisi kesehatan, kualitas tidur, sleep hygiene, beban kerja dan desain roster dengan kelelahan subjektif sebelum bekerja (dengan nilai p<0,05). Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara usia, status gizi, kualitas tidur, sleep hygiene dan beban kerja dengan kelelahan subjektif setelah bekerja. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara usia, kondisi kesehatan, waktu tidur, kualitas tidur, sleep hygiene dan beban kerja dengan kelelahan objektif. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa faktor yang mempengaruhi kelelahan pekerja kontraktor lepas pantai yaitu usia, status gizi, kondisi kesehatan, waktu tidur, kualitas tidur, sleep hygiene, beban kerja dan desain roster. Faktor kualitas tidur adalah faktor dominan yang berpeluang mempengaruhi kelelahan subjektif sebelum dan setelah bekerja, sedangkan faktor dominan yang berpeluang mempengaruhi kelelahan objektif yaitu beban kerja. ......Offshore contractor workers have high risk and for the phase of hook-up, pre-commissioning and commissioning implementing daily trip system, where workers take trips from onshore to offshore for ±2,5 hours depending on weather conditions. Activities in phase of hook-up, pre-commissioning and commissioning with various characteristics of work including lifting, welding and testing. These trips and activities can cause fatigue. In PT X there have been two near misses and three property damage with root cause that show symptoms and effect of fatigue. Fatigue can reduce decision-making skills, communication skills, productivity, alertness, physical and mental performance and decrease work motivation. Purpose of this research was to overview fatigue and identify what factors affect fatigue of offshore contractor workers in the phase of hook-up, pre-commissioning and commissioning. This research uses observational analytical methods with cross-sectional study design. Research sample taken from offshore contractor workers population as many as 153 workers. Fatigue Assessment Scale (FAS) questionnaire used to measure subjective fatigue, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) questionnaire used to measure sleep quality, Sleep Hygiene Index questionnaire used to measure sleep hygiene and Pulse Oximeter used to measure pulse or heart rate. Obtained data are analyzed with quantitative approaches, data analysis using univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis. Statistical test used chi-square with confidence interval is 95% and error interval is 5% (CI=95% and α=5%) and multivariate logistic regression. Results of subjective fatigue measurement prior work showed that 27,5% workers had fatigue. Subjective fatigue measurement after work and objective fatigue measurement showed that the majority of workers have fatigue each as much as 53,6% and 52,9%. There are significant relationships between health condition, sleep quality, sleep hygiene, workload and roster design with subjective fatigue prior work (with p value<0,05). There are significant relationships between age, nutritional status, sleep quality, sleep hygiene and workload with subjective fatigue after work. There are significant relationships between age, health conditions, sleep quantity, sleep quality, sleep hygiene and workload with objective fatigue. It can be concluded that factors which affect fatigue of offshore contractor workers are age, nutritional status, health conditions, sleep quantity, sleep quality, sleep hygiene, workload and roster design. Sleep quality factor is the dominant factor that has the opportunity to affect subjective fatigue, while the dominant factor that has opportunity to affect objective fatigue is workload.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas ndonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bani Rahmania
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai sejauh apa negara pantai dapat menerapakan yurisdiksinya terhadap anjungan minyak lepas pantai yang terpancang di landas kontinennya. Penelitian ini berbentuk yuridis-normatif dengan desain deskriptif analitis, yang bertujuan untuk pemahaman lebih lanjut mengenai konsep yurisdiksi negara pantai terhadap anjungan minyak lepas pantai secara komprehensif baik dalam the 1958 Geneva Convention on the Continental Shelf, the 1982 United Convention on the Law of the Sea, dan hukum nasional negara pantai. Berdasarkan analisis yang telah dilakukan dalam kasus Arctic Sunrise (Kingdom of the Netherlands v. Russian Federation), negara pantai dalam menerapkan yurisdiksi pada anjungan minyak lepas pantai di landas kontinennya, tidak dapat diberlakukan sepenuhnya karena sudah berbatasan dengan rezim hukum laut lain yaitu rezim hukum laut lepas. ......The focus of this study is about the extent to which a coastal state may exercise its jurisdiction to offshore oil platforms which fixed on its continental shelf. This normative juridical with analytical descriptive, is aim for the further understanding of the concept of jurisdiction of coastal states to offshore oil platforms comprehensively which regulated in the 1958 Geneva Convention on the Continental Shelf, the 1982 United Convention on the Law of the Sea and the national law of the coastal State. Based on the analysis that has been done in the case of the Arctic Sunrise (the Kingdom of the Netherlands v. Russian Federation), a coastal state in the exercise of its jurisdiction to offshore oil platforms on the continental shelf, can not be fully enforced because it is bordered by the other legal regime of the sea, which is high sea.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Platform Jacket yang telah difabrikasi di darat akan dibawa/ ditransportasi ke site dengan menggunakan kapal tongkang (barge) untuk di-install di lapangan migas. Selama proses transportasi diperlukan suatu pengikatan struktur jacket ke deck barge agar struktur Jacket tetap stabil diatas barge. Sistem pengikatan yang disebut seafastening ini harus di desain kuat untuk menerima beban yang diakibatkan oleh pergerakan (motion) kapal, yakni tiga gerakan translasional (surge, sway, heave) dan tiga gerakan rotasional (pitch, roll dan yawn). Gerakangerakan ini menimbulkan percepatan pada barge yang berakibat timbulnya gaya tambahan pada struktur diatasnya dan hal ini mempengaruhi tegangan pada seafastening. Perangkat lunak Multi Operational Structural Computer System (MOSES) dipergunakan sebagai alat bantu untuk permodelan Barge dan Jacket, serta perhitungan karakteristik Response Amplitude Operator (RAO) yang diakibatkan oleh beban lingkungan. Selanjutnya untuk menghitung tegangan yang terjadi pada seafastening, digunakan perangkat lunak Structural Analysis Computer System (SACS) dengan pembebanan berupa beban mati, beban angin dan beban inersia yang diakibatkan oleh motion kapal tongkang/ Barge. Besarnya tegangan harus memenuhi kriteria Unity Check (UC).
Platform Jacket which fabricated in yard will be transported to the site with barge for installation. During the transport process, strong fastening system from jacket to deck barge is required so that the Jacket Structure remains stable on Barge. Fastening system that called seafastening must be in strong designs to accept the load caused by the movement of the barge, three translational motion (surge, sway, heave) and three rotational movement (pitch, roll and yawn). These movements cause the acceleration of the barge which result in the emergence additional force on the structure above, and this influences the stress at seafastening. Multi Operational Structural Engineering Simulator (MOSES) software is used as a tool for modeling of Barge and Jacket, as well as the calculation of the characteristics Response Amplitude Operator (RAO) caused by environmental. Furthermore, to calculate the stress that occurs in seafastening, software Structural Analysis Computer System (SACS) is used, with the loads on a construction during seafastening is dead load of the structure, wind load and innertia load caused by the motion of barge / Barge. The magnitude of the stress of seafastening must meet the criteria of Unity Check (UC).
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simaremare, Dedy Rintho I.
Abstrak :
Pencarian minyak dan gas bumi di laut dalam bukanlah hal mudah, karena membutuhkan teknologi, biaya yang mahal serta resiko yang tinggi. Teknologi laut dalam masih relatif muda dibandingkan dengan teknologi struktural lainnya dan hingga sekarang terus mengalami perkembangan dan penyempurnaan. Salah satunya adalah Steel Catenary Riser (SCR) dan SCR pertama dibangun pada tahun 1994 oleh Shell. Riser adalah sarana transportasi untuk mengalirkan fluida/gas dari fasilitas dibawah laut ke fasilitas di permukaan laut atau sebaliknya. Steel Catenary Riser (SCR) adalah riser yang konfigurasinya berbentuk catenari oleh karena berat riser itu sendiri dan salah satu ujungnya tergantung pada floater sedangkan ujung lainnya terletak di dasar lautan. Dalam menganalisa desain riser ini dilakukan beberapa simulasi dimana gelombang dan arus datang dari beberapa arah dan terjadi pergeseran dari FPSO. FPSO diasumsikan mengalami sway sebesar _ 50 m dan heave sebesar _ 5 m. Analisa akan menggunakan program Orcaflex. Dari hasil analisa dan simulasi didapatkan bahwa tegangan terbesar terjadi pada SCR 3 denga arah arus dan gelombang 180o dan FPSO sway -50m. Akan tetapi nilai tersebut masih jauh dibawah tegangan ijin dari SCR tersebut.
Deepwater exploration for oil and gas is not an easy things to do, because high technology needed, expensive and high risk as well. Deep water technology is quite new compare to other structural technology which is until now still under developing and perfection. One of deep water technology is called Steel Catenary Riser (SCR). The first SCR was built in 1994 by Shell. Riser is a conductor pipe conneting floater on the surface and wellhead on the subsea. Steel Catenary Riser is a riser which have catenary configuration because one of the end attached to floater and the other end anchored on the sea bed. SCR design will be analyzed by conducting some simulation where wave and current direction come from diffrent angle and FPSO having sway _ 50 m (asumption) and heave _ 5 m (assumption). The tool used to do simulation is Orcaflex Program. Result of simulation shows that the higher strees occur on SCR 3 where direction of wave and current come in from 180o angle and when FPSO sway far from anchor point on the seabed. However, the strees is accepted.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bambang Eka Satria
Abstrak :
Pemeriksaan struktur anjungan lepas pantai berdasarkan risiko didasarkan dari data operasi dan lingkungan untuk menentukan tingkat peluang kegagalan dan konsekuensi kegagalan sehingga dapat ditentukan tingkat risiko dari masing-masing anjungan lepas pantai. Tingkat risiko dari anjungan lepas pantai menentukan jadwal, metode dan lingkup dari pemeriksaan bawah air suatu anjungan lepas pantai. Hasil penelitian dari total 65 anjungan lepas pantai yang dilakukan studi, terdapat diantaranya memiliki tingkat risiko tinggi sebanyak 19 anjungan lepas pantai, dan sisanya 46 anjungan lepas pantai memiliki tingkat risiko sedang. Banyaknya jumlah anjungan yang memiliki tingkat risiko sedang hingga tinggi tersebut dipengaruhi dominan oleh kondisi desain. Penerapan pemeriksaan bawah air berdasarkan risiko juga memberi manfaat penghematan biaya sebesar 67,5 % dibanding pemeriksaan bawah air berdasarkan jangka waktu. ABSTRACT
Risk based inspection determined from risk level of offshore platform, risk level developed from probability of failure and consequences of failure. Operational and environmental database from platform are need to identified probability of failure and consequences of failure. Inspection interval, inspection method and scope of inspection for offshore platform underwater inspection are defined from risk level. The risk evaluation of the 65 platforms showed that 19 platforms were in high risk and 46 platforms were in medium risk. Platform baseline (design condition) is the major contribution for high and medium risk of the platform. The cost evaluation of the underwater inspection program based on risk compare to underwater inspection program based time interval showed the cost saving into 67,5%.;Risk based inspection determined from risk level of offshore platform, risk level developed from probability of failure and consequences of failure. Operational and environmental database from platform are need to identified probability of failure and consequences of failure. Inspection interval, inspection method and scope of inspection for offshore platform underwater inspection are defined from risk level. The risk evaluation of the 65 platforms showed that 19 platforms were in high risk and 46 platforms were in medium risk. Platform baseline (design condition) is the major contribution for high and medium risk of the platform. The cost evaluation of the underwater inspection program based on risk compare to underwater inspection program based time interval showed the cost saving into 67,5%.;Risk based inspection determined from risk level of offshore platform, risk level developed from probability of failure and consequences of failure. Operational and environmental database from platform are need to identified probability of failure and consequences of failure. Inspection interval, inspection method and scope of inspection for offshore platform underwater inspection are defined from risk level. The risk evaluation of the 65 platforms showed that 19 platforms were in high risk and 46 platforms were in medium risk. Platform baseline (design condition) is the major contribution for high and medium risk of the platform. The cost evaluation of the underwater inspection program based on risk compare to underwater inspection program based time interval showed the cost saving into 67,5%., Risk based inspection determined from risk level of offshore platform, risk level developed from probability of failure and consequences of failure. Operational and environmental database from platform are need to identified probability of failure and consequences of failure. Inspection interval, inspection method and scope of inspection for offshore platform underwater inspection are defined from risk level. The risk evaluation of the 65 platforms showed that 19 platforms were in high risk and 46 platforms were in medium risk. Platform baseline (design condition) is the major contribution for high and medium risk of the platform. The cost evaluation of the underwater inspection program based on risk compare to underwater inspection program based time interval showed the cost saving into 67,5%.]
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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