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Ditemukan 11 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Abstrak :
Students' knowledge on system for open and distance learning (ODL) is important since the information will be usefull in improving students' services. This article discusses students' understanding on ODL system and factors that affect it. The sample were 380 students from UPBJJ-UT Banda Aceh. Data collection was carried out from May to October 2011. Correlation test of Rank Spearman was used to analyze the data. The result showed that (1) students' knowledge on distance learning system was low (2) factors which influences students knowledge on ODL system were ability in using internet, study group and information access.
JPUT 13:1 (2012)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alga Rosetta
Abstrak :
Disrupsi teknologi secara global berdampak dalam banyak bidang, salah satunya pada Pendidikan. Hal tersebut menuntut sistem pembelajaran yang lebih inovatif guna mempersiapkan tenaga kerja yang dapat bersaing pada era revolusi industri. Munculnya sistem e-learning sebagai media pendukung pembelajaran dapat menjadi katalisator peningkatan pengetahuan dan manfaat lain bagi mahasiswa sehingga pemanfaatannya sangat penting. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi keberhasilan penggunaan sistem e-learning Universitas Indonesia berdasarkan perspektif mahasiswa dengan model komprehensif yang mencakup model Information System Success, Technology Acceptance Model dan kepuasan pengguna. Model penelitian telah divalidasi secara empiris dari 394 mahasiswa rumpun ilmu sosial dan humaniora dengan metode Partial Least Square-(PLS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 71,6% dari varian manfaat e-learning dijelaskan oleh variabel kepuasan, kegunaan yang dirasakan, dan penggunaan sistem yang masing-masing variabel tersebut menjelaskan 72,3%, 58,3% dan 30,4% varians dimensi kualitas yang membentuknya. Sebagai implikasi praktis penelitian, strategi dirancang berdasarkan faktor yang memiliki pengaruh positif secara signifikan pada keberhasilan sistem e-learning dengan menyesuaikan karakteristik mahasiswa khususnya pada generasi Z dan rumpun ilmu tersebut. Akhirnya, keputusan rekomendasi strategi ditetapkan berdasarkan prioritas tinggi dari penilaian oleh praktisi dengan menggunakan relationship matrix. Strategi berupa penyediaan kebutuhan informasi, penyediaan konten yang sesuai serta perancangan user interface merupakan tiga rancangan yang harus diprioritaskan. ......The disruption of technology globally impacts in many fields, including education. It requires a more innovative learning system to prepare a workforce that can compete in the era of the industrial revolution. The emergence of e-learning system as a powerful learning support media is a catalyst to enhance knowledge, skills, and other benefits for learners, so that its utilization is very important. This study aims to evaluate the successful use of the Universitas Indonesia's e-learning system based on the perspective of students with a comprehensive model that includes Information System Success model, Technology Acceptance Model and user satisfaction. The research model was validated empirically from 394 students of the social sciences and humanities studies using the Partial Least Square (PLS) method. The results showed that 71.6% of the e-learning benefit variants were explained by the satisfaction, perceived usefulness, and system usage variables, each of variable respectively explained 72.3%, 58.3% and 30.4% quality dimension variance who formed it. The strategies are designed based on factors that have a significant positive effect on the success of the e-learning system by analyzing the characteristics of students, especially in the generation Z with study background. Finally, the decision on strategy recommendations is set based on the high priority of evaluation by practitioners using the relationship matrix. Three designs that must be prioritized are in the form of providing information needs, appropriate content and re-designing user interfaces.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Puspa Setia Pratiwi
Abstrak :
Terdapat berbagai penelitian yang menyebutkan bahwa pembelajaran secara kolaboratif menunjukkan hasil yang sangat positif yakni meningkatnya hasil proses belajar, meningkatnya performa tim yang terkait dengan pemahaman suatu pengetahuan. Metodologi yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari beberapa tahapan diantaranya tahap identifikasi dan analisis data, perancangan desain sistem, tahap implementasi, dan tahap evaluasi. Sistem yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini berdasarkan pada knowledge construction learning environment yang bertujuan untuk menyediakan sarana bagi para peserta ajar untuk mengartikulasikan pendapat mereka, mendiskusikan ide mereka kepada orang lain, untuk membedakan perspektif yang mereka miliki, mengadopsi ide-ide dari orang lain, mengklarifikasi terjadinya ketidaksepahaman, menegosiasikan pemahaman dan merumuskan pengetahuan agar menjadi produk yang bernilai. Untuk mencapai tujuan-tujuan tersebut, penulis akan merancang sebuah sistem pembelajaran kolaboratif online yang menerapkan pendekatan knowledge construction dalam melakukan kolaborasi antar-Peserta.
There were several researches that stated collaborative learning approach shows a very positive result in the improvement of study result and in the enhancement of team performance related to the understanding of knowledge. The research methodology that is being implemented in this thesis consists of identification, data analysis, system design, implementation, and evaluation stage. The system that is being developed in this research based on a knowledge construction learning environment that aimed to provide students the facility for articulating, discussing ideas to others, distinguishing perspectives, adopting ideas from others, clarifying any misunderstanding, negotiating for an agreement, and constructing knowledge to formulate valuable learning output. To achieve those goals, the author has designed a learning system which provides collaborative tools based on the knowledge construction approach. The knowledge construction approach comprises six learning phases, which are the Articulation, Clarification, Argumentation, Negotiation, and Integration phase. Each of the phases provides collaborative tools which facilitate the learning process of the student.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wandi Barasa
Abstrak :
Manfaat yang dirasakan dengan adanya e-learning pada teknologi informasi sekarang ini perlu dirasakan juga dalam pendidikan pesantren. e-Pesantren merupakan bentuk pengembangan e-learning yang dirancang berdasarkan metode pembelajaran yang ada di pesantren yang dibangun dari LMS opensource Moodle sehingga sistem yang dibuat dapat mengakomodasi kebutuhan pesantren. Paltform ini dikembangkan dengan penggunaan dan penambahan modul-modul pada Moodle yang disesuaikan dengan metode pembelajaran pada pesantren, seperti sorogan, hafalan, bandongan dan halaqah. Selain itu, aspek lainnya seperti bahasa, peran, optimalisasi antarmuka dan integrasi komponen pendukung juga mengalami penyesuaian, yang pada akhirnya didapat komposisi baru e-Pesantren yang siap untuk diimplementasikan di pesantren. Pengujian performa dilakukan dengan metode load testing pada 4 halaman sampel dengan jumlah beban yang divariasikan dan dilakukan dalam jaringan lokal atau LAN. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa response time terbesar yang didapat oleh e-Pesantren adalah 4,946 detik untuk halaman kuis. Hasil load testing ini menunjukkan bahwa response time dari aplikasi web e-Pesantren berada dalam taraf nyman. Selain itu, pengujian secara subyektif dengan survei menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan aspek-aspek seperti kemudahan, kelengkapan fitur, antarmuka dan beberapa aspek lainnya dapat dicapai. ......The perceived benefits with the existence of e-learning in information technology this day needs to be felt also in the e-learning education. e-Pesantren is a form of e-learning development that is designed based on existing learning methods in pesantren which are built from open source Moodle LMS so that the system created to accommodate the needs of pesantren. This platform was developed with the use and addition of modules in Moodle based on learning methods in pesantren, such as sorogan, hafalan, bandongan and halaqah. Besides, other aspects such as language, role, optimizing the interface and integration of supporting components is also experiencing an adjustment, which eventually built a composition of e-Pesantren that is ready to be implemented at pesantren. Performance test conducted in Local Area Network using the load testing method on 4 page sample with variation in amount of load. The results show that the largest response time obtained by e-Pesantren is 4.946 seconds for the quiz page. This result show that response time of this web application performance is in the level of comfort. Besides that, test based on subjective using survey indicate that overall aspects such as ease of use, completeness of features, interface and some other aspects can be achieved.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Present seeks to analyze the impact of training programmes on the profesional development skills of the academics working primarily at the regional centers of Indira Gandhi National open university spread across the country....
370 AAOU 3:1 (2008)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
In distance education system, the learning process should be assessed using a self-learning instrument for the reason to measure learning competency. So, it should not be measured by the instructors feeling. In practicing writing III course, students are demanded to practice writing, whereas measuring the writing competency is needed to identify the progress of writing practice. To meet this need, this study attempts to develop a self-assessment instrument through an Instructional System Design Method. To assess the writing III course the instrument was developed through 5 steps: (a) analyzing material of writing III courses by which module writing III was used as area of study, (b) developing the blue print of the manual, (c) deciding the purpose of the manual (d) developing the manual guidance/directory and (e) developing exercises and the answers key. The quality of the writing self-assessment instrument was analyzed by experts and tutors of the writing III course. A thirty (30) students coming from English Language Departement of Teacher Traning Universitas Terbuka registered in 2008. 1 were chosen to write their comments about the instrument. Data was collected using close and open questionaires and was analysed through three (3) stages: reducing , categorizing and defining/interpreting. It was revealed that the quality of the manual self-assessment fulfilled the seven criteria of writing assessment, namely good format, good appearance, simple language, easy to use, usefull, innovative and brief content.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Tesis ini mengembangkan aplikasi android m-learning yang menjalankan video streaming dengan memanfaatkan realtime streaming protocol (RTSP) serta menggabungkan live messaging sebagai media interaksi antar user android yang disisipkan pada layar secara bersamaan. Secara garis besar sistem ini terdapat tiga bagian utama yaitu server, jaringan dan android, server berperan menerima sumber video baik berupa file rekaman video atau live camera secara langsung kemudian mendistribusikan sumber video streaming disamping live messaging yang berbasis web kepada seluruh user. Android yang mendukung aplikasi ini versi 4.4 (kitkat) ke atas, sedangkan sumber file video dengan format mp4, 3gp, 3g2, serta camera android. Dari hasil pengujian format video yang memiliki bitrate rendah dan kompresi yang tinggi dengan dimensi optimal yang dapat memperkecil konsumsi bandwidth, begitu pula ruang penyimpanannya. Beban prosesor server meningkat hingga 50% jika input video berasal dari kamera android sedangkan yang berasal dari file rekaman berada dikisaran 5% rata-rata
This thesis develops android m-learning application that runs video streaming by using realtime streaming protocol (RTSP), and combining live messaging as a medium of interaction between users android is pasted on the screen simultaneously. Generaly, this system there are three main parts: a server, network and android, server role accept either the video source recording file or live video camera directly and then distributes resources in addition to live streaming video, web-based messaging to all users. This application supports Android version 4.4 (kitkat) or later, while the source video file with format mp4, 3gp, 3g2, and camera android. From the test results of video formats that have a low bitrate and a high compression with optimal dimensions which can minimize bandwidth consumption, as well as storage space. Server processors load increased up to 50% when input video coming from camera android, while video sources from the recording file is around 5% average.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sarah Anindhita Widiyono
Abstrak :
Tingkat vaksinasi yang tergolong tinggi dan penyebaran virus yang sudah dapat dikendalikan, pemerintah membuat peraturan baru guna menerapkan pembelajaran yang sepenuhnya tatap muka di Indonesia. Namun, ketika virus baru muncul, banyak pihak yang mengungkapkan kekhawatiran mereka tentang aturan ini. Hal ini terbukti dengan banyaknya sekolah yang diliburkan dalam waktu tidak lama setelah peraturan tersebut ditetapkan. Pembelajaran jarak jauh yang berkepanjangan membawa banyak konsekuensi, seperti potensi kehilangan pendapatan sebesar 17 juta USD karena penurunan pengembangan dan peluang pembelajaran, serta munculnya fenomena unfinished learning, di mana siswa tergelincir ke belakang dalam pengetahuan dan keterampilan. Sistem e-learning sebagai salah satu metode utama metode pembelajaran juga terbukti tidak efektif. Hal ini dibuktikan lebih lanjut dengan pilot survey yang diberikan kepada siswa. Gamifikasi adalah metode yang mencoba memperbaiki situasi ini. Penelitian sebelumnya telah menunjukkan bagaimana metode ini mampu meningkatkan motivasi, keterlibatan, dan hasil belajar. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini mencoba memanfaatkan gamifikasi, khususnya dengan personalisasi untuk memahami preferensi dan perilaku siswa dengan lebih baik. Pengembangan model gamifikasi menjadi objek penelitian ini yang selanjutnya akan dievaluasi pengaruhnya terhadap efektivitas pembelajaran. Secara menyeluruh, penelitian ini akan mengevaluasi pengaruh penggunaan elemen-elemen yang disesuaikan dengan preferensi dan kecenderungan yang berbeda, dan kesesuaiannya dengan setiap tujuan motivasi. Metode ini dimaksudkan untuk dapat mengembangkan rekomendasi metode pembelajaran berbasis game yang dapat mengoptimalkan efektifitas belajar siswa dalam lingkungan pembelajaran berbasis digital. ...... Due to the level of vaccination and the situation where the spread of the virus has been controlled, a new regulation was established to a fully implement face-to-face learning in Indonesia. However, as a new virus emerged, many sides express their concerns regarding this rule. This was proven as many schools were closed during not long after the regulation was established. Prolonged remote learning brough many consequences, such as a 17 million USD potential income loss due to decline of learning development and opportunities and a phenomenon called unfinished learning, where students are slipping backward in knowledge and skills. E-learning system as one of the main method of their learning method was also proven to be ineffective, as proven by the pilot survey given to the students. Gamification is a method that tries to better the situation as past research has shown how it is able to increase motivation, engagement, and learning outcomes. Hence, this research tries to utilize gamification, specifically with personalization in order to understand the student's preferences and behaviour better. The development of the gamification model acts as the object of this research which will be further evaluated on its effect to learning effectiveness. Thoroughly, the study will evaluate the effect of using elements which were ideated by different preferences and tendencies, and its suitability to each motivation goal. This method is intended to be able to develop recommendations for game-based learning methods that can optimize the effectiveness of student learning in a digital-based learning environment.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chang, Valeri
Abstrak :
Contents: Introduction. Section I: FOUNDATION. 1. Importance of Self Understanding. 2. Ways of Understanding and Perceiving Others. 3. Values, Ethics, and Legal Obligations. 4. Professionalism and Professional Relationships. Section II: BUILDING PROFESSIONAL RELATIONSHIPS. 5. Developing Working Relationships. 6. Basic Interpersonal Skills. 7. Opening and Closing a Meeting. 8. Expressing Understanding. Section III: EXPLORING AND ASSESSING WITH CLIENTS. 9. Gaining Further Understanding. 10. Developing Deeper Understanding. Section IV: DEFINING THE FOCUS OF WORK. 11. Assessing Readiness and Motivation. 12. Identifying Key Problems or Challenges. 13. Establishing Goals. Section V: DOING, EVALUATING, AND ENDING THE WORK. 14. Taking Action. 15. Evaluating and Ending Professional Relationships. Appendix A: Practice Evaluation Scales. Appendix B: Overall Practice Evaluation Form. Glossary. References.
Singapore: Cengage Learning, 2013
158.3 CHA d (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Topic in health sciences such as physiology, anatomy and myology make student in penjasokes study program less interested due to lack of knowledge or teaching methode that used in learning those materials. Nowaday learning system in almost every higher education in Indonesia still one - directional have character, namely lesson giving by lecturer....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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