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Rajagukguk, Basaria
Abstrak :
Perusahaan EPC dituntut untuk bersaing dalam industri yang sangat kompetitif dengan margin keuntungan tipis. Kualitas rancangan adalah salah satu faktor krusial untuk memastikan proyek berjalan mulus dan menghasilkan keuntungan. Studi terdahulu menemukan bahwa sekitar 70% aktivitas pekerjaan pada proyek konstruksi adalah aktivitas yang tidak bernilai tambah dimana mayoritas proyek berakhir dengan keterlambatan dan pembengkakan biaya. Hal serupa terjadi pada proyek yang dikerjakan PT. XYZ. Kerangka lean information akan digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis faktor-faktor pemborosan pada fase perancangan proyek EPC. Sebanyak 28 faktor pemborosan berhasil diidentifikasi lewat studi literatur mendalam. Kemudian, uji validitas dan reliabilitas dilakukan untuk mendapatkan indikator yang valid dan andal. Uji korelasi selanjutnya dilakukan terhadap masing-masing indikator dan kategori pemborosan. Selanjutnya analisis statistik deskriptif dan relative index dilakukan untuk mendapatkan peringkat faktor pemborosan dominan. Penelitian ini menghasilkan tujuh faktor pemborosan dominan yaitu X14 (menunggu dokumen yang dibutuhkan), X5 (rapat yang terlalu lama, X17 (menunggu respon atas dokumen), X15 (menunggu persetujuan dokumen), X13 (mengerjakan dokumen dengan basis informasi yang sudah outdated), X24 (informasi yang tersedia salah), dan X23 (mengerjakan dokumen demi target yang tidak realistis). Implikasi manajerial dari penemuan ini adalah perusahaan perlu berfokus pada: (1) perencanaan proyek yang efisien, (2) aliran informasi yang lebih ramping, (3) aktivitas berbasis pull-planning, (4) pengembangan yang berkesinambungan, dan (5) komitmen dalam pengembangan sumber daya manusia. ......EPC company is challenged to compete in a cut-throat industry with many competitors and slim profit margin. The engineering quality is the most crucial factor to ensure project runs smoothly and still profitable. Previous studies revealed that 70% of activities in a construction project is non-added value activities. Coherently, historical results showed that most of projects run by PT. XYZ ended up in delay and cost overrun which reduced company's profit. Lean information framework was utilized to analyze factors that contribute to waste of cost during the engineering phase of the EPC project. Through a extensive literature review, 28 waste factors were identified. Validity and reliability test were employed to get valid and reliable indicators. Then, correlation test was carried out to determine all indicators that correlated with waste of cost. Furthermore, the correlated indicators were ranked using descriptive statistic and relative index analysis. The result showed that there are seven dominant factors which are X14 (wait for the needed documents), X5 (the meetings are too far and too long), X17 (wait for the feedback of information), X15 (wait for the documents' approval), X13 (produce the documents with outdated information), X24 (error of provided information), and X23 (produce the dummy document to meet target). The managerial implications are PT. XYZ should focus on: (1) efficient planning, (2) streamlined information flow, (3) pull-based planning activities, (4) continuous improvement, and (5) human resource development.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Risalino Christoforus Balu
Abstrak :
Salah satu cara untuk melakukan efisiensi, meningkatkan mutu pelayanan dan meningkatkan keselamatan pasien di Amerika dengan menggunakan konsep Lean Thinking yang diterapkan di rumah sakit menjadi Lean Hospital. Penelitian ini menganalisis alur pelayanan di rawat jalan Poliklinik Spesialis sebagai data untuk perbaikan di Rumah Sakit X yang merupakan Rumah Sakit Swasta Kelas B Pendidikan. Dengan menggunakan metodologi penelitian operational research, dilakukan observasi dan wawancara mendalam memperlihatkan bahwa kegiatan non value added bisa samapai 80% dan kegiatan value added hanya 20%. Data tersebut menunjukan bahwa telah terjadi pemborosan (waste) dan hasil analisis akar masalah menggunakan Root Cause Analysis (RCA) memperlihatkan ada beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan inefisiensi pelayanan rawat jalan poliklinik spesialis. Usulan perbaikan untuk mengurangi pemborosan dibagi menjadi tiga tahap, antara lain jangka pendek, jangka menengah dan jangka panjang diharapkan meningkatkan pelayanan rawat jalan dan kepuasan pasien. ......One way to improve efficiency, improve service quality and improve patient safety in the United States by using the concept of Lean Thinking is applied in hospitals become Lean Hospital. This study analyzes the service flow in Outpatient Clinic Specialists as the data for improvement in Hospital X which is a Class B Private Hospital Education. Using the methodology of operational research studies, conducted in-depth observation and interviews show that the non-value added activities can be up to 80% and value added activity is only 20%. The data shows that there has been a waste (waste) and the results of the analysis of the roots of the problem using Root Cause Analysis (RCA) demonstrates that there are several factors that cause inefficiencies in ambulatory care specialist clinic. the proposed improvements to reduce waste is divided into three stages, including the shortterm, medium-term and long-term is expected to improve outpatient care and patient satisfaction.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Gusti Agung Putu Yudihartini
Abstrak :
Lean Management pada Perencanaan, Penganggaran dan PengadaanSediaan Farmasi di RSIA Puri Bunda Denpasar.Pasien membayar pelayanan yang telah diberikan dengan value atau manfaatyang sesuai tanpa membayar lebih terhadap waste atau pemborosan yang adadalam proses pelayanan di rumah sakit. Menghilangkan waste dalam prosespelayanan merupakan tantangan setiap rumah sakit. Tantangan rumah sakitsemakin besar saat menjadi provider BPJS dan wajib memberikan pelayanankepada pasien JKN.Sediaan farmasi merupakan pelayanan penunjang yang sangatpenting dalam pelayanan pasien dan menghabiskan biaya yang sangat besar, makarumah sakit perlu lebih efisien dalam mengelola sediaan farmasi mulai dariperencanaan, penganggaran dan pegadaan dengan tanpa mengabaikan mutupelayanan. Tujuan umum penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan gambaran tentangproses perencanaan, penganggaran dan pengadaan obat di unit farmasi RSIA PuriBunda dan memberikan masukan dalam perbaikan proses siklus logistik farmasisehingga menjadi lebih efisien.Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan melakukan wawancara, observasi dan FocusDiscussion Group FGD pada proses perencanaan dan pengadaan denganmembuat value stream mapping dari seluruh proses yang ada. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan pemborosan berupa waste defect, wasteinventory, waste motion, waste human potential dalam proses perencanaan,penganggaran dan pengadaan sediaan farmasi. Perbaikan berupa kaizendilaksanakan oleh seluruh level karyawan mulai dari staf, jajaran manajemen, dandireksi rumah sakit, maupun pemilik rumah sakit. Pelaksanan kaizen tersebutdapat meningkatkan efisiensi waktu, biaya, maupun SDM dalam prosesperencanaan, penganggaran dan pengadaan sediaan farmasi.
Lean Management on Planning, Budgeting, and Procurement ofPharmaceutical Products at RSIA Puri Bunda DenpasarPatients will pay for services that have been provided with the appropriatevalue or benefit without paying more or wasting that is in the process of service in thehospital. Eliminating waste in the service process is the challenge of every hospital.Nowadays the hospital challenge is getting bigger when becoming provider of BPJS andobliged to give service to JKN patient. Pharmacy is a very important support services inpatient care and costly. Hospitals need to be more efficient in managingpharmaceuticals from planning, budgeting, and procurement without neglecting servicequality. Aim of this research is to get an overview of the planning, budgeting, andprocurement process of medicines at pharmacy Puri Bunda Hospital and provide inputsto improve the pharmaceutical logistics cycle process. The study was conducted by interviewing, and observatian made withplanning and procurement process by creating a value stream of the entire process. In this research, there was of waste defect, waste inventory, waste motion,waste human potential in planning process, budgeting, and procurement ofpharmaceutical preparation. Kaizen improvements are performed by all levels of staff,management, and hospital directors, as well as to hospital owners. The implementationof kaizen can improve the efficiency of time, cost, and human resources in the process ofplanning, budgeting, and procurement of pharmaceutical preparations.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Setyorini
Abstrak :
This research discribes about time service analysis of compounding and non compounding medicines in hermina with lean sigma approach ininstallation of outpatient in hermina depok. Pharmacy time service is the important part of the hospital excellent services and lean six sigma is a methodology of decreasing the waste and variation. Thjs reaserch is a an operational research where the researcher did a direct counting in each process of compounding and non compounding prescriptions. Lean six sigma method which has been used were define, measure, analyze and improve. This reaserch aims to propose a better visual management application, 5s culture, lay out changing and electronic prescription and heijunka prescription as a long term porpuse. Using of lean six sigma method could decrease the waste of non compounding prescription service from 43 procedures to 32 procedures with time allocation from 31 minutes and 51 seconds to 16 minutes 34 seconds. For the compounding prescription could also decrease the procedures, from 32 steps to 46 steps with time allocationfrom 47 minutes and 31 seconds to 25 minutes and 7 seconds.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rike Adyartie Krisnawardhani
Abstrak :
[Penelitian ini dilakukan pada perusahaan farmasi di Indonesia. Masalah yang dialami oleh perusahaan tersebut adalah rendahnya yield pada lini produksi effervescent selama tahun 2014. Penyelesaian masalah ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Lean-DMAIC. Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan, dihasilkan beberapa perbaikan yang diimplementasikan pada mesin, operator, dan material. Hasil penerapan usulan perbaikan tersebut memberikan dampak yang positif bagi perusahaan, antara lain meningkatnya yield sebesar 3,59%, menurunnya waste cost komponen material sebesar 26,79%, dan menurunnya downtime mesin sebesar 74,30%. ......This study is conducted in one of the most well-known pharmaceutical company in Indonesia. Problem starts when effervescent line production yield was too low throughout 2014 so that the targeted yield could not be reached. This study applies Lean-DMAIC method to solve the problem. Lean-DMAIC analysis results in several improvements on machine, operators, and material. Result shows that the implemented improvements give several benefits for company, such as increasing 3,59% yield, reducing 26,79% material waste cost, and reducing 74,30% machine downtime. , This study is conducted in one of the most well-known pharmaceutical company in Indonesia. Problem starts when effervescent line production yield was too low throughout 2014 so that the targeted yield could not be reached. This study applies Lean-DMAIC method to solve the problem. Lean-DMAIC analysis results in several improvements on machine, operators, and material. Result shows that the implemented improvements give several benefits for company, such as increasing 3,59% yield, reducing 26,79% material waste cost, and reducing 74,30% machine downtime. ]
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Borris, Steven
New York: McGraw-Hill, 2012
658.7 BOR s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sembiring, Christine Vita Sari
Abstrak :
Line Architecture Design Methodology merupakan salah satu tools dari lean manufacturing untuk mengoptimalkan proses produksi agar mencapai target yang ditentukan. Pencapain target dapat dilakukan dengan banyak cara, beberapa cara yaitu mengurangi waste yang dilakukan oleh operator dalam produksi. Pengurangan waste tersebut dilakukan dengan penyedian jig, ketepatan waktu dalam 5S, working Instruction, dan material handling yang sesuai dengan frekuensi jalan feeder. Karya tulis ini mebahas latar belakang lean manufacturing terutama yang berkaitan dengan proses assembly YC-413(WE)CMPLT dengan mengidentifikasi waste yang terdapat pada proses tersebut dan melakukan analisis untuk menguranginya serta menghitung penghematan waktu yang didapat. ......Line Architecture Design Methodology is one of the tools of Lean Manufactuirng to optimize production process in order to achieve the target. Achievement of the taget can be done in many ways, some ways with reducing waste by operators in production area. Waste reduction done by provider jig, timeliness in 5S, working instruction, and material handling in accordance with the frequency of feeder. This paper discusses the background of lean manufacturing, especially relating to the assembly process of YC-413 (WE) CMPLT by identifying waste which exist there and to find ways to reduce them and to calculate the time savings.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Danang Adi Setiaji
Abstrak :
Konstruksi Jetty merupakan item utama yang mendukung operasional PLTU. Namun, proses konstruksi Jetty pada umumnya dan khususnya di lokasi PLTU Sulut-1 menemui beberapa kendala dimana lokasi Jetty di pantai terbuka yang langsung menghadap Samudera Pasific dan Laut Cina Selatan (Philipina), sehingga ombak dan arus laut yang cukup besar akan sangat berpengaruh pada faktor kesulitan konstruksi Jetty dan target schedule yang berpotensi delay. Solusi yang dilakukan ialah dengan melakukan re-desain Jetty model konvensional in-situ menjadi model precast. Hasil dari analisis perbandingan diperoleh hasil bahwa Jetty model Precast lebih mudah dikerjakan dan mampu menghemat durasi waktu pekerjaan sekitar 16-20%. Penerapan metode precast (pra-cetak) telah memenuhi aspek Lean Construction, sebab memiliki produktivitas lebih tinggi, durasi lebih cepat, dan meng-eliminasi pemborosan. Meskipun demikian, Jetty model precast juga memiliki kekurangan dimana volume rebar yang diperlukan lebih besar 8% dibanding metode konvensional in-situ.  ......Jetty construction is the main item that supports PLTU/CFSPP operations. However, the process of Jetty construction in general and especially at the PLTU Sulut-1 location encountered several obstacles where the location of the Jetty on open coast that directly faces the Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea (Philippines), so that the waves and sea currents quietly large and will affect to Jetty construction become highly difficulties and potentially delay target schedule. Therefore, the solution is to re-design conventional in-situ Jetty model into precast model. The results of the comparison analysis show that the Jetty Precast model become more easily to construct and faster to save the duration of work around 16-20%. The application of the precast method has fulfilled the Lean Construction aspect, because it has higher productivity, faster duration, and eliminates waste. However, the Jetty precast model also has dis-advantage which the rebar quantity is 8% more than the conventional in-situ method. 
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arcidiacono, Gabriele
Abstrak :
[This Minibook is a brief guide for Green Belt during a Lean Six Sigma project management or for Kaizen Leader during a process improvement activity. Through both its theoretical concepts and practical examples it is a pocket book for a quick consultancy. Authors idea comes from companies needs in order to analyze information useful to know in depth different kind of processes. The set of Six Sigma tools are explained through Minitab 16, the last release of the most widely used statistical software. , This Minibook is a brief guide for Green Belt during a Lean Six Sigma project management or for Kaizen Leader during a process improvement activity. Through both its theoretical concepts and practical examples it is a pocket book for a quick consultancy. Authors idea comes from companies needs in order to analyze information useful to know in depth different kind of processes. The set of Six Sigma tools are explained through Minitab 16, the last release of the most widely used statistical software. ]
Milan, Italia: [Springer-Verlag, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Widia Kurnia Adi
Abstrak :
Tiga karakteristik penting pada suatu produk agar dapat bertahan dan diterima oleh pelanggan adalah kualitas, fungsionalitas dan biaya, yang disebut Survival Triplet. Pada produk baja, karakteristik fungsionalitas dan kualitas telah ditentukan oleh standar sehingga hanya tersisa karakteristik biaya yang harus diatur sebaik mungkin. Penerapan Lean Six Sigma LSS dan Value Engineering VE memberikan efek penurunan biaya dengan pendekatan yang berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kesesuaian respon model integrasi VE-LSS terhadap penerapan Lean, Six Sigma dan VE pada proses steelmaking. Model integrasi antara VE dan LSS dibuat dengan memodifikasi konsep VE Value = Function/Cost . Integrasi LSS kedalam kerangka VE akan meningkatkan efisiensi penggunaan sumber daya yang berujung pada biaya Cost yang lebih rendah dengan tetap mempertahankan karakteristik fungsionalitas dan kualitas produk. Hasil analisa menunjukkan penerapan VE-LSS secara bersamaan meningkatkan efisiensi penggunaan sumber daya pada proses steelmaking sehingga diperoleh biaya yang lebih rendah. Hasil tersebut sesuai dengan model integrasi VE-LSS yang telah dibuat.
There are three main characteristics the product to be survived and accepted by customers which are functionality and quality which is internally associated with cost and externally with price, the cost so called Survival Triplet. In the case of steel products, functionality and quality of product are specified in the product standard. Hence, cost is the only remaining characteristic that should be well managed. The implementation of Lean, Six Sigma LSS and Value Engineering VE by different approaches lead to cost reduction. The objective of the study is to test response suitability of integration model of VE LSS according to implementation of Lean, Six Sigma and VE in the steelmaking process. Integration model between VE and LSS developed by modify original VE concept Value Function Cost . Integration of LSS in the VE framework enhanced resource consumption efficiency that lead to lower Cost while maintaining functionality and quality characteristic of products. The analysis showed the implementation of VE LSS simultaneously increased the efficiency of resource in the steelmaking process that lead to lower cost. These results were in conformity with the constructed integration model of VE LSS.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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