ABSTRAKTelah dilakukan penelitian pada tumbuhan tingkat rendah Iumut hati P. sandei Dozy dan tumbuhan
tinggi famili Lauraceae yaitu Beilschmiedia brevipes Ridl., B. glauca Lee dan Cryptocazya. kurzii
Hk.f. Ekstraksi P. sandei Dozy dilakukan dengan cara maserasi dengan pelarut berturut-turut n-
heksana, klorofom dan melanol, sedangkan ekstraksi pada tumbuhan tingkat tinggi famili
Lauraoeae menggunakan ekstraksi asam basa untuk memperoleh alkaloid total. isolasi P. sandei
Dozy dilakukan dengan kromatograti kolom menggunakan fasa diam silika gel, Sephadex LH-20
dan Cosmosil RP-75 serta eluen n-heksana-etilasetat, n-heksana-aseton dan kloroform-metanol,
sedangkan isolasi alkaloid digunakan fasa diam silika gel dan eluen diklorometana-metanol.
Penentuan struktur molekul dilakukan dengan UV, FTIR, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, NMR-2D, ESI-MS,
FAB-MS, GC-MS dan HR-MS. Dari hasil tumbuhan tingkat rendah P. sandei Dozy diperoleh 6
senyawa yaitu 2 seskuiterpen, spathulenol (A-1) dan 10-oksodaucan-5,8-dien-11-asetat (A-3) yang
merupakan senyawa baru, 2 macam sterol yaitu stigmasterol (A-2) dan silosterol (A-4), turunan
gliseroi 1',2'-[(3~etoksi)-heksa vinill gliserol (A-5) juga merupakan senyawa baru dan etil p-metoksi
sinamat (A-6), sedangkan dari tumhuhan tinggi famili Lauraceae diperoleh 7 alkaloid
bensilisokuinolin dari B. bravipes Ridl., yaltu 7-O,4'-O-dimetilooclaurin (B-1), papaveraldin (B-2),
velucriptin (B-3), papaverine (B-4) adalah bahan alam baru, amepavin (B-5), 4-metilpapaveraldin
(B-6) merupakan senyawa baru dan noramepavin (B-7). Enam alkaloid aporfin yaitu
norisoturberin (C-1), norisocoridin (C-2), N-metilhemagin (C-3), isocoridin (C-4), hemagin (C-6),
catalpivolin (C-7) dm 1 oksoaporin, 7-oksohemagin (C-5) 'dari B. glauca Lee dan 4 alkaloid
oksoaportin, O-metilmoschatolin (D-1), subseilin (D-2), aiherolin (D-3), dioentrinon (D-4) dan
sinamida (D-5) dar! C. Rum? Hk.f. UE aktivitas sitotoksik alkaloid disentxinon pada se! KB
menunjukkan harga LCm 9,03 ppm, sedangkan pada konsentrasf 10 ppm disentrinon dapat
menginduksi apoptosis sebesar 46,30%, dan menyebabkan nekrosis 20,28%. Disentrinon
menginduksi apoptosis jauh lebih tinggi dmanding dengan aportin aiau oksoeporfin Iain, tetapi
sedikit Iebih rendah daripada vinkristin sebagai kontrol positif.
AbstractThe research of the isolation and structure determination of the chemical constituents of the
liveiwort of Plagiochila sandei Dozy and Lauraceae, namely Beilschimedia brevrpes Ridl.,
Beilschmiedia giauca Lee and Cryptocarya kurzii Hk.f. have been performed . The extraction of P.
sandei was carried out using n-hexane, CHCI3 and MeOH, subsequently, while for the Lauraceae
the acid base extraction was periomied to get the crude alkaloid extracts. P.sandei Dozy was
purified by column chromatography using silica gel, Sephadex LH-20 dan Cosmosil RP-75 as
stationary phase and n-hexane-ethyl-acetate, n-hexane-acetone and chloroform-methanol as
mobile phase, respectively. The crude alkaloids mixture was subjected to column chromatography
over silica get and dichloromethane - methanol as mobile phase. The molecular structure ofthe
compounds were determined by spectroscopic methods, such as UV, FTIR, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR,
NMR-2D, ESI-MS, FAB-MS, GC-MS and HR-MS. From the liverwort P. sandei Dozy, 6 compounds
as chemical constituents of were obtained: 2 sesquiterpenes, spathulenol (A-1) and 10
oxodaucane-5,8-dlene-11-acetate (A-3) as a new compound, 2 sterols: stigmasterol (A-2) and
sitosterol (A-4), 1',2?-dimethyl-[(3~ethoxy)-hexavinyl] glycerol. a new compound of a derivative of
glycerol (A-5) and ediyl p-melhoxy cinnnamate (A-6). Nineteen alkaloids were isolated from
Lauraoeae, 7 benzylisoquinoiinei from B.brevipes Ridl.: 7-O,4'-O-dimethylcoclaurine (B-1),
papaveraldine (B-2), veluoryptine (B-3), papaverinol (B-4) as new natural product compound,
armepavine (35). 4-methyipapaveraldine (B-6) as new compound and noramrepavine (B-7). Six
aporphine alkaloids were obtained: norisoturberine (C-1), norisocorydine (C-2), N-
methylhemagine(C-3), isocorydine (C-4). hemagine (C-6), catalpivoline (C-7) and one
oxoaporphine called 7-oxohemagine (C-5). Four oxoaporphine alkaloids were isolated from B.
glauca Lee: 0#methyimoschatoline (D-1), subsessiline (D-2), atheroline (D-3), dicentrinone (D-4)
and a 'proto' alkaloid cinamide (D-5) from C. kurzii Hk.f. The cytotoxic activity test of the aporphine
and oxoaporphine alkaloids to the KB cell line showed that dicentrinone - an oxoaporphine had
LC50 9,03 ppm, while at 10 ppm, dicentlinone induced apoptosis 46.30% and 20,28% necrosis.
This activity was much higher than aporphines and other oxoaporphlnes, but it was slightly lower
than vincristine as positive control."