"Tesis ini membahas mengenai Manajemen Sekuriti Fisik di PT. Gudang Garam Tbk Kediri. Manajemen Sekuriti Fisik merupakan upaya efektif (sangkil) dan efisien (mangkus) melindungi manusia dan aset-aset perusahaan supaya terhindar dari sebab apapun, yang mengakibalkan kerugian atau kehilangan.
Perhatian dan fokus penelitian adalah manajemen penyelenggaraan sekuriti, khususnya sekuriti fisik di PT. Gudang Garam Tbk Kediri termasuk perlindungan aset-aset perusahaan supaya terhindar dari kerugian atau kehilangan.
Penelitian tesis ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan prinsip manajemen yaitu melalui suatu proses perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan dan pengawasan serta pengendalian. Sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui pengamatan, pengamatan terlibat, dan wawancara berpedoman unluk melihat proses penyelenggaraan sekuriti fisik yang dilakukan oleh Satuan Pengamanan di PT. Gudang Garam Tbk Kediri termasuk perlindungan aset dan kegiatan proses produksi yang dilaksanakan. Dengan terlindungnya aset-aset dari kerugian atau kehilangan maka akan terwujud rasa aman di Iingkungan perusahaan dan masyarakat sekitar sehingga proses produksi perusahaan dan kegiatan masyarakat dapat berjalan normal, serta beriangsung secara optimal.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penyelenggaraan sekuriti fisik di PT. Gudang Garam Tbk Kediri dilaksanakan oleh Satuan Pengamanan perusahaan secara swakarsa melalui kegiatan pengaturan, penjagaan, peagawalan dan patroli serta kegiatan lain, dengan menggunakan pendekatan manajemen, mulai dari perencanaan sekuriti, pengorganisasian sekuriti, pelaksanaan sekuriti dan pengawasari serta pengendalian sekuriti.
Namun manajemen sekuriti ini belum dilaksanakan secara optimal di PT. Gudang Garam Tbk Kediri, ternyata masih terdapat gangguan keamanan berupa pemogokan kerja dan pencurian. Gangguan keamanan tersebut telah mengakibatkan sebagian proses produksi terhenti untuk beberapa waktu yang mengakibatkan kerugian bukan saja bagi pengusaha dan pekerja, akan tetapi juga bagi pemerintah dan masyarakat sekitar.
Untuk menghindari terjadinya gangguan keamanan, maka penyelenggaraan manajemen sekurti fisik di PT. Gudang Garam Tbk Kediri, diperlukan dukungan semua pihak terlibat baik Satuan Pengamanan, pemilik perusahaan, manajer perusahaan, karyawan, pemerintah dan masyarakat sekitar perusahaan. Selain itu perlu dilakukan juga, upaya-upaya taktis yang berupa pengamanan perimeter, proses penerimaan sumber daya manusia, upaya penyelamatan masa depan usaha, asuransi, tangung jawab sosial (Social Responsibility) perusahaan, pemanfaatan teknologi nenek moyang kita (supranatural), dan membuat Perjanjian Kerja Bersama (PKB), serta pembinaan lingkungan masyarakat sekitar (Community Development).
The thesis discusses the physical security management of PT. Gudang Garam Ltd. Kediri Physical security management covers all effective and efficient efforts to protect people and assets of the company in order to avoid any kind of damages and losses on the company.
The research focuses on the implementation of security management, particularly on the physical security of PT. Gudang Garam Ltd. Kediri, including the protection of the assets of the company in order to prevent damages or losses.
The writer employs qualitative method with managerial approach. The research is conducted through the processes of planning, organizing, actuating and controlling. Meanwhile, the data is gathered through observation, involved observation and guided interview in order to see the process of physical security implementation conducted by the security of PT. Gudang Garam Ltd. Kediri, including the protection measures on the assets of the company and the production activity, By protecting the assets of the company from damages or losses, the company can create the feeling of secure around the company and in the community nearby. Such circumstances enable the company to run production and the community nearby to run activities at the optimal level. The result of the research reveals the implementation of physical security in PT. Gudang Garam Ltd. Kediri conducted by its security officers has run sufficiently. The security implements the physical security through some activities such as arrangement, surveillance, guarding, patrolling and others. The Company also employs a managerial approach starting from security planning, security organizing, security implementing to security controlling.
However, such managerial approach has not sufficiently created the feeling of secure and orderliness around PT. Gudang Garam Ltd. Kediri in fact, the company ever faced security disturbances such as strikes and thefts still occur. Eventually, such disturbances have jeopardized a part of production activities of the company that brought about losses not only upon the management and workers, but also upon the government and community.
Therefore, the implementation of physical security management in PT. Gudang Garam Ltd. Kediri needs support from all parties, among others: security officers, the owner of the company, the company's managers, the employees, the government and the community nearby. It is also necessary to pay attention on some tactical efforts such as security parameter, recruitment process, securing the future of the company, insurance, social responsibility of the company, the usage of the ancestors' technology and creating the agreement of working together, and community development."