ABSTRAKPenelitian ini mengevaluasi kinerja absorpsi gas CO2 dari campurannya dengan
CH4 melalui membran kontaktor superhidrofobik. Kinerja kontaktor membran
superhidrofobik ini ditinjau dari empat parameter utama dengan variasi laju alir
pelarut DEA (100, 300 dam 500 mL/menit) dan jumlah serat membran kontaktor
(2000 dan 8000). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kenaikan laju alir pelarut
DEA meningkatkan kinerja kontaktor membran superhidrofobik, dalam hal
koefisien perpindahan massa, fluks dan efisiensi penyerapan CO2. Sedangkan
kenaikan jumlah serat membran akan menurunkan koefisien perpindahan massa
dan fluks CO2. Namun, meningkatkan efisiensi penyerapan CO2 dan acid loading.
Koefisien perpindahan massa dan fluks CO2 tertinggi yang didapatkan pada
penelitian ini berturut-turut adalah 2,31 x 10-4 cm/s dan 7,15 x 10-6 mmol/cm2s pada
laju alir DEA 500 mL/menit dan jumlah serat membran 2000. Sedangkan efisiensi
penyerapan CO2 tertinggi adalah 72% pada laju alir DEA 500 mL/menit dan jumlah
serat membran 8000.
ABSTRACTThis study evaluates performance of CO2 absorption from its mixture with CH4
through membran contactor superhydrophobic. Superhidrophobic membrane
contactor performance is observed using four main parameters by varying the flow
rate of solvent DEA (100, 300 dam 500 mL/min) and the number of fiber membrane
contactors (2000 and 8000). The results showed that increasing DEA solvent flow
rate increase superhidrophobic membrane contactor performance, in terms of mass
transfer coefficient, flux and efficiency removal of CO2. While increasing the
number of fiber membrane will reduce the mass transfer coefficient and CO2 flux.
However, it will increase the efficiency removal of CO2 and acid loading. The
highest mass transfer coefficient and CO2 flux obtained in this study are
respectively 2,31 x 10-4 cm/s and 7,15 x 10-6 mmol/cm2s on DEA flow rate of 500
mL/min and the number of fiber membranes 2000. The highest CO2 absorption
efficiency is 72% at DEA flow rate of 500 mL/min and the number of fiber
membranes 8000.;This study evaluates performance of CO2 absorption from its mixture with CH4
through membran contactor superhydrophobic. Superhidrophobic membrane
contactor performance is observed using four main parameters by varying the flow
rate of solvent DEA (100, 300 dam 500 mL/min) and the number of fiber membrane
contactors (2000 and 8000). The results showed that increasing DEA solvent flow
rate increase superhidrophobic membrane contactor performance, in terms of mass
transfer coefficient, flux and efficiency removal of CO2. While increasing the
number of fiber membrane will reduce the mass transfer coefficient and CO2 flux.
However, it will increase the efficiency removal of CO2 and acid loading. The
highest mass transfer coefficient and CO2 flux obtained in this study are
respectively 2,31 x 10-4 cm/s and 7,15 x 10-6 mmol/cm2s on DEA flow rate of 500
mL/min and the number of fiber membranes 2000. The highest CO2 absorption
efficiency is 72% at DEA flow rate of 500 mL/min and the number of fiber
membranes 8000.;This study evaluates performance of CO2 absorption from its mixture with CH4
through membran contactor superhydrophobic. Superhidrophobic membrane
contactor performance is observed using four main parameters by varying the flow
rate of solvent DEA (100, 300 dam 500 mL/min) and the number of fiber membrane
contactors (2000 and 8000). The results showed that increasing DEA solvent flow
rate increase superhidrophobic membrane contactor performance, in terms of mass
transfer coefficient, flux and efficiency removal of CO2. While increasing the
number of fiber membrane will reduce the mass transfer coefficient and CO2 flux.
However, it will increase the efficiency removal of CO2 and acid loading. The
highest mass transfer coefficient and CO2 flux obtained in this study are
respectively 2,31 x 10-4 cm/s and 7,15 x 10-6 mmol/cm2s on DEA flow rate of 500
mL/min and the number of fiber membranes 2000. The highest CO2 absorption
efficiency is 72% at DEA flow rate of 500 mL/min and the number of fiber
membranes 8000., This study evaluates performance of CO2 absorption from its mixture with CH4
through membran contactor superhydrophobic. Superhidrophobic membrane
contactor performance is observed using four main parameters by varying the flow
rate of solvent DEA (100, 300 dam 500 mL/min) and the number of fiber membrane
contactors (2000 and 8000). The results showed that increasing DEA solvent flow
rate increase superhidrophobic membrane contactor performance, in terms of mass
transfer coefficient, flux and efficiency removal of CO2. While increasing the
number of fiber membrane will reduce the mass transfer coefficient and CO2 flux.
However, it will increase the efficiency removal of CO2 and acid loading. The
highest mass transfer coefficient and CO2 flux obtained in this study are
respectively 2,31 x 10-4 cm/s and 7,15 x 10-6 mmol/cm2s on DEA flow rate of 500
mL/min and the number of fiber membranes 2000. The highest CO2 absorption
efficiency is 72% at DEA flow rate of 500 mL/min and the number of fiber
membranes 8000.]"