Heny Marthiani
Abstrak :
Persaingan bisnis antar industri dewasa ini sangatlah ketat, termasuk dalam
industri otomotif khususnya kendaraan bermotor roda empat. Oleh karena itu
perusahaan penyedia barang dan jasa berlomba untuk meraih simpati konsumen
dengan memberikan pelayanan yang dapat mempermudah konsumen dalam
mendapatkan keinginan dan kebutuhannya. Salah satu komunikasi pemasaran
yang digunakan perusahaan adalah personal selling, dimana kemampuan
komunikasi antar pribadi wiraniaga dengan konsumennya agar memiliki
kedekatan secara personal. Komunikasi antar pribadi akan terjalin secara efektif
apabila terdapat kualitas di dalamnya yang terdiri dari keterbukaan (openness),
empati (empathy), sikap mendukung (supportiveness), sikap positif (positiveness),
serta kesetaraan (equality).
Dengan pendekatan kualitatif, dan metode wawancara secara mendalam dengan
para narasumber, dimaksudkan agar dapat diketahui secara mendalam keterkaitan
antara lima kualitas pada efektivitas komunikasi antar pribadi antara wiraniaga
dengan konsumennya, pada tahapan keputusan pembelian kendaraan bermotor
roda empat.
Given a stiff competition in automotive industry nowadays, automobile
distributors have provided their best effort to gain the sympathy of consumers by
providing services that can facilitate consumers’ needs. One of the marketing
communication strategies that has been used widely by the distributors is personal
selling approach, in which interpersonal communication skills have played an
important role in sales person-consumer relationship. Five general quality to
improve the effectiveness of communication which is the key factor for a proper
establishment in interpersonal communication includes: openness, empathy,
supportiveness, positiveness, as well as equality.
Based on a qualitative approach, and in-depth and one-on-one interviews with
both parties, this study is intended to have a clearer perspective on necessity of the
five general quality to the effectiveness of interpersonal communication between
sales person and its customers at the stage of purchase decision process;Given a stiff competition in automotive industry nowadays, automobile
distributors have provided their best effort to gain the sympathy of consumers by
providing services that can facilitate consumers’ needs. One of the marketing
communication strategies that has been used widely by the distributors is personal
selling approach, in which interpersonal communication skills have played an
important role in sales person-consumer relationship. Five general quality to
improve the effectiveness of communication which is the key factor for a proper
establishment in interpersonal communication includes: openness, empathy,
supportiveness, positiveness, as well as equality.
Based on a qualitative approach, and in-depth and one-on-one interviews with
both parties, this study is intended to have a clearer perspective on necessity of the
five general quality to the effectiveness of interpersonal communication between
sales person and its customers at the stage of purchase decision process, Given a stiff competition in automotive industry nowadays, automobile
distributors have provided their best effort to gain the sympathy of consumers by
providing services that can facilitate consumers’ needs. One of the marketing
communication strategies that has been used widely by the distributors is personal
selling approach, in which interpersonal communication skills have played an
important role in sales person-consumer relationship. Five general quality to
improve the effectiveness of communication which is the key factor for a proper
establishment in interpersonal communication includes: openness, empathy,
supportiveness, positiveness, as well as equality.
Based on a qualitative approach, and in-depth and one-on-one interviews with
both parties, this study is intended to have a clearer perspective on necessity of the
five general quality to the effectiveness of interpersonal communication between
sales person and its customers at the stage of purchase decision process]
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library