"[Terpisahnya kelembagaan pengelolaan riset, teknologi dan inovasi dengan institusi pendidikan tinggi dianggap sebagai salah satu penyebab lemahnya hilirisasi produk dari hasil litbang; dan peningkatan daya saing bangsa. Tesis ini
menganalisis perubahan strategis penggabungan Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi (Kemenristek) dan Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi (Ditjen Dikti) menjadi Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi (Kemenristekdikti) dan
sekaligus menganalisis tipe perubahan tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan post-positivis. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa perubahan strategis nampak pada proses bisnis Kemenristekdikti. Tantangan yang dihadapi dalam perubahan tersebut yaitu : kekurangan SDM tenaga penunjang, revitalisasi koordinasi LPNK dan perguruan tinggi, penyelarasan program dan konsolidasi anggaran serta perubahan kultur dan tupoksi organisasi dari kementerian non teknis (klaster III) menjadi kementerian teknis (Klaster II). Dikaji dari The Drivers Of Change dan strategi
perubahan yang dilaksanakan, perubahan ini baru bersifat transisional. Untuk mensukseskan perubahan, disarankan dengan membentuk tim analisis perubahan untuk mengevaluasi pra dan pasca perubahan serta kesesuaian kinerja yang diharapkan. Saran lain untuk mengatasi tantangan yang dihadapi meliputi: 1) optimalisasi SDM meliputi penyusunan regulasi tupoksi individu, standar penilaian kinerja, dan pengaturan hak dan kewajiban pegawai, 2) penyusunan kebijakan pengaturan pendidikan tinggi dengan model skenario ‘kepentingan publik’ dalam perguruan tinggi, 3) sinergi regulasi universitas-LPNK-industri, 4) sinkronisasi anggaran dan program melaui trilateral meeting stakeholders, 4)
perencanaan, monitoring, evaluasi dan pelaporan yang terintegrasi teknologi sistem informasi dan 5) manajemen pengetahuan yang didesain dengan memobilisasi kapitalisasi pengetahuan untuk menjamin kesuksesan proses bisnis
Institutional separation of the management of research, technology and innovation with the higher education institution is considered as one of the causes of the weakness in downstream product resulted from research and development and improving the competitiveness of the nation. This thesis analyzes the strategic change merging the Ministry of Research and Technology (Kemenristek) and the Directorate General of Higher Education (Ditjen Dikti) to the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) and simultaneously analyze the types of changes. The method used is descriptive qualitative post-positivist approach. The analysis showed that the apparentstrategic change in business processes within Kemenristekdikti. Challenges faced in these changes are: a shortage of human resources supporting staff, revitalization of LPNK coordination with colleges and universities, harmonization of program and consolidation of budget as well as culture change and organizational duties of the ministry of non-technical (cluster III) into the technical ministries (Cluster II). Consulted by The Drivers Of Change and strategy changes are implemented, the new transitional changes. To achieve change, it is advisable to form a team to evaluate the analysis of changes in preand post-change as well as the suitability of the expected performance. Anothersuggestion to address the challenges include: 1) the optimization of human resources includes preparation of regulatory duties of individuals, assessment standards of performance, and setting the rights and obligations of employees, 2) development of policies setting higher education with modeling scenarios 'public interest' in college, 3) synergy regulation of university-LPNK-industry, 4) synchronization of budgets and programs through the trilateral meeting of stakeholders, 4) planning, monitoring, evaluation and reporting of the integrated technologies of information systems and 5) knowledge management which isdesigned to mobilize the knowledge capitalization to ensure upon the success of business processes Kemenristekdikti., Institutional separation of the management of research, technology andinnovation with the higher education institution is considered as one of the causesof the weakness in downstream product resulted from research and development;and improving the competitiveness of the nation. This thesis analyzes the strategicchange merging the Ministry of Research and Technology (Kemenristek) and theDirectorate General of Higher Education (Ditjen Dikti) to the Ministry ofResearch, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) andsimultaneously analyze the types of changes. The method used is descriptivequalitative post-positivist approach. The analysis showed that the apparentstrategic change in business processes within Kemenristekdikti. Challenges facedin these changes are: a shortage of human resources supporting staff,revitalization of LPNK coordination with colleges and universities, harmonizationof program and consolidation of budget as well as culture change andorganizational duties of the ministry of non-technical (cluster III) into thetechnical ministries (Cluster II). Consulted by The Drivers Of Change andstrategy changes are implemented, the new transitional changes. To achievechange, it is advisable to form a team to evaluate the analysis of changes in preandpost-change as well as the suitability of the expected performance. Anothersuggestion to address the challenges include: 1) the optimization of humanresources includes preparation of regulatory duties of individuals, assessmentstandards of performance, and setting the rights and obligations of employees, 2)development of policies setting higher education with modeling scenarios 'publicinterest' in college, 3) synergy regulation of university-LPNK-industry, 4)synchronization of budgets and programs through the trilateral meeting ofstakeholders, 4) planning, monitoring, evaluation and reporting of the integratedtechnologies of information systems and 5) knowledge management which isdesigned to mobilize the knowledge capitalization to ensure upon the success ofbusiness processes Kemenristekdikti.]"