Daulay, Dzulqurnain
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengukur tingkat ketangguhan ketahanan nasional adanya pencemaran udara akibat kebakaran hutan dengan pertimbangan sektor kehutanan sebagai salah satu sektor penghasil yang telah berkontribusi setiap tahunnya melalui pendapatan negara bukan pajak (PNBP) sebesar 4,3 trilyun (2014). Fakta empiris menunjukkan bahwa bencana kebakaran hutan terus saja terjadi setiap tahunnya terutama pada musim kemarau, padahal sektor lingkungan hidup setiap tahunnya mendapatkan alokasi anggaran dari pemerintah untuk program pengendalian pencemaran udara, namun pencemaran udara akibat kebakaran hutan belum juga dapat dikendalikan.
Penelitian dilakukan melalui pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif (mix method) terhadap kinerja Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup sebagai pihak pemerintah yang bertanggung jawab terhadap perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup di Indonesia. Analisis penelitian dikelompokkan dalam 4 perspektif yaitu perspektif finansial, perspektif eksternal, perspektif internal, dan perspektif inovation. Instrumen pengukuran secara kuantitatif menggunakan balanced score card dengan menggunakan data sekunder dari pelbagai sumber resmi termasuk Kementerian Kehutanan pada 2011-2013. Responden penelitian ini berjumlah 30 orang, lalu diperdalam secara kualitatif melalui wawancara mendalam untuk guna memastikan validasi hasil pengukuran kuantitatif dengan jumlah informan sebanyak 3 orang.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam perspektif keuangan dengan parameter alokasi angggaran Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dalam level Tidak Tangguh sedangkan untuk parameter Program Mitigasi Kebakaran Hutan, Penegakkan Hukum dan Anggaran Badan Nasional Penanggulanan Bencara dalam level Tangguh. Perspektif Ekternal dengan parameter Prosentase Penduduk Sehat Di Daerah Rawan Kebakaran, Jumlah Penduduk Terkena ISPA Di Provinsi Rawan Kebakaran, Dampak Kebakaran Bagi Negara Tetangga dalam level Tangguh Perspektif Internal dengan parameter Regulasi Kebakakaran Hutan, Penanganan Kasus Lingkungan, Pengendalian Penceamaran Udara Khususnya Di Provinsi Rawan, Hotspot dalam level Tidak Tangguh dan Perspektif Innovation dengan parameter Pelatihan PPNS dan Pelatihan PPLH dalam level Tangguh.
The objective of research is to measure the level of Toughness of National Resilience (Astagatra) to air pollution control from forest fires, which is the forestry sector as one of the producers of the sector. It has been contributing annually through non-tax revenues (non-tax) amounted to 4.3 trillion (2014) for example. Otherwise the empirical facts showed that the fire disaster forest continues to happen every year particular during the dry season. Unfortunetly, the environmental sector that is has been mandate to air pollution management ineffectiveness on controlling although annually receive a budget allocation from the government.
The research method used quantitative and qualitative approaches (mix method) on the performance of the Ministry of Environment has responsible to the protection and management of environment on Indonesia. Classification of analysis into four perspectives: financial perspective, the external perspective, internal perspective, and innovation perspective.
Standard of quantitave method instruments utilize the balanced scorecard and interview to qualitative method. Source of secondary explore to 2011, 2012 and 2013 from all official sources including Ministry of Forestry data?s. The total of responden is 30 peoples consist of official Ministry of Environment and public. To checking and validating of the result of questionary has selected 3 of 30 peoples to deep interview.
The results showed that the Financial Perspective with parameter budget allocation of the Ministry of Environment in no Toughness level while parameter Forest Fire Mitigation Program, Law Enforcement and National Agency Disaster Budget in Toughness, External Perspective with parameter Percentage of Population Health On Fire Prone Areas, ISPA Affected Population In the province of Fire Prone, Impact Fire For Neighbors in Toughness level, Internal Perspective with Regulation parameters Kebakakaran Forests, Environment Case Handling, Control Air Penceamaran Particularly Vulnerable In the province, the level Hotspot No Toughness, Perspectives Innovation with investigators and Training Training parameters PPLH in Toughness level., The objective of research is to measure the level of Toughness of National Resilience (Astagatra) to air pollution control from forest fires, which is the forestry sector as one of the producers of the sector. It has been contributing annually through non-tax revenues (non-tax) amounted to 4.3 trillion (2014) for example. Otherwise the empirical facts showed that the fire disaster forest continues to happen every year particular during the dry season. Unfortunetly, the environmental sector that is has been mandate to air pollution management ineffectiveness on controlling although annually receive a budget allocation from the government.
The research method used quantitative and qualitative approaches (mix method) on the performance of the Ministry of Environment has responsible to the protection and management of environment on Indonesia. Classification of analysis into four perspectives: financial perspective, the external perspective, internal perspective, and innovation perspective.
Standard of quantitave method instruments utilize the balanced scorecard and interview to qualitative method. Source of secondary explore to 2011, 2012 and 2013 from all official sources including Ministry of Forestry data’s. The total of responden is 30 peoples consist of official Ministry of Environment and public. To checking and validating of the result of questionary has selected 3 of 30 peoples to deep interview.
The results showed that the Financial Perspective with parameter budget allocation of the Ministry of Environment in no Toughness level while parameter Forest Fire Mitigation Program, Law Enforcement and National Agency Disaster Budget in Toughness, External Perspective with parameter Percentage of Population Health On Fire Prone Areas, ISPA Affected Population In the province of Fire Prone, Impact Fire For Neighbors in Toughness level, Internal Perspective with Regulation parameters Kebakakaran Forests, Environment Case Handling, Control Air Penceamaran Particularly Vulnerable In the province, the level Hotspot No Toughness, Perspectives Innovation with investigators and Training Training parameters PPLH in Toughness level.]
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