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Ditemukan 11 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Abstrak :
Dalam upaya mengatasi kebutuhan energi bstrik terutama di daerah pedesaan atau tempat-tempat terpencil yang jauh dari jangkauan jaringan listrik, sistem konversi energi angin ( SKEA ) merupakan salah satu alternatif dalam pengadaan sumber energi listrik. Universitas Indonesia sebagai sebuah lembaga pendidikan dan ilmu pengetahuan menaruh perhatian terhadap pengembangan pemanfaatan energi Baru dan terbarukan. Rencana untuk membangun studio alam untuk pemanfaatan energi baru dan terbarukan, dimana SKEA termasuk di dalamnya, telah menghasilkan suatu perhitungan potensi energi angin di kampus UI Depok. Setelah mendapatkan perliitungan awal mengenai potensi energi angin yang ada di kampus UI depok, maka usaha untuk mendapatkan jenis turbin angin yang sesuai haws dilakukan untuk mendapatkan efisiensi yang tinggi. Energi angin, tidak seperti sumber energi terbarukan lainnya, tidak dapat diduga keberadaannya dan dengan cepat dapat berubah-ubah. Hal ini menyebabkan perlunya suatu analisis penentuan turbin angin yang mendalam. Di dalam melakukan penentuan turbin angin, dibutuhkan data-data mengenai potensi angin yang ada dan karaktedstik dari jenis jenis turbin angin. Efisiensi dari suatu SKEA juga sangat dipengaruhi dari penempatannya. Hal ini dikarenakan angin dipengaruhi dari keadaan tanah danwbangunan atau penghalang yang ada di sekitar turbin angin.
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Laudza Ulayya Ghani
Abstrak :
Timbulan sampah elektronik (e-waste) akan mengalami peningkatan sebanyak 4-5 persen setiap tahunnya. Pada tahun 2016, sebanyak 44,7 juta ton sampah elektronik, hanya 8,7 juta ton yang dapat didaur ulang, sedangkan sisanya menjadi sampah residu. Perguruan tinggi sebagai pengguna Teknologi Informasi Komunikasi (TIK) terbanyak, menjadi salah satu penyumbang sampah elektronik terbesar terhadap timbulan sampah elektronik. Pelaksanaan pengelolaan sampah elektronik di lingkungan kampus masih menghadapi beberapa tantangan dari aspek kebijakan, aspek kelembagaan, aspek keuangan, dan aspek sarana prasarana. Jika tantangan ini tidak segera diatasi, visi perguruan tinggi dalam mewujudkan Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) untuk memberikan pengetahuan, inovasi, dan solusi untuk SDGs akan terhambat. Tujuan Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang serta ancaman yang dihadapi oleh pihak kampus dari aspek-aspek terkait untuk menerapkan pengelolaan sampah elektronik di lingkungan kampus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam para stakeholder Direktorat Operasi dan Pemeliharaan Fasilitas serta data sekunder berupa laporan yang dimiliki oleh Kampus UI. Analisa data dilakukan dengan pendekatan analisis SWOT yang merupakan alat dalam formulasi strategis, melalui perhitungan bobot dan rating pada indikator kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman untuk menghasilkan alternatif usulan perencanaan strategik berdasarkan model pengelolaan sampah elektronik terintegrasi yang dapat memiliki manfaat untuk menyempurnakan sistem pengelolaan sampah elektronik yang sudah diterapkan. Hasil perhitungan analisa SWOT diperoleh nilai IFAS 0,94 dan nilai EFAS adalah 1,21 yang artinya bahwa Direktorat Operasi dan Pemeliharaan Fasilitas (DPOF) Universitas Indonesia (UI) berada pada posisi kuadran 1 yang mana alternatif strategi yang perlu diterapkan adalah strategi agresif untuk memanfaatkan peluang dengan menggunakan keunggulan DPOF UI dalam hal kekuatan dari segi aspek kelembagaan, aspek kebijakan dan aspek sarana prasarana. ......Every year, the total amount of e-waste generated increases to 4-5 percent. In 2016, only 8.7 million tons of e-waste could be recycled from a total of 44.7 million tons of electronic waste, while the rest became residual waste. Educational institutions, as the majority of users from the Information and Communication Technology (ICT), are one of the largest contributors of the electronic waste stream. Educational institutions, as a leading actor of the sustainable development movement, in which electronic waste management is considered to be an important aspect, still face challenges in implementing e-waste management, especially in institutional aspect, technical aspect and legal aspect. Potential environmental problems associated with management practices will hamper SDGs target. This study aims to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats faced by institutional education to manage e-waste. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with stakeholders of the Directorate of Operations and Facility Maintenance and official reports published by the UI Campus. Data analysis was conducted using a SWOT analysis approach as a tool of strategic formulation by calculating weights and ratings on indicators of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to initiate alternative strategies based on an integrated electronic waste management model. The result showS that the IFAS value is 0.94 and the EFAS value is 1.21. It presents that the Directorate of Facility Operations and Maintenance (DPOF) Universitas Indonesia (UI) position is in quadrant 1. The alternative strategy defining DPOF position is an aggressive strategy to utilize opportunities by using the advantages they have.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ana Jauhara
Abstrak :
Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai tingkat serapan karbon dan kandungan klorofil serta analisis sampah, sedimen, dan volume di lima situ Kampus UI Depok. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat serapan karbon dan kandungan klorofil, serta materi organik dalam sampah, sedimen dan volume di lima situ Kampus UI Depok. Penelitian dilakukan di lima situ Kampus UI Depok, yaitu Situ Agathis, Situ Mahoni, Situ Puspa, Situ Ulin, dan Situ Salam. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada bulan Maret--April 2014. Pengukuran produktivitas primer perairan menggunakan metode botol gelap-terang. Botol gelap dan botol terang diletakkan pada kedalaman 0 cm, 10 cm, 30 cm, 50 cm, 70 cm, dan 80 cm. Pengambilan sampel fitoplankton dilakukan menggunakan plankton net. Pengukuran kandungan klorofil-a dan klorofil-b menggunakan spektrofotometer dengan panjang gelombang 750, 664, 647 dan 630 nm. Perangkap sampah organik berupa kain nylon dengan ukuran pori 1 mm2 diletakkan pada inlet dan outlet secara bersamaan di lima situ Kampus UI Depok. Pengambilan sampel sedimen dilakukan menggunakan Peterson Grab. Sampel sedimen dianalisis kadar karbon organik dengan metode Walkley-Black. Metode 3D Analyst ArcView 10.1 digunakan untuk menghitung volume situ. Tingkat serapan karbon di lima situ Kampus UI Depok memiliki potensi menyerap karbon rata-rata sebesar 48,61 mgC/m3/jam. Kandungan klorofil-a dan klorofil-b di lima situ Kampus UI Depok rata-rata sebesar 2,59 mg/l dan 0,35 mg/l. Hasil identifikasi sampel fitoplankton diperoleh empat kelas, yaitu Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Euglenophyceae, dan Bacillariophyceae. Kepadatan tertinggi dan nilai dominansi tertinggi pada sampel fitoplankton di lima situ Kampus UI Depok terdapat pada kelas Chlorophyceae. Terjadi penumpukan sampah organik sebesar 0,55 gr/m3/jam. Tipe sedimen pasir mendominasi di perairan lima situ Kampus UI Depok. Kandungn karbon pada sampel sedimen kerikil sebesar 19,75--26,58 ppm, pasir sebesar 28,47--38,55 ppm, dan lumpur sebesar 36,79--42,05 ppm. Perairan lima situ di Kampus UI Depok memiliki potensi dalam menampung volume air sebesar 654.830 m3.
Research has conducted about the level of carbon uptake and chlorophyll content as well as the analysis of trash, sediment, and volume in five lakes at Campus UI Depok. The study aimed to analyze the level of carbon uptake and chlorophyll content, and organic matter in the litter, sediment and volume in five lakes at Campus UI Depok. The study was conducted in five lakes at Campus UI Depok, namely Agathis, Mahoni, Puspa, Ulin, and Salam. Sampling was conducted in March-April 2014. Measurements of primary productivity in the water using light-dark bottle method. Dark bottle and light bottle placed at a depth of 0 cm, 10 cm, 30 cm, 50 cm, 70 cm, and 80 cm. Sampling of phytoplankton was conducted using a plankton net. Measurement of chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b using a spectrophotometer with a wavelength of 750, 664, 647 and 630 nm. Pitfalls of organic waste in the form of nylon fabric with a pore size of 1 mm2 placed at the inlet and outlet simultaneously in five lakes at Campus UI Depok. Sampling of sediment was conducted using a Peterson Grab. Sediment samples were analyzed with the organic carbon content of the Walkley-Black method. 3D Analyst ArcView 10.1 method used to calculate the volume of the lakes. The rate of carbon uptake in five UI Depok it has the potential to absorb carbon by an average of 48.61 mgC/m3/hour. The content of chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b in five lakes at Campus UI Depok was average of 2.59 mg/l and 0.35 mg/l. The results of the identification of phytoplankton samples obtained four classes, namely Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Euglenophyceae, and Bacillariophyceae. The highest density and highest dominance values in samples of phytoplankton in five lakes at Campus UI Depok contained in the class Chlorophyceae. Build up of organic waste by 0.55 gr/m3/hour. Sand sediment types dominate in five lakes at Campus UI Depok. Carbon content in sediment samples gravel at 19.75 to 26.58 ppm, the sand at 28.47 to 38.55 ppm, and the mud of 36.79 to 42.05 ppm. The five lakes at Campus UI Depok has the potential to accommodate the volume of waters at 654.830 m3.;Research has conducted about the level of carbon uptake and chlorophyll content as well as the analysis of trash, sediment, and volume in five lakes at Campus UI Depok. The study aimed to analyze the level of carbon uptake and chlorophyll content, and organic matter in the litter, sediment and volume in five lakes at Campus UI Depok. The study was conducted in five lakes at Campus UI Depok, namely Agathis, Mahoni, Puspa, Ulin, and Salam. Sampling was conducted in March-April 2014. Measurements of primary productivity in the water using light-dark bottle method. Dark bottle and light bottle placed at a depth of 0 cm, 10 cm, 30 cm, 50 cm, 70 cm, and 80 cm. Sampling of phytoplankton was conducted using a plankton net. Measurement of chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b using a spectrophotometer with a wavelength of 750, 664, 647 and 630 nm. Pitfalls of organic waste in the form of nylon fabric with a pore size of 1 mm2 placed at the inlet and outlet simultaneously in five lakes at Campus UI Depok. Sampling of sediment was conducted using a Peterson Grab. Sediment samples were analyzed with the organic carbon content of the Walkley-Black method. 3D Analyst ArcView 10.1 method used to calculate the volume of the lakes. The rate of carbon uptake in five UI Depok it has the potential to absorb carbon by an average of 48.61 mgC/m3/hour. The content of chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b in five lakes at Campus UI Depok was average of 2.59 mg/l and 0.35 mg/l. The results of the identification of phytoplankton samples obtained four classes, namely Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Euglenophyceae, and Bacillariophyceae. The highest density and highest dominance values in samples of phytoplankton in five lakes at Campus UI Depok contained in the class Chlorophyceae. Build up of organic waste by 0.55 gr/m3/hour. Sand sediment types dominate in five lakes at Campus UI Depok. Carbon content in sediment samples gravel at 19.75 to 26.58 ppm, the sand at 28.47 to 38.55 ppm, and the mud of 36.79 to 42.05 ppm. The five lakes at Campus UI Depok has the potential to accommodate the volume of waters at 654.830 m3.;Research has conducted about the level of carbon uptake and chlorophyll content as well as the analysis of trash, sediment, and volume in five lakes at Campus UI Depok. The study aimed to analyze the level of carbon uptake and chlorophyll content, and organic matter in the litter, sediment and volume in five lakes at Campus UI Depok. The study was conducted in five lakes at Campus UI Depok, namely Agathis, Mahoni, Puspa, Ulin, and Salam. Sampling was conducted in March-April 2014. Measurements of primary productivity in the water using light-dark bottle method. Dark bottle and light bottle placed at a depth of 0 cm, 10 cm, 30 cm, 50 cm, 70 cm, and 80 cm. Sampling of phytoplankton was conducted using a plankton net. Measurement of chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b using a spectrophotometer with a wavelength of 750, 664, 647 and 630 nm. Pitfalls of organic waste in the form of nylon fabric with a pore size of 1 mm2 placed at the inlet and outlet simultaneously in five lakes at Campus UI Depok. Sampling of sediment was conducted using a Peterson Grab. Sediment samples were analyzed with the organic carbon content of the Walkley-Black method. 3D Analyst ArcView 10.1 method used to calculate the volume of the lakes. The rate of carbon uptake in five UI Depok it has the potential to absorb carbon by an average of 48.61 mgC/m3/hour. The content of chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b in five lakes at Campus UI Depok was average of 2.59 mg/l and 0.35 mg/l. The results of the identification of phytoplankton samples obtained four classes, namely Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Euglenophyceae, and Bacillariophyceae. The highest density and highest dominance values in samples of phytoplankton in five lakes at Campus UI Depok contained in the class Chlorophyceae. Build up of organic waste by 0.55 gr/m3/hour. Sand sediment types dominate in five lakes at Campus UI Depok. Carbon content in sediment samples gravel at 19.75 to 26.58 ppm, the sand at 28.47 to 38.55 ppm, and the mud of 36.79 to 42.05 ppm. The five lakes at Campus UI Depok has the potential to accommodate the volume of waters at 654.830 m3.;Research has conducted about the level of carbon uptake and chlorophyll content as well as the analysis of trash, sediment, and volume in five lakes at Campus UI Depok. The study aimed to analyze the level of carbon uptake and chlorophyll content, and organic matter in the litter, sediment and volume in five lakes at Campus UI Depok. The study was conducted in five lakes at Campus UI Depok, namely Agathis, Mahoni, Puspa, Ulin, and Salam. Sampling was conducted in March-April 2014. Measurements of primary productivity in the water using light-dark bottle method. Dark bottle and light bottle placed at a depth of 0 cm, 10 cm, 30 cm, 50 cm, 70 cm, and 80 cm. Sampling of phytoplankton was conducted using a plankton net. Measurement of chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b using a spectrophotometer with a wavelength of 750, 664, 647 and 630 nm. Pitfalls of organic waste in the form of nylon fabric with a pore size of 1 mm2 placed at the inlet and outlet simultaneously in five lakes at Campus UI Depok. Sampling of sediment was conducted using a Peterson Grab. Sediment samples were analyzed with the organic carbon content of the Walkley-Black method. 3D Analyst ArcView 10.1 method used to calculate the volume of the lakes. The rate of carbon uptake in five UI Depok it has the potential to absorb carbon by an average of 48.61 mgC/m3/hour. The content of chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b in five lakes at Campus UI Depok was average of 2.59 mg/l and 0.35 mg/l. The results of the identification of phytoplankton samples obtained four classes, namely Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Euglenophyceae, and Bacillariophyceae. The highest density and highest dominance values in samples of phytoplankton in five lakes at Campus UI Depok contained in the class Chlorophyceae. Build up of organic waste by 0.55 gr/m3/hour. Sand sediment types dominate in five lakes at Campus UI Depok. Carbon content in sediment samples gravel at 19.75 to 26.58 ppm, the sand at 28.47 to 38.55 ppm, and the mud of 36.79 to 42.05 ppm. The five lakes at Campus UI Depok has the potential to accommodate the volume of waters at 654.830 m3.;Research has conducted about the level of carbon uptake and chlorophyll content as well as the analysis of trash, sediment, and volume in five lakes at Campus UI Depok. The study aimed to analyze the level of carbon uptake and chlorophyll content, and organic matter in the litter, sediment and volume in five lakes at Campus UI Depok. The study was conducted in five lakes at Campus UI Depok, namely Agathis, Mahoni, Puspa, Ulin, and Salam. Sampling was conducted in March-April 2014. Measurements of primary productivity in the water using light-dark bottle method. Dark bottle and light bottle placed at a depth of 0 cm, 10 cm, 30 cm, 50 cm, 70 cm, and 80 cm. Sampling of phytoplankton was conducted using a plankton net. Measurement of chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b using a spectrophotometer with a wavelength of 750, 664, 647 and 630 nm. Pitfalls of organic waste in the form of nylon fabric with a pore size of 1 mm2 placed at the inlet and outlet simultaneously in five lakes at Campus UI Depok. Sampling of sediment was conducted using a Peterson Grab. Sediment samples were analyzed with the organic carbon content of the Walkley-Black method. 3D Analyst ArcView 10.1 method used to calculate the volume of the lakes. The rate of carbon uptake in five UI Depok it has the potential to absorb carbon by an average of 48.61 mgC/m3/hour. The content of chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b in five lakes at Campus UI Depok was average of 2.59 mg/l and 0.35 mg/l. The results of the identification of phytoplankton samples obtained four classes, namely Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Euglenophyceae, and Bacillariophyceae. The highest density and highest dominance values in samples of phytoplankton in five lakes at Campus UI Depok contained in the class Chlorophyceae. Build up of organic waste by 0.55 gr/m3/hour. Sand sediment types dominate in five lakes at Campus UI Depok. Carbon content in sediment samples gravel at 19.75 to 26.58 ppm, the sand at 28.47 to 38.55 ppm, and the mud of 36.79 to 42.05 ppm. The five lakes at Campus UI Depok has the potential to accommodate the volume of waters at 654.830 m3.;Research has conducted about the level of carbon uptake and chlorophyll content as well as the analysis of trash, sediment, and volume in five lakes at Campus UI Depok. The study aimed to analyze the level of carbon uptake and chlorophyll content, and organic matter in the litter, sediment and volume in five lakes at Campus UI Depok. The study was conducted in five lakes at Campus UI Depok, namely Agathis, Mahoni, Puspa, Ulin, and Salam. Sampling was conducted in March-April 2014. Measurements of primary productivity in the water using light-dark bottle method. Dark bottle and light bottle placed at a depth of 0 cm, 10 cm, 30 cm, 50 cm, 70 cm, and 80 cm. Sampling of phytoplankton was conducted using a plankton net. Measurement of chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b using a spectrophotometer with a wavelength of 750, 664, 647 and 630 nm. Pitfalls of organic waste in the form of nylon fabric with a pore size of 1 mm2 placed at the inlet and outlet simultaneously in five lakes at Campus UI Depok. Sampling of sediment was conducted using a Peterson Grab. Sediment samples were analyzed with the organic carbon content of the Walkley-Black method. 3D Analyst ArcView 10.1 method used to calculate the volume of the lakes. The rate of carbon uptake in five UI Depok it has the potential to absorb carbon by an average of 48.61 mgC/m3/hour. The content of chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b in five lakes at Campus UI Depok was average of 2.59 mg/l and 0.35 mg/l. The results of the identification of phytoplankton samples obtained four classes, namely Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Euglenophyceae, and Bacillariophyceae. The highest density and highest dominance values in samples of phytoplankton in five lakes at Campus UI Depok contained in the class Chlorophyceae. Build up of organic waste by 0.55 gr/m3/hour. Sand sediment types dominate in five lakes at Campus UI Depok. Carbon content in sediment samples gravel at 19.75 to 26.58 ppm, the sand at 28.47 to 38.55 ppm, and the mud of 36.79 to 42.05 ppm. The five lakes at Campus UI Depok has the potential to accommodate the volume of waters at 654.830 m3., Research has conducted about the level of carbon uptake and chlorophyll content as well as the analysis of trash, sediment, and volume in five lakes at Campus UI Depok. The study aimed to analyze the level of carbon uptake and chlorophyll content, and organic matter in the litter, sediment and volume in five lakes at Campus UI Depok. The study was conducted in five lakes at Campus UI Depok, namely Agathis, Mahoni, Puspa, Ulin, and Salam. Sampling was conducted in March-April 2014. Measurements of primary productivity in the water using light-dark bottle method. Dark bottle and light bottle placed at a depth of 0 cm, 10 cm, 30 cm, 50 cm, 70 cm, and 80 cm. Sampling of phytoplankton was conducted using a plankton net. Measurement of chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b using a spectrophotometer with a wavelength of 750, 664, 647 and 630 nm. Pitfalls of organic waste in the form of nylon fabric with a pore size of 1 mm2 placed at the inlet and outlet simultaneously in five lakes at Campus UI Depok. Sampling of sediment was conducted using a Peterson Grab. Sediment samples were analyzed with the organic carbon content of the Walkley-Black method. 3D Analyst ArcView 10.1 method used to calculate the volume of the lakes. The rate of carbon uptake in five UI Depok it has the potential to absorb carbon by an average of 48.61 mgC/m3/hour. The content of chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b in five lakes at Campus UI Depok was average of 2.59 mg/l and 0.35 mg/l. The results of the identification of phytoplankton samples obtained four classes, namely Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Euglenophyceae, and Bacillariophyceae. The highest density and highest dominance values in samples of phytoplankton in five lakes at Campus UI Depok contained in the class Chlorophyceae. Build up of organic waste by 0.55 gr/m3/hour. Sand sediment types dominate in five lakes at Campus UI Depok. Carbon content in sediment samples gravel at 19.75 to 26.58 ppm, the sand at 28.47 to 38.55 ppm, and the mud of 36.79 to 42.05 ppm. The five lakes at Campus UI Depok has the potential to accommodate the volume of waters at 654.830 m3.]
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :

Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan April dan Mel 1997 di daerah penghijauan bagian utara Kampus FE-UI Depok. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya nilai indeks preferensi inang dan tumpang tindih relung dari beberapa jenis rayap yang berada di lokasi penelitian. Penelitian ini berhasil mendata 4 jenis rayap dari 335 pohon. Keempat jenis rayap tersebut adalah; Schedorhinotermes javanicus Kemner, Microtermes insperatus Kemner, Macrotermes gilvus (Hagen) dan Odontotermes javanicus Holmgren. Nilai indeks preferensi yang ditunjukkan oieh keempat jenis rayap bert>eda-beda terhadap jenis pohon yang diserang. Demikian pula dengan indeks tumpang tindih relung yang dihasilkan juga berbeda. Perbedaan tersebut mungkin disebabkan adanya pengaruh musim, kandungan zat kimia di dalam pohon dan ketersediaan jenis pohon tersebut di lokasi penelitian. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa indeks preferensi inang dan tumpang tindih relung keempat jenis rayap berbeda-beda.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Penelitian tentang pengaruh vegetasi di Kampus Universitas Indonesia Depok terhadap iklim mikro dan kenyamanan lingkungan telah dilakukan pada bulan Januari--Desember 2008. Lokasi dan unit sampel ditentukan secara purposive. Jenis-jenis vegetasi yang diteliti adalah jati (Tectona grandis L.f.), karet (Hevea brasiliensis M.A.), akasia (Acacia mangium Willd.), kirai payung (Filicium decipiens Thw.), dan flamboyan (Delonix regia Raf.). Parameter biotik yang diukur meliputi tinggi pohon, diameter batang, diameter kanopi, dan luas daun, sedangkan parameter abiotik yang diukur meliputi suhu udara, intensitas cahaya matahari, kelembapan relatif udara, dan kecepatan angin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis-jenis vegetasi di Kampus UI Depok dapat memengaruhi iklim mikro. Flamboyan mempunyai kemampuan terbesar dalam mengurangi suhu udara (6,97%) dan intensitas cahaya matahari (75,60%). Jati mempunyai kemampuan terbesar dalam meningkatkan kelembapan relatif udara (9,23%) dan menurunkan kecepatan angin (50%). Flamboyan dapat memberikan tingkat kenyamanan lingkungan yang tertinggi, yaitu termasuk kategori hangat nyaman (26,9° C ET).
Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bahari Antono
Abstrak :
Untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya akan air bersih, kampus Universitas Indonesia Depok selama ini memanfaatkan suplai air bersih dari PDAM Depok. Sistem pendistribusiarmya yaitu suplai air dari PDAM Depok ditampung di reservoir bawah, kernudian dipompakan ke reservoir atas (menara air) setelah itu air didistribusikan ke tiap daerah pelayanan dalam lingkungan kampus UI-Depok.

Dalam penulisan skripsi ini penulis membuat suatu Studi perencanaan Sistem Distribusi Air Bersih yang merupakan tahap akhir dari perencanaan penyediaan air bersih sebagaj alternatif penyediaan air bersih dalam lingkungan kampus UI- Depok dengan memanfaatkan Sumber air baku dari danau/Situ UI.

Studi perencanaan ini hanya dibatasi pada perencanaan jaringan distribusi induk. Dalam merencanakan jaringan distribusi induk air bersih, langkah pertama yang dilakukan adalah mengevaluasi jaringan pipa induk yang ada. Setelah dilakukan evaluasi ternyata beberapa pipa mempunyai kecepatan aliran air di bawah kriteria perencanaan, untuk itu ada dua altematif yang bisa dilakukan yaitu pertama pengurangan diameter pipa sampai didapatkan kecepatan aliran air sesuai kriteria pereneanaan, dalam arti pipa-pipa tersebut diganti dengan pipa-pipa baru. Alternatif kedua tidak dilakukan pengurangan diameter pipa, tetapi dengan mengatur lebar bukaan valve pada pipa-pipa yang mempunyai kecepatan aliran rendah. Untuk kedua alternatif tersebut, sisa tekan yang dihasilkan sangat mencukupi, berada di atas sisa tekan perencanaan yaitu sisa tekan pada titik terjauh minimal 15 mka.

Dari dua altematif tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa altematif kedua lebih baik dengan pertimbangan biaya dan peningkatan jumlah populasi di masa yang akan datang. Reservoir atas (menara air) dengan ketinggian 37,5 meter dari muka tanah dan berkapasitas sebesar 300 m3 masih dapat digunakan. Pompa air dengan head total 50 meter dan kapasitas pemompaan sebesar 20 liter/detik masih layak untuk tems dioperasikan.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aries Eko Priyanto
Abstrak :
Turbin air pada PLTM berfungsi merubah energi air yang memiliki tinggi tedun dan kapasitasldebit air tertentu menjadi energi mekanik dengan memutar roda turbin. Energi mekanik yang dihasilkan turbin air digunakan sebagai penggerak mula dari generator dengan menghubungkan poros turbin dan generator sehingga energi listrik dapat dihasilkan. Pemilihan turbin air merupakan bagian yang sangat penting dalam perencanaan pembangunan sebuah PLTM. Karena besarnya energi listrik yang dihasilkan olch suatu PLTM sangat tergantung dari kemampuan turbin air dalam merubah potensi tenaga air menjadi energi mekanik. Lingkungan Kampus Ul Depok merupakan daerah yang cukup banyak memiliki kekayaan sumber energi khususnya sumber tenaga air. Hal ini didukung adanya rencana pembangunan waduk yang digunakan sebagai waduk resapan dan rencana pembangunan Studio Alam Energi Baru dan Terbarukan dengan memanfaatkan air luapan waduk tersebut sebagai pembangkit listrik dengan memanfaatkan teknologi PLTM. Potensi tenaga air di lingkungan Kampus Ul Depok memiliki ciri khas yang berbeda dengan daerah lainnya. Dilain pihak jenis turbin air yang digunakan dalam penerapan PLTM memiliki karakteristik serta kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing. Sehingga dalam perencanaan pembangunan PLTM di Kampus Ul Depok perlu dipilih jenis turbin air yang dipandang cocok dan menguntungkan untuk kondisi potensi tenaga air di lingkungan Kampus UI Depok. Dalam skripsi ini, jumlah unit yang digunakan dalam pemilihan turbin air dibatasi sampai dua unit turbin air yang digunakan sebagai penggerak mula generator pada PLTM di Kampus Ul Depok. ApabiIa dengan menggunakan satu unit turbin air maka jenis turbin yang cocok untuk potensi tenaga air di Kampus Ul Depok adalah turbin propeler. Demikian pula pada pemilihan jenis turbin dengan menggunakan dua unit turbin air maka jenis turbin yang cocok adalah turbin propeler.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anif Mubarok
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas tingkat pengetahuan mengenai mengemudi yang aman pada pengemudi bis kuning kampus UI tahun 2016. Tingkat pengetahuan diukur berdasarkan tolak ukur Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan dan Undang-Undang Lalu Lintas serta wawasan mengenai safety driving. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan analisis univariat. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa pengemudi bis kuning perlu menerima sosialisasi mengenai aturan berkendara yang aman; pihak pengawas perlu melakukan edukasi mengenai safety driving melalui pelatihan khusus; serta melalui apel rutin senantiasa diingatkan tentang nilai-nilai keselamatan dalam mengemudi.
This research discusses the level of knowledge about safe driving of the UI?s public transportation driver in 2016. The level of knowledge is measured by Regulation of the Minister Transportation, Trafic Legislation of Republic Indonesia, and insight about safety driving. This is qualitative research by univariate analysis. The result of research stated that driver should receive the socialization of the safety driving rules; the supervisors need to do education about safety driving through specialized training; as well as through regular meetings are reminded about the values in safety driving.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hilma Nur Faiza
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan: Merokok dapat menimbulkan berbagai risiko kesehatan, termasuk penurunan kapasitas fungsional kardiorespirasi yang akan menurunkan kebugaran fisik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara intensitas merokok terhadap tingkat kebugaran yang diukur dengan metode uji jalan 6 menit. Metode: metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah potong lintang. Subjek dipilih dengan metode consecutive sampling (n=103). Data yang dikumpulkan adalah aktivitas merokok, hasil jarak uji jalan 6 menit, serta status kardiorespirasi sebelum dan sesudah uji jalan. Analisis data pada penelitian ini adalah univariat untuk menilai distribusi subjek berdasarkan karakteristik sosiodemografi dan aktivitas merokok, serta uji korelatif kategorik Kruskal-wallis. Hasil: dari 103 subjek didapatkan mayoritas petugas kebersihan kampus UI Depok adalah laki-laki (53,4%), usia 40-49 tahun (33%), serta mayoritas adalah bukan perokok (55,3%). Berdasarkan aktivitas merokok, 35% perokok dengan IB ringan, 9,7% perokok dengan IB sedang, dan 55,3% bukan perokok. Pada subjek perokok, mayoritas adalah laki-laki (80%), usia 20-29 tahun (78,9%), mengonsumsi rata-rata 10 batang rokok perhari, dengan lama merokok rata-rata 13 tahun. Berdasarkan uji korelasi Kruskal-wallis antara intensitas merokok dengan tingkat kebugaran memiliki nilai p value 0,681. Kesimpulan: Tidak ada hubungan bermakna antara intensitas merokok dengan tingkat kebugaran yang diukur dengan metode uji jalan 6 menit pada petugas kebersihan kampus UI Depok. ......Introduction: Smoking is one of the risk factor of health problems, including cardiorespiratory function. This study aims to determine the relationship between smoking intensity based on the Brinkman index and fitness level measured by 6 minutes walking test. Method: the method used was a cross-sectional study. The subject was chosen through consecutive sampling methods (n=103). Data analysis used in this study was a univariate test to see the distribution of the social demography and the characteristic of smoking activity, and the Kruskal-wallis test for assessing the relationships between variables. Result: from 103 subjects, the janitors were dominated by male (53.4%), aged 40-49 years (33%), and non-smoker (55.3%). Based on the Brinkman index, the result showed 35% smokers with mild BI, 9.7% smokers with moderate BI, and 55.3% are non-smokers. Furthermore, the smokers were dominated by male (80%), aged 20-29 years (78.9%), consumed approximately 10 cigarettes per day, and the average of smoking duration is 13 years. Based on the Kruskal-wallis test to assess the relationship between those two variables, the p value was 0.68. Conclusion: There is no significant relationship between smoking intensity and physical fitness measured by 6 minutes walking test on janitors of Universitas Indonesia Depok.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Faris Zulkarnain
Abstrak :
Cascade pond system yang terdiri dari 6 situ terletak pada Daerah Tangkapan air DTA kampus Universitas Indonesia UI , Depok. DTA ini didominasi oleh permukiman padat penduduk dengan tingkat kekedapan mulai dari sedang hingga tinggi. Makroinvertebrata dapat menjadi salah satu instrumen bioindikator penilaian kesehatan DTA karena beberapa keunggulannya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menilai kondisi kesehatan DTA berdasarkan indeks makroinvertebrata SingScore dan Hilsenhoff biotic index serta mengetahui faktor yang mempengaruhi kelimpahan makroinvertebrata. Canonical correspondence analysis CCA digunakan untuk mengetahui keterkaitan antara kelimpahan makroinvertebrata dengan beberapa faktor lingkungan. Penilaian kesehatan DTA kampus UI, Depok menyatakan bahwa semakin ke arah hilir, situ cenderung lebih sehat berdasarkan SingScore. Parameter fisik-lingkungan DTA tidak mempengaruhi kelimpahan makroinvertebrata yang toleran dan sensitif secara merata karena hanya memiliki eigenvalue sebesar 0,18. Parameter fisik-kimia air mempengaruhi kelimpahan makroinvertebrata yang ditunjukan dengan eigenvalue sebesar 0,45. Diagram ordinasi CCA menggambarkan bahwa kelimpahan makroinvertebrata yang sensitif dipengaruhi oleh substrat alami sedangkan kelimpahan makroinvertebrata yang toleran sangat dipengaruhi oleh substrat artifisial. ...... A cascade pond system consists of six ponds located at Universitas Indonesia Campus Depok catchment area. Its catchment area is dominated by high density urban area with moderate to high imperviousness rate. Macroinvertebrate index is one of bioindicator instrument for catchment health assessment. The aim of this study is assessing the current state of cascade pond system health based on SingScore and Hilsenhoff biotic index. Canonical correspondence analysis CCA describes the relationship between macroinvertebrate abundance and some catchment area rsquo s physical environment parameters i.e. impervious cover, vegetation cover, road density, water physicochemistry, and pond morphology. The health assessment based on SingScore shows that the lower ponds are relatively healthier than the upper. Physical environment parameter doesn rsquo t significantly affect the distribution of macroinvertebrate because the eigenvalue is only 0,18. Water physicochemistry predispose the abundance of tolerant and sensitive macroinvertebrate with eigenvalue 0,45. Ordination diagram of CCA depict that the abundance of sensitive macroinvertebrates are be affected to natural substrate while tolerant macroinvertebrates are showing high relationship with artificial substrate retaining wall .
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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