"[Gas alam sudah menjadi alternatif bahan bakar maupun digunakan sebagai bahan baku industri. Gas alam terdiri dari senyawa hidrokarbon berupa gas, seperti metana, etana, propana, butana, dan kondensat. Namun gas alam memiliki kandungan pengotor berupa air, nitrogen, karbon dioksida, hidrogen sulfida, dan merkuri yang harus dihilangkan. Teknologi kontaktor membran merupakan salah
satu cara dalam menghilangkan kandungan karbon dioksida yang terdapat di dalam gas alam. Pada penelitian ini digunakan teknologi kontaktor membran serat berongga superhidrofobik dengan menggunakan pelarut DEA. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persen penyerapan gas karbon dioksida dari pelarut DEA serta untuk mengetahui pengaruh laju alir gas umpan terhadap fenomena perpindahan massa yang terjadi di membran. Dari fenomena perpindahan massa yang terjadi, akan didapatkan kinerja dari kontaktor membran serat berongga superhidrofobik dalam proses absorbsi gas karbon dioksida. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, jumlah gas karbon dioksida yang terserap sebesar 0,03128-0,05331 mmol/s untuk modul dengan jumlah serat 8000 dan untuk modul dengan jumlah serat 2000 mampu menyerap gas CO2 sebesar 0,0268-0,02994 mmol/s. Nilai koefisien perpindahan massa yang didapatkan untuk modul dengan jumlah serat 2000 adalah sebesar 1,93x10-4-2,5x10-4 cm/s dan modul dengan jumlah serat 8000 sebesar 9,8x10-5 – 1,44x10-4 cm/s untuk variasi laju alir gas sebesar 170, 255, dan 340 cm3/min dengan laju alir pelarut DEA yang tetap sebesar 500 cm3/min.
Natural gas has been used as alternative fuel or used as industrial raw materials. Natural gas consists of hydrocarbon compounds such as methane, ethane, propane, butane, dan condensats. However, natural gas also consists of impurities such as water, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and mercury which have to remove. Membrane contactor technology is one of the methods which is used to remove carbon dioxide contents that contained in natural gas. In this study, we use hollow fiber membrane contactor using DEA as the solvent. The aim of this study is to know the absorption percentage of carbon dioxide and to know the effect of feed gas flow to mass transfer phenomenon which is occurred in membrane contactor. From the mass transfer phenomenon, we will obtain the performance of superhydrophobic hollow fiber membrane contactor in the absorption process. According to this study, the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed are about 0,03128-0,05331 mmol/s for the module with 8000 fibers and for the module with 2000 fibers able to absorb CO2 about 0,0268-0,02994 mmol/s. The value of mass transfer coefficient which yang is obtained from the module with 2000 fibers are 1,93x10-4-2,5x10-4 cm/s and for the module with 8000 fibers are 9,8x10-5-1,44x10-4 cm/s for the variation of the feed gas flow: 170, 255, dan 340 cm3/min with the DEA constant flowrate about 500 cm3/min., Natural gas has been used as alternative fuel or used as industrial raw materials.Natural gas consists of hydrocarbon compounds such as methane, ethane,propane, butane, dan condensats. However, natural gas also consists of impuritiessuch as water, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and mercury whichhave to remove. Membrane contactor technology is one of the methods which isused to remove carbon dioxide contents that contained in natural gas. In thisstudy, we use hollow fiber membrane contactor using DEA as the solvent. Theaim of this study is to know the absorption percentage of carbon dioxide and toknow the effect of feed gas flow to mass transfer phenomenon which is occurredin membrane contactor. From the mass transfer phenomenon, we will obtain theperformance of superhydrophobic hollow fiber membrane contactor in theabsorption process. According to this study, the amount of carbon dioxideabsorbed are about 0,03128 – 0,05331 mmol/s for the module with 8000 fibersand for the module with 2000 fibers able to absorb CO2 about 0,0268 – 0,02994mmol/s. The value of mass transfer coefficient which yang is obtained from themodule with 2000 fibers are 1,93x10-4 – 2,5x10-4 cm/s and for the module with8000 fibers are 9,8x10-5 – 1,44x10-4 cm/s for the variation of the feed gas flow:170, 255, dan 340 cm3/min with the DEA constant flowrate about 500 cm3/min.]"