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Djoko Sumaljo
Abstrak :
Salah satu sektor industri yang memberikan kontribusi adalah industri perminyakan. Industri ini selain memberi dampak positif, juga menimbulkan dampak negatif berupa limbah diantaranya lumpur dari pengeboran. Ada dua jenis Lumpur yang dipakai yaitu oil base mud dan water base mud. Berat jenis lumpur merupakan fungsi utama untuk menahan tekanan dari bawah tanah supaya tidak terjadi semburan liar. Untuk mendapatkan berat jenis tersebut harus digunakan bahan kimia yang mempunyai kandungan logom berat. Rumusan permasalahan yang dapat disusun adalah sebagai berikut: 1. Apakah dengan mengubah penerapan konsep teknologi water base mud menjadi oil base mud dalam kegiatan pengeboran minyak lepas pantai, beban limbah berupa air lumpur buangan dapat dikurangi karena lumpur masih tetap dapat dipakai untuk pengeboran berikutnya? 2. Apakah penerapan konsep pengurangan komponen aditif dari sumber dalam kegiatan pengeboran minyak bumi di lepas pantai dapat menimbulkan dampak kemungkinan terjadinya semburan liar dan memberikan dampak manfaat bagi industri perminyakan tersebut yaitu berkurangnya beban limbah yang dihasilkan? 3. Apakah penerapan konsep minimisasi limbah dalam kegiatan pengeboran minyak bumi di lepas pantai tersebut di atas dapat meningkatkan efisiensi biaya produksi bagi industri perminyakan? 4. Apakah kegiatan pengeboran minyak lepas pantai di daerah operasi minyak lapangan Maxus mempunyai pengaruh dampak negatif terhadap kualitas air laut dan dampak positif langsung terhadap persepsi masyarakat sekitarnya? Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengurangan penggunaan bahan kimia (aditif) pada lumpur pengeboran terhadap kualitas limbah yang dihasilkan dan kemungkinan terjadinya semburan liar. 2. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan perubahan media air menjadi media minyak dalam pembuatan lumpur terhadap beban limbah yang dihasilkan setelah operasi Pengeboran. 3. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan konsep minimisasi limbah dalam kegiatan pengeboran minyak bumi di lepas pantai terhadap tingkat efisiensi biaya produksi pada industri perminyakan. 4. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh kegiatan operasi pengeboran minyak lepas pantai di daerah operasi minyak lapangan Maxus terhadap kualitas air laut dan terhadap persepsi masyarakat sekitarnya. Hipotesis dalam penelitian ini adalah: 1. Pengurangan penggunaan bahan kimia (aditif) pada lumpur Pengeboran akan mengurangi bahaya limbah yang dihasilkan serta mengurangi resiko terjadinya semburan liar. 2. Penerapan perubahan media air menjadi media minyak dalam pembuatan lumpur akan menurunkan beban limbah yang dihasilkan setelah operasi Pengeboran. 3. Penerapan konsep minimisasi limbah dalam kegiatan pengeboran minyak bumi di lepas pantai akan meningkatkan efisiensi biaya produksi pada industri perminyakan. 4. Kegiatan operasi pengeboran minyak lepas pantai di daerah operasi minyak lapangan Maxus menimbulkan dampak menurunnya kualitas air laut dan persepsi negatif masyarakat sekitarnya. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode survei dan ekspos fakto. Penelition ini dilakukan di daerah operasi wilayah Maxus di Laut Jawa dan berlangsung selama kurang lebih 6 bulan, yaitu sejak Desember 2001 - Juni 2002. Tahapan penelitian meliputi penentuan jenis penelitian yaitu penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode survei dan ekspos fakto, penentuan lokasi penelitian yaitu di daerah operasi Maxus, penentuan rancangan penelitian yang meliputi variabel penelitian. tahapan penelitian, pengumpulan data, dan analisis data serta, perencanaan upaya minimisasi limbah lumpur dari sumbernya. Secara umum parameter kualitas badan air masih berada pada kisaran di bawah baku mutu dengan dijumpai beberapa unsur logam berat Ni, Cd dan Pb yang masih di atas ambang baku mutu. Keberadaan ketiga unsur logam berat tersebut meskipun masih di atas baku mutu tetapi belum terlihat pengaruhnya terhadap kehidupan biota laut. Dari survey tentang pengaruh kegiatan operasi Pengeboran terhadap persepsi masyarakat, ternyata disimpulkan bahwa persepsi masyarakat terhadap kegiatan tersebut positif. Dengan kondisi tekanan awal dan akhir yang berbeda, secara prinsip bila penggunaan berat jenis lumpur pada operasi Pengeboran terlalu besar kemungkinan terjadi hilang lumpur sangat besar. Bila terjadi kehilangan lumpur maka kemungkinan terjadinya semburan liar sangat besar. Secara prinsip, volume limbah yang dibuang di lingkungan pada media water base mud lebih besar bila dibandingkan dengan memakai media oil base mud. Kesimpulan peneliiian ini adalah: 1. Pemakaian oil base mud dapat mengurangi jumlah volume pembuangan limbah lumpur, karena lumpur bekas oil base mud masih dapat digunakan kembali. 2. Penurunan berat jenis sesuai dengan penurunan tekanan formasi akan .mengurangi jumlah pemakaian bahan kimia, terutama yang mengandung logam berat. sehingga dampak yang ditimbulkan juga makin berkurang. Penurunan jumlah bahan kimia akan menurunkan biaya operasi dan pengelolaan lingkungan. 3. Secara umum semua parameter kualitas badan air masih berada dalam batas baku mutu yang ditetapkan sehingga daerah wilayah operasi masih cukup baik. Tetapi beberapa komponen logam berat seperti Ni, Pb, dan Cd masih berada di atas baku mutu, namun secara berangsur ketiga unsur tersebut cenderung mengalami penurunan. 4. Penilaian masyarakat tentang kegiatan operasi minyak dan gas Maxus terhadap kehidupan kegiatan sosial ekonomi mereka ternyata positif baik. 5. Meskipun kualitas air dan persepsi masyarakat baik, tetapi perubahan parameter bawah tanah menghendaki penurunan berat jenis yang dipakai, karena pemakaian berat jenis yang tinggi memungkinkan terjadinya kehilangan lumpur. Bila hal tersebut terjadi, penahan tekanan formasi tidak ada sehingga akibatnya semburan liar dapat terjadi.
Minimizing Mud Waste in Offshore Oil Drilling (A case study at the Maxus Offshore Oil Drilling Platform in the Java Sea)One of the industrial sectors that provide considerable contribution has been petroleum industry. This industry brings out positive effect, and it also causes negative effect in the form of various sorts of waste including mud and sludge produced by the drilling activity. There are two types of mud in use, oil base mud and water base mud. The specific gravity of the mud constitutes the prime function that is to restrain the underground pressure from surging up, and thus no wild spouts would occur. In order to obtain such specific gravity we must employ certain chemicals that have heavy metal content. The formulation of the problematic questions can be practically arranged as follows: 1. Can the alteration made in the application of water base mud concept into that of oil base mud in the offshore oil drilling activity reduce the waste load that comprises muddy waste water, considering the fact that the application of oil base mud technology makes the mud remain potentially usable in the next drilling? 2. Can the application of concept on additive component reduction from the source in the offshore petroleum drilling activity raise possible effect that causes wild spouts, and will such application give beneficial effect to the oil industry, that is the decrease in the waste load produced? 3. Can the application of waste minimization concept in the offshore petroleum drilling activity as mentioned above improve the efficiency of production cost in the oil industry? 4. Is offshore oil drilling in the Maxus operation area viewed positively by the existing community in the vicinity of the project? The objectives of the research are: 1. To know and understand the extent of the effect resulting from reducing the (additive) chemicals applied in the drilling mud to the quality of the waste produced, and to the possible occurrence of wild spouts. 2. To see the effect of change from the application of the water media into oil media in mud production, especially towards the waste load associated with the drilling operation. 3. To see the effect of waste minimization concept in the offshore oil drilling activity towards the level of the efficiency in production cost. 4. To observe the effect of Maxus offshore oil drilling operation activities to the sea water quality and to the community existing in the neighborhood. The hypothesis in the present research includes: 1. Reduction in the use of (additive) chemicals in the drilling mud will mitigate the hazards of the waste produced, and to lessen the risk of wild spouts occurrence. 2. The change from water media into oil media in mud production eation will decrease the waste load associated with drilling operation. 3. The application of waste minimization in offshore petroleum drilling will improve the efficiency of production costs in the oil industry. 4. The offshore oil drilling activities in the Maxus field is detrimental to the sea water quality, and creates negative perception to the community. This is a quantitative research conducted through survey and fact exposing method. The present research was conducted at the Maxus operations in the Java Sea, and took approximately 6 months, starting from December 2001 to June 2002. The phases in the research cover the designation of the research type, which is to be a quantitative research with survey and fact exposing method, and the designation of the research site, namely the Maxus operation zone. The designation of the research arrangement covers research variables, research phases, data collection, and data analysis as well as planning the efforts to minimize the mud waste from the source. In general, the water body quality lies in the range of being under quality standard with a number of heavy metals elements (Ni, Cd, and Pb) above the threshold limit value. Although, three heavy metal elements are above the standard value, their effect to the sea aquatic life is yet to be seen. From the survey conducted on the negative influence brought about by the drilling operation to the local society's perception, it turns out that such community's perception toward the activity is favorably positive. With the beginning and end pressure being different, it can be principally postulated that when the use of the mud's specific gravity at the drilling operation is excessively high it is very likely that the loss of the mud is substantially high. When such high loss of mud occurs it is very likely that a wild spout will occur. In principle, the volume of waste entering is greater for the water base mud media compared to the oil base mud. The conclusions of the present research are: 1. The application of oil base mud reduces the volume of the disposed mud waste, because the oil base mud media can be reused. 2. The decrease in the specific gravity will, in accordance with the decrease in the formation pressure, reduce the number of the chemicals in use, particularly of those that contain heavy metal. As a result, the environment impact will be less. Subsequently, the reduction of chemicals wed reduces the operating and environmental management costs. 3. For the most part, all water quality parameters are within the acceptable limit. This means that the environmental quality of the operation area is reasonably good. However, there are several heavy metal components such as Ni, Cd, and Pb that are above the threshold limit value. However, the quantity of these three elements tends to gradually go down. 4. The opinion of the local community on the oil and gas operation activities proves to be positive. 5. In spite of the good water quality and the favorable perception from the local people. The change in underground parameter necessitates a decrease in the mud specific gravity mud will potentially result in more mud loss. When this happens, wild spouts are bound to happen as there is not enough mud to counter the pressure.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2002
T 11055
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sianipar, Pandapotan
Abstrak :
Ikan tongkol adalah jenis ikan beruaya jauh dan merupakan komoditas penting di Indonesia dan dunia. Berdasarkan data tahun 2007 s/d 2016, produksi ikan tongkol di PPN Pekalongan berfluktuasi dengan tren menurun. Hal ini menunjukkan sumberdaya ikan tongkol di Laut Jawa telah mengalami penangkapan berlebihan secara biologi. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis aspek biologi dan ekonomi pemanfaatan ikan tongkol di Laut Jawa yang meliputi tangkapan per upaya penangkapan Catch Per Unit Effort/CPUE, produksi maksimum lestari Maximum Sustainable Yield/MSY, produksi maksimum ekonomi Maximum Economic Yield/MEY, dan produksi keseimbangan akses terbuka Open Access Equilibrium/OAE. Berdasarkan pengolahan dan analisis data, maka dapat diperoleh beberapa kesimpulan sebagai berikut : 1. Produksi aktual adalah 2.867.53 ton/tahun dengan upaya 2.072,89 trip/tahun. Produksi optimal secara biologi pada MSY adalah 3.218,44 ton/tahun dengan upaya 2.537,10 trip/tahun. Oleh karena itu usaha penangkapan ikan tongkol di Laut Jawa belum mengalami penangkapan berlebihan secara biologi, 2. Usaha penangkapan ikan tongkol dengan kapal purse seine dan mini purse seine telah mengalami penangkapan ikan berlebihan secara ekonomi. 3. Produksi optimal secara ekonomi pada MEY dengan kapal mini purse seine adalah 1.814,01 ton/tahun pada upaya 861,13 trip/tahun. Produksi optimal secara ekonomi pada MEY dengan kapal gillnet adalah 3.182,34 ton/tahun pada upaya 2.268,39 trip/tahun. 4. Produksi optimal pada OAE dengan kapal mini purse seine adalah 2.886,46 ton/tahun pada upaya 1.722,27 trip/tahun. Produksi optimal pada OAE dengan kapal gillnet adalah 1.219,08 ton/tahun pada upaya 4.536,78 trip/tahun. 5. Produksi/upaya aktual kapal purse seine dan mini purse seine tidak dapat ditingkatkan ke MSY, karena akan mengalami total kerugian yang lebih besar. Produksi/upaya aktual kapal mini purse seine harus dikurangi ke MEY agar dapat memperoleh total keuntungan yang optimal. Produksi/upaya penangkapan ikan tongkol dengan kapal gillnet masih dapat ditingkatkan ke MSY untuk meningkatkan keuntungan dengan tetap menjaga kelestarian sumberdaya ikan tongkol di Laut Jawa atau ditingkatkan ke MEY untuk memperoleh keuntungan yang optimal.
Mackerel tuna is higly migratory species and important comodities in Indonesia and the world. Based on data 2007 to 2016, production of Mackerel tuna were fluctuated with the decreasing trend. It is shown that utilization of Mackerel tuna resources in Java Sea have been overfished biologically and economically. The objective of this research is to analyze biological and economical aspect of Mackerel tuna utilization in Java Sea that covering catch per unit effort CPUE , Maximum Sustainable Yield MSY, Maximum Economic Yield MEY, and Open Access Equilibrium OAE. Based on data processing and analyzing, it get some conclusions as follow: 1. Actual production is 2.867.53 ton year with fishing effort 2.072,89 trip year. Optimum production biologically on MSY is 3.218,44 ton year with fishing effort 2.537,10 trip year. Therefore Mackerel tuna fishing business in Java Sea have not been overfished biologically. 2. Mackerel tuna fishing business in Java Sea with purse seine vessel and mini purse seine vessel have been overfished economically. 3. Optimum production economically on MEY with mini purse seine vessel is 1.814,01 ton year with fishing effort 861,13 trip year. Optimum production economically on MEY with gillnet vessel is 3.182,34 ton year with fishing effort 2.268,39 trip year. 4. Optimum production on OAE with mini purse seine vessel is 2.886,46 ton year with fishing effort 1.722,27 trip year. Optimum production on OAE with gillnet vessel is 1.219,08 ton year with fishing effort 4.536,78 trip year. 5. Actual production effort of gillnet vessel and mini purse seine vessel can not be increased to MSY, because should get a bigger total loss. Production fishing effort of mini purse seine vessel should be decreased to MEY so it get optimum total profit. Production fishing effort of Mackerel tuna fishing in Java Sea with gillnet vessel can be increased to MSY for increasing profit with keeping sustainable of Mackerel tuna resources in Java Sea or to MEY for optimum total profit.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
The study on the fluctuation of dissolved nutrient concentrations and acidity (pH) in the Cisadane Estuary was carried out in May 2004 October 2004 and July 2005....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
A sedimentology survey was conducted during “Pelayaran Kebangsaan� research activities with a marine vessel of "Baruna Jaya VIII" in Karimun Java Sea. The objectives of the research were to determine the characteristics of marine water and its sediment, which are important control for coral reef growth in the study area. The survey acquired samples of Total Suspended Sediment (TSS) and gravity coring. Several analyses were then carried out on those samples; TSS analysis to determine the amount of suspended sediments in sea water that reflect the water quality for marine ecology, stratigraphic profile and sediment thickness pattern analyses to determine the sources of sediment, and grain-size analysis based on granulometry to determine deposition energy and grain-size distribution in the area. Those analyses were both conducted on-board Baruna Jaya VIII research vessel and P2O LIPI laboratory in Jakarta. The results showed that in Java Sea nearby Karimun Java Islands, the sediment supply came from the surrounding islands. Two sedimentary units were found in this area. The first units has thickness of tens centimeter from sea bed surface. It is characterized by grayish green color, grain size variation from clay to coarse sand, soft or low density and abundance with shells. The second unit is located beneath the first one, indicated by sharp contact. It is characterized by brownish color, higher density resembling the density of rock, less compacted and can be broken easily by hand, with occasionally thin carbon lenses or remnant of decomposed vegetation, and less shell or fossil At sea surface, TSS distribution shows value between 0.018 and 0.034 gr/l, with average of 0.025 gr/l, whereas at near bottom sea, it ranges between 0.024 and 0.030 gr/l, with average value of 0.027 gr/l. The granulometry shows that more than 50% of sediment is characterized by the abundance of grain size greater than 3 phi. It suggest that sea water around Karimun Java Islands was clear and the current was relatively calm. These conditions were relatively stable for a long time span. Those sea characteristics were important for successful growth of coral reefs and its complementary marine biotas. However, further studies and researches based on chemical and physical characteristics of sea water, and plankton and microbiology variation and abundances are necessary to confirm those presuppositions
620 JITK 3:1 (2011)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bernard Arps
Abstrak :
MS Jav. b. 2 (R) is among the earliest Javanese manuscripts brought to Europe by seafarers. It was presented to the Bodleian Library, Oxford, in 1629. Its text – titled Stories of Amir (Caritanira Amir) – sheds new light on the literary and cultural history of Java and the wider Java Sea world. Probably composed in the 1500s, possibly in Banten, the text contains part of an adaptation of the Malay Hikayat Amir Hamzah, itself a rendition of an eleventh-century text in Persian. The protagonist Hamza was an uncle of the Prophet Muhammad. His epic story used to be told across Islamic Asia in a range of literary and performance genres. The text is Javanized not only in its language but also its poetics and (selectively) its natural and cultural settings. Among other things, Caritanira Amir helps to clarify the relationship between Middle and Modern Javanese, and it problematizes social, political, and religious issues that were evidently of concern in the early modern Java Sea world. Several appear in the excerpt presented here.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2021
909 UI-WACANA 22:3 (2021)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Handri
Abstrak :
Statistik yang mencatat produksi secara akurat untuk jenis ikan kurisi di Indonesia baik secara nasional maupun daerah, belum ada. Untuk itu dilakukan penelitian yang dapat memberikan informasi mengenai status dan stok potensi ikan kurisi jenis ini di Laut Jawa bagi pemangku kepentingan dan pemerintah. Hal tersebut dilakukan dengan menganalisis status stok ikan kurisi dengan metode Swept Area, mengkaji selektivitas alat trawl yang dapat menjamin rekrutmen ikan kurisi dan menganalisis semua informasi yang berguna bagi pengelolaan ikan kurisi sehingga perikanan kurisi tetap lestari di perairan Tanjung Karawang. Hasil penelitian menentukan bahwa stok ikan kurisi di daerah penangkapan di Tanjung Karawang adalah 60.445 kg/m2 sedangkan hasil penangkapan ikan kurisi sebesar 765,1 kg/m2 atau 1,26 %. Ternyata jaring trawl yang berkantung 3 inci lebih selektif daripada jaring trawl berkantung 2 inci dan 1 inci. Untuk kelestarian perikanan ikan kurisi di Laut Jawa dianjurkan memakai jaring trawl dengan kantung bermata jaring 3 inci.
In fact in Indonesia there has been not an accuratedy been no production statistics are recorded accurately for Kurisi fish species both national and local. This study is expected to provide information on the status and potential of kurisi stocks type this in the Java Sea. Especially for stakeholders and government. Analyzing the status kurisi stocks with Swept area method in the Java Sea. Assessing trawl selectivity tool that can ensure recruitment Kurisi fish in the Java Sea. Analyzing all the useful information for the management of fish Kurisi so Kurisi remain sustainable fisheries in the Java Sea. Stock assessment and selectivity of trawling on fish Kurisi. In the waters of Tanjung Karawang, Java Sea. The study found that fish stocks in the area Kurisi arrest in Tanjung Karawang is (Maximum Sustainable Yield) 60 445 kg/m2 while the catch Kurisi of 765.1 kg/m2 or 1.26%, meaning not happen over fishing. Turns trawl nets pockets 3 inches more selective trawl nets pockets than 2 inches and 1 inch. Seen from a lot of fish that escaped from the bag Kurisi trawl nets as follows: the level of the break-out fish in bag 3 inches by 80.8%, on a 2-inch by 34.5% and the 1-inch by 14.9%. For the sustainability of fisheries in the Java Sea Kurisi fish can also be used trawl nets with 3-inch-edged pockets.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Ikan layang (Decapterus russelli) merupakan hasil tangkapan utama pukat cincin mini di Laut Jawa. Perubahan iklim dan tingginya upaya penangkapan diduga mempengaruhi aspek biologi ikan layang. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis dan merumuskan upaya penangkapan berdasarkan aspek lingkungan dan biologi ikan layang dengan pukat cincin mini di Laut Jawa yang didaratkan di PPN Pekalongan. Metode yang digunakan yaitu hubungan panjang - berat, pengamatan TKG, indeks preponderan, kurva logistik (Lc), Spearman-Karber (Lm), salinitas dan suhu, sensus plankton, dan CPUE. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada periode Oktober 2013 hingga Februari 2014, ikan layang sebagian besar masih muda dan belum matang gonad serta belum memijah saat tertangkap. Kondisi lingkungan berupa salinitas dan suhu masih mendukung kehidupan ikan layang. Terdapat peningkatan CPUE pada tahun 2011 dan 2012, namun menurun drastis pada tahun 2013 karena peningkatan upaya penangkapan.
Russell`s Scad (Decapterus russelli) is the major catches by mini purse seine in the Java Sea. Climate changes and exceeded fishing efforts has estimatedly affected the biology of Russell`s Scad. The aim of this study is to analyze and formulate fishing effort based on environmental and biological aspects of Russell`s Scad caught by mini purse seine in the Java Sea and landed at PPN Pekalongan. The methods used is length - weigth relationship, gonad maturity stages observations, index of preponderance, logistic curve (Lc), Spearman-Karber (Lm), salinity and temperature, plankton census, and CPUE. The results show that in the period October 2013 to Februarry 2014, Russell`s Scad mostly young and immature gonads and spawn yet when caught. Environmental conditions such as salinity and temperature are still supporting fish life. The CPUE was increased in 2011 and 2012 but dropped in 2013, drastically due to increasing in fishing efforts.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rudy Masuswo Purwoko
Abstrak :
Hasil tangkapan ikan siro Amblygaster sirm di Laut Jawa cenderung menuru, sehingga diperlukan penelitian mengenai aspek biologi dan kelayakan tangkapan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji hubungan panjang dan berat, nisbah kelamin, tingkat kematangan gonad, ukuran pertama kali tertangkap dan ukuran pertama kali matang gonad. Penelitian dilakukan dari bulan September 2013 sampai dengan bulan Maret 2014 dengan menggunakan jaring purse seine mini dengan ukuran mata jaring di bawah 1 inci. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah nilai frekuensi panjang ikan siro adalah 9-20 cm dengan panjang dominan 16 cm dan nisbah kelamin seimbang. Nilai pertumbuhannya 2,259 yang berarti pola pertumbuhan ikan siro ini bersifat allometrik negatif yang berarti (pertumbuhan panjang lebih cepat daripada pertumbuhan beratnya). Ikan siro matang gonad pada TKG III. Ukuran panjang pertama kali matang gonad adalah 17,5 cm dan ukuran panjang pertama kali tertangkap 15,4 cm. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kondisi perikanan siro yang ditangkap dengan menggunakan purse seine mini tidak layak tangkap. ......Harvesting efforts on Spotted sardinela (Amblygaster sirm) by mini purseiner should be manage in proper way to avoid over-exploitation on those fishery. Biological aspects might be considered to develop its management policy. Research has been conducted during September 2013 to March 2014 which is length-weight relationship, sex ratio, maturity, length at first capture (Lc) and length at first mature (Lm) was included. Results show that length frequency was 9-20 cm, which dominated by 16 cm. Sex ratio was tend to be balance. Growth coefficient was 2.2598, this indicate that siro has negative allometric; which means length growth was faster than weght growth. Lm and Lc was 17.5 cm FL and 15.4 cm FL respectively. Those value indicate that over-fishing on that fishery was occured.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library