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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Riza Ristiani
Abstrak :
Program Desa Wisata merupakan salah satu upaya pengembangan pariwisata yang mendorong partisipasi dan pemberdayaan masyarakat. Pelaksanaan Program Desa Wisata di Jatijajar tidak terlepas dari peran serta masyarakat. Namun demikian, partisipasi masyarakat dalam program desa wisata tersebut hanya terbatas pada pengelola Dewajati dan masyarakat pemegang saham. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur dan menggambarkan tingkat partisipasi masyarakat dalam Pelaksanaan program Desa Wisata di Jatijajar. Teori yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah tangga partisipasi masyarakat oleh Arnstein yang dikembangkan oleh Muluk (2007). Pendekatan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu pendekatan kuantitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui kuesioner, wawancara, dan studi literatur. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa partisipasi masyarakat cenderung berada pada kategori delegasi (kuat) dimana pemerintah memyerahkan sebagaian kewenanganya terkait pelaksanaan Desa Wisata Jatijajar kepada Pengelola Dewajati yang yang di dalamnya terdiri dari unsur-unsur organisasi masyarakat seperti, Kelompok Sadar Wisata (Pokdarwis), Karang Taruna, Forum Kesenian dan sebagainya.  Meskipun demikian, partisipasi masyarakat masih terbatas pada mereka yang terlibat dalam struktur pengelola desa wisata dan penanam saham sehingga perlu langkah-langkah konkret yang inklusif dan merata diperlukan untuk meningkatkan pemerataan partisipasi masyarakat. ......The Tourism Village Program is one of the tourism development  to encourage community participation and empowerment. The implementation of the Tourism Village Program in Jatijajar cannot be separated from community participation. However, community participation in the tourism village program is only limited to Dewajati managers and community shareholders. Therefore, this research aims to measure the level of community participation in implementing the Tourism Village program in Jatijajar. The theory used in this research is Arnstein's community participation ladder which was developed by Muluk (2007). The approach used in this research is a quantitative approach by collecting data through questionnaires, interviews and literature studies. The results of the research show that community participation tends to be in the delegation (strong) category where the government hands over part of its authority regarding the implementation of the Jatijajar Tourism Village to the Dewajati Management which consists of elements of community organizations such as the Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis), Karang Taruna, Forum Arts and so on. However, community participation is still limited to their involvement in the tourism village management structure and shareholding, so inclusive and equitable concrete steps are needed to increase the distribution of community participation.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratna Dewi Fajri
Abstrak :
Hasil Sakernas Agustus 2020 menunjukan bahwa lebih dari 800.000 pekerja asal DKI Jakarta, 1,8 juta pekerja asal Jawa Barat, dan 600.000 pekerja asal Banten adalah pekerja komuter dimana mereka melakukan perjalanan lintas kabupaten/kota secara rutin setiap harinya. Tingginya mobilitas antar provinsi ini menyebabkan terjadinya kepadatan lalu lintas, salah satunya di Kota Depok yang berperan sebagai kota penyangga DKI Jakarta. Salah satu penyebab masalah lalu lintas di Kota Depok adalah keberadaan Terminal tipe C di Jalan Margonda Raya. Untuk menguraikan kepadatan lalu lintas tersebut, Pemerintah Kota Depok membangun Terminal Jatijajar dengan tipe A dan mengalihkan operasional bus AKDP dari Terminal Margonda ke Terminal Jatijajar. Pemindahan layanan bus AKDP ini akan membuat jumlah pengunjung Terminal Jatijajar meningkat. Terminal yang dirancang untuk menjadi Kawasan Transit Oriented Development ini akan melayani transportasi publik berupa angkutan kota, trans Jakarta, AKDP, dan AKAP. Konsep TOD yang digunakan juga didukung dengan disediakannya fasilitas penunjang seperti area Park n Ride dan zona Drop Off bagi pengguna terminal yang menggunakan kendaraan pribadi. Pergerakan pejalan kaki di Terminal tipe A seperti Terminal Jatijajar ini menjadi penting untuk diperhatikan. Dalam Master Plan Terminal Jatijajar yang dibuat Badan Pengelola Transportasi Jabodetabek (BPTJ) sudah merencanakan bagaimana pergerakan orang di Terminal. Analisis pergerakan pejalan kaki dilakukan guna melihat bagaimana kondisi fasilitas pejalan kaki pada rancangan tersebut. Analisis dilakukan menggunakan aplikasi PTV Vissim dengan model mengacu pada Master Plan yang telah dibuat BPTJ selaku pengelola pusat. Model akan disimulasikan dengan jumlah pejalan kaki atau pedestrian input bervariasi; free flow, rancangan kapasitas pesimis, moderat, dan optimis. Setelah itu, hasil simulasi berupa travel time (waktu pergerakan pejalan kaki di area terminal pada rute-rute yang telah dibuat) pada kondisi eksisting dianalisis untuk kemudian model usulan dibuat. Model usulan ini akan menjadi alternatif desain fasilitas pejalan kaki yang dapat mempersingkat waktu perjalanan yang dibutuhkan. ......The August 2020 Sakernas show that more than 800,000 workers from DKI Jakarta, 1.8 million workers from West Java, and 600,000 from Banten are commuter workers who travel across districts/cities regularly every day. The high mobility between provinces causes traffic congestion, one of which is in Depok, which acts as a buffer city for DKI Jakarta. One of the causes of traffic problems in Depok is the existence of a Type C Terminal on Jalan Margonda Raya. To describe the traffic density, The Government built the Terminal Jatijajar with type A and divertedAKDP bus operations from Terminal Margonda to Terminal Jatijajar. The transfer of the AKDP bus service will increase the number of visitors at Terminal Jatijajar. The terminal, designed to be a Transit Oriented Development Area, will serve public transportation in the form of Angkutan Kota, Trans Jakarta, AKDP, and AKAP. The TOD concept is also supported by supporting facilities such as park-n-ride areas and drop-off zones for terminal users who use private vehicles. Pedestrian movement in Type A Terminals such as Terminal Jatijajar is crucial. The Terminal Jatijajar Master Plan made by the Jabodetabek Transportation Management Agency (BPTJ) has planned a network where people move in the Terminal. Pedestrian movement analysis is done to see how the condition of the pedestrian facilities in the design is. The analysis was done using the PTV Vissim application with the model referring to the Master Plan that had been made by BPTJ as the central manager. The model was then simulated with the pedestrian input varies; free flow, pessimistic, moderate, and optimistic capacity design. After that, the simulation results in the form of travel time (pedestrian movement time in the terminal area on the routes that have been created) in existing conditions are analyzed and a proposed model is made. The proposed model will be an alternative design that can shorten the required travel time.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fahma Wijayanti
Abstrak :
Limestone cave is an unique ecosystem with having characteristics on enclosed space, dark, stable temperature, moist, air sirculation and being inhabited by specific flora and fauna. A limestone cave ecosystem is fragile and unrenewable for the process of its formation needs millions of years (Bullock,1965:60; Whitten et al. 1996: 542). Petruk and Jatijajar limestone caves are located at the vicinity of South Gombong Crust ,Central Java. Being potential as tourist attractions, the two caves are made used by local government tourist agency of Kebumen Regency. To create a proper managament system which saveguard the ecological function of the cave as well as the related ecological process, studies on the biodiversity and ecology are needed.

The objectives of this study are primarily to understand : (1). The level of abundance of bats (2). The different of the physical environment which influence the bats populations (3). The diversity of fauna (4). The preference roosting place the bats at Petruk and Jatijajar cave. This study is conducted at Petruk cave and Jatijajar cave which are located at Ayah subdistric , Kebumen regency , Central Java in July - September 1999.

The estimation of bat populations is made by counting the total number of induvidual bats when they left the cave in the evening and roosting the roof of cave during the days. For physical environment studies of the cave, the temperature, humidity and the light intensity at every zone of the cave were measured. Avertebrata and water fauna diversity were calculated by square method (murray 1991: 48), and the vertebrate diversity by line transek method (Wardoyo: 1986:11). The habitat preference of bat's roosting was identified using several criteria including the distance of the roosting place from the cave enterance, temperature, humidity and light intensity of the roosting place of each bats colony.

To compare the physical data of the similar zone the ANOVA test was used at the level of 95 % signiticant (Walpole 1987: 383).The fauna diversity index was calculated by the Shanon - Whiner index (Cox, 1997:195). The similarity of those population were measured by Sorensen formula (Cox, 1997:197 ).The map for roosting habitat preference is made based on available map has been provided by Finspac' (1997), while for Jatijajar cave has been prepared by tourism agency of the Kebumen local goverment 1997.

Conclusions drawn from this study were : 1) The bat population of Petruk cave during the research was approximately 144.00 at 661,34 and of Jatijajar cave around 2.874 + 179,2. 2) The physical environment of Petruk cave was warmer, with a high humidity level , and darker than the Jatijajar cave. 3) The land fauna diversity of Petruk cave was higher than that of Jatijajar cave. However those caves have similarities concerning the water fauna diversity. 4) At petruk cave 8 roosting places in habited by 6 species of bat' s namely : Rousettus amplexicaudatus, Hipposideros bicolor,Hipposideros diadema, Myotis horsfieldii, Tadarida plicata and Rhinolopus luctus. At Jatijajar cave there are 6 roosting places inhabited by 3 species of bat , namely: Rousettus amplexicaudatus, Hipposideros bicolor and Rhinoilopus luctus. At both of cave the R. amplexicaudatus prefer red to have a roosting place somewhere around the entrance due to sufficient light. However R. luctus preferred to have a roosting place at the far end of the cave where the level of humidity is high and there is no light at all. The other species : H. bicofon H. diadema ,M, horsfieldii, and T. plicata preferred to have a roosting place at the medle of the cave which little light is available and the temperature and humidity are fluctuative.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shalsa Dila Alma Putri
Abstrak :
Setu Babakan dan Situ Jatijajar merupakan destinasi wisata alam yang didalamnya memiliki fasilitas wisata dan daya tarik wisata yang perlu dikembangkan guna menaikkan kunjungan wisatawan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pola persebaran fasilitas wisata yang terbentuk dan pengembangan fasilitas wisata yang terjadi pada Setu Babakan dan  Situ Jatijajar tahun 2018-2022 serta menganalisis pengaruh pengembangan fasilitas wisata terhadap kunjungan wisatawan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis statistik dan analisis spasial dengan pola keruangan mengelompok (clustered), acak (random), seragam (uniform). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan  bahwa hampir keseluruhan fasilitas wisata seperti di Setu Babakan dan Situ Jatijajar memiliki pola persebaran yang acak (random), kecuali pada fasilitas sekunder dengan pola mengelompok. Adanya peningkatan jumlah wisatawan tersebut sejalan dengan adanya fasilitas wisata yang mulai dikembangkan oleh pihak pengelola termasuk event attractionnya, asal wisatawan, serta frekuensi kunjungan. Dari peningkatan jumlah wisatawan tersebut maka dapat dikatakan bahwa pengembangan fasilitas wisata di Setu Babakan dan Situ Jatijajar sangat membawa pengaruh yang baik dalam hal peningkatan jumlah kunjungan. ......Setu Babakan and Situ Jatijajar are natural tourist destinations which have tourist facilities and tourist attractions that need to be developed to increase tourist visits. This study aims to analyze the pattern of distribution of tourism facilities formed and the development of tourist facilities that occurred in Setu Babakan and Situ Jatijajar in 2018-2022 and to analyze the effect of the development of tourist facilities on tourist visits. The research method used is statistical analysis and spatial analysis with clustered, random, and uniform spatial patterns. The results showed that almost all tourist facilities such as in Setu Babakan and Situ Jatijajar had a random distribution pattern, except for secondary facilities with clustered patterns. The increase in the number of tourists is in line with the existence of tourist facilities that have begun to be developed by the management including the event attractions, the origin of tourists, and the frequency of visits. From the increase in the number of tourists, it can be said that the development of tourist facilities in Setu Babakan and Situ Jatijajar has had a very good influence in terms of increasing the number of visits.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library