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Ana Jauhara
Abstrak :
Penelitian mengenai struktur komunitas Polychaeta di lima muara sungai Teluk Jakarta (Muara Karang, Muara Baru, Muara Sunda Kelapa, Muara Tiram, dan Muara Tawar) telah dilakukan. Sampel diambil menggunakan Peterson Grab Sampler dari tiga stasiun di masing-masing lokasi pengambilan sampel. Berdasarkan hasil identifikasi dan pencacahan sampel diperoleh 29 marga yang terdiri dari 16 marga berasal dari subkelas Errantia dan 13 marga lainnya berasal dari subkelas Sedentaria. Kapadatan Polychaeta di perairan Teluk Jakarta berkisar antara 194,22?296,30 individu/m2. Terdapat dominasi marga Capitella di Muara Tawar, dan dominasi marga Nereis di Muara Karang. Indeks keanekaragaman Polychaeta berkisar antara 0,69--2,71 dan indeks kemerataan berkisar antara 0,09- -0,97. Kesamaan marga Polychaeta antar muara bervariasi yang berkisar antara 0- -1. Sebaran Polychaeta di perairan Teluk Jakarta menunjukkan pola mengelompok.
Research on community structure of Polychaeta in five rivermouths of Jakarta Bay (Muara Karang, Muara Baru, Muara Sunda Kelapa, Muara Tiram, and Muara Tawar) have been performed. Samples were taken by Peterson Grab Sampler from three stations at each sampling sites. Based on the identification and enumeration of samples obtained, there were 29 genera comprising, 16 genera from subclasses Errantia and 13 other genera from subclasses Sedentaria. Density of Polychaeta in Jakarta Bay ranged from 194,22 to 296,30 individu/m2. Polychaeta in Muara Tawar are dominated by the Capitella, and then Polychaeta in Muara Karang are dominated by the Nereis. Polychaeta diversity index ranged from 0,69 to 2,71 and evenness index ranged from 0,09 to 0, 97. The similarity index at Jakarta Bay ranged from 0--1. Distribution of Polychaeta in Jakarta Bay waters showed clumped patterns.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Pengamatan kadar logam berat dalam air laut di Teluk Jakarta telah dilakukan pada bulan Mei 2004. Logam berat yang diteliti adalah Hg, Pb, Cd, Cu, dan Ni. Pengamatan ini ada kaitannya dengan kematian massal ikan-ikan yang terjadi di Teluk Jakarta. Pengamatan ini dilakuan di pantai Ancol 1 (3 stasiun), muara Sungai Dadap (4 Stasiun), pantai Ancol 2 (4 stasiun) dan Cilincing (3 stasiun). Hasilnya menunjukkan kadar Hg, Cd dan Cu rerata di pantai Ancol 1 berturut-turut adalah <0.001 ppm, Pb 0.001 ppm, Zn 0.004 ppm, dan Ni 0.001 ppm. Di pantai Ancol 2 kadar Hg, Cd, dan Zn rerata berturut-turut adalah <0.001 ppm, Pb 0.002 ppm, dan Cu 0.001 ppm dan Ni 0.0017 ppm. Di Cilincing kadar Hg, Cd, dan Zn rerata adalah <0.001ppm, Pb dan Cu masing-masing 0.002 ppm, dan Ni 0.0045 ppm Di muara Sungai Dadap kadar Hg dan Cd masing-masing adalah 0.001 ppm, Pb dan Zn masing-masing adalah 0.0027 ppm, Cu 0.001 ppm, dan Ni 0.0012 ppm. Di pantai Ancol 3 kadar Hg rerata adalah 0.021 ppm, Pb 0.55 ppm dan Cd 0.1 ppm. Kadar keenam logam berat tersebut di pantai Ancol 1, 2, Cilincing, dan muara Sungai Dadap relatif lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan NAB yang ditetapkan oleh Kantor MNLH (2004) untuk biota laut yakni 0.001 ppm untuk Hg dan Cd, 0.008 ppm untuk Pb dan Cu, dan 0.05 ppm untuk Zn dan Ni, sedangkan di pantai Ancol 3 kadar Hg, Pb, dan Cd lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan NAB tersebut. Dengan demikian kadar Hg, Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, dan Ni di perairan pantai Ancol 1, 2, Cilincing dan muara Sungai Dadap belum berbahaya bagi kehidupan ikan-ikan di Teluk Jakarta, sedangkan di perairan Ancol 3 kadar Hg, Pb, dan Cd sudah berbahaya bagi kehidupan biota laut. Namun demikian kematian massal ikan-ikan di perairan ini bukan disebabkan oleh logam berat tersebut, akan tetapi oleh faktor lain yang salah satunya adalah ledakan mendadak fitoplankton beracun yang mengeluarkan toksin dimana air laut menjadi berwarna merah dan kejadian ini dikenal dengan pasang merah (red tide).
Effect of Heavy Metals Pollution to Seawater Quality and Fishery Resources (Case Study on Fish Death in Jakarta Bay). Observation on heavy metals content in sea water were carried out in Jakarta Bay waters in May 2004. Heavy metals observed were Hg, Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn and Ni. This observation is conducted with fishes total death in this waters. Observation is done in Ancol beach 1 (3 stations), Ancol beach 2 (4 stations), Cilincing (3 stations), and Dadap River estuary (4 Station). The results showed that the average concentration of Hg, Cd and Cu in Ancol beach 1 were <0.001 ppm respectively, Pb is 0.001 ppm, Zn is 0.004 ppm, and Ni is 0.001 ppm. In Ancol beach 2 the average concentration of Hg, Cd, and Zn were <0.001 ppm, Pb is 0.002 ppm, Cu is 0.001 ppm and Ni 0.0017 ppm. In Cilincing the average concentration of Hg, Cd, and Zn were <0.001 ppm respectively, Pb and Cu were 0.002 ppm, and Ni was 0.0045 ppm. In Dadap River Estuary the average concentration of Hg and Cd were 0.001 ppm, Pb and Zn were 0.0027 ppm, Cu was 0.001 ppm, and Ni between 0.0012 ppm. The concentration of that sixth heavy metals in Ancol beach 1, 2, Cilincing, and Dadap River estuary still lower compared to the Threshold Value (TV) stated by The Office of State Ministry for Life Environment (2004) for sea biota namely 0.001 ppm for Hg and Cd, 0.008 ppm for Pb and Cd, 0.05 ppm for Zn and Ni. That way the concentration of Hg, Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, and Ni in Ancol beach 1, 2, Clilincing and Dadap estuary not danger for sea biota, while in Ancol beach 3, the average concentration of Hg, Pb, and Cd has danger for sea biota. Thereby total death of fishes in this waters not caused by heavy metals, but by others factors, one of that factors is blooming toxic phytoplankton which produced toxin where sea water change to be red, and this phenomena known as red tide.
Depok: Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elok Faiqotul Mutia
Abstrak :
Kebijakan reklamasi Teluk Jakarta adalah isu yang saat ini menjadi perdebatan publik. Perdebatan ini diperkuat oleh isu-isu lingkungan, marginalisasi kelompok-kelompok tertentu, pengaturan otoritas dan juga korupsi dalam proyek Reklamasi Teluk Jakarta. Beberapa lembaga pemerintah pusat dan provinsi mengambil sikap berbeda tentang masalah ini. Tujuan pertama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kebijakan lingkungan dalam reklamasi Teluk Jakarta dengan pendekatan ekologi politik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data diperoleh dari wawancara mendalam dengan para pemangku kepentingan yang terlibat dalam pembuatan kebijakan lingkungan reklamasi Teluk Jakarta dan studi literatur. Studi ini menyimpulkan bahwa kebijakan reklamasi Teluk Jakarta menciptakan konflik antara pemerintah pusat dan provinsi. Hal ini disebabkan oleh tumpang tindih peraturan otoritas reklamasi Teluk Jakarta serta perbedaan dalam sikap dan kepentingan di antara para pemangku kepentingan. Dalam pendekatan ekologi politik, kebijakan reklamasi Teluk Jakarta telah gagal mengakomodasi ketiga kepentingan tersebut, yaitu kepentingan sosial, ekonomi dan lingkungan. Konflik yang terjadi juga menyebabkan kelalaian yang tidak hanya merugikan ekonomi, tetapi juga memperburuk dampak sosial dan ekonomi.
The Jakarta Bay reclamation policy is an issue that is currently a public debate. This debate is strengthened by environmental issues, the marginalization of certain groups, the regulation of authority and also corruption in the Jakarta Bay Reclamation project. Some central and provincial government institutions take different stances on the issue. The first objective of this research is to analyse environmental policy in reclamation of Jakarta Bay with the approach of political ecology. This research uses a qualitative approach. The data were obtained from in depth interviews with stakeholders involved in the policy making of the Jakarta Bay reclamation environment and the literature study. This study concludes that the Jakarta Bay reclamation policy creates a conflict between the central and provincial governments. This is due to the overlapping regulation of Jakarta Bay reclamation authority as well as differences in attitude and interests among stakeholders. In the approach of political ecology, the Jakarta Bay reclamation policy has failed to accommodate the three interests, are social, economic and environmental interests. The conflicts that occur also cause an omission that not only harms the economy but worsens the social and economic impact.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia. Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lucia Kusolo Herwening
Abstrak :
Penelitian mengenai analisis kelimpahan fitoplankton dengan parameter lingkungan perairan hasil pelayaran P2O LIPI pda bulan Mei dan Agustus 2014 telah dilakukan.Sebanyak 26 sampel diambil dari 14 stasiun perairan Teluk Jakarta dan 12 stasiun perairan Pulau Untung Jawa.Hasil identifikasi dan pencacahan sampel diperoleh 31 genus fitoplankton, 10 genus dinoflagellata dan 21 genus diatom.Kelimpahan fitoplankton perairan Teluk Jakarta pada bulan Mei 2014 lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelimpahan fitoplankton perairan Pulau Untung jawa pada bulan Agustsu 2014.Kelimpahan fitoplankton di perairan Teluk Jakarta pada bulan Mei 2014 mencapai 93.032 sel/m3.Genus diatom mendominansi perairan Teluk Jakarta pada bulan Mei 2014 adalah Chaetoceros sedangkan di perairan Pulau Untung Jawa adalah Chaetoceros dan Fragilaria.Genus dinoflagellata yang dominan di Teluk Jakarta pada bulan Mei 2014 dan perairan Pulau Untung Jawa pada bulan Agustus 2014 adalah Prorocentrum.Kekayaan dan kelimpahan fitoplankton di perairan Pulau Untung Jawa pada bulan Agustus 2014 lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan perairan Teluk Jakarta pada bulan Mei 2014. Kemerataan fitoplankton di kedua wilayah perairan tergolong cukup merata.Analisis regresi linear, korelasi Pearson, dan analisis komponen utama menunjukan bahwa ada pengaruh antara parameter lingkungan perairan suhu, pH, DO, dan salinitas dengan kelimpahan fitoplankton.
ABSTRACT The research aimed to analyse the impact of environtmental factors on the phytoplankton abundant. Samples were taken by P2O LIPI in Jakarta Bay and Untung Jawa Island waters on May and August 2014. There were 26 samples which collected from 14 stations in Jakarta Bay and 12 stations in Untung Jawa Island water. Based on of identified and calculated the phytoplankton cells,there were found 31 genus of phytoplankton, 10 genus of dinoflagellate and 21 genusof diatom. The abundantof phytoplankton in Jakarta Bay was higher than in Untung Jawa Island water. The abundant of phytoplankton in Jakarta Bay on May 2014 reached 93.032 cells m3. Diatom which dominate in Jakarta Bay wasChaaetoceros while in Untung Jawa Island water wereChaetoceros and Fragilaria. In both water areas of Jakarta Bay and Untung Jawa Island water, Prorocentrum, is found as dominant dinoflagellate. The richness and biodiversity index in Untung Jawa Island water higher than in Jakarta Bay. The eveness in both water areas were in the same value. The regression, corelation, and princpal component analysist showed that the environtmental factors havean influence to the abundantof phytoplankton.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayu Amelia Rasud
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini menganalisis kandungan logam berat Tembaga (Cu) pada partikel mikroplastik yang ditemukan pada ikan kembung Rastrelliger kanagurta, air dan sedimen di perairan Ancol dan Muara Baru, Teluk Jakarta. Pengambilan sampel air dan sedimen dilakukan pada 3 titik di setiap perairan. Sampel ikan diambil sebanyak 6 ekor pada masing – masing perairan dengan bobot ±100gr dengan panjang ±20cm. Sampel mikroplastik dilakukan dengan metode floating menggunakan NaCl jenuh dan diamati diatas kertas Whatman Cellulose Nitrate 0.47μm. Kelimpahan mikroplastik pada sampel air berkisar 182.22 – 332.22 partikel/L sedangkan, pada sampel sedimen berkisar 550.31 – 901.04 partikel/Kg dan sampel ikan berkisar 64 – 107 partikel/individu. Polimer yang teridentifikasi pada sampel antara lain polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP) dan polystyrene (PS). Kandungan logam berat tembaga (Cu) pada mikroplastik air memiliki rata – rata 50.01 mg/kg dan pada sedimen 36.49 mg/kg sedangkan, pada ikan 19.53 mg/kg. Uji korelasi Spearman menunjukan bahwa tidak adanya korelasi antara kelimpahan mikroplastik dengan kandungan logam Cu pada mikroplastik yang ditemukan. ......This study analyzed the heavy metal content of copper (Cu) in microplastic particles found in mackerel fish Rastrelliger kanagurta, water and sediment of Ancol and Muara Baru, Jakarta Bay. Water and sediment sampling was carried out at 3 points in each waters. Samples of mackerel were taken as many as 6 fish in each waters with a weight of ± 100gr with a length of ± 20cm. Microplastic samples were carried out by floating method using saturated NaCl and observed on 0.47μm Whatman Cellulose Nitrate paper. The abundance of microplastics in water samples ranged from 182.22 – 332.22 particles/L while in sediment samples it ranged from 550.31 – 901.04 particles/Kg and fish samples ranged from 64 – 107 particles/individual. The polymers in the sample include polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP) and polystyrene (PS). The content of heavy metal copper (Cu) in water microplastics has an average of 50.01 mg/kg and 36.49 mg/kg in sediments, while in fish it is 19.53 mg/kg. Spearman correlation test showed that there was no correlation between microplastics and Cu metal content in microplastics
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
There were noted two times (May and November 2004), fish mass mortality occurred in the coast of the Jakarta Bay, killing several species of small and big fishes, crustaceans, eels and molluscs. Phytoplankton blooms in the Jakarta Bay is accelerated by the high input of nutrients, which caused eutropication of the Bay water. Analysis of water sample showed in st 1 (Marina coast) showed that phytoplankton abundance was of 2.9 x 106 cells/l-1 , the common diatom species recorded at that time were: Skeletonema costatum, Thalassiosira mala, Bacteriastrum varians, Chaetoceros pseudocurvisetus, Nitzschia sigma, Coscinodiscus radiatus. Of the which: Skeletonema costatum 1.8 x106 cells/l-1 ; in st. 3 Binaria lake was the most a common diatoms species found in the Jakarta Bay. This species frequently bloom, especially after rainfall, causing no harm to marine life, the second diatoms Thalassiosira mala 2.8 x 106 cells/l-1 (st 4 Carnaval coast), during this decade in more often frequencies. The second largest group was represented by four dinoflagellates species: Prorocentrum micans, Protoperidinium sp., Ceratium furca and Gonyaulax sp., and one species dominated of dinoflagellate Prorocentrum micans 2.3 x 106 cells/l-1 (in the Dadap coast). P. micans is also common species of the Jakarta Bay. Hydrological conditions in May and November 2004 are, temperature 32 – 33 oC, pH 7.76 to 7. 92, Salinity 32 ‰, Dissolved oxygen 3.88 to 4.26 mg/l, Phosphate 0.10 – 0.40 µg-at-P l-1 , Nitrate 0.01 to 0.03 µg-at-N l-1 . The result suggests that phytoplankton distributes in wider areas than expected and monitoring of its occurrence in Indonesian waters is necessary to prevent harmful effects of such bloom.
Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 2007
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
The purpose of this study is to get information about river that has the greatest contribution to cause Pb pollution in the Jakarta Bay.....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
A survey on heavy metal content in seawater and sediment was conducted in Jakarta bay in May and October 2004.There is indication of significant presence of heavy metal in sediment....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Distribution of chlorophyll-A and its relation with eotrophication in Jakarta bay . Eutrophication has been recognized as a serious problem in estuarine systems for many years.....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Fitriah Afianti
Abstrak :
High anthropogenic activity in Jakarta Bay is believed to contribute a fairly high contamination as evidenced by microbial contaminants such as Coliform and Escherichia coli. The high density of Coliform and E. coli indicators of domestic contamination in Jakarta Bay as a result of an increase in the resident number who bring the flow of water to the springhead of the Jakarta Bay. It can be said that the polluted waters of Jakarta Bay and marine biota should be cultivated in this area as green shell should not consumed, because it can infect and cause gastrointestial disease. For that purpose, a research of microbial pollutants was conducted in Jakarta Bay in July 2015, and the results showed a very high density, expecially in the West.
Jakarta: Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi - LIPI, 2017
575 OSEANA XLII:3 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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