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Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Umi Sumbulah, 1971-
Abstrak :
Summary: On Islamic fundamentalism in Indonesia
Malang: UIN-Malang Press, 2009
297.67 UMI k
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Milton-Edwards, Beverly
Abstrak :
"Since the Second World War, Islam and politics have combined to form a potent force known as Islamic fundamentalism. This force has, in recent years, grabbed the headlines as a new and grave threat to the West. Beverley Milton-Edwards analyses the roots and emergence of the new Islamic movements and the main thinkers that inspired them." "Islamic Fundamentalism since 1945 provides an authoritative account of the causes and diversity of this modern phenomenon, which affects nations throughout the world."--BOOK JACKET. Contents 1. A diverse tradition from past to present 2. The advance of secularism : the decline of Islam? 3. Identity and revivalism 4. Islam armed : resistance in an ideological era 5. Going global : fundamentalism and terror 6. Ground zero and Islamic fundamentalism 7. Conclusion.
New York : Routledge, 2014
297.09 MIL i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cavatorta, Francisco
Abstrak :
The book analyzes in detail the ideological and organizational changes that occurred within the broader Salafi movement after the Arab uprisings. While scholarship had long recognized the divisions within Salafism, this volume looks at the ways in which the extraordinary events of the Arab uprisings have led to a profound rethink of such divisions. Focusing on the developments that have characterized Salafi movements across a number of Arab countries, the contributors to this volume underline changes and continuities in both ideology and political praxis. Popular participation in the uprisings forced Salafism to contend with the rise of peoples power and different movements chose different paths to respond to such challenges. In particular, the volume focuses on what can be termed increased politicization on the part of Salafis across the region as a response to the uprisings. While traditional Salafism shied away from institutional politics and organized forms of social and political participation, the uprisings saw the emergence of parties and movements willing to sacrifice tradition and engage with and through political institutions.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini menganalisa pengaruh kebijakan luar negeri Amerika Serikat (AS) dalam menghadapi terorisme internasional terhadap tumbuhnya fundamentalisme Islam di Palestina yang diwakili oleh kelompok Hamas, yang bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan dan menjelaskan motif dan tujuan AS dalam mengeluarkan kebijakan tersebut serta mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh kebijakan tersebut terhadap tumbuhnya gejala fundamentalisme Islam di Palestina, seperti kelompok Hamas. Gejala fundamentalisme llamas tersebut dibuktikan oleh pernyataan dan tindakan mereka yang selalu bersikap dan bertindak anti AS-Israel, data-data tersebut diperoleh dari dokumen resmi, seperti surat kabar dan situs intemet. Selain itu tulisan ini memprediksikan prospek pemberantasan terorisme dan fundamentalisme Islam di masa mendatang. Kesimpulan yang didapat dari penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: 1. Kebijakan AS pada masa pemerintahan George W. Bush sangat dipengaruhi oleh lobi Yahudi dan Neo Konservatif sehingga warna kebijakannya senantiasa represif dan militeristik. Kebijakan luar negeri AS pada masa pemerintahan George W. Bush mempunyai motif dan tujuan untuk merebut dominasi ekonomi global Isu pemberantasan terorisme internasional sebagai mega proyek Pemerintah AS dalam rangka menjadikan negaranya paling survive di dunia. 2. Akibat dari kebijakan Pemerintah AS tersebut yang cenderung menggunakan instrurnen militeristik ketimbang bermusyawarah antar sesama adalah mempersubur tumbuhnya gejala fundamentalisme, terutama di negara-negara Islam Timur Tengah. Fenomena fundamentalisme Islam Timur Tengah dibuktikan oleh gerakan Hamas di Palestina yang selalu menjadi perbincangan hangat di berbagai media, terutama media Eropa-Amerika. Petjuangan kelompok Hamas bukanlah seperti fundamentalisme yang muncul pada semua keyakinan agarna sebagai respon atas masalah-masalah yang diakibatkan modernitas. Fundamentalisme mereka juga tidak bisa diidentikkan dengan istilah terorisme yang umumnya "dipaksakan" pengertiannya oleh AS dan Barat, tetapi gerakan Hamas merupakan perlawanan terhadap sikap dan tindakan AS-Israel yang represip. 3. Kalau kebijakan AS dalam menghadapi terorisme masih dilakukan dengan Cara-cara yang represip, maka nasib dunia di masa mendatang akan semakin tidak aman dan fundamentalisme Islam akan semakin subur.
This research aimed to analyzes the background and influence of US foreign policy on overcoming international terrorism toward Islamic fundamentalism which is represented by Hamas in Palestine. The indicators of Hamas fundamentalism can be seen of their statements and attitude toward US and Israel. The data of this research is collected from legal documents such as news paper and cyber media. Additionally, this research has led to several findings as follows: 1. Neo-Conservative and Jews' lobbying highly influences the US policy which tends to be militaristic and repressive. The objective of US foreign policy under the government of George W. Bush's is to dominate the global economy. Overcoming the international terrorism has become the US mayor project in turn had US to be the most survival country in the world. 2. The effect of the US' policy which inclined to use the militaristic instruments then to discuss each other is the improvement of the fundamentalism indicators, especially in Middle East Moslem countries that become the pilot project of US' foreign policy. Islamic fundamentalism phenomenon in Middle East was proved by Hamas movement in Palestine that always becomes the theme on every public discussion, especially American-European press. The struggle of I-lamas group is one of the unique group and we must study specifically. Their unique is Hamas' fundamentalism custom must be differentiated with the definition of fundamentalism that often publicized in many media. Hamas fundamentalism is not based by religion and believes in responding the modernity issues. Their fundamentalism is not identical with the terminology of terrorism. Hamas' movement is an opponent toward US' and Israel policy. 3. If the US foreign policy on facing international terrorism was hold repressively, the international situation is not safe and the Islamic fundamentalism grows prosperously in the future.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2005
T 15036
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Malik Fatoni
Abstrak :
Fundamentalisme bukanlah sebuah fenomena yang tunggal dan berdiri sendiri tetapi lebih dari itu, ia merupakan sebuah konsep atau ideologi yang berakar dari gejala-gejala sosial dan keagamaan. Fenomena fundamentalisme adalah sebuah konsep atau ideologi yang dibangun dan berakar pada teologi. Teologi disini berlaku secara umum, baik itu Islam, Kristen dan Yahudi. Timbulnya gejala teologis ini di sebabkan oleh aspek yang menyangkut kehidupan masyarakat daiam menyikapi sisi keberagamaan masyarakat dunia. Tak dapat di pungkiri juga dalam konteks pemahaman dan pembahasan ini adalah fenomena yang menyangkut kebangkitan Islam (fundamentalisme Islam) di Timur Tengah. Fundamentalisme Islam hadir dan tumbuh di negara Timur Tengah sebagai reaksi akibat produk modernitas yang terjadi di negara-negara Arab, ini yang telah menyebabkan situasi hidup manusia benibah. Di sinilah akhirnya fenomena munculnya fundamentalisme terkait erat dengan upaya kelompok atau masyarakat tertentu dalam upaya pencarian identitas diri. Karena fenomena munculnya fundamentalisme ini terkait erat dengan kelompok atau masyarakat tertentu dalam upaya pencarian identitas diri. Disisi lain fenomena ini adalah merupakan fenomena multidimensional yang ia merupakan produk lingkungan sosial, budaya, politik dan, ekonomi yang secara khas perwujudan dan spesifiksinya yang ditandai dengan faktor-faktor psikologis, kultural, religius, ekonomi, politik dan sejarah. Fenomena Hamas merupakan salah satu dimensi gerakan yang terkait dengan wacana ideologi dan fenomena yang ada dan berlangsung di sebagian besar negara Timur Tengah tersebut. Berdasarkan perspektif inilah dapatlah di ambil kesimpulan bahwa fenomena kemunculan dan gerakan Hamas sebagai gerakan fundamentalisme Islam yang ada di Palestina terkait dan terinspirasi oleh adanya sejumlah faktor yang melatarbelakanginya. Di antara beberapa faktor itu adalah : 1. Adanya kekecewaan yang sangat dalam dari rakyat Palestina terhadap pemerintah, dalam hal ini otoritas pemerintahan Palestina (PLO). Atas segala tindakan yang pernah dilakukan sehingga rakyat semakin diliputi rasa ketakutan, kelaparan, kesengsaraan dan bahkan penindasan. Terutama mereka yang hidup dibawah tenda-tenda pengungsian 2. Situasi dan kondisi kehidupan rakyat Palestina yang tidak menentu dan tidak jelas, diliputi rasa kebimbangan dan adanya rasa tidak aman yang wring muncul. 3. Penolakan rakyat Palestina terhadap keberadaan pendudukan bangsa Israel di bumi Palestina. Tindakan pendudukan ini merupakan sebagai bentuk imperialisme dan kolonialisme jenis baru yang hadir pada abad 20 ini 4. Hamas dan gerakannya merupakan altematif baru dari sebuah sistem gerakan yang telah ada sebelumnya sebagai implementasi gerakan perjuangan rakyat Palestina untuk membebaskan belenggu penjajahan dari bangsa Israel. Sedangkan faktor-faktor yang menimbulkan gerakan Hamas diidentikkan sebagai gerakan fundamentalisme Islam disebabkan oleh hal berikut ini yaitu faktor internal; meliputi masalah dalam negeri Palestina dan adanya kebangkitan Islam di Palestina. Sedangkan faktor eksternal meliputi adanya kebijakan politik luar negeri Amerika Serikat, permasalahan internasionalisasi Yerusalem dan adanya ketegangan dan konflik dengan Zionisme. Demikianlah gambaran awal sementara serta kesimpulannya tentang fenomena gerakan fundamentalis Islam di Palestina, dan itu tercermin pada gerakan Hamas.
Fundamentalism is not a self supporting and single phenomenon, but rather from that, he represent a ideology or concept taking root from religious and social symptom. Fundamentalism phenomenon is an ideology woke up or concept and take root [at] theology. Theology here goes into effect in general, that goodness of Islam, Christian and Jew Incidence of this theology symptom caused by aspect which concerning to the life of society in side attitude believed in world society. Cannot be denied also in understanding context and this solution is phenomenon which concerning Islam evocation (Islam is fundamentalism) in the Middle East The Islamic Fundamentalism attends and grows in the Middle East state as reaction of effect of modernity product that happened in Arabic nations, this case has caused human life situation change. Here, finally appearance fundamental phenomenon related to group effort or certain society in the effort of seeking x'self identity. Because the appearance of fundamentalism with certain society or group in the effort seeking of x'self identity. In the other hand this phenomenon is multidimensional phenomenon which product of social, cultural, economic and politic which characteriscally, materialization and its of specification marked with psychological factors, cultural, religion, economic, political and history. Phenomenon Hamas represent one of the movement dimensions which related to ideology discourse and existing phenomenon and take place in this part of in the Mid-East state. Based on perspective can be taken conclusion that appearance and Hamas movement as Islam fundamentalism movement exists in Palestine and inspirationally caused by existence of a number of factor. Some of the factor: 1. Existence of very disappointment from Palestinian government, in this case Palestinian Liberalation Authority ( PLO). To the all action which have been done so that people progressively in a condition of feel fear, hunger, miserable and even grind. Especially for them that live in evacuation tents. 2. Situation and condition of Palestinian life which uncertain and is ill defined, in a condition of feel anxiety and existence of feeling unpeaceful which often emerge. 3. Palestinian denied to the existence Israel nation under the sun Palestinian. Occupying Israel nation represents as imperialism form and new type colonialism attending this century 4. Hamas and movement represent new alternative from a movement system which have preexisted as Palestinian struggle movement implementation to free colonization shackle from Israel nation. While factors generating Hamas movement identifies as Islam fundamentalism movement caused by some factor that is internal factor, covering Palestinian country internal issue and existence of Islam evocation in Palestinian. While external factor cover the political policy existence abroad United States; problems of Yerussalem internationalization and existence of conflict and stress with Zionism. This is the description a conclusion about fundamentalism movement phenomena is Palestine. And this appears to Hamas Movement in Palestine.
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Noorhaidi Hasan
Yogyakarta : Suka Press, 2012
297.272 NOO i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nafi Muthohirin
Abstrak :
[;, ]
Jakarta: IndoStrategi, 2014
297.72 NAF f
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Contents - Acknowledgments - Glosary - About the contributors - Indonesia - 1. Introduction by Bernhard Platzdasch - 2. NU and Muhammadiyah: majority views on religious minorities in Indonesia by Robin Bush and Budhy Munawar-Rachman - 3. Islam, religious minorities, and the challenge of the blasphemy laws: a close look at the current liberal muslim discourse by Supriyanto Abdi - 4. Reading Ahmadiyah and discourses on freedom of religion in Indonesia by Andy Fuller - 5. Sanctions against popstars ... and politicians? Indonesia's 2008 pornography law and its aftermath by Helen Pausacker - 6. The inter-religious harmony forum, the ombudsman, and the state: resolving Church permit disputes in Indonesia? by Melissa Crouch - 7. In each other's shadow: building pentecostal Churches in muslim Java by En- Chieh Chao - 8. Christian-Muslim relations in post-conflict Ambon, Moluccas: adat, religion, and beyond by Birgit Bräuchler - 9. Chinese muslim cultural identities: possibilties and limitations of cosmopolitan Islam in Indonesia by Hew Wai Weng - 10. Majority and minority: preserving animist and mystical practices in far East Java by Nicholas Herriman - 11. An Abangan-like Group in a Santri Island: the religious identity of the Blater by Yanwar Pribadi - Malaysia - 12. Introduction by Johan Saravanamuttu - 13. Islamic praxis and theory: negotiating Orthodoxy in contemporary Malaysia by Gerhard Hoffstaedter - 14. Religious pluralism and cosmopolitanism at the city crossroads by Yeoh Seng Guan - 15. The Christian response to state-led Islamization in Malaysia by Chong Eu Choong - 16. The politics of Buddhist organizations in Malaysia by Tan Lee Ooi - 17. Hindraf as a response to Islamization in Malaysia by Arunajeet Kaur - 18. "Deviant" muslims: the plight of Shias in contemporary Malaysia by Norshahril Saat - 19. Being Christians in muslim-majority Malaysia: the Kelabit and Lun Bawang experiences in Sarawak by Poline Bala - 20. Everyday religiosity and the ambiguation of development in East Malaysia: reflections on a dam-construction and resettlement project by Liana Chua - Index
Singapore: Institute of South East Asia Studies, 2014
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This article aims at explaining the forture of Islamism. Several scholars content that Islamism has failed in spite of the statement of several other scholars to the contrary....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Invasi Amerika di Irak dilatarbelakangi oleh asumsi kepemilikan senjata pemusnah massal, keterlibatan Rezim Saddam dengan jaringan teroris internasional, dan usaha membangun sebuah pemerintahan yang demokratis. Hal ini menjadi perlu bagi Amerika, mengingat Saddam mempunyai track record yang buruk dengan masyarakat internasional. Tindakan ofensifnya pernah menyulut perang delapan tahun dengan Iran (1980-1988) dan juga invasi Kuwait (1990) yang berakhir dengan keikutsertaan tentara multinasional di Irak. Hancurnya World Trade Centre-New York, 11 September 2001, penyerangan Markas Militer dan Intelejen Amerika-Pentagon merubah perspektif Amerika terhadap pentingnya menjaga kedaulatan (souverignity), keamanan (security) was tindakan-tindakan teror yang tidak manusiawi, kalau tidak mau disebut biadab. Berubahnya arah kebijaksanaan luar negeri Amerika dari containment (penangkalan) dan deterrence (penangkisan) menjadi preemptive strike (serangan dini) dan defensive intervention (intervensi defensif) lebih dipicu oleh jatuhnya rival ideologi-militer Amerika, Uni Soviet tahun 1989 dan juga pencarian "new enemy" sebagai upaya balance of power. Kehadiran tentara penundukan yang dipimpin oleh Amerika di Irak berhasil menjatuhkan Rezim Saddam, 9 April 2003. Akan tetapi, situasi dan kondisi ini justeru melahirkan permasalahan baru, yaitu (I) suasana chaos dan (2) perebutan kekuasaan dari tiga faksi politik di Irak, yaitu Syi'ah (Irak Selatan), Sunni-Arab (Irak Tengah) dan Sunni-Kurdi (Irak Utara). Jatuhnya pemerintahan sementara ke dalam tiga faksi tersebut disambut Amerika dengan tindakan politis dan militer. Amerika justru membentuk Pemerintahan Sipil untuk Irak (CPA) kemudian CPA yang dipimpin oleh Amerika membentuk Dewan Pemerintahan Sementara Irak. Tidak hanya itu tentara penundukan pun berusaha melenyapkan penguasa-penguasa sementara Irak tersebut dengan kekuatan militer. Munculnya tentara al-Mahdi sebagai representasi Muslim Syi'ah (Irak Selatan) yang berpusat di Najaf dan Karbala begitupun juga gerakan Tawhid wal Jihad (gerakan jihad internasional) yang berkolaborasi dengan fundamentalis Islam Sunni di Irak Tengah, Falujah, sebagai fenomena yang wajar dan logis mengingat hak menentukan nasibnya sendiri (self determination) yang tidak bisa dimonopoli oleh bangsa ataupun negara manapun, apalagi Amerika. Baik tentara al-Mahdi maupun gerakan Tawhid wal Jihad mempunyai tujuan yang sama, yaitu tegaknya pemerintahan Islam dan supremasi hukum Islam di Irak. Dengan demikian, penulis mencoba mendeskripsikan bentuk dan proses perjuangan kedua gerakan tersebut melalui paradigma positifisme, pendekatan studi kasus dan setting sejarah setelah jatuhnya era Saddam yang dibatasi hingga 30 Januari 2005 bertepatan dengan pemilu pertama di Irak post-Saddam.
The alleged possession of mass destruction weapons and involvement of the Saddam Regime in an international terrorist network and the establishment of a democratic government have been the major backgrounds or assumptions enforcing the United States and its alliances to carry out a massive invasion to Iraq. Saddam regime's bad track records in the international communities' eyes, including its provocation triggering the 8- year war between Iraq and its neighboring country, Iran (1980-1999), and its invasion to another neighboring country, Kuwait, which was ended up by the presence of multinational troops in Iraq, had been another justification for the US to invade Iraq. Terrorists' attacks to the World Trade Center-New York, on September 11, 2001, and to the US Military and Intelligence Headquarters in Pentagon have changed the way of how the USA views its sovereignty and security and terrorists' inhuman and cruel attacks. But actually, the US Government changes its international policies from containment and deterrence to preemptive strikes and defensive intervention were triggered more by the fall of the US' ideological and military rival, the Soviet Unions in 1989, and by the will to seek a "new enemy" for balance of power. The presence of the US-led aligned troops in Iraq has successfully ousted the Saddam Regime in April 9, 2003. Sadly, this new situation and condition have resulted in the birth of two new complicated problems, i.e. chaotic situation in Iraq and power struggle among three major factions in Irak, namely Shia (in South Iraq), Sunni-Arab (in Central Iraq) and Sunni-Kurds (in North Iraq). The US responded the fall of power to three factions with political and military actions. The US formed the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA). Afterwards, the US--led CPA established Iraqi Interim Government. Further, the aligned forced have tried to use their military power to exterminate those temporary rulers in Iraq. The emergence of al-Mahdi Army representing Shiite (South Iraq) and having its central power in Najaf and Karbala and Tawhid wal Jihad (International Holly War Movement) are having collaboration with Sunni Islamic fundamentalists in Central Iraq. Falujah, is a logical phenomenon due to the self determination right that cannot be monopolized by any nation or country, let alone the United States of America. Both al-Mahdi and Tawhid wal Jihad militia have the same objective, Le. to establish Islamic government and to uphold Islamic law supremacy in Iraq. The writer tries to describe the formation and struggle of both movements by using positivism paradigm and a case study approach. The post-Saddam historical setting will be limited until January 30, 2005, when the first post-Saddam election was held.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library